(Mondoweiss) In 2019, a sensational video was leaked in Israel of rabbis at a military prep academy in the West Bank praising Adolf Hitler and engaging in Holocaust revisionism. Many Jewish news outlets — such as Mondoweiss here — briefly covered this controversial story, but unsurprisingly it was quickly swept under the rug and memory-holed:
Yesterday, Israeli Channel 13 aired video recordings [see video below] by rabbi educators at the state-sponsored military prep-academy Bnei David in the West Bank settlement of Eli. The rabbis hail Hitler’s Nazi racist ideology as “100% correct,” only criticizing it for not being applied to the right people – that is, the Jews should be the master-race, and non-Jews the ‘untermenschen’.
The statements are jaw-droppers. The full coverage with subtitles can be seen in a video prepared by journalist David Sheen.
These educators send young men to the army, and have been advocating these ideas for years. They have close ties to lawmakers, specifically to Rabbi Rafi Peretz, now head of the Union of Right Wing Parties, the notorious merger with the Kahanist party Jewish Power, who is now the leading candidate for Minister of Education. The academy is also tied to a Yeshiva, to which many students come after their military service.
Slavery should return
It starts out with Rabbi Eliezer Kashtiel, who bemoans that slavery has been abolished:
“Abolishing legal slavery has created deficiencies. No one is responsible for that property. With God’s help it will return. The goyim (non-Jews) will want to be our slaves. Being a slave of the Jews is the best. They must be slaves, they want to be slaves. Instead of just wandering the streets, being foolish and harming each other, now he’s a slave, now his life is beginning to come into order.”
The ‘goyim’ in this context is to be understood as Palestinians. He says it’s because they have “genetic problems”, and posits that they want to be under occupation:
“There are around us people with genetic problems. Ask any average Arab where he wants to be. He wants to be under occupation. Why? Because they have genetic problems, they don’t know how to run a country, they don’t know how to do anything – look at the state of them.”
Yes, we are racists
“Of course there is racism”, Kashtiel continues,
“Are we unaware that there are different races? Is it a secret? Is it untrue? What can you do? It’s true. Yes, we are racists, we believe in racism.”
Kashtiel suggests that because Jews are a superior race, they can “help” the inferior ones:
“Correct, there are races in the world, nations have genetic characteristics, so we [the Jews] must consider how to help them. Racial differences are real, and that’s precisely a reason to offer help.“
[When] a student asks the rabbi, “Who put you to decide who is who?” Kashtiel [explains],
“I can see that my accomplishments are much more impressive than his.”
The Holocaust is humanism and pluralism
Another rabbi, Giora Radler, says that the Holocaust is not what you think, it’s not about killing Jews. It is humanism and pluralism that is killing us for real:
“The Holocaust for real is not about the killing of Jews – that’s not the Holocaust. All of these excuses claiming that it was based on ideology or that it was systematic, this is ridiculous. Because it was based on ideology, to a certain extent, makes it more moral than if people murdered people for no reason. Humanism, all the secular culture about us believing in the human, that’s the Holocaust. The Holocaust, for real, is being pluralist, believing in “I believe in the human”. That’s what’s called a Holocaust. The Lord (blessed be his name) is already shouting for many years that the [Jewish] exile is over, but people don’t listen to him, and that is their disease, a disease which needs to be cured by the Holocaust.”
In other words, the Holocaust was there to teach Jews a lesson – drop pluralism, isolate yourself in the Jewish State and let go of the diaspora “illness.”
These remarks were made in a lesson titled “relating to the Holocaust”.
The Nazi logic was right
Radler states,
“The Nazi logic was right unto themselves. Hitler says that a certain group in society is the seed of all calamity for all humanity, that because of it all of mankind will go to oblivion, that they harm humanity, and therefore must be exterminated.”
Radler asks a student: “Does this ideology sound illogical to you? Very bad?” [and the] student answers, “It doesn’t sound moral.”
Radler: “Was Moses as bad as Hitler?”
Student: “No.”
Radler asks,
“Why not? There is one thing in the world that is truly evil and that is to be a hypocrite. Does it make a difference to you if they killed you now with a knife the way they did to Agag [the Amalekite king whom the prophet Samuel ‘hacked in pieces’] or if they kill you in a gas chamber?”
Hitler was right, “100% correct”
Radler goes on to speak about Hitler, and now adds that the disease is not just pluralism and humanism, but also feminism, and that Hitler was absolutely right:
“Let’s start with the question whether Hitler was right or not.”
Student: “Not.” Radler continues,
“[Hitler] is the most righteous person. Of course he is right in every word he utters. In his ideology he is right. There is a male world which fights, which deals with honor and the brotherhood of soldiers. And there is the soft, ethical feminine world [which speaks of] ‘turning the other cheek’. ‘And we [Nazis] believe that the Jews carry on this heritage, trying, in our words, to spoil the whole of humanity, and that’s why they are the real enemy.’ Now, he [Hitler] is 100% correct, aside from the fact that he was on the wrong side.”
So here, Radler was emulating Hitler, mouthing Nazi arguments approvingly. The only fault of the Nazis, per Radler, was that they didn’t know who the real master race was, and who the real ‘untermenschen’ were. The Nazis couldn’t be right because only Jews could be the superior ones. But if Jews now apply this race theory and ideology currently – that is, essentially upon Palestinian –, then they would really be “100% correct” – maybe even “101%” because they got it even more right than Hitler.
This is a big mouthful: “Real Judeo-Nazism”
The rabbis were contacted for response and tried to whitewash the whole thing as a misunderstanding. Rabbi Kashtiel said that he was “sorry and at pain that a class on human rights got the opposite exposure to what it means, a modern-socialist understanding of slavery.”
Rabbi Radler said that his words were “taken out of context” and that the lesson about the Holocaust “seeks to explain the sick logic of Hitler as well as the reasons and motives for the Holocaust”.
Israeli-Palestinian lawmaker Ahmad Tibi responded to the airing: “In German it would have sounded more authentic”.
Of course, Zionist Israeli politicians were also alarmed. Centrist lawmaker [and current Prime Minister] Yair Lapid wrote on Twitter,
“This is not Judaism. These are not values. People who speak like this are not worthy of educating youths.”
Lapid called for halting the state financing of the Yeshiva “until the racist rabbis are expelled.” But there’s a problem here, because Lapid’s own ideology is about “maximum Jews on maximum land with maximum security and with minimum Palestinians,” and although Lapid points out now that “secular people established Israel”, really, his religion is the ultra-nationalist Zionism, and he is just a slightly prettier face of that Judeo-Nazism we see emanating from Bnei David…
But the Eli Yeshiva and academy are now closely tied with the government. It was the Yeshiva head rabbi Eli Sadan, who campaigned for Rafi Peretz to become head of the Union of Right Wing Parties, now the top candidate for Minister of Education. Peretz was allowed to speak to the students there before the elections, even as [former Prime Minister] Naftali Bennett (who until now has been Minister of Education) and Prime Minister Netanyahu were refused.
In other words, there is a whole political reality that is even more radical than both Netanyahu and even Bennett, who was considered extreme-right, one that really does speak of Jewish power, in an overtly fascist, literally Nazi, vein. And this ideology is poised to gain a central place in the Israeli government.
Not a slip of the tongue
As the Channel 13 coverage also notes, what we have heard here is no slip of the tongue: “These statements have been repeated again for years at Bnei David. Not a slip of the tongue, but a set agenda.”
And Bnei David is not an isolated island. A similar story of a genocidal educator of security forces is rabbi Dov Lior from the settlement Kiryat Arba, who endorsed the book Torat Hamelech (‘King’s Torah’) of 2009, which advocates the killing of non-Jewish babies since “it is clear they will grow to harm us.” Lior has been teaching police forces in a special program for religious recruits called ‘Believers in the Police’. The authors of the book, by the way, are from the Od Yosef Chai Yesiva in the settlement of Yitzhar, a Yeshiva that received funds from Jared Kushner’s family’s foundation until 2011. Views of the Holocaust as a divine punishment for sinners have been expressed by the former chief Sephardic rabbi Ovadia Yosef, who also believed that the purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews, and he likened non-Jews to donkeys.
It is possible that the above mentioned airing of shocking views may cause a certain temporary and local stir, but this ideology is deeply embedded, and now an integral part of a central Israeli political reality. It is clear that the rabbis treat this attention as a nuisance by liberals who have no understanding, and it is likely that they will regard this as an unfortunate ‘Azarya’ – like the soldier medic who was filmed murdering an incapacitated Palestinian at point blank range three years ago and had to spend some months in prison. The problem for Azarya’s supporters wasn’t the murder – but the video. And so these people may find ways to crawl out of this debacle, but they will continue believing in the righteousness of their Jewish supremacy.
When Yair Lapid stated, “This is not Judaism….these are not values,” he clearly has no knowledge of Judaism — as these comments on race are in complete agreement with the powerful orthodox Chabad Lubavitch sect, of which Jared Kushner is a member.
And the most famous Chabad member was Rabbi Menachem Schneerson — whom many Jews believed to be their promised “moshiach” or messiah — who did indeed advocate the genocide of “inferior” goyim races.
But many Christians falsely believe that sentiments of Jewish racial supremacy comes from the Talmud — not the Bible — but this is incorrect.
The Jewish racial superiority expressed in the Talmud is based on the racial supremacism that is indeed expressed in the Old Testament — and that is why one of the rabbis asked if Moses was as bad as Hitler — as Moses advocated Israelite separation.
Racial separation and supremacy runs all through the writings of the Israelites in the Old Testament — that’s what a “Chosen People” means — the only problem is that today’s Jews are the descendants of people who — at least in part — didn’t not obey God’s commands to keep Israel separate and not mix with non-Israelite/non-Adamic peoples.
That’s why they determine Jewish identity through the mother — not the father as the ancient Israelites did.
Today’s Jews — based on their own genetic and anthropological studies — are the result of a high level of racial admixture — so what we have here is one ethnic group — race mixed Jews — claiming to be racially superior to another group of race mixed people — the Palestinians.
But since Jews commonly use organs from Palestinians for transplant purposes, they must be closely related — still superior, of course — but nevertheless closely related — having their cake and eating it too.
Yes, there is a racial caste system among Jews — with the “whitest” appearing ones on top — and there appear to be Jews honest enough with themselves to admit to this hierarchy.
Dr. Camille Honig, editor of the California Jewish Voice, concluded the following about the racial makeup of Jews,,
“If you studied Jewish types and communities in five continents, as this writer [Patai] had the opportunity of doing, you would have realized that it is sheer nonsense, and very dangerous nonsense, as well as unscientific to a speak about a [pure] Jewish race.”
Those who wonder, that some Jews have a secret admiration of Nazism and Fascism, are well advised to read the works of the well initiated Jews. Judaism is a secret society. And like all secret societies, compartmentalization is the key.
Most Jews are not initiated in the secret schemes only known to the Elite Jews. And that’s why ordinarily Jews are misused and driven to one tragedy after another by Elite Jews, without their knowledge. Elite Jews knew about the Holocaust and some of them even orchestrated it. Elite Jews corroborated with the Nazi, and even financed it. Why, because, wonder of all wonder, Nazism, Communism, Zionism, were all secret instruments of Kabbalah Sabbatean Frankism Messianic Idea of Judaism. If you doubt this, listen to Harry Watton;-
“Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany will eventually make peace, but it will be the peace dictated by fascism. To the communists this will appear to be the triumph of reaction, historically it will be the triumph of progress and the revolution. Not the communists will destroy private capitalism and the present social order, but the fascists will destroy them; not the communists will force the spread of state capitalism, but the fascists will force this social transformation. The triumph of fascism will be the triumph of the communist soul. But the communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism. The fascists believe that they are struggling against Judaism, in truth and in fact they are struggling for Judaism. But the triumph of Judaism will necessitate on the part of the Jews a change of attitude towards Judaism itself. What follows? Since the Jews are the highest and most cultured people on earth, the Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth”………… “Judaism is Marxism communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race. …………….It is not an accident that Judaism gave birth to Marxism, and it is not an accident that the Jews readily took up Marxism ; all this was in perfect accord with the progress of Judaism and the Jews. ” (p. 100-149 . (Harry Watton; A Program For The Jews; Committee For The Preservation Of The Jews, New York 1939 (p. 99) )
There you go again with your theory that Hitler was “controlled opposition”. You completely ignored all the previous evidence that was presented to you that refutes that claim, a claim, mind you, that was first promoted by the Jews themselves to undermine Hitler whom they saw as a real threat.
All of this was already addressed and refuted in this previous thread:
Waton is just repeating those same Jewish lies, except for the fact that communism is Judaism.
You can claim that Jews financed Hitler all you want, but you have yet to provide any documented proof that they did. And, no, claims by the communist Otto Strasser or the fake “Otto Warburg” are not reliable proof — just more judeo-communist manipulations and misdirections courtesy of the enemies of Hitler who sought to destroy him and his followers — and which they continue to do to this very day, 75 years after the war ended they are still at it, and you are proof of it.
Jews tried to claim Hitler was a Jew or that all Hitlers were Jews, but they failed to realize that Hitler wasn’t his real family name, which was Heidler changed to “Hitler”. It’s all desperate noise and nonsense. And you are repeating these Jewish lies because they feed into other theories you learned from the likes of the Jew Henry Makow.
Robert, you say: “You can claim that Jews financed Hitler all you want, but you have yet to provide any documented proof that they did.”
Well, its true that I do not have “Documentary evidence” But what I do have is what has been reported by “Revisionist Scholars” whose works have been suppressed, in order to hide the collusion between Jewish International Bankers and the Nazi Regime. I will quote just two scholars.
“The Bank for International Settlements was a joint creation in 1930 of the world’s central banks, including the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Its existence was inspired by Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, Nazi Minister of Economics and president of the Reichsbank, part of whose early upbringing was in Brooklyn, and who had powerful Wall Street connections. He was seconded by the all-important banker Emil Puhl, who continued under the regime of Schacht’s successor, Dr. Walther Funk. Sensing Adolf Hitler’s lust for war and conquest, Schacht, even before Hitler rose to power in the Reichstag, pushed for an institution that would retain channels of communication and collusion between the world’s financial leaders even in the event of an international conflict……………….. These owners included the Morgan-affiliated First National Bank of New York (among whose directors were Harold S. Vanderbilt and Wendell Willkie), the Bank of England, the Reichsbank, the Bank of Italy, the Bank of France, and other central banks. Established under the Morgan banker Owen D. Young’s so-called Young Plan, the BIS’s ostensible purpose was to provide the Allies with reparations to be paid by Germany for World War I. The Bank soon turned out to be the instrument of an opposite function. It was to be a money funnel for American and British funds to flow into Hitler’s coffers and to help Hitler build up his war machine. The BIS was completely under Hitler’s control by the outbreak of World War II”. (.Trading With the Enemy: An Exposé of The Nazi-American Money-Plot 1933-1949″ by Charles Higham; Hale, London, 1983.)
There exists irrefutable documentary evidence of further role of International Bankers and Industrialists in the financing of the Nazi Party and the Volkspartie for the March 1933 German election. A total of three million Reichmarks was subscribed by prominent firms and businessmen, suitably “washed” through an account at Delbrusk Schickler Bank and then passed into the hands of Rudoff Hess for use by Hitler and NSDAP. This transfer of funds was followed by the Reichstag fire, abrogation of constitution rights, and consolidation of the Nazi Power.” ( See; Wall Street And The Raise Of Hitler Antony Sutton)
Food for thought.
Anthony Sutton wrote “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution” which is good and reliable because Jews like the Warburgs on Wall Street and elsewhere funded the Jewish Bolsheviks. There is plenty of documentary evidence for this claim, including Jewish sources that brag about it. This was Sutton’s area of expertise, including the Far East, and this is why this book is reliable.
But Sutton’s subsequent book on “Wall Street and the Rise Hitler”, which I have also read, is a joke in comparison. All speculation and innuendo. Yes, Germany was doing business with American businesses and banks all through the 20s and early 30s. Schacht was an international banker. Everyone was. Until the Jews called for an international embargo. Wall Street didn’t finance Hitler personally, or to specifically support National Socialism. It was business as usual with a trading long-time trading partner.
If you recall, there was a “bankers trial” at Nuremberg, and none of the Wall Street bankers were indicted, only Germans. The Bush family has been accused of “financing” Hitler through the Union Bank, through the Harriman Brown, or some such nonsense. But again, they weren’t doing anything out of the ordinary at the time. Same with IBM, who didn’t finance National Socialism, but did business with them.
Yes, Makow is such an obvious Jewish BS artist. Total fraud. Never trust a Jew who claims he is telling you the truth about Jews. Most of these people who claim to expose the Jews are in fact Jews. Fuentes is a Jew. All White nationalist and neo nazi leaders and Jews, etc.
When Jews create fanciful stories of “evil” Nazi’s, Christians etc you just know they’re projecting their own psychotic fantasies of what they wish they could and one day probably will to the goyim.
oh…so the jew is the chosen, master race, huh? Let’s see…they look like drowned rats, are rife with genetic disease, have never created or invented anything of significance, have no moral compass and are completely devoid of compassion for the outgroup, have subverted, murdered and destroyed almost everything good and, what they haven’t destroyed, they’ve stolen, right down to their historical Israelite identity. If they were chosen, we can be certain that whatever it was that “chose” them was not God.
My point exactly and yet if you listen to the last video, this teacher or pastor telling children that Jews are chosen by God and better than all of us, you have to wonder who is really fooling who.
Adolf Hitler never said the Jews must be exterminated, he insisted that the Jew be removed from Europe, and after the war, he would deal with them by relocating them to Madagascar, plus, the Rabbi mentions gas chambers LOL, Oh please.
Spanish Civil War.
In the course of the Jews’ commie Red Terror, 6,832 members of the Catholic clergy, 20% percent of the nation’s clergy, were killed. The figures break down the as follows: Some 283 women religious were killed. Some of them were badly tortured. 13 bishops were killed from the dioceses of Siguenza Lleida, Cuenca, Barbastro, Segorbe, Jaén, Ciudad Real, Almeria, Guadix, Barcelona, Teruel and the auxiliary of Tarragona. Aware of the dangers, they all decided to remain in their cities. I cannot go, only here is my responsibility, whatever may happen, so said the Bishop of Cuenca.
In addition 4,172 diocesan priests, 2,364 monks and friars, among them 259 Claretians, 226 Franciscans, 204 Piarists, 176 Brothers of Mary, 165 Christian Brothers (also called the De La Salle Brothers), 155 Augustinians, 132 Dominicans, and 114 Jesuits were killed. In some dioceses, the number of secular priests killed are overwhelming:
What Hitler said about the Spanish Civil War.
Liberal Jews would be horrified by the “racist” ideas expressed by these rabbis, yet liberal Jews are the most condescending racists toward other races of color.
Liberal Jews promote affirmative action and race-based hiring and admissions to college because they know non-whites cannot compete on a level playing field.
Liberal Jews do not feel any such sentiment toward poor and disadvantaged Whites. Because they know that every white person alive today had poor and disadvantaged ancestors at some point….who pulled themselves up without the help of any other race. Non-whites cannot do that without the help of the Jews.
Jews see themselves as heroes for lifting up the non-white races. There would not have been a Civil Rights Movement without Jews holding the hands of blacks all along the way.
Liberal Jews have taught Blacks how to be parasites in white nations, by insisting on their victimhood at the hands of whites, something Jews themselves are experts at.
What have Jews built, except for their own businesses, that would lead them to believe that they are racially superior to everyone else?
I’ve never heard anyone say, “You have to see Tel Aviv before you die!”
If Israel is an example of the kind of civilization that Jews are capable of, they should not be bragging about anything.
Strangely, almost everything that I have seen of Israel shows it to be a run-down desert schiffhole. Everything is drab and brown, barely any vegetation to be found. Recently I saw a Sharyl Attkisson special about how the Israelis are draining the Dead Sea faster than it can be replenished, and how they have polluted the Jordan River into being the next Ganges: her reporter went to the present-day site of Jesus’ baptism on it, and showed people dunking themselves in mud-brown water that smelled of sewage.
It, and Jerusalem + Tel Aviv, really brought to mind what it must have been like in the time of the Bible verses when the land of (ancient) Israel fell to ruin and was mocked and held in contempt by all (eg: Jeremiah 25)
The only time that I have seen anything decent in Israel has been when I saw a Christian production group take a tour of Capernaum and showcased the rolling green hills of the region of Galilee.
I’ve read of the cases of Western men who have gone to Israel and are legally barred from leaving for life or longer (one man, Noam Huppert, was legally locked there for 8,000 years) . As such, I don’t plan on ever going there, but you’re right, it looks like nothing of value is lost by not going.
Wow, that’s interesting RB, I had no idea that it was that bad in Israel, but then again, it makes sense.
I read years ago that the Jews covet the Letani River in Lebanon, and they want to take it from the Lebanese by incrementally taking land away from them in the north. It would solve a lot of their water problems that you mentioned.
You mean this episode of Full Measure on the Dying Dead Sea?
More jew lies are even made into bigger lies, when some truthful statements are being deceitfully used against the very same cattle that are their intended victims , as in an article from this Israeli “christianity” section. [*below].
“Nikki Haley hints at 2024 presidential run, promises no Iran Deal at Christian Zionist rally” [JULY 19, 2022]
“No Iran deal
“If it ever looks like Iran is getting to a nuclear weapon, we must act, and we must act swiftly and decisively,” said Haley. “Our national security depends on keeping the bomb away from Iran, and if America won’t, then Israel must, and we should help them. At the minimum, we should give Israel everything it needs to defend itself and destroy Iran’s nuclear program.”
HALEY PRAISED Israel for being a refuge for Ukrainian Jews fleeing the war, also noting that one lesson from the conflict in Ukraine was that “when people have a land to call home, their love and pride of country make it easier for themselves to defend themselves from their enemies.”[*]
“We used to have that love of country, that used to be us,” the former ambassador to the UN added, referring to the US.”
The jew’s MSM attempting to scare their Charlatan-Zionist herds.
“Christians, wake up: If world doesn’t stop Putin – NATO, Israel are next” [FEB 22, 2022]
“Likewise, the US was blindsided by the 9/11 attacks in 2001 because it didn’t understand the evil nature of Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda terror network.”
What do I hate about these psychotic illegitimate perverse demonic anti Christ’s?
Simply everything.
Christ Jesus wouldn’t be Messiah without His Father being God. First Fruit and Saviour.
Matthew 16:13-17
Peter’s Confession of Christ
13 Now when Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He was asking His disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” 14 And they said, “Some say John the Baptist; and others, [i]Elijah; and still others, [j]Jeremiah, or one of the other prophets.” 15 He *said to them, “But who do you yourselves say that I am?” 16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the [k]Christ, the Son of the living God.” 17 And Jesus said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon [l]Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.
Hating Jews for what they do is a waste of time. That’s what Jews do….hate the goyim for not being Jews and for any perceived persecution in the past. They need to be exposed, not hated.
Hating anyone is a waste of your short time on earth.
Jews want you to hate them so that you lose your cool and destroy yourself.
Yes, shine the light of Christ on them, and watch them run and hide.
This is true…to a point. But remember, God Himself says He hates esau [and by extension his descendants] in both Testaments – Malachi 1:3 and Romans 9:13 – and says He will war with amalek forever… [exodus 17:16] So its not a complete waste of time! 🙂
Right, Luke, but it is a spiritual war, not a physical war. What chance would anyone have against God in a physical war? A huge hurricane and/or tsunami could wipe out Japan in a matter of hours, if that was His will.
We are not in a physical battle with the Jews, because they are no match for us.
A tiny group such as Jews cannot fight us physically, only spiritually and psychologically. That’s where we are losing this battle.
Yes, we have to physically protect ourselves and families, but we cannot fight the Jews physically.
We defeat the Jews by not taking their poisons: television, media, print media, artificial foods, big pharma, etc.
If only 25% of whites would cancel their cable subscriptions, the Jews would go into full on panic mode.
Our televisions give the Jews access to our homes, our families, our minds, and our spirits. Pull the plug, free yourselves from their satanic control.
Our imprisonment is spiritual, not physical.
We chose to let the Jews have that control, and we can choose to free ourselves.
But we are addicted to their seductive poisons.
We’ve become junkies who need our 24/7 fix of judaizing from the one-eyed rabbi in our living rooms, bed rooms, dens, kitchens, bathrooms, and even our cars now.
It’s time to cut their umbilical cord wrapped around our necks, choking and suffocating us.
Well Itinarod…
I HATE THEM SPIRIT, SOUL, AND BODY!!! I have boycotted them to the extreme point that Jesus Christ has led me to! I AM NEVER DECEIVED BY THEIR CONSTANT DUNG AND LONG WINDED PERVERSE ENTANGLEMENT. Speak for yourself when it comes to warring this evil for this “tiny”???? group of demons. Tiny is not the word I would use and I’m NEVER deceived by that Gatekeeping as you seem to be. There is NO GRAY AREA dear Itinarod! You are either WITH THEM or you HATE THEM!!! That is why they hated A. Hitler!!! So take your bleeding heart and look in the mirror and SPIRITUALLY see and understand the GATE you are keeping for these parasites who call themselves human…they are not!
39 “Abraham is our father,” they answered.
“If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would[c] do what Abraham did. 40 As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. 41 You are doing the works of your own father.”
“We are not illegitimate children,” they protested. “The only Father we have is God himself.”
42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. 43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. 44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! 46 Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? 47 Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”
PS: Itinarod…what I see in you is a fear of these perverted bastards! You fear them more than Jesus Christ and His disciples! THAT IS WHAT IS WRONG WITH AMERICA!!!
The Scripture I quoted is from John 8.
Sparrow, maybe you should take a step back and decompress. You’ve turned on your fellow Christians, spewing your vitriol at them, too. Your hate obviously isn’t reserved just for Jews. Anyone who dares to disagree with you becomes a “gatekeeper” for the Jews, huh?
Sounds like 1 John 3:15 instructs us how we should treat our fellow Christians:
“Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.”
And 1 John 4:20:
“If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?”
1 John 2:11:
“But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes.”
Ephesians 4:31:
“Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.
Mr Itinarod, I get what youre saying and see where youre coming from, but I cannot agree with you here 100%. David did not fight a ‘spiritual battle’ with goliath, nor did Joshua conquer Jericho with imprecatory prayer. Even Jesus Himself waged ‘physical’ warfare against the (((money changers))) when He deemed it necessary. All throughout our peoples history, we have had to [physically] throw off the chains of our oppressors.
Now…yes, we need to wage Spiritual war against them, no doubt. It is imperative that we do our best to starve them of their god – money -, its power over us and reject their antiChrist notions. Simply say NO to their edicts and poisons. Defy their supposed authority. Ignore their puppets in government . Just say NO.
But the time comes when it has to go ‘hot’, as (((they))) will not give up their power, position, wealth and influence easily nor peacefully. I fear the time is very, very near.
Is jewishness truly only determined by the mother?
I have to wonder if that’s not just something sold to “da goyim” in order to mask all the paternal yids & yentas who are just as diabolical as their maternal ilk (eg:Bill Barr).
It’s for the Jews, not the goyim, to establish Jewishness through the mother. If the mother is Jewish, it doesn’t matter what the father is, especially if the Jewish mother is promiscuous and doesn’t know who the father is. Reform Jew claim this is discriminatory against men/fathers, and they are trying to change the rules so that either parent can be Jewish.
If I were Bill Barr, a “white” Jew, and were told by the Sanhedrin that some halfrican born to a shameless yenta outranked me in Jewish hierarchy then I’d defect to the goyim.
Of course, I don’t understand the Jewish mindset, maybe it is that paternal Jews are told that if they jew the goyim hard enough then they can become honorary Jews?
Paternal Jews serve the Jewish Agenda while able to be considered not Jews. Does that seem too (((convenient))) to be anything but a ruse?
About the last part of the article, I once saw some right-wing israeli jews on twitter heavily complaining about darker skinned jews getting lighter skinned ashkenazi women easily and of israeli-arab men doing the same and humiliating jews by walking with their partner in their neighborhoods.
Tell me do you think their IQs getting lowered and new racial tensions in israel will somehow help us White Christians? or it’s irrelevant?
Anyway here there is the proof of my early statement:
In my opinion and knowledge; they’re all satanic mutts and mongrels. The only way they would benefit the Caucasian would be to drop off the face of the Earth.
In the US, we have a (((federal judge))), Amy Berman Jackson, who bedded a black and spawned a Yiddish nog.
Is that less humiliating to the Jews than seeing their fellow arabs hooking up with their “purest” yentas?
Is it all just Shidduch to (((shapeshift)))?