(Jerusalem Post) Israeli scientists are proving once again just how ahead of the curve they are — by developing an anti-radiation vest to protect astronauts against the intense radiation in outer space — which apparently wasn’t a problem when NASA supposedly sent six manned missions to the Moon between 1960 and 1973:
NASA’s Orion spacecraft is set to take off for the long-awaited Artemis I mission to the Moon, and Israel is taking part in one of the scientific experiments involved.
The mission is a collaboration between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Israel Space Agency and the German Aerospace Center (DLR). It is set to be launched onboard NASA’s most powerful-ever rocket on Monday, August 29.
The Artemis I mission, which does not have an onboard crew, will feature an Israeli experiment called the Matroshka AstroRad Radiation Experiment (MARE). It will study radiation exposure and test out the AstroRad protective vest developed by Israel’s StemRad firm, supported by the Israel Space Agency.
MARE is meant to solve what is probably one of the biggest dangers to astronauts heading on space missions: space radiation.
The StemRad vests have already been sent to the International Space Station for the Comfort and Human Factors AstroRad Radiation Garment Evaluation (CHARGE) study to test the vest in a microgravity environment, meaning in low-Earth orbit. However, they have not yet been tested farther out into space.
This is important as NASA’s Artemis missions are set to lead up to mankind’s eventual return to the Moon. To do that, it means that astronauts will leave low-Earth orbit, which in turn means leaving the protection of Earth’s magnetic field against cosmic radiation. As such, finding a way to protect against that is incredibly important.
This is where Israel comes in. StemRad has created a new protection vest that should work to provide protection against space radiation.
NASA’s Artemis I mission will be uncrewed, so no actual humans will be on board the Orion spacecraft.
Instead, the spacecraft will be carrying two identical manikin torsos, named Helga and Zohar, the former being in honor of the participation of Germany and the latter in honor of the participation of Israel.
Both manikin torsos, also known as “phantom torsos,” are meant to mimic the bones, tissue and organs of an adult human female. The reason they are specifically modeled after females is that females often are more sensitive to space radiation.
This is important because as part of NASA’s Artemis missions, the eventual goal is to put the first woman astronaut on the Moon.
Helga will be going in unprotected as the control group while Zohar will be wearing a StemRad vest to cover the uterus, upper body and critical organs. Both manikin torsos will wear radiation detectors to help scientists map out how the radiation doses spread.
This will be an important test for the viability of the StemRad vests, as well as getting more information about space radiation exposure.
If all goes well with MARE on the Artemis I mission, it’s likely that astronauts will be wearing StemRad vests in future space missions.
If astronauts were able to get to the moon and back six times without radiation ever being a problem, why is radiation now such a big concern for them getting back to the moon 50 years later?
NASA, of course, claims that the radiation exposure for the Apollo crews going through the Van Allen belt which surrounds the Earth was actually minimal — only 16 rads — which is why — supposedly — it didn’t kill every crew member.
In perspective, first responders to the Chernobyl disaster were exposed to 600 rads — exposure to 100 rads will kill you within a week — so 16 rads (or 32 rads for the round trip) is one-third the lethal dose.
Click here to convert different radiation measurements to find relative equivalents.
But this is just the radiation for the Van Allen belt — and doesn’t include the background radiation in space — and the intense solar radiation on the surface of the moon.
If all this radiation didn’t kill the astronauts 50 years ago, why is it a concern now? Why do astronauts need special radiation vests now when they didn’t need them in 1969?
And if women are supposedly a lot more sensitive to radiation, then women should be disqualified from any missions into outer space where radiation is a serious problem even for men.
But apparently, it’s more of a priority for NASA to put a woman on the moon — and on Mars — than it is to return men to the moon.
And we’re sure that it’s just another “coincidence” that NASA has already “chosen” who will be the first woman on the moon — and she “just so happens to be” Jewish — Jessica Meir.
Of course, Jessica Meir will die of old age before NASA or anyone else puts a human on the moon — for the first time.
And since NASA has been caught faking the Mars rover program — it’s hard to imagine them “getting back” to the Moon without even more fakery.

i posted those links from christian observer , i did look at the rest of their site and like you found the same kind of nazi propaganda what interested me is the nasa articles as nasa is not trustworthy in my opinion , when they claim to have a rover on mars and a rat is seen in the pictures of the rover the rover is here on earth and with some effects they can tint the footage so is there really a space station or is that fake too , i have had my suspicions for long time when i saw the moon landings and though hey no stars and how is a large lunar rover going to fit in the moon lander contraption that looks like a stage model from a low budget scifi movie , as for the challenger disaster and many of those that supposedly died many of whom are alive and well i found this video that explains , people did an investigation and found things like the one of the victims had a brother but this other brother did not exist and another so called victim was going by a name that belonged to a dead person so why the reason for this no one knows https://www.tiktok.com/@paulledbetter1/video/7115861008874294571 here is part 2 https://www.tiktok.com/@paulledbetter1/video/7115899602963991854 , part 3 https://www.tiktok.com/@paulledbetter1/video/7115907513509268782
Space is fake. It’s all a 500yr Masonic/Anti-Christ move to discredit God’s Word. This place is unmovable, set on pillars, with waters above, and a firmament.
Aliens aren’t real and nothing is coming or leaving this place except through God/Jesus or hell (because God is allowing Judgment).
Operation High-jump
Operation Fishbowl
The Antarctic Treaty
Worth a few minutes — “Dear Pastor, why TRUE Earth Matters” https://youtu.be/Y_wLf4UWZ04
There’s some more lengthier breakdowns on there if needed.
Blessings in King and Savior Jesus.
We did not go to the moon! Outer Space isn’t a Place – It’s a Lie!
“Israelis Invent Radiation Vest NASA Didn’t Need To Get To Moon In 1969 But Need Now To ‘Get Back’ To Moon”
I love that Don Petit video, it’s one that lives on my hard drive of evidence of all the fakery.
How did such a dope as Don Pettit ever get a job at NASA?
Oh, that’s right, they only hire dopes who don’t think for themselves or ask any obvious questions.
On the linked CFT article about the Mars rover being faked, there’s a link in the comments to Christian Observer‘s article claiming that the Challenger astronauts are still alive.
I read through it, until I got to it its screed about how the Nazi rocket scientists, particularly Von Braun, were evil war criminals and even quotes “America’s chief Nazi hunter”, Eli Rosenbaum, to corroborate this.
How can they be a Christian Observer, and how can they claim to have uncovered one conspiracy, while blatantly believing in the biggest jewspiracy of them all?
Their site header quotes 1 Thessalonians 5:21. How, I wonder, did they get there without reading 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16?
Thanks CFT for staying instead on the straight and narrow.
We looked at that Christian Observer article on the Challenger crew, allegedly still being alive.
Okay, if true, so what? They don’t offer any explanation about WHY their deaths were faked. They could argue that it was strictly a PR move to increase public interest in the Space Shuttle program. Many claim that the whole drama of Apollo 13 was a PR stunt to renew America’s interest in the NASA moon shots, which had gotten too routine,
As Wiki admits, “The astronauts’ peril briefly renewed public interest in the Apollo program; tens of millions watched the splashdown in the South Pacific Ocean on television.”
That said, the Christian Observer blames the world’s ills on Freemasons, Jesuits, and Nazis, a Hollywood script if there ever was one.
I remember the Challenger explosion, saw it live on tv. If anything, it made me think that NASA should scrap the whole program. It’s not as if the Space Shuttle was going into outer space. What a waste.
Best old kosher pp Star Treks…
Space Seed…even closed it out with the quote from Milton “better to reign in hell..”
Pre programming was all over all the original series.
Jews Nimoy and Shat as Notzees was priceless…fighting the evil zaonists.
Shatner is no (((Brother Nathanael))), but I still appreciate his role in Boston Legal where he: converts to Christianity, gets dragged “to temple” by his jewish girlfriend, gets bullied by some jew brats, retaliates against them but accidentally injures the rabbi.
Then, when the rabbi tries to shake him down, he verbally blasts the rabbi and launches invective against Israel (which causes his yenta girlfriend to leave him).
It’s akin to how (((Seinfeld))) is very redpilling on Jewry, but because it is cloaked in humor it isn’t picked up on by gentiles. Still, it clearly explains ZOG and states that “anti-semitism” is a sham that jews only use to bully gentiles into meeting their demands.
This is nothing new to folks here, but it still gets me how Jews have been using popular TV series to warn us of their agenda and the masses still can’t see it.
Heard many years ago…over at WUFYS..
That Shat’s father signed
the..ahem..Israeli constitution.
I’d love to read that
“document”…if real.
That Don Petit clip is astonishing. I thought “Don’t we still have Saturn V rockets in museums?”, but from what I can find they’re all non-functional/incomplete, or mock-ups.
Pinko Ray Bradbury wrote a “woke” short story, “The Other Foot”, about all the blacks going to Mars and then the whites begging to emigrate there.
I’d be all for trying this sort of thing out, sending all the jews and blacks to the Moon to go their own way. Of course, we wouldn’t be able to see the Moon after that as, well, both its sides would be the dark side.
There were 3 guys walking on the beach a jew a black and a white and they all saw a bottle wash up and a genie came out and spoke you all can make a wish so the jew went first and said i wish my people can all be together in our homeland the genie said done so the black said that’s what i want and the genie said done then the white man said your telling me their all together in their homelands yes what is your wish heck give me a bud light.
Oh, sorry. I didn’t see that you already posted the same video. Lol
The Secret Masonic Victory of WW2 Part 15 The Mystery of Stalin and the Masonic Agenda
12:40 NASA
“I’d go to the moon in a nanosecond. The problem is that we don’t have the technology to do that anymore. We used to but we destroyed that technology and it’s a painful process to build it back again.”
Don Petit
NASA Astronaut
NASA “lost” the master tapes of the moon landing too. But even if they had them, they don’t have the machines to play them back….