(Independent.co.uk) While many Jews — along with many Christians — still vehemently deny that Ashkenazi Jews have their origins in the Turkic peoples of the Khazar Kingdom, research conducted by an Israeli geneticist appears to confirm that these Jews do, in fact, descend from a Turkic people prior to migrating up into the Khazar Kingdom where they would eventually convert to Judaism:
“New research conducted by Israeli geneticist, Dr. Eran Elhaik, suggests that most of the modern Jewish population of northern and eastern Europe – normally known as Ashkenazic Jews – are the descendants of Greeks, Iranians and others who colonized what is now northern Turkey more than 2000 years ago and were then converted to Judaism, probably in the first few centuries AD by Jews from Persia.
At that stage, the Persian Empire was home to the world’s largest Jewish communities.
According to research carried out by….Dr. Eran Elhaik of the University of Sheffield, over 90 per cent of Ashkenazic ancestors come from that converted partially Greek-originating ancient community in north-east Turkey.
His research is based on genetic, historical and place-name evidence. For his geographic genetic research, Dr Elhaik used a Geographic Population Structure computer modelling system to convert Ashkenazic Jewish DNA data into geographical information.
Dr Elhaik, an Israeli-born geneticist who gained his doctorate in molecular evolution from the University of Houston, believes that three still-surviving Turkish villages – Iskenaz, Eskenaz and Ashanaz – on the western part of an ancient Silk Road route were part of the original Ashkenazic homeland.
He believes that the word Ashkenaz originally comes from Ashguza – the ancient Assyrian and Babylonian name for the Iron Age Eurasian steppeland people, the Scythians.
Referring to the names of the three Turkish villages, Dr Elhaik points out that “north-east Turkey is the only place in the world where these place-names exist”.
From the 690s AD onwards, anti-Jewish persecution by the Christian Byzantine Empire seems to have played a part in forcing large numbers of Jews to flee across the Black Sea to a more friendly state – the Turkic-ruled Khazar Empire with its large Slav and other populations.
Some analyses of Yiddish suggests that it was originally a Slavic language, and Dr Elhaik and others believe that it was developed, probably in the 8th and 9th centuries AD, by Jewish merchants trading along some of the more northerly Silk Roads linking China and Europe.
By the 730s, the Khazar Empire had begun to convert to Judaism – and more people converted to the faith.
But when the Khazar Empire declined in or around the 11th century, some of the Jewish population almost certainly migrated west into Central Europe. There, as Yiddish-speaking Jewish merchants came into contact with central European, often German-speaking, peoples, they began to replace the Slav words in Yiddish with large numbers of German and German-derived words, while retaining some of its Slav-originating grammar. Many Hebrew words also appear to have been added by that stage.
The genetic modelling used in the research was based on DNA data from 367 Jews of northern and eastern European origin and more than 600 non-Jewish people mainly from Europe and western Asia.
Dr Elhaik says it is the largest genomic study ever carried out on Ashkenazic Jews. His research will be published in the UK-based scientific journal, Genome Biology and Evolution.”
It shouldn’t surprise us that many Jewish “scientists” have completely dismissed Elhaik’s theories and evidence — most of them resorting to ad hominem attacks and arrogant dismissals.
After all, the ersatz modern geo-political entity now known as “Israel” is largely populated and dominated by Ashkenazi Jews– and Elhaik’s contentions completely undermine any notion that these Ashkenazim have any ancestral or biblical claim to the land of Palestine.
The Khazar “theory” of the Ashkenazi origins long pre-dates Shlomo Sand’s 2009 book, The Invention of the Jewish People — and Arthur Koestler’s 1976 best-seller on the subject — The Thirteenth Tribe — in fact, the most respected 19th century Jewish historian, Heinrich Graetz, who was a German Sephardic Jew, believed the Khazar origins of the Ashkenazis to be credible in his magnum opus, The History of the Jews.
To refute Elhaik’s claims, his desperate detractors often cite a problematic 2014 genetic study by Bennett Greenspan that found that both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews share “75%” common DNA with modern-day non-Jewish “Middle Easterners.”
The problem with this conclusion is that modern-day Middle Easterners are predominantly Arabs whose ancestors overran the lands of ancient Israel — and proving that Jews are related to these Arabs necessarily proves that they cannot be true descendants of the ancient Israelites who were most assuredly not related to the Arabs.
All this 2014 study proved is that most Jews have Arab admixture — which gives their claim to the ancient land of Israel not more legitimacy than it does the Arab Palestinians.
In a previous article on this subject, we showed that most modern-day “Jews” also have Black sub-saharan admixture — yet more proof that they cannot possibly be legitimate descendants of the original Israelite tribes descendant of Jacob.
In reality, Jews — in their eternal wanderings — have become the most race mixed people on the planet, which is completely at odds with the strict laws against racial inter-marriage held by the ancient Israelites.
In fact, according to Camille Honig, editor of the California Jewish Voice,
“If you studied Jewish types and communities in five continents, as this writer [Patai] had the opportunity of doing, you would have realized that it is sheer nonsense, and very dangerous nonsense, as well as unscientific to a speak about a Jewish race.”
The great irony in all of this genetic mess, is that genetic studies have shown that through their mother’s DNA line, most Ashkenazi Jews are up to 60% White European, which explains how they are able to pass themselves off as “White” in western nations.
And if Jews have any claim to the ancient lands of the Levant, it is through their White DNA, as the ancient Israelites were most assuredly White — but Jews cannot make this claim because by doing so, they would let the proverbial cat out of the bag and reveal the identity of the true descendants of Israel today.
That said, we would take exception to some of Dr. Elhiak’s conclusions — namely that the ancient Scythians were a “Turkic” people.
The original Scythians were most assuredly an Aryan people — most likely descendants of both the original White Persians descended from Noah’s son Shem — and from the Israelite Parthians — who later migrated up into Europe.
For more on this subject, see Our Scythian Ancestors Identified With Israel by J.C. Gawler in our Library.
We should also point out that modern-day Turks are an arabic, mixed race people who now occupy the lands of ancient Anatolia, the seat of Byzantium — the ancient seat of the Eastern Roman Empire — and the site of ancient Troy — whom their arabic ancestors began invading in the 7th Century AD and finally conquered in the 15th century.
Anatolia was also the home of the ancient Hittite peoples — a non-Aryan, non-Israelite people who are the most likely candidates of being the ancestors of the Turkic ancestors of modern-day Ashkenazi Jews.
So who are these people who call themselves “Jews” but are not?
“I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.”
—Revelation 2:9

Jewish “moshiach” or “messiah”, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, stated that Ukraine is the Jewish Khazzarian homeland, which will be cleansed of slavs to make room for the Jews:
“These lands [Ukraine] are the ancient ancestral lands of the Jewish Khazzaria, that is Israel….The Slavs are temporary guests on these lands and subject to eviction. We will return this territory, and build the Great Khazzaria — the Jewish State — on these fertile lands the same way as, 50 years ago, we created Israel, squeezing the Palestinians out. Israelis will partially relocate here, and we will drive Slavic cattle out far to a small northern reservation like Indian reservations in America.”
—Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, speech published in Vologda newspaper “Slavyanin”, N-4 (32), 2001 in Russia
The Khazars were given a choice by the King: either convert to Judaism or get out of Turkey and stay out. They were the fiercest fighters in the world and preyed upon the East / West trade caravans between Europe and the Orient. They were so tough, no force deployed against them was successful. The King was utterly frustrated when he imposed that demand. Does that provide a little different perspective when we witness the incredible operations of the IDF in the current Hamas operation?
“Does that provide a little different perspective when we witness the incredible operations of the IDF in the current Hamas operation?”
The hasbara trolls have arrived clearly. Is this a JOKE? The IDF at this point are suffering
devastating casualties against barefoot lightly armed Hamas fighters. They have had to
repeatedly withdraw whole brigades. They ARE good at massacring women and children
however….LOTS of IDF created mass graves are being found.
“Anatolia was also the home of the ancient Hittite peoples — a non-Aryan, non-Israelite people who are the most likely candidates of being the ancestors of the Turkic ancestors of modern-day Ashkenazi Jews.”
Ancient Anatolia was full of Aryan people and over time they got pushed out, conquered, killed, assimilated etc.
This isn’t the first time that I’ve seen some glaring mistakes on this website.
Wikipedia doesn’t support the idea that biblical Hittites were Aryans. It says there was a pre-Indo European group called the Hattians (they were surely the “children of Heth” or Hittites mentioned in the Bible) who inhabited Anatolia. Later, an Indo-European group called the Neshians arrived, and then the Hattians assimilated into the Neshian culture. That sums it up. That sounds like the history of Mexico, except the Hattians were Armenoids.
“Unfortunately [the Jew’s] migration to more temperate zones, and the consequent approximation of his skin to the color of white, has led to his finding himself both at home and not at home among races with a poise, a simplicity and a tradition of dash and daring, of love and song and laughter, which it is sometimes possible for him to ape but never to absorb.”
—G.K. Chesterton, “The Apotheosis Of The Jew”, British Union Quarterly, April/June 1937, pp. 45-54
Itzhak Schipper (1884-1943), a Polish Jewish historian who wrote in Polish and Yiddish, argued that the Polish Jews are largely Khazarian based on place names in Poland:
“The activities of certain groups among the Jews who immigrated to Poland in ancient times and engaged in agriculture is evidenced by the Jewish villages that we find in Poland and Russia during the early Middle Ages. The names of these villages prove the origin of the people who lived in them. They are: Zidow, Zhidowo, Sidowo, or Kozara, Kozari, and Kozhazhow. There can be little doubt that the earliest of them were those villages whose names derive from that of the Khazars. It is possible that these Jewish Khazar settlements came into being during the 10th century, when a wave of Khazar immigrants arrived in Poland and Russia seeking refuge after the collapse of their state.”
The Hittites are as Aryan as you can get, even rabid anti-white/anti-aryan haters agree on this.
The people who historians currently call Hittites were Aryans. They should be called Neshians.
However, whenever the Bible uses the term “Hittites”, they’re referring to the Hattians, who were not Aryans. They were more like early Circassians.
Wow, they really wrote that in 2014 “reverse migration to Ukraine”?
I am all the time on the opinion they are realizing Schneersons vision he wrote 1992 about, “decimating the slavs” well the meat grinder is still running…after that Isreal provokes a strike on them, they are not making friends currently so this could happen too… and with Isreal being impossible to live in after the strike they need to relocate to Ukraine, and they will play this whole event theater surely in their victim role so the whole world will support the jews in relocating to Ukraine, and make Khazaria great again, finally back on the best soil not this half desert crap…
And with that move to Ukraine they will take a central leading role in Europe, you can bet they will be instant into the EU if it still exists, because the EU is the perfect cash cow to rebuild Isreal on Ukraine soil, someone has to pay, sure the US too.
Sure it’s just theoretical, can always come different, but maybe this solution would be best for Palestinians too, to find peace without the jews in Palestine, even when jews wrecked it and leave scorched earth, I would rather help them rebuild than the jews…
I am sure not alone with the “Schneersons vision” theory, I heard quite some podcast hosts say similar, the Chabad would be the main director in this i think, as they got connections to everywhere, be it to Putin or in the white house, Chabad is everywhere. 5500 Chabad center in 110+ countries tells you already this is rather a network used for their deceptions and spying.
Can this link be fixed? https://www.christiansrising.com/was-jesus-a-jew/
That link is old and has been changed. We found the following article on the subject archived here:
You can also listen to Bertrand Comparet’s comments on this subject here:
The bottom line is that the word “Jew” as it is used today simply does not and cannot apply to the Judahite Israelite, Jesus Christ of 2,000 years ago.
Also be sure to read our core essay, “Who Are The Jews? (and Who They Are Not)”
Any other questions, let us know.
Thats exactly what we learned in school in the 70s/80s Jesus was no jew, he was gallilean with no connection to jews.
Yes, my parents all learnt at catholic school in the 50s and 60s that Jesus was from Galilee and NOT a jew like todays jews.
Thank you!
Per the Bible, the father must be Israelite for a child to be Israelite.
Jews trace their “jewish” identity through the mother.
Therefore, no Jew can be Israelite.
Israelites never were “jewish”, regardless of what “jews” claim.
Christians think all Israelites were “jews”.
If you point out to Christians that only a small fraction of Israelites were “jews” or from Judah, their eyes glaze over.
Computer glitch.
Cognitive dissonance.
Every racial group is aware that if a child is of mixed heritage they follow the footsteps of their father.
Everyone is aware of this except Jews, as Jews are backward, evil, and moronic.
WhiteNationalistChristian …..
Could you elaborate —
“…Every racial group is aware that if a child is of mixed heritage they follow the footsteps of their father….”
Not sure what you mean exactly. I see White fathers married to Asian or black wives whose children look nothing like the father and take on their non-white heritage with pride; while having no interest in their “white side” for a lack of a better expression.
Just not sure what you meant. Cheers.
black genetically isdominant trait
Allow me to add also “brainwashed.”
In order for anyone to remove themselves from the fog of cognitive dissonance, they must have a desire for the truth. I was once a Christian Zionist, but my thirst for the truth and the guiding hand of our kinsman redeemer Jesus Christ rescued me.
John 16:13.
One of my family names is Hosea and Dusharoone, I am an Israelite.
I’m from Gad, my family Coat of Arms proves this. My wife is from Dan, her last name starts with Dan, quite Ironic isn’t it ?
And Judah was the worst brother of the twelve. He was the one that sold his brother Joseph into slavery because of jealousy.
How is it that his “line” is the only one that survived the Diaspora?
you’re welcome back
Likely through some sort of psychological manipulation, as we see today with Whites being manipulated into mating with Blacks—predominantly White women with Black men.
Believe me when I say, there’s a snowball’s chance in H*ll any Joo is capable of outclassing a White man enough in any area—save for maybe intelligence—for there to be any semblance of a chance to win a White woman over, unless manipulation, of course, is at play.
Funny how the original Zionist Jews who founded Israel were atheist communists from Russia and eastern Europe.
Even Theodore Herzl was an atheist who promoted Zionism for political, not religious reasons.
The only reason why Jews have moved the goal posts and made religious claims to that land is to hoodwink naive Christians into supporting their theft of that land.
Every morning, Ariel Sharon ate Bacon for breakfast .
There’s the atheism.
If the maternal DNA of the jews is mostly from white women, does that mean that the jews cucked white men?
How could that happen in traditional christian societies?
The father’s side of ashkenazi Jews is turkic/middle eastern blood so it would be wrong to say “ashkenazi Jews are White”
ashkenazi Jews are in fact a racial group and that is one of the many problems with them. (They are also non-White, non-Christian, left-wing etc etc).
The evil of Jews never ends.
Jewish men have always been able to seduce some White women using their money and power, and connections, despite often being physically repugnant. Like Eve seduced by the serpent…..
Yeah but for their maternal dna to be over 2/3 white european it would mean that the majority of all the jews married a white christian woman and that seems very implausible, like something a jew would say to ridiculize white christian men and portray them as weak, and why would that happen in a super racist and christian society?
I mean I can’t really picture spanish christians fighting and killing muslims for 8 centuries just to let the jews race-mix with their women.
And if most jews married a gentile woman what about the jewish women?
By their own law jewishness is inherited from the mother so it doesn’t seem very useful for jews to marry gentiles and actually pretty much impossible since they were closed in their ghettos all the time.
Jews are highly inbred. That means only a small number of White women would have needed to inter-marry with Jews to keep the White genes handed down…..then more White genes injected every few generations. Doesn’t require widespread race mixing with Whites…..
You don’t even need “White genes injected every generation”!
If 350 Jewish men married 350 White women and had multiple children, and then all their children married fellow ashkenazi Jews this would keep them half middle eastern and half white throughout the generations and THAT is how we have the modern ashkenazi jew.
I will try to paint a picture for you.
If 350 black men married and had children with 350 Irish women and we called descendants of these people “kews”
THEN if kews only married other kews, THEY WOULD remain half black and half Irish.
And Orly is right, you wouldn’t really need too many White women to make this possible
THIS is how the modern ashkenazi jew came to be.
A disgusting race-mixed racial-group.
“jews” ™ were (and still are) slave-merchants.
Ethnic-European women were forced into slavery.
After being raped, their genes had been dumped into the Khazarian Mafia’s gene-pool. The result is that the “jews” ™ today resemble (and disguise themselves as) Ethnic-Europeans.
yes. I was just gona write what I see you’ve written.
prior to the farce in ukraine at the minute, ukraine was the most corrupt country in europe… it was also the country with the highest sex slave trade in europe. the jewish gangsters are still smuggling and rapeing girls all over the show! this was and still is a big part of how they got and still get WHITE genes!
(sorry for my bad punctuation btw… I wrote this on my phone.)
Orly: “Like Eve seduced by the serpent…..”
LOL! Great metaphor and true!
Same with blacks and low caste South Asians who are promoted and elevated by these serpents in the western ‘sociosphere’.
At least half of beautiful white women are ridiculously naive and gullible.