[Pictured: James Baldwin, Allen Ginsberg, Jessica Jong]
In 1967, at the height of racial tensions and riots in America, the New York Times published an editorial by “celebrated” Black author James Baldwin in which he attempted to explain and justify the reasons for rampant antisemitism among many Blacks, despite the superficial political alliance between the two “minority” groups.
His argument, however, becomes very confused at a certain point when awkwardly he attempts to lay the blame for Black antisemitism ultimately on White Christians — which Jews still encourage today — rather than solely on Jews themselves for how they mistreated, manipulated, exploited, and betrayed Blacks.
He obviously bought into the myth of Jews being the eternal victims of White Christian bigotry — and deftly ignores the fact that Jewish Bolsheviks were among the most violent and racist oppressors the world has ever known — perhaps because their victims were White Christians — which doesn’t conform to the narrative he’s pushing.
But this isn’t surprising because Baldwin was no fool — he owed his fame as a award-winning author to his Jewish publishers and editors — such as Alfred Knopf, James Silberman, and Sol Stein— who promoted his work as a tool to undermine White hegemony in America, while at the same time benefiting themselves from their ability to “pass” as White and more easily “assimilate” — at least superficially — into White America — which seemed to enrage the envious Baldwin.
Either way, these same conflicts between Blacks and Jews from 60 years ago still persist today — perhaps because Blacks still fear openly criticizing their Jewish benefactors — whatever advances they have made Jews have adeptly taken credit for, despite the fact that none of the advances Blacks have made could have been possible had it not been for the desire of “racist” White Christians.
Baldwin writes:
When we were growing up in Harlem our demoralizing series of landlords were Jewish, and we hated them. We hated them because they were terrible landlords, and did not take care of the building. A coat of paint, a broken window, a stopped sink, a stopped toilet, a sagging floor, a broken ceiling, a dangerous stairwell, the question of garbage disposal, the question of heat and cold, of roaches and rats–all questions of life and death for the poor, and especially for those with children–we had to cope with all of these as best we could. Our parents were lashed to futureless jobs, in order to pay the outrageous rent. We knew that the landlord treated us this way only because we were colored, and he knew that we could not move out.
The grocer was a Jew, and being in debt to him was very much like being in debt to the company store. The butcher was a Jew and, yes, we certainly paid more for bad cuts of meat than other New York citizens, and we very often carried insults home, along with the meat. We bought our clothes from a Jew and, sometimes, our secondhand shoes, and the pawnbroker was a Jew–perhaps we hated him most of all. The merchants along 125th Street were Jewish–at least many of them were; I don’t know if Grant’s or Woolworth’s are Jewish names–and I well remember that it was only after the Harlem riot of 1935 that Negroes were allowed to earn a little money in some of the stores where they spent so much.
Not all of these white people were cruel–on the contrary, I remember some who were certainly as thoughtful as the bleak circumstances allowed–but all of them were exploiting us, and that was why we hated them.
But we also hated the welfare workers, of whom some were white, some colored, some Jewish, and some not. We hated the policemen, not all of whom were Jewish, and some of whom were black. The poor, of whatever color, do not trust the law and certainly have no reason so, and God knows we didn’t. “If you must call a cop,” we said in those days, “for God’s sake, make sure it’s a white one.” We did not feel that the cops were protecting us, for we knew too much about the reasons for the kinds of crimes committed in the ghetto; but we feared black cops even more than white cops, because the black cop had to work so much harder–on your head–to prove to himself and his colleagues that he was not like all the other niggers.
We hated many of our teachers at school because they so clearly despised us and treated us like dirty, ignorant savages. Not all of these teachers were Jewish. Some of them, alas, were black. I used to carry my father’s union dues downtown for him sometimes. I hated everyone in that den of thieves, especially the man who took the envelope from me, the envelope which contained my father’s hard-earned money, that envelope which contained bread for his children. “Thieves,” I thought, “every one of you!” And I know I was right about that, and I have not changed my mind. But whether or not all these people were Jewish, I really do not know.
…And anti-Semitism among Negroes, inevitable as it may be, and understandable, alas, as it is, does not operate to menace this control, but only to confirm it. It is not the Jew who controls the American drama. It is the Christian.
The root of anti-Semitism among Negroes is, ironically, the relationship of colored peoples–all over the globe–to the Christian world. This is a fact which may be difficult to grasp, not only for the ghetto’s most blasted and embittered inhabitants, but also for many Jews, to say nothing of many Christians. But it is a fact, and it will not be ameliorated–in fact, it can only be aggravated–by the adoption, on the part of colored people now, of the most devastating of the Christian vices.
Of course, it is true, and I am not so naive as not to know it, that many Jews despise Negroes, even as their Aryan brothers do. (There are also Jews who despise Jews, even as their Aryan brothers do.) It is true that many Jews use, shamelessly, the slaughter of the 6,000,000 by the Third Reich as proof that they cannot be bigots–or in the hope of not being held responsible for their bigotry. It is galling to be told by a Jew whom you know to be exploiting you that he cannot possibly be doing what you know he is doing because he is a Jew.
It is bitter to watch the Jewish storekeeper locking up his store for the night, and going home. Going, with your money in his pocket, to a clean neighborhood, miles from you, which you will not be allowed to enter. Nor can it help the relationship between most Negroes and most Jews when part of this money is donated to civil rights. In the light of what is now known as the white backlash, this money can be looked on as conscience money merely, as money given to keep the Negro happy in his place, and out of white neighborhoods.
One does not wish, in short, to be told by an American Jew that his suffering is as great as the American Negro’s suffering. It isn’t, and one knows that it isn’t from the very tone in which he assures you that it is.
For one thing, the American Jew’s endeavor, whatever it is, has managed to purchase a relative safety for his children, and a relative future for them. This is more than your father’s endeavor was able to do for you, and more than your endeavor has been able to do for your children…. Furthermore, the Jew can be proud of his suffering, or at least not ashamed of it. His history and his suffering do not begin in America, where black men have been taught to be ashamed of everything, especially their suffering.
The Jew’s suffering is recognized as part of the moral history of the world and the Jew is recognized as a contributor so the world’s history: this is not true for the blacks. Jewish history, whether or not one can say it is honored, is certainly known: the black history has been blasted, maligned and despised. The Jew is a white man, and when white men rise up against oppression, they are heroes: when black men rise, they have reverted to their native savagery. The uprising in the Warsaw ghetto was not described as a riot, nor were the participants maligned as hoodlums: the boys and girls in Watts and Harlem are thoroughly aware of this, and it certainly contributes to their attitude toward the Jews.
But, of course, my comparison of Watts and Harlem with the Warsaw ghetto will be immediately dismissed as outrageous. There are many reasons for this, and one of them is that while America loves white heroes, armed to the teeth, it cannot abide bad niggers. But the bottom reason is that it contradicts the American dream to suggest that any gratuitous, unregenerate horror can happen here. We make our mistakes, we like to think, but we are getting better all the time….
What will the Christian world, which is so uneasily silent now, say on that day which is coming when the black native of South Africa begins to massacre the masters who have massacred him so long? It is true that two wrongs don’t make a right, as we love to point out to the people we have wronged. But one wrong doesn’t make a right, either. People who have been wronged will attempt to right the wrong; they would not be people if they didn’t. They can rarely afford to be scrupulous about the means they will use. They will use such means as come to hand. Neither, in the main, will they distinguish one oppressor from another, nor see through to the root principle of their oppression.
In the American context, the most ironical thing about Negro anti-Semitism is that the Negro is really condemning the Jew for having become an American white man–for having become, in effect, a Christian. The Jew profits from his status in America, and he must expect Negroes to distrust him for it. The Jew does not realize that the credential he offers, the fact that he has been despised and slaughtered, does not increase the Negro’s understanding. It increases the Negro’s rage.
For it is not here, and not now, that the Jew is being slaughtered, and he is never despised, here, as the Negro is, because he is an American. The Jewish travail occurred across the sea and America rescued him from the house of bondage. But America is the house of bondage for the Negro, and no country can rescue him. What happens to the Negro here happens to him because he is an American….
This is not what happened to the Jew and, therefore, he has allies in the world. That is one of the reasons no one has ever seriously suggested that the Jew be nonviolent. There was no need for him to be nonviolent. On the contrary, the Jewish battle for Israel was saluted as the most tremendous heroism. How can the Negro fail to suspect that the Jew is really saying that the Negro deserves his situation because he has not been heroic enough? It is doubtful that the Jews could have won their battle had the Western powers been opposed to them. But such allies as the Negro may have are themselves struggling for their freedom against tenacious and tremendous Western opposition.
This leaves the American Negro, who technically represents the Western nations, in a cruelly ambiguous position. In this situation, it is not the American Jew who can either instruct him or console him. On the contrary, the American Jew knows just enough about this situation to be unwilling to imagine it again.
Finally, what the American Negro interprets the Jew as saying is that one must take the historical, the impersonal point of view concerning one’s life and concerning the lives of one’s kinsmen and children. “We suffered, too,” one is told, “but we came through, and so will you. In time.”
In whose time? One has only one life. One may become reconciled to the ruin of one’s children’s lives is not reconciliation. It is the sickness unto death. And one knows that such counselors are not present on these shores by following this advice. They arrived here out of the same effort the American Negro is making: they wanted to live, and not tomorrow, but today. Now, since the Jew is living here, like all the other white men living here, he wants the Negro to wait. And the Jew sometimes–often–does this in the name of his Jewishness, which is a terrible mistake. He has absolutely no relevance in this context as a Jew. His only relevance is that he is white and values his color and uses it.
He is singled out by Negroes not because he acts differently from other white men, but because he doesn’t. His major distinction is given him by that history of Christendom, which has so successfully victimized both Negroes and Jews. And he is playing in Harlem the role assigned him by Christians long ago: he is doing their dirty work….
A genuinely candid confrontation between American Negroes and American Jews would certainly prove of inestimable value. But the aspirations of the country are wretchedly middle-class and the middle class can never afford candor….
The ultimate hope for a genuine black-white dialogue in this country lies in the recognition that the driven European serf merely created another serf here, and created him on the basis of color. No one can deny that that Jew was a party to this, but it is senseless to assert that this was because of his Jewishness. One can be disappointed in the Jew if one is romantic enough–for not having learned from history; but if people did learn from history, history would be very different….
If one blames the Jew for not having been ennobled by oppression, one is not indicting the single figure of the Jew but the entire human race, and one is also making a quite breathtaking claim for oneself. I know that my own oppression did not ennoble me, not even when I thought of myself as a practicing Christian. I also know that if today I refuse to hate Jews, or anybody else, it is because I know how it feels to be hated. I learned this from Christians, and I ceased to practice what the Christians practiced.
The crisis taking place in the world, and in the minds and hearts of black men everywhere, is not produced by the star of David, but by the old, rugged Roman cross on which Christendom’s most celebrated Jew was murdered. And not by Jews.
If you haven’t seen the famous debate between James Baldwin and “arch” conservative William F. Buckley at Cambridge University in 1965, we would highly recommend that you take the time to do so. Despite his high-sounding language and affections, Baldwin is really not much different from Al Sharpton. And Buckley’s response is caustic rather than fawning — using his signature dry mockery of Baldwin’s affected British accent to highlight Baldwin’s hypocrisy. Truly a classic.
Would y’all kindly remind me of the black “intellectual” quote to the effect that even the lowliest White can look upon the wonders of White civilization and feel a kinship with it, while the negro will never be able to identify with it?
This photo reveals Mr. Baldwin captured without the onerous grievances. Of all people — a pedantic, pretentious, rich white man that can affect the same ridiculous emulation of the British aristocrat .
Are the young lords up to their knickers in jew vermin impressed? Their speech was well-immured in metaphor and devices that, concealed every naked truth both knew but dare not speak.
Black wants more. White is protecting his property high above the whitewashed fence round the inherited sanctuary . The heir of America concedes some faults in the structure but extols the sublime view from where he sits. Neither deo nor veritat will be found in a white university.
If you watch old American movies from the 1930s, the upper class Whites still spoke with a slight British tinge. Remember, at one time most English speakers in America spoke with a British accent. Regional accents in America are most noticeable in the lower and working classes. One could always tell someone’s social station by their accent, regardless of region. William F. Buckley’s “British” accent isn’t entirely an affectation — as a youth in a privileged family, he traveled widely, and was educated in Europe, which no doubt influenced his “high brow” tone.
Very different from Baldwin’s fake British affectation — Baldwin spoke “Uncle Tom” English — to impress both Whites and himself that he was a cut above the average inarticulate negro. And his affection also included that flippant lilt so common among homosexuals, to identify each other, like a secret handshake.
Buckley is an aristocrat made with money and exclusive education. It is not his Bristiish upper class enunciation I object but his evasiveness and utter deficiency in experience such as living with poor , black people or unwashed white for that matter or serving in army especially in a war (Viet Nam ) that most Bristish aristocrats would have . Buckley is artificial in his place . More of an insult -a professional intellectual , an aristocrat without the noblesse oblige, who represent the rich New Englander abolitionist and an affiliate of the CIA.
Thank you for making the case…..”Therefore, “slavery” of animals is not a moral quandary to be taken seriously. Every moral question is one of the benefit of white people, period.”
Exactly, in the eyes of the Christians, Black people are animals, only White people are human beings….exactly what Jews believe too, only Jews are human beings. That’s why they didn’t have a problem selling (Jews) buying (Christians) as cattle. White people (Christians) and Jews are birds of a feather. In a round about way we agree to agree…White people created their problem with the Jews and need to keep all the animals out of their mess.
We don’t agree. Blacks and animals are jews objectively speaking. There’s nothing subjective about it.
Jews, which are animals, are pretending to not be animals. White people are not animals, and blacks and jews truly are animals. Therefore, the situations are fundamentally different.
Subjectification is a Marxist dialectic, and it is contrary to the laws of God. The laws of God care not for the opinions which animals hold.
However, those who are truly animals don’t really have any other option, do they?
The laws of God care not for the opinions which animals hold….so why are animals controlling your country, in which your opinion doesn’t matter….what’s up with those laws?
“I will also let loose among you the animals of the field, which will deprive you of your children and eliminate your cattle, and reduce your number so that your roads become deserted.” (Leviticus 26:22)
“I will send on you… vicious animals, and they will bereave you…” (Ezekiel 5:17)
“…I send My… severe judgments against Jerusalem… vicious animals… to eliminate human and animal life from it!” (Ezekiel 14:21)
“…and as soon as they finish smashing the power of the holy people, all these events will be completed.” (Daniel 12:7)
“See now that I, I am He, And there is no god besides Me; It is I who put to death and give life. I have wounded and it is I who heal, And there is no one who can save anyone from My hand.” (Deuteronomy 32:39)
You are offering lip-serves to the laws of God, because no man who really honors his God would allow animals and degenarates to control his affairs. They come a dime a dozen. The deplorable conditions in America alone tells the story loud and clear. No man who honors his God would send his children to go a die in faraway lands for animals and degenarates.
“Every person is to be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.” (Romans 13:1)
I’m sorry, it’s just not meant to be for now.
But, “Do not fear, animals of the field” (Joel 2:21). “The animals of the field will glorify Me,
The jackals and the ostriches,
Because I have given waters in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert,
To give drink to My chosen people.” (Isaiah 43:20)
“11 Then I kept looking because of the sound of the boastful words which the horn was speaking; I kept looking until the beast was killed, and its body was destroyed and given to the burning fire. 12 As for the rest of the beasts, their dominion was taken away, but an extension of life was granted to them for an appointed period of time.” (Daniel 7:11-12)
Arch Stanton
“In the American context, the most ironical thing about Negro anti-Semitism is that the Negro is really condemning the Jew for having become an American white man–for having become, in effect, a Christian.”
Not long ago there was an incident where a “white man” spat on two “people of color” bicycling through the wealthy district of Seattle’s Mercer Island. This led to a cry for rescinding the helmet law because it is “racist.” Apparently “racist” cops ticket more POC than white people for helmet infractions. Of course most of the details were omitted outside the glaring fact the aggrieved were POC.
However, when one knows the Jew, one can easily connect the dots in this story. Jews are well known for their habit of spitting on people they hate. They are noted for their frequent spitting on Christians during their religious holidays and on Israeli Negros.
Vat!! You didn’t know there are Negro Jews in Israel? That’s right, light-skinned Israeli Jews spit on their Negro brethren just like they spit on them in America. What’s more, the Mercer Island district is well known for its wealthy, Jewish enclave.
So in this story we find a so-called “white man” in a wealthy, “white” district spitting on POC. From that description alone, the racial heritage of the spitter should be obvious. Once again, Jews hide behind their chameleon coloring to further their genocidal, racist agenda of divide and conquer.
And to think there are white people still out there trying to convince us that not all Jews are guilty, that there are “good Jews” as well, so we should give these “good Jews” a break. Yeah sure, just like they are smarter and work harder than everyone else.
The fact is Jews view all white people as guilty so why should we view them differently? How about giving Jews a break at the end of a rope, instead of trying to sort through the white haystack for the good Jewish needle.
Referring to the debate, it is through hypocrisy and pandering and patronization that white people reveal the partiality in their hearts. Like a mock temple sacrifice, these white people lend their pomp and frill and culture to a ceremony dedicated to their own self-righteousness.
When a negro becomes more eloquent, it only serves to make its feral urges more vivid. The negro is lifted up like a circus monkey, performing it’s act, so that they can ingratiate themselves to its compulsions — lain bare like pornographic verses. They meld their emotions with it, tapping into a deep animalism within.
They laugh and jeer with the ebb and flow of their passions. They leave with emotions seared at the edges from the intensity of the chemical highs brought about. Corporate whoredom branded into their hearts, they look around like ravening wolves, desperate for another fix.
But these, like unreasoning animals, born as creatures of instinct to be captured and killed, using abusive speech where they have no knowledge, will in the destruction of those creatures also be destroyed.
Let us all not animalize ourselves likewise, giving way to fleshly impulses which are in all ways contrary to the divine nature and Holy Spirit.
Wow, well said. Amazing how White people are mesmerized by Blacks who sound articulate, like they’ve discovered the “missing link” that confirms we are all indeed “human”. Sentimental is right.
In other words Black people are not human, they are beast of burden to be used for the monkey shows that satisfies the perverted urges of White people….way to go. This is what Jews have over White people….they know what makes White people tick and beat to their drums. In sum those White people who created the greatest civilizations are worse off than the Blacks, Blacks created nothing, but they don’t control their own society and destiny. They willingly became slaves of the Jews to show off how morally superior they are.
No, that’s not exactly what I was suggesting. A big part of our problem is that many Whites want to condescendingly “uplift” the Negro to their level, whatever that may be, and Blacks jealously want to convince themselves that they are capable of achieving what Whites have achieved. This is a pernicious dialectic that is not good for Whites or Blacks. Trying to convince themselves that they are “equal” to Whites has done more psychological and spiritual harm to Blacks than any other idea.
And it does not bother me one whit that many Blacks see White people are “devils” and “inhuman” — that’s the subtext of the entire Leftist ideology. They have to believe that to bring Whites down to their level — or lower — and sadly, many Whites are going along with that degeneracy.
Ok @Jas,
Let’s have a dialogue….you are correct “A big part of our problem is that many Whites want to condescendingly “uplift” the Negro to their level, whatever that may be” With the whole history of slavery in the background they believe that Black people are inferior, brainless, incapable of doing for themselves, and by trying to uplift the poor and disadvantaged Negroe they can show how superior they are. The Victim and the Oppressor syndrome.
This is where I get confused….”Blacks jealously want to convince themselves that they are capable of achieving what Whites have achieved.” White people achieved a great deal by going along with the corrupt human trafficking scam of the Jews who sold Africans as cattle.
If you put things in proper context, the jealousy that you refer to is not a one way street.
White people exploited Black people as free labor cattle and treated them as less than animals. No human being of conscience or moral fiber for that matter would be able to engage in that cruelty. According to White people African’s were barbaric and have to be civilized. Were it not for this achievement, the world would be a totally different place too. Europeans would all be in Europe and those Africans, no matter how heathen they were, would mind their own business in Africa, eat dirt and live in their mud huts.
As I see it, the problem was and still is White people against White people. Black people got caught in the mess, because corrupt African’s made deals with corrupt Europeans. The deplorable human condition in Europe and America full of multicultural Marxist ghetto’s tells you much about the achievements of White people. Nobody in the right frame of mind would be jealous of those achievements.
White American’s more than their European counterparts have a perverted obsession with RACE and Black people, just like Black American’s have a perverted obsession with Race and White people.
Last but not least what do you mean with……”Blacks trying to convince themselves that they are “equal” to Whites?
Lisette wrote, “White people exploited Black people as free labor cattle and treated them as less than animals. No human being of conscience or moral fiber for that matter would be able to engage in that cruelty.”
“Human being” doesn’t exist. There’s no such thing as “race”. This is a satanic, paleontological concept, used to confuse and deceive. God did not create any such thing.
Adam was created out of the dust of the ground, and he was red and ruddy, and all of his pure progeny were the same. This can be seen in many descriptions of people in the Scripture. The most obvious of which is Song of Songs, where the Shulamite bride is without a shadow of a doubt a blue/green eyed, fair and ruddy skinned brunette.
Different “races” could not have come from Adam, because when different “races” mix, it is confusion (Leviticus 18:23). We can see today when they mix, it produces brown. If at any point in history there were different “races” together, their children would have been brown. For example if any of Shem, Ham or Japheth were non-white, then none of the so-called “races” we see today would exist. Yet here we are today, with a pure, white people, who are the true descendants of Adam.
There is not a point at which “races” could have split, because it’s not in the Scriptures. Instead of accepting that “races” weren’t created from Adam, people whose consciences are seared would rather pretend like it’s in the Scripture. In doing so they reject the knowledge and teaching of Scripture.
Therefore, “slavery” of animals is not a moral quandary to be taken seriously. I’m not trying to justify the use of “blacks” as slaves, because doing so always results in destruction of our people. Every moral question is one of the benefit of white people, period.
South Wales
The British, and the Europeans in general, are far more sentimental and condescending toward blacks than Americans are, and that’s simply because they have so little direct experience with blacks. Those who have the most experience directly with how the majority of blacks behave will be quickly disabused of any sentimental notions of their national redemption.
Europeans hate Europeans and worship American Blacks and Africans. These Blacks are getting their platform to spew their anti-White people garbage courtesy of the Marxist dictators in positions of power and they are doing just fine together treatingBlack people from former colonies in the Western Hemisphere less than animals. The Netherlands is on top of that list. Some American’s are honest open and blunt to voice their opinion and disdain for Black people and that is to be admired.
Baldwin probably had a two-way street with jews, and some leeway in talking about them to some extent. Being both black and a queer, Baldwin at that time period probably was particularly attractive to many jews. He had to have known that there were limits to being critical about them, since his “gaydar” was probably very keen especially as a negroid, and he knew who his masters were, in every sense.
“In Christopher Bram’s new book, a history of gay writers’ influence on American thought”
“With gay books by James Baldwin and Gore Vidal that were bestsellers in the past, it’s usually assumed that they were crossover hits, and succeeded with straight audiences as well as gay audiences, but we just don’t know if that’s true,” he said. “I’ll make a bet that a huge percentage of those readers were gay, and there was nothing else for them to read, so they gobbled up Myra Breckinridge. I assume most of the readers were gay.”
Sick and Evil:
“Performing Black Queerness in the Works of James Baldwin and Danez Smith”
“Both Baldwin and Smith have commented on their identities as queer artists. Baldwin noted in an interview with the Voice that the term “gay” made him feel like a stranger:
‘Well, first of all I feel like a stranger in America from almost every conceivable angle except, oddly enough, as a black person. The word gay has always rubbed me the wrong way. I never understood exactly what is meant by it. I don’t want to sound distant or patronizing because I don’t really feel that. I simply feel it’s a world that has little to do with me, with where I did my growing up. I was never at home in it. Even in my early years in the Village, what I saw of that world absolutely frightened me, bewildered me. I didn’t understand the necessity of all the role playing. And in a way I still don’t.’ (Goldstein, “Go the Way Your Blood Beats,” The Village Voice)
For Baldwin, the concept of identity is based upon fragments of self: Baldwin’s estrangement from America is constructed on his interlocking identities of being black, queer, and American, existing in what W.E.B. DuBois calls “double consciousness. Being black, queer, male, and American might be considered as existing in a triple or quadruple consciousness, as Baldwin notes that these identities are seen as “role playing,” therefore implying that black queer masculinity is a performative act.
It was not until 1962 in Baldwin’s Another Country and then later in 1968 in his Tell Me How Long the Train’s Been Gone that Baldwin explicitly explored black queer masculinity in his writing. As whiteness is associated with heterosexuality in Giovanni’s Room, so too is heterosexuality and heteronormativity associated with being “raceless” (Armengol 674). David, as a queer, white man, experiences a restraining of identity similar to that of a black man: the only spaces that exist for him are closeted, such as Giovanni’s small room and Guillaume’s gay bar. However, David connects himself with white colonizers:
‘I watch my reflection in the darkening gleam of the window pane. My reflection is tall…my blond hair gleams. My face is like a face you have seen many times. My ancestors conquered a continent, pushing across death-laden plains, until they came to an ocean which faced away from Europe.’ (Baldwin 3)”
Wow this Baldwin character is dull. And with his buggy eyes, he reminds me of a black version of Rodney Dangerfield.
Thanks for this report @CFT…..I suspected that he was a hand-picked Negroe to help further their agenda. He is by no means to only one, they come a dime a dozen in America I am working on the list….
Baldwin was a creation of jew domination of the media. He was in fact, quite stupid, yet smarter than the average negroid. Like so many of his subspecies, he was too stupid to see that he was still on the jewish plantation, though a virtual one rather than literal one, since the White race had abolished the jewish-created aberration of negro chattel slavery, not as the jew-written history tells us from any widespread belief of the equal nature of negroes, but rather because of degradation of White participants of that system, and the negative societal affect it had by depressing the value of labor for working class Whites. His ancestors having been freed from the literal plantation, Baldwin’s generation had merely moved into a jewish virtual one, which could not be more plain by the way, based even solely on the account HE HIMSELF WROTE HERE, but again, he was too stupid to see the obvious.
I am compelled to reply to this statement…..”Like so many of his subspecies, he was too stupid to see that he was still on the jewish plantation”….like the White subspecies are too stupid and worship the Marxist death and destruction agenda and became bigger slaves on the Jewish slave plantation. As the video made clear the guilt and intellectual dishonesty of White people was just as prevalent back then as it is today. The Brits gave Baldwin and standing ovation and supported his claim about America, while Buckley made an execellent case what the problem is and they didn’t gave it any thought, because it didn’t make them feel good. The English enabled the Jewish exploitation of Black people and America keeps up the modus operandi to please the Jews.
Yes, there are certainly many degenerate Whites who are no better than Blacks, and Whites have become more degenerate with each new generation. There’s no need to put down Blacks to make us feel better about ourselves. We should work on improving ourselves, and staying as separate as much as we can.
That advise is pricelless….when I tell Jews and Black to take a look in the mirror to see who their enemy is, they are me the usual tolerant names, Nazi, Racist, Antisemite. But looking at the state of affairs all over the western world, White people need to go there because everything happened with their willful consent (well not all White people) but a great number of them all willing participants in the debauching of culture to please their minority pets, Jews and Blacks. The former Senator of Virginia Jim Webb is the only American politician who uttered some words of truth….I think that’s why he was voted out of office. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Webb
lisette and jacksonandy, jews are of there father the devil, negros have dna markers that nobody else has and bone structure nobody else on this planet has. let it be.