In a transparent attempt to deflect their own crimes onto their enemy, Israel is now falsely claiming that Syria’s Bashar Assad created ISIS:
While Syria remains torn between Russian, American and Turkish interests, with world leaders working to avoid a bloodbath in the remaining pocket of resistance, one thing is certain: President Bashar Assad has won Syria’s devastating seven-year civil war.
To secure his victory, experts say, Assad helped incubate the extremism that led to the rise of the Islamic State and the further spread of jihadism in Syria – the very elements he now vows to destroy in Idlib, the last rebel enclave in the country and home to millions of civilians and refugees.
Robert Ford, the ambassador to Syria under President Barack Obama and the last U.S. ambassador to the country, told Haaretz that Assad “will stay in power for as long as the eye can see,” and more importantly there “won’t be any Nuremberg-like trial of Assad and his associates.”
Furthermore, he says, not only will Assad not be held accountable for the use of chemical weapons or other wartime atrocities, but his allies Russia and Iran that helped him defeat the rebels won’t be able to bankroll the rebuilding of the war-ravaged country.
“The Syrian government lacks financial resources, and neither Russia nor Iran can provide much more than they already provide,” says Ford, now a fellow at the Middle East Institute in Washington and a professor at Yale.
Assad’s downfall seemed all but guaranteed at many points during the eight years since the Arab Spring began to topple Middle Eastern dictators. Yet Assad has now outlasted fellow despots like Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak and Libya’s Muammar Gadhafi, and also Western leaders like Obama and Britain’s David Cameron who once vowed to stop his bloodletting and drew red lines warning Assad against using chemical weapons or risk regime change.
For Jews it is standard operating procedure to blame their enemies for crimes that they themselves have committed. The most obvious example is blaming the Germans for genocide in WWII to cover up the fact that jewish Soviet communists had ordered the genocide of tens of millions of Ukrainians in the 1930s. More recently, they blamed the 911 attacks on the Saudis and Muslim extremists to cover up their own involvement in the planning and execution of the attacks.
The Israeli Mossad created Al Qaeda, and then they created ISIS when people lost interest in Al Qaeda. When the ISIS fakery starts to fall apart — and it will — they will come up with another faceless international terror boogeyman to replace ISIS. And any leader in the Middle East that stands up to Israel’s imperial agenda will be compared to Hitler, just like Bashar Asaad, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi. This is a bad cartoon for children, but unfortunately adults believe it.
We like being deluded by others. Alex Jones , puppet master, of his mind controlled puppet, stooge , Donald Trump both complained that the news media was giving out : “FAKE NEWS” when in reality all of the fake news was coming from them. They did not want their supporters and the money the supporters provided to stop coming in. One could read, just as now , under the traitor , Joe Biden , the truth of what is going on by other public news sources, even though at times they give their own view of it. It’s funny that I haven’t heard Alex Jones complain of Fake News since Donald Trump lost the Presidency because Alex Jones gets his news from the same public news sources that he and Trump called “fake news.” Just like it was revealed under Obama that HR 6421 was passed and put off passage in the Senate until Trump took over the Presidency and nothing said of it until the very day before Trump’s impeachment vote to make sure , in spite of all his bravado that he would be found innocent, that it would be law for the Jews and Israel. That is another source of the banning of news and criticism of the Jews, they are slowly instituting by law to stop all criticism of them in any way. Alex Jones knew of it and so did others, and I watched, but none I saw mentioned the law for over 4 years and still don’t, even though they knew and know of it , yet Alex Jones complains as a selling point of his phony patriotic site that he is the most banned and most dangerous person in the world. Anything , Alex Jones pretends to reveal about the New World Order has already been revealed by others, our ancestors or themselves. But go to truly patriotic sites and find videos removed, unavailable, sites down, removed, or patriotic sites unable to afford to keep going finanaclly. Alex Jones fear mongering and acts of desperation that it is over, the New World Order is winning and then claiming that we are losing is another of his tactics changing day by day. He pulled an Orson Wells fear mongering story when then year 2000 was to come about that we were being terribly attacked by Russia. William Cooper replayed it on his show and a copy is on the Internet. I listened to Steve Quayle and Art Bell of Coast to Coast dramatize the passage of the comet Hal Bop through the heavens for weeks and months and finally Quayle claiming that it was towing a cargo container and that when it got over Africa that the cargo doors would open up spreading a white powder over Africa killing millions. When the 70 young innocent believers in the Heaven’s Gate cult committed mass suicide believing that they were going to leave Earth on a comet, Steve Quayle didn’t want to be reminded of the program and removed and stopped any reminders to him about it. Yet he is still being asked to come on shows twenty years later including Alex Jones show to bolster their ratings and guests roster and take up time day after day to keep their schemes going. It was announced before O Bama left office that China was giving permission to buy real estate in the United States, so when Alex Jones pretends to reveal that China is out to rule the world, that that China owns everything, it’s just another scare tactic like the year 2000. China is under Communism and one or more ruling families are part of the New World Order, just as many others are in Europe. When the Corona virus was first revealed , it was told that it came from a laboratory in our own country: Georgia, USA and not China. Does anyone remember that media revealing that corpses of the 1917 flu epidemic were suggested to be dug up to make vaccines for a future event? If you go to the hospitals for drugs, cigarettes , they tell you to stop taking or using them. Go for anything else and THEY GIVE the drugs. I remember when Wilheim Reich had his laboratory raided, his research and records stolen and destroyed. I believe that it was said they were taken to a dump. When men claiming electrical devices would cure certain illness’s , their devices were seized, the men prosecuted or sent to prison. Yet today, cancer is cured by chemotherephy. Even a herbal book was banned by our Government from being sold and distributed and when I wrote to the authors for a copy, they wanted to know how I knew and found out about their book because it it was banned by our Government. I believe Eustice Muellins wrote a book about the control of our medical system. Donald Trump may run in 2024, but he will not win because the minorities are now in control , and even in this last election won more seats and they will be made sure to keep their control.I just got a letter from the GOP asking me to verify that I am a Republican and because they claim that they must defend 20 while the Democrats must defend only 14, so SEND MONEY. That’s always the response. when I sent critical letters to Obama or Trump, all I ever got or heard from them were requests for more money for their next election and even their wives sent letters wanting money. That’s what Trump thinks of us. And that’s what Joe Biden thinks of us. And Kamela Harris . We are money to then and a means to get where they are in politics and from there it’s just a game to stay in until retirement or a better opportunity comes along. Once, curious about a person and his background for a position in government, I found that he belonged to : I counted 50 and there were at least 25 more positions that he held in Government and social, and business over his career.
The entire narrative of the war in Syria is flawed. There was no civil war. There was an invasion of Syria by Israel and USA. The invasion was carried out by proxies of the invaders, called ISIS, Nusra and other so called rebels, who were in fact mercenaries fighting a legal government and each other. The ultimate aim being to destroy the regime or the country’s infrastructure or both. To weaken Syria to the point that it becomes a non player in the forthcoming annexation by the invaders of all of Palestine. Let’s not get hoodwinked by Israeli and American lies about a civil war or the despotism of Assad.
Mujuhadin (spelling?) becomes Al Qaeda (the base or the toilet). Al Qaeda becomes ISIS, ISIL, IS, Daish, Al Nusra. What will (((they))) be calling it next week?
The British MP Robin Cook exposed the non-existence of any organised group called Al Qaeda, and mysteriously died a week later of a “heart attack”, a fate that often seems to befall perfectly healthy truth-tellers.
I suppose “Eggwina” Currie was lucky. She told the truth about Salmonella in eggs, and her only punishment was to share John Major’s bed.
I think I’d rather have the heart attack than have to share a bed with either of those two.
I have been going through many listings and overall find them very well done, but some of them like this one, I find the titles misleading and will in the long run I fear discredit your work.
Christians For Truth
What’s “misleading” about the title? Did you click on the source article whose headline claims ISIS is the “crime of the century”? Do you dispute that it was the Mossad rather than Assad that created ISIS?