Ariel Ricker, the jewish executive director of Advocates Abroad, a major NGO that provides assistance to non-White migrants who want to invade Europe, has been caught on video coaching migrants on how to act like persecuted Christians to fool EU border agents:
A group that helped over 15,000 refugees and migrants to get into Europe has been caught on tape admitting to systematically training asylum seekers to exploit screening interviews by feigning trauma and persecution.
Ariel Ricker, the executive director of Advocates Abroad, a major non-profit NGO which provides legal aid to migrants, has been caught on tape openly discussing how she teaches refugees to lie to border agents. The video was released by Canadian right-wing activist, author and internet personality, Lauren Southern, and will be a part of her new documentary film project ‘Borderless,’ which takes on the European migration crisis.
On its website, Advocates Abroad claims to have helped as many as 15,000 migrants cross the Greek border, and 2,500 more outside of Greece. The organization is massive, taking volunteers from major universities, and was even featured in a documentary film by the International Bar Association.
In the footage, Ricker describes how the organization provides training sessions for migrants seeking entry into Europe, in which they are taught how to act during interviews with border agents:
“I tell them this is acting, all of this is acting… for them to get through, they must act their part in the theater.”
She also calls EASO (European Asylum Support Office) personnel tasked with screening the migrants “f***ing stupid,” and describes a formula that the organization has created to exploit them in screening interviews.
One method she teaches migrants is to exploit the presumed Christian sympathies of the predominantly Eastern Orthodox Greece by pretending to have been persecuted for being Christian. She even describes telling them how to pray during interviews, ironically because doing so reflects “honesty.”
…Since then, however, the group’s Twitter and Facebook page with over 140,000 followers have both been deleted in the wake of the revelations.
The organization, which was founded in 2016, helped to shuffle migrants into a cash-strapped Greece, which was struggling to recover from its long-term government-debt crisis. The majority of migrants seeking entry into Europe first come through Greece, with arrivals peaking in 2015.
Ironically, some of the real victims of the NGO’s tactics are the refugees themselves – the real refugees who were forced to compete with fake candidates trained to game the system. Ricker’s “acting school” even instructed its pupils to feign the emotions of trauma survivors, seemingly without a thought for those seeking asylum who don’t need to pretend to be suffering from trauma.
In the past few years, Greece’s migrant camps have become dangerously overcrowded, resulting in violence and disease which the UN described as having reached “boiling point.” But Advocates Abroad isn’t responsible for maintaining the refugee camps, their only job is getting people through the gate.
Southern claims that the UNHCR has already responded to the tapes by saying that they are “alarmed by these reports,” and the backlash on social media has been understandably strong.
Not surprisingly, this jewess, Ariel Ricker, studied in Israel, which itself has sent many “humanitarian” groups to aid and abet the migrant invasion of Europe. Jews were helping Muslims invade Spain over 1,500 years ago, and nothing has changed as they are still doing it to this very day. Jews hate White Christian Europe, and they feel compelled to undermine and destroy it in every conceivable manner, especially preying on misguided Christian sympathies to use against them. There’s literally nothing new under the sun.
Ariel Ricker should be arrested by Interpol for treason against the EU, but that will never happen because she is doing exactly what the EU parliamentarians want done to please their jewish overlords. Instead, what she has done will be spun as “misguided” but “well-intended”. But keep in mind that there are a million Jews like Ariel Ricker in Europe and America tirelessly gnawing away at the foundations of our societies, and even if she were justly arrested and prosecuted, there would be another Jew just like her to take up where she left off.
Jews are termites eating away at the white Christian foundation. Every one of them [gone] is a blessing to our posterity.
Notice that there are 2 separate links below.
“Migrant Caravan is “Land Grabs in Honduras” spelled backward. Europeans take note”
“Of course — of course — this is farmland grabs. Democratic Party operatives who’ve been involved with the current Honduran migrant caravan to the U.S. can’t claim ignorance. That’s because The Huffington Post, a widely-read U.S. news outlet that’s a bastion of Democratic politics, opened a window in January 2017 on land grabs in Honduras and their connection to the Honduran diasporas.
Global firms and local elites are taking land from farmers, which pushes them to cities, where jobs are few.”
“Although everyone calls them “Turks” they are actually families of Jewish origin who came from Arab countries during the 40s and 50s away from the desert and conflicts. They are the Rosenthal, the Facussé, the Larach, the Nasser, the Kafie or the Goldstein. Five surnames that control maquilas (assembly industries), thermal energy, telecommunications, tourism, banking, finance, media, cement and commerce, airports or the congress. Practically everything. They are the hard core of that 3% of Hondurans that controls 40% of the national production. They are the elect of a country with 70% of the poor.”
“George Soros Letter Reveals Globalist Plan to Destroy the First World with Global Migrant Invasions”
New Plan? Certainly not. It’s been the Kalergi plan all along – for ALL White countries.
“A recent study reportedly says Austria has room for another 65-million invaders. It’s current population is about 8.8-million. Sweden has space for 440-million and Germany can handle over 274-million.
The shock figures can be found in the extensive study on the website of the European Commission here on page 112 , under the title “Density distribution at threshold of 1000”.
This is true and was on RT News just this morning, Austria is being flooded with these invaders. 15/11/2021