Italian senator Elio Lannutti, of the populist Five Star Movement, incurred the ire of international jewry when he issued a Tweet that linked to a website with anti-Semitic content claiming Rothschild global dominance:
An Italian lawmaker sparked outrage with a tweet asserting that the famous wealthy Jewish family, the Rothschilds, control international banking and appeared to buy into the notorious anti-Semitic hoax, “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”
He later deleted the tweet and apologized.
The tweet on Monday by Sen. Elio Lannutti, of the populist Five Star Movement, linked to a website with anti-Semitic content claiming Rothschild global dominance.
Lannutti, who represents a political party that forms Italy’s government coalition with the right-wing League Party, deleted his tweet following protest from opposition politicians.
Five Star party leader Luigi De Maio also said he “distanced” himself and the party as a whole from it. The Jewish community website Moked called the tweet “a delusional post” that “reinforces the arguments presented in ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.’”
After deleting the tweet, Lannutti posted an apology on social media saying he had not intended to offend anyone and stating that linking to content did not mean he agreed with it. He denied being an anti-Semite.
In his deleted tweet, Lannutti had written that “The ‘Group of the Elders of Zion’ and Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the skillful founder of the famous dynasty that still today controls the International Banking System, led to the creation of a manifesto: ‘The Protocols…’” The web page he linked to also appeared to have been deleted.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was published in Czarist Russia in the early 20th century and claim to describe a Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world.
When a Rothschild pokes Prince Charles in the chest and lectures him, it might be safe to conclude that the Rothschilds are more powerful than the British royal family. How many other people could get away with that? The fact of the matter is that the Rothschilds have owned England lock, stock, and barrel basically since they founded their Bank of England 300 years ago. The entire British aristocracy has been infiltrated and replaced by wealthy jewish bankers and merchants who now dominate the peerage.
And the Jews are very proud of the power they have amassed not just in England but also worldwide, and they openly brag about their power among themselves in their own periodicals while completely denying their dominance in their fake press that caters to the goyim. It is perfectly acceptable to claim that the Rothschilds are the world’s most powerful bankers as long as you mean it in a nice, positive way. If you think that the Rothschilds having this much power is potentially dangerous, you’re an antisemite.
Nothing triggers the Tribal Spaz quite like those Rothschild Jewish banking conspiracy theories. Here’s Milo’s famous clip on the ‘ultimate taboo’ at 3mins.17secs while Rubin freaks out. Still very funny.
Milo Explains Why You Are All Wrong About Anti-Semitism on the Net
So being jewish has “nothing” to do with the Rothschild’s success in banking? It’s just a fun coincidence that Jews dominate finance, right? They weren’t allowed to be farmers 1,000 years ago so they all became usurers to “make ends meet” and “feed their families”. But even after they were emancipated and could practice any profession, they still chose to be usurers. Hmmm….
Rothschild’s are the public face for all of the international jew bankers, the Rothschild Consortium of international jew bankers.
“Soros likes to be seen as a modern-day Robin Hood, donating money to “minority” causes,
and even running his own “Human Rights” NGOs. But Executive Intelligence Review says that he is the public face of the Rothschild bankers.”
“Karl Marx Is a Blood Relative of the Rothschilds.”
It is soon to the point where jewry will have to enforce ‘pro-semitism’ with the point of a gun to keep up this facade. They will find out we are not soft ‘royalty’ nor greedy, traitorous politicians – and if you point a gun in our face, you had better be prepared to use it…or lose it!