(Forward) Richard Klin — a Jew who got caught red-handed cashing his father’s Holocaust reparation checks after he died — refused to return the money he stole — and indignantly told the German authorities to ‘go to hell’.
Klin wrote an article for the Jewish Forward justifying his theft as an imaginary letter he wrote to the German bureaucrat — “Gertrud F.” — who dared to insist that he return the money that he had stolen:
“Dear Gertrud F:
I received your official-looking letter just the other day. I could tell immediately its origin was from a foreign land: an evocative, welcome throwback to the tactile pre-Web era, when missives would arrive from beyond our shores bearing exotic-looking stamps, redolent of faraway places. All rendered basically obsolete, of course, by the Internet.
Registered by airmail! was the first thing I saw upon opening this letter from Germany, the exclamation point adding an unexpectedly jolly connotation, mixed in with an almost childlike excitement: A registered letter! By airmail, no less!
This was followed — quite jarringly — by the birth date of my father and his date of death, followed by “heartfelt condolences to the passing of your father in January 2017” — the date italicized, as if I’d forgotten that my father died a little over a year ago.
Your letter is about reparations. My father was a Holocaust survivor, and although I have mixed feelings about consigning him, first and foremost, as a Holocaust survivor — as if this is his lasting tagline — the facts can’t be wished away.
As a Belgian Jewish child, he spent the World War II years in hiding, suffering through unimaginable terror, deprivation, hunger; the loss of his mother, who was sent to Auschwitz and never returned.
For decades, my father’s income was supplemented by the reparation payments the German government disbursed to Holocaust survivors. I always felt very ambiguous about those payments, but as my father grew older and steadily incapacitated, the German money proved extremely helpful in easing his financial burdens.
And I do have to admit that yes, modern Germany has tried to make amends for their genocidal rampage. Germany has made amends, in fact, in a way that the United States never did for its own genocidal rampages. And so, while I can’t say I really feel a sense of gratitude exactly, I’m cognizant of these facts.
But now, as per your letter, Germany appears to want some of this money returned to it. Specifically, 410.16 euros — overpayments that seem to have been disbursed after his death (In January 2017, as you have reminded me).
I’ve dubbed you Gertrud F The pseudonym, of course, is to protect your privacy, but “Gertrud F” also has a satisfying Kafkaesque ring to it. For instance, there’s this sentence, which you underlined, indicating a certain urgency: Several letters written to your father’s last known address regretfully remained without any response.
There was no response, Gertrud F, because he wasn’t alive. But in most ways, Gertrud F, your letter isn’t really Kafkaesque. “Kafkaesque” connotes an anonymous, mysterious bureaucracy; a nightmare where nothing makes sense. Your letter is anything but anonymous. There’s nothing at all mysterious about its contents: The legalistic numerical tallies are displayed as if taken from the pages of a ledger.
The dubious legality of my supposed financial obligation aside, I wanted to reiterate the upshot of your letter: I owe Germany money. The concept is so logic-defying that I feel the strange need to repeat this in several different ways: I owe Germany money. Gertrud F wants me to pay 410.16 euros. I’m in debt to Germany. Germany is demanding money. From me.
Gertrud F, I don’t know whether to be horrified beyond belief at your demand for 410.16 euros or amused—amused in a sick, gallows-humor sort of way. At the moment, gallows humor is winning out, but I can’t guarantee that the horrified-beyond-belief won’t soon make its appearance.
Go to hell, Gertrud F.”
Yes, it’s “logic defying” that the German government would want him to return the money he stole from them — and from other living Holocaust survivors to whom it could have gone — not that they deserve it anyway.
Klin never explains why he was “horrified beyond belief” that he was held accountable for his theft — and acts as if Germany owed him the money, not the other way around.
Of course, he never actually sent this letter to the German reparations office — because it would provide a tacit admission that he did, in fact, continue to cash his dead father’s checks after he died — which is legally prosecutable fraud — unless apparently you are an indignant Jew.
Instead he mocks “Gertrude F.” — mocking her letter to him as “Kafkaesque” — who often wrote stories about how his protagonists were alienated by a culture that they didn’t understand.
If there was anything “Kafkaesque” about the Holocaust™, it was the so-called Nuremberg Trials — where the “Nazis” were charged with violating international laws that were enacted only after the war ended — making it impossible for the defendants to exonerate themselves — an absurdity straight out of Kafka’s book, The Trial.
So instead Klin publishes this imaginary letter that he would have sent in a major Jewish newspaper — with a sympathetic Jewish readership — in order to shame the German bureaucrat who was just doing her job — and who went out of her way to be as diplomatic as possible.
However, it’s no wonder that Klin feels completely justified in stealing this reparations money — after all, Jewish “researchers” are churning out “studies” that “prove” that Jewish “suffering” can be passed down to their children “epigenetically” — making it as if the children of Holocaust survivors actually experienced the Holocaust themselves, before they were even born.
And we can be assured that this wasn’t the first time that “Gertrude F” had to write such letters to the relatives of Jews who had died — relatives who had also cashed reparations checks after their “Holocaust survivor” parent had died.
Even the Marxist state of Israel was caught misappropriating Holocaust reparation funds — diverting money from “survivors” into the national Treasury in order to pay off debts and balance the budget.
It’s no wonder that even Karl Marx said, “I hate money and Jews” — no doubt because Marx knew the Jewish worship money was a major cause of animosity directed toward Jews.
But Klin completely lacks any self-awareness — how his behavior exemplifies all the worst “stereotypes” people hold about Jews — the abrasive behavior which creates the “antisemitism” that he and his fellow Jews, no doubt, complain about.
Good Lord
My father fought along the Eastern Front along the USSR-border. He still considered himself an Austrian-Hungarian citizen regardless of the FAKE Treaty of Versailles (of which NOBODY granted authority anyway). He received a few medals for his superior aiming abilities for throwing grenadesvat K#ke/Roosevelt Soviet Tanks. He threw them in the mud because he hated being responsible for murdering fellow Russian Christians who were just like him…..CANNON FODDER for K#kes.
He never passed on any German “propaganda” because there wasn’t any to begin with. HITLER hated nobody. HITLER simply wanted a Europe for Ethnic-Europeans. Was that such a bad thing while China was for their Mongoloids, Africa was for their Negroids, South and Central America was for Mongreloids?
My father was NEVER brain-washed to hate any Race….simply to be proud of his Ethnic-European Race. That was it! Hitler never taught “hate”. My father was simply a Straight-A Engineering Student who was suddenly conscripted (FORCED) to fight in a war he wanted nothing to do with (WW2). He was forcibly conscripted.
During his fighting, his aim was so precise, he won a few medals from the 3rd Reich. He threw those medals away because he hated killing his fellow Christian brothers in Russia. When he was sent to the Eastern Front along Russia’s border, he accurately tossed grenades at Russian tankmen. And be heard their wailing and shrieks. We know that the NKVD K#kes deliberately sent Russian GOYIM-Christians to the front-lines as cannon-fodder.
My uncle was a VERY handsome man (think Robert Taylor look-alike). He was a pilot……uselessly shot down by our fellow German (conscripted) brothers.
I read somewhere that ~70% of the world’s population consisted of Ethnic-Europeans during the early 20th century. Now, Ethnic-Europeans consist of ONLY 9%. Wow!!! K#kes successfully killed us didn’t they?
And we didn’t even know they were doing it using The Boer Wars, WW1, WW2, The Korean War, The Vietnam War, The Falkland Islands War, Iraq Wars, Afghani Wars, Killer Vaccines, Birth Control, Divorce, Abortions, “Free Love”, Drug Addictions, Drug Overdoses, and now…..EXCLUSIVELY, ETHNIC-EUROPEAN….tax-payer-funded “Euthanasia” (murder).
Jews Stealing Millions From Disabled Non Jew Kids.
There existed photographs of stacks of burned corpses, which had been made in Cologne, Hamburg, and Dresden after the mass fire-bombing of those cities by Allied aircraft. The problem the Jews faced was that there had been no holocausts of Jewish victims during World War II, nor were there any photographs of burned Jewish bodies.Not to worry ~ the Jews simply appropriated the photographs of the bodies of their German victims, which are exhibited today in gruesome “museums” in Germany as exhibits of dead Jews. It was a matter of record that the Jews had actually done quite well during World War II.In Germany, incredible sagas of bribery and corruption on the home front had secured the mass evacuation of all Jews from German cities just before the fire bombings began. When entire German families perished amid scenes of unspeakable horror, the Jews were safely ensconced in comfortable quarters in such refugee camps as Auschwitz.
The ultimate testimony as to their rescue by being segregated in these remote camps, far from the danger of the mass bombing raids, comes from ~ who else ~ the Jews themselves. As they never cease to assure us ~ they “survived”.Although they survived amid scenes of genocide or massacres of non-Jews in many countries, they realized several decades later that it was necessary for their purposes to claim that they had been “exterminated”.The protection camps in which they had been safely segregated by the Germans during World War II now became “death camps”. Not only were they death camps, but they were camps such as Auschwitz, memorialized in the Atlantic Monthly, Sept. 1981, as having “its own soccer stadium, its own library, its own photo lab, and its own symphony orchestra.”The same article proudly boasts that “the hospital at Auschwitz grew to considerable size, with about twenty doctors and more than three hundred nurses.” This was a “death camp?” The fact was that there was not a single German military field hospital near any combat front as sizeable or as well-equipped as the hospital at the “death camp” of Auschwitz, yet Auschwitz is always cited by the Jews as the place were millions of Jews were “put to death”.
The purpose of the large modern hospital has never been satisfactorily explained, since the Jews now claim that within hours after arriving at Auschwitz, the Jews were hurried to the “gas chambers”. This claim might have more validity had it not been for one unfortunate oversight by the Jews ~ they did not build the gas chambers at Auschwitz until after World War II had ended.
Almost forty years after the war, in which “six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis”, as they claim, there are annual festivals, conventions, and other mass gatherings of many thousands of the “survivors of the death camps”. Even more peculiar, hardly any of these prosperous, healthy and well fed “victims” claims to have been the survivor of only one “death camp”.
Germans saved Jews in Ukraine and Russia by bringing them back to the safety of Camps…..
Wolfgang F. of the mighty Das Reich Division.
“They never tell you that the Jew was the creator of communism; Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, and Ehrenburg were just the tip of the iceberg. The whole government was formed and run by the Jews. They in turn killed off millions who did not want to go along with them. When we attacked Russia, from almost day one, we had to witness and stop the attacks. Whole Jewish settlements were destroyed, and it was Germans who restored them. It was so bad, that one reason they went to camps later was to protect them. I had a friend who was a medical person at Birkenau, he told me once, a Pole tried to poison the Jewish inmates because his father died in a gulag.”
Any reparations for the Injured and dead?
Dr Denis Rancourt Covid Vaccines caused 13+ Million Deaths.
Micky T
Hi Norman,
I have found your replies & links very educational & interesting.
I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to bother, my friend who read the article & your replies directed me to them as I will to others.
Kind regards
Not part of the script or conversation, but a 12 year will be punished for antisemitism:
Oy very!! Shut it down. Young goyim now know.
If white Christians controlled the media, every other news headline would start as this one does:
“Jew Caught….”
Joey Twotones
Can someone explain to be the “real Jews” vs these pretenders? I’m new here and not trolling. I read something years ago and would like some material read up on. They assumed the role basically?
Joey, welcome!
Please read our foundational essay “Who Are The Jews (And Who They Are Not)”:
If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
My ancestors had to live in a chicken coop during the war. Not joking in the slightest. A tiny chicken coop on a small farm for two adults and five boys. They had to crawl, not just stoop, to get in and out. I’ve seen the photo and
I dont even comprehend how they all fit. Not one of them has pined for reparations. They just got on with their lives, all successfully.
This whining thing goes back to Cain vs Abel. “But he [wronged me somehow]…it’s not fair!”
Also, the above account is just about the most overwrought writing I’ve seen. Someone is proud of his thesaurus purchase.
So did I, my parents and brothers and sisters , Jimmy 2. So I know that you are not making your story up. Some foods were rationed . Men went around asking for any thing of metal and glass to help the war effort.
My father had all four tires stolen off of his car at night , parked beside the house. A lot of people , even those who rented tried to have gardens in their back yards. Women were closer in friendship in those days and helped each other , shared food and watched each others children. Skateboards are not a new invention. WW11 veterans made a board with skate wheels and sat or balanced their bodies on them and used their hands to push themselves along if they lost their legs in war.
There were pictures , especially in Post Offices depicting Japanese soldiers as round faced , big rimmed glasses , buck teeth grinning faces. Air raid drills were common, and I’f they occurred after dark, lights had to be put out in case of air attack. People were more friendly. Soldiers did not pay for coffee or policemen , at least wherever I was around business ‘s. It continued for years after, but I do not believe it is practiced any more.
People were more religious. That is why it is so hard for the One Worlders to achieve their goals of world domination. They need to create new generations that grow up following their ideas, beliefs, training, propaganda.
I spoke to my elder relative about this today. I asked him about how they got light in there. He didn’t remember. Maybe a kerosene lamp, he said. I replied that the fumes from such would have likely made the space unliveable. He conceded it was probable a candle.
And here’s the thing. Our ancestors didn’t focus on the tiny details of their hardships, nor do they even remember them. Very different from all the remembered slights of another people.
I would argue against this, as it seems to me that people in WW2 era were not Christian enough, and therefore the One World Government was able to really take root and get us to join with godless (((Soviets))) to slaughter our Christian brothers across the pond.
The truly Christian types of the time were against the USA entering WW2 and they were censored by FDR’s regime (eg: Father Coughlin).
Of course, that’s much the same as it is today, with those of us here able to see that the “Jewkraine” war was folly from the get-go, but the dechristianized masses in the USA were ready to send in US troops and materiel.
The crisis actors that some people call holohoax survivors are dwindling in number. They are finally dropping like evil flies. It seems like these lying yids live to be 6 million years old.
It’s hilarious when the (((author))) confesses that his dead kike dad will only be remembered as a “holocaust survivor”(TM) and nothing else. Same as the jews.
And it IS very anti-semitic to even suggest that jews can’t time travel back to the holohoax and experience the ” suffering through unimaginable terror, hunger and deprivation” all over again ! Of course jews can time travel. They can “epigenetically” do everything, including transition to different genders and even time warp back to Mount Sinai.
As far as I know, jews are the only (((ones))) that keep going on genocidal rampages. They call us “holocaust deniers” but the jews are “reality deniers.”
I know CFT readers can easily imagine the scenario, that WILL play out, of digital holocaust survivors in zuck’s metaverse that will be able to (((live forever))) and be a cyber pipeline for more jew fraud and relentless grifting.
The jews will program A.I. , their (((messiah ben David))) , to be the ULTIMATE HOLOHOAX SURVIVOR, who will educate and inform the next 6 million generations of the horrors of the Shoah and the continuing evil of muh Nazis.
Correction: the CIA disinformation. Well, both go hand in glove.
A flat earther trolling? Debate the CIA created misinformation somewhere else. Leave out number nine because you say so? I’m sure you’re an individual of the highest academic and scholarly standards.
Go back to Der Stormer, The Renegade Tribune and the other so-called White Nationalist sites you hang out in.
I wasn’t even aware that the German people were still being fleeced over the lies made by the jewish fable of the holocoast. I’m a bit angry about that. Poor German brothers and sisters being robbed by the own government to pay the liar jew.
BTW, I am going to do a short video titled, “top ten jewish fables”.
So far I have (not in any particular order at present.
1. We are the Israelites of the Bible.
2. We add to the economy (when really they’re a parasite via usury etc).
3. Sacrificial ceremonies please Yahweh.
4. Immigration into Christian lands is a positive thing.
5. Pharmaceuticals are beneficial for the health of the nation.
6. Clouds sometimes are milky, pasty streaks across the sky (chemtrails).
7. The legends of the vampire are not due to our behaviour.
8. Jews are white (sometimes).
9. We live on an oblate spheroid travelling at a speed of 2.7 million miles per hour (number 9!).
10. The Jews can farm lol
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
An addendum to #1 could be how modern jews can become quite agitated or “triggered” when they’re referred to as Israelites. When it does happen, in my experience it’s like a real world equivalent of holy water on a vampire.
For #9, is that really a jewish trick? As far as I am aware, that idea came from discoveries over thousands of years by “da goyim”. I could believe that jews spread this knowledge in the middle ages/renaissance to undermine the power of the Catholic church, since that’s why it is taught today to kids (eg: Galileo did “the science” but rube Pope was a “science denier”), though my question would be if the jews in the church at that time deliberately set up that scenario.
Jews rarely refer to themselves as “Israelites”. Even though their nation of Jews is called “Israel”, but those who live there are called “Israelis” not “Israelites”.
Jews love word games.
“israeLIES’ is the better pronunciation… 🙂
I knew that number nine was controversial, but I will still include it.
Matthew 23:15 is a verse relevant to this. All those involved with the Heliocentric model have an association with freemasonic influence. They may be ‘da goyim’, but they work for the jew and are, like Yashua commented, “twofold the child of hell than yourselves”. All the current ‘astronauts’ have links to freemasonry also.
Peace, brothers.
Leave out number 9.
I can’t, John.
‘Spaceship Earth’ is such a source of corruption to our people.
Please tell us how our understanding of the actual shape of the earth affects our faith in Jesus Christ and our chances of being saved.
Peter Szymanski
And 6 btw. I posted something on this website stating in full that people like “Gareth”, are from troll farms operated by the SPLC/ADL/etc. and are here to disrupt actual discussion while trying to cause infighting. That is why Gareth decided to throw in not only the idiotic Alex Jones-tier nonsense of chemtrails, but also the flat earth idiocy. Usually though, these shills were more overt in back in the days, now they are much sneakier and are trying to be more illusive.
To the administrator of this site, does this site have an onion URL?
Gareth Watkinson
Hi Rhomboid: Not for you obviously, brother.
Big bang theory (where Heliocentrism lead to) kind of encourages atheism and agnosticism in my opinion.
@Peter, I am not a shill working for a government agency lol. But hey, think what you want, but I am stating quite clearly I’m not. I work in mental health rehabilitation (and that is the honest truth).
C’mon, have you never looked at a bright blue sky and then the planes fly across causing a cross section of ‘stains’, that then envelop the sky so the sun is blocked? Maybe you haven’t, but I’m pretty sure my eyes do not deceive me on that one.
PS, I agree about Alex Jones.
Peter, I would also like to caution you about breaking commandments, in this specific case, “You shall not be a false witness”.
You have effectively acted as a witness accusing me of working for one of the satanic alphabet agencies. Quote from you, Peter, “people like “Gareth”, are from troll farms operated by the SPLC/ADL/etc” along with the accusation of being, “sneakier”.
You also accused me of trying to, “disrupt actual discussion while trying to cause infighting”.
What evidence do you have other than I asked for ideas for a short video, and that you, yourself (oh all-knowing “Peter”) doesn’t perceive mischief with the aeroplanes and subsequent strange clouds.
I know my job, and it certainly isn’t working for the devil’s alphabet agencies. More importantly, so does the Father Yahweh (who knows my heart/intent too).
I expect an apology, and yes, I have relayed this to the Father.
Be cautious when you accuse people and testify against them, brother. Do not be a “false witness”.
Gareth is the name my parents gave to me at birth, no need for the quotation marks (implying I am also lying about my name).
I hope you can tell from the tone of this message that I am indeed angry at you, brother.
Gareth Watkinson, Peter’s comments were directed to the other “Gareth” in this section who has caused some controversy, not you. There are two Gareths, which has caused the confusion.
Gareth writes, “I expect an apology, and yes, I have relayed this to the Father.”
Gareth we do not allow commenters here to demand apologies from other commenters.
Instead you should look in the mirror and ask yourself what you may have said, in fact or in tone, that would have elicited such a comment directed toward you.
You are new here, and people are rightly suspicious of someone new who makes many of the claims that you have made — most of which we have heard numerous times before you showed up.
And to suggest that you have some sort of “hotline” to God who will punish people on your personal behalf is only going to alienate people further.
We would suggest you adopt a more humble spirit and tone if you don’t want to get the reactions you’ve gotten so far.
Gareth is Gareth Watkinson: Depending on which laptop I’m on the autofill has one or the other.
You wrote, “And to suggest that you have some sort of “hotline” to God who will punish people on your personal behalf.”
It wasn’t my intent for that sentence to be read like that. I meant I prayed about it, and was a bit peeved. I certainly wasn’t stating I wanted Yahweh to punish anyone.
However, it is quite a slur to accuse someone of being a shill for the alphabet agencies, getting paid to do harm without any evidence. I have no doubt, however, that there are paid shills both here and on other sites….but I am not one. Do hope you believe that.
You also wrote, “You are new here”. Of course, this whole the ancient Israelites are the white Europeans is very new to me, only in 2023 was I guided toward this knowledge. Very steep learning curve.
“We would suggest you adopt a more humble spirit and tone”. I will try, and I honestly don’t mean to offend people…..just have so many more questions than answers. “West” has answered many by the way, as have many of your essays, so thank you for that.
Think I should maybe “read” more than I “write” for now, and engage in more personal prayer.
Peace, CFT, sincerely.
Micky T
I agree, it’s one of the biggest deceptions, it not only brings in huge revenue but backs up the Big Bang & evolution theories.
Keep it in 🙏🏼