(The Jewish Chronicle) David Baddiel — a so-called Jewish “comedian” and social commentator in the U.K. — is at it again, applying his glib thesis that “Jews don’t count” to Jesus Christ — whining that Christ’s “jewishness” has been whitewashed and erased during the last 2,000 years of Christianity:
I’d like to talk to you about Jesus. I mean, I would, but also I was keen on starting a column with those words (particularly in the JC)….mainly because over Christmas I had a discussion with the historian Tom Holland about the man Himself (I’ve gone for capitals: sorry, Jews. Just makes the grammar clearer).
The discussion concerned a recent two-part episode about Jesus on the immensely successful podcast Tom makes with his fellow historian Dominic Sandbrook, “The Rest Is History.”
The podcast was brilliantly interesting in general, but the bit that triggered me was Tom’s reluctance, as a historian, to describe Jesus straightforwardly as a Jew. He drew a distinction between Judeans, the people who lived in that region at the time of Jesus, and the modern or indeed medieval conception of Jews, concluding that when, in the Gospels, you read Jews, you should think Judeans.
This bothered me, because of something removed from Tom’s historical point, which is the de-Jewification of Jesus. There is a long tradition of this, firstly from the Church — early pictures of him on the cross portrayed Jesus as he would actually have been crucified, naked, but a loincloth was quickly added, not just for modesty but also to conceal the fact of his circumcision — but latterly, from progressives, keen to reclaim Jesus as non-white. Which is of course correct.
The European Robert Powell, blue-eyed, often indeed blond version of Jesus of Nazareth is obviously a retrofit. Jesus had dark skin. He was Middle Eastern. But I’ve noticed that this reclamation sometimes comes with a Jews-don’t-count-y spin, which involves a distinct forgetting that he could have had Middle Eastern dark skin and still be Jewish. The bringing-Jesus-back-to-his-roots party is one to which it feels like Jews, imagined by some progressives as basically white, are not invited.
I battle against this, because it’s Jewish (a term not generally allowed to Jews) erasure. And also because like all Jews, except maybe the most extreme frummers, I like being able to claim Jesus as unsere (one of ours — but you knew that). Yes, the Church founded in his name turned out to be quite bad news for us in the long run, but his basic words and teachings are fairly sound, plus of course he’s undeniably a very big historical macher.
So Tom Holland’s historical finessing disrupted my thinking. But then I delved a bit further into what scant evidence there is of the life of the historical Yeshua. And even if ancient Judeans do differ a fair bit from the good men and women of Hampstead Garden Suburb, there’s a lot that speaks to me of Jewishness.
Jesus was, as already noted, circumcised; he was expected to keep kosher, but has his own thoughts on that (Gospel of Mark) — I think we can all relate; at the age of 12, his parents took him to the temple for Pesach (Gospel of Luke) and OK, he wow’d the rabbis with his own thoughts, which is a bit unusual, but he may have been planning to get Barmitzvah’d there and do Maftir and Haftorah; and of course, his mother thought he was The Messiah.
I ended up having a long chat with Tom Holland about it all on my Twitter DMs, and eventually just asked him outright: was Jesus a Jew?
He replied, very historically: “After the sack of Jerusalem, Vespasian obliged Judaeans to pay the tax they had previously paid to the Temple to Jupiter, whose own temple had burnt down in 69. This became so intrusive that Suetonius records seeing an old man having his genitals inspected by a magistrate, to see if he had been circumcised. So the Romans recognised Judaean identity as something very definite, and understood that it was not merely ethnic, but framed by the idea of a covenant with their god that was marked by circumcision. So had Jesus been alive under the Flavian emperors, would he have been obliged to pay the tax? Yes, he absolutely would.”
Which I like because I believe that the thing which, in the end, marks Jews out as a specific ethnic minority, over many centuries, is how we have been treated by more powerful others.
You are a Jew, that is, because you are persecuted for being one, and that happened to Jesus as much as it happened to my Nazi Germany-born mother.
There’s good stuff too, obviously, but in the end we know that, “They tried to kill us, they failed, let’s eat” is said by all Jews before all festivals. Even Christmas. Although the failure of that particular kill attempt doesn’t actually become clear until Easter.
It shouldn’t be surprising that Baddiel couldn’t get a straight answer out of Tom Holland, who is a quintessential “court historian” — a 100% kosher-approved gatekeeper who wouldn’t dare say anything that would offend the Jewish powers-that-be in the U.K. who control academia and the media where he’s made his successful and comfortable living.
In a couple of recent podcasts, Tom Holland uncritically discusses the “eye witness” testimony of “Holocaust survivor” Rudolph Vrba — who has been shown by revisionist historians to be one of the most unreliable, inconsistent, and dishonest “witnesses” used by Jewish propagandists to “prove” the “Holocaust.”
However, Holland’s preference to refer to Jesus Christ as a “Judean” instead of a “Jew” is somewhat more accurate — although completely inaccurate in the context of the New Testament.
Jesus Christ was not a Judean — he was a Judahite born in Galilee, as were many of the apostles — making Him a Galilean, not a Judean.
Traditionally Galilee was inhabited not by Judahites but rather by Israelite tribes of the northern kingdom — such as Dan, Asher, Naphtali, and Issachar — which is why Isaiah refers to this region as “Galilee of the Nations” — or often mistranslated as “Galilee of the Gentiles.”
That the Judahite Christ was born and raised in Galilee among the so-called “lost tribes of Israel” is very significant considering one of His stated missions was to regather all of the Israelite tribes unto Himself — as He stated unequivocally in Matthew 15:24.
And it’s also very significant that Isaiah refers to these northern Israelite tribes in Galilee as “the nations” or “gentiles” — which clearly shows that “gentiles” in the Gospels didn’t refer to non-Israelites necessarily but rather to dispersed Israelites outside of Judea — a subject that we have previously written about here and here.
When the English word “Jew” is used in the New Testament, it doesn’t necessarily mean, as Tom Holland contends, anyone living in Judea at that time — rather it refers to Israelites of the southern kingdom — from the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi — who were residing in Judea — and that would most certainly include Jesus Christ, a Judahite.
And most certainly, the term “Jew” in the New Testament cannot possibly refer to that modern ethnic group who today call themselves “Jews” — by their own admission.
According to the 1980 Jewish Almanac — in a chapter aptly entitled “Identity Crisis” — we read,
“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”
Rarely will you ever read Jews tell the truth about who they are — their power derives from being as vague and pliable as possible — so it is rather astonishing that they would have allowed this damning sentence to make its way into such a prominent Jewish publication.
If today’s Jews are neither Israelites or Hebrews, then Jesus Christ mostly certainly was not a “Jew” in the sense that David Baddiel and his fellow contemporary Jews use the word.
The term “Jewish” does not appear anywhere in the Bible for good reason — it was a 16th century contrivance — and “Judaism” didn’t enter the English language until the 15th century — which is odd, considering that Christians are misled to believe that “Judaism” is the faith of the Old Testament.
Jesus Christ’s “jewishness” hasn’t been “erased” — it simply never existed.
The very first chapter of the New Testament shows us Christ’s genealogy for two reasons — to demonstrate His legitimacy to inherit the throne of King David — and to show his — gasp — racial purity — He had to be racially pure and an unblemished “lamb” to be an acceptable blood sacrifice to His Father.
Today’s Jews — by their own admission — are racial mongrels whose “identity” is determined through their mothers not fathers — another fact that disproves they could possibly claim to be real Israelites or Hebrews.
A 1956 article in the New York Times raised the question of whether or not Jews were a racially identifiable group, and Rabbi Samuel Silver — editor of American Judaism and director of information of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations — emphatically denied that “race” was of any consequence as to what Jews are:
“Racial characteristics are secondary to moral and spiritual values which are acquired through education and religious heritage. The notion that all Jews are racially alike is contrary to accounts in the Bible which tell of intermingling of Jews with many other strains.”
And Dr. Camille Honig — editor of the California Jewish Voice — concluded the following about the racial makeup of Jews based on Patai’s work,
“If you studied Jewish types and communities in five continents, as this writer [Patai] had the opportunity of doing, you would have realized that it is sheer nonsense, and very dangerous nonsense, as well as unscientific to a speak about a Jewish race.”
Thus from a modern Jewish perspective, the racial purity laws of the ancient Israelites are “very dangerous nonsense” — and those ancient Israelites had much more in common with the German National Socialists than they do with modern so-called Jews.
So casting Jesus as the blue-eyed British actor Robert Powell is not, as Baddiel claims, an obvious “retrofit” — as recent DNA studies have confirmed — but depicting Him as a modern-day racially ambiguous Jewish-looking mongrel like actor Cliff Curtis most certainly is.
“As to dialogue in the purely theological sense, nothing could be more fruitless or pointless. Judaism is Judaism BECAUSE IT REJECTS CHRISTIANITY; and Christianity is Christianity BECAUSE IT REJECTS JUDAISM. What is usually referred to as the JEWISH- CHRISTIAN TRADITIONS EXISTS ONLY IN CHRISTIAN OR SECULARIST FANTASY.”
— Rabbi Eliezar Berkowitz, chairman of the department of Jewish philosophy, at the Hebrew Theological College 1966
‘ They repented not’ is repeated in the Book of Revelation, and it shows me how the ‘jews’ never repent of their sins and misdeeds against the Father and against Jesus. How much less then would they ever repent to any of us !
Admitting one’s faults and apologizing is one of the first things we learn as children, but the jew seemingly can’t do what young children do and admit they were wrong, apologize, and stop their Wrongdoing. Instead, the jew harbors the toxic evil decade after decade, and century after century.
I don’t remember even once hearing a jew repent, unless it was a Bobby Fischer type who had left the jews in disgust. Now in 2023 the jew is fulfilling the prophecies of never repenting. It’s like they are genetically incapable of repenting. Sort of reminds me of satan. Oh yeah, satan is their father.
Sadly, most True White Adamite/Israelite Christians have yet to make that leap to conclude that Jesus was serious when He said they are of their father, the devil ! It’s also disturbing, like you state in the article, that they use the mother’s line as criterion for one’s “jewishness,” and out of the other side of their mouths talk about Abraham , Isaac, and Jacob. What a mess the jews are! Thanks.
oldSSaxon ……………
Your “link” above did not work. Is it a Bitchute Channel? I searched your name but didn’t find anything.
Are you new here? If so — Welcome.
Jesus said; “…don’t invest too much in this world,,,it’s not worth it…”.
Geroge Mcann I’m not buying that line of thought and the south was right so was Hitler and Germany was the best people at the time. I just want to see the world face the truth to know about the jews like mandatory. Then they can have the jews they want to have power over them. Me I’m not for turn the cheek and after the jew threat is over we can live with the difference’s among us and white nationalists are not my enemy.
Can’t we all get along? Are you serious? There’s only one way to stop the jews and apparently you haven’t figured it out …….yet.
And, oh yes — the South was right, and the Germans were much better than us and Hitler was right!
Jews ran the slave trade and supported the confederacy in greater numbers than the union, which is often criticized for the antisemitism among its notable leaders https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/general-grant-s-infamy
Lincoln had plans to deport all former slaves after the war was over, he did not believe in racial equality or in integration. This is well known https://www.history.com/news/abraham-lincoln-black-resettlement-haiti
Now view his assassination in hindsight, starts to make sense.
The south wasn’t right, and seeing how it turned out, there wasn’t much hope from the start.
Fist of God ……
The saying, “The South Was Right” is a very broad or general expression.
What does it mean to you — and why did you say “the South was Wrong”?
Trying to understand that part of History more clearly. Thank you.
Fist if the south won we would know they were right . Since the north won we can see they the north was without a doubt wrong. And that’s easy to say the same for Germany . I guess your for the jewkrainys.
On his human side, Jesus was Jewish and was born in Judea. However, he was not merely a man but the incarnated Son of God.
2 Corinthians 5:16 So from now on we regard no one according to the flesh. Although we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer.
Besides, the Jewish people in Jesus’ day were unbelievers, save for a remnant, who received Him by grace and through faith. According to the NT unbelieving Jewish people, then and today, do not belong to the Israel of God. As a result, Jesus’ people are only those who believe in him and accept him as Savior and Lord. Because Jews do not believe in Christ, they are no longer his people, but Christians are.
With that being said, Christians can criticize or disagree with people who happen to be Jews without harboring ill will toward them or hating them.
Sorry, the word “jewish” does not appear anywhere in the Bible. So Jesus was not “jewish”.
That’s one of the greatest errors ever made by Christians, leading to centuries of confusion.
Christ was a Judahite. Jews admit they are not really Judahites.
Why do you continue to insist that they are? Did you not read the article?
All of this confusion is explained. Your Catholic bias has put blinders on your eyes. The Church teaching that Christianity is based on Judaism is completely wrong.
Judaism did not exist at the time of Christ, and that’s a historical fact that Jews themselves have stated. The faith of the OT Hebrews is not Judaism. Judaism is based on the Talmud, not the Torah.
Mr. roman Harboring ill will or hating them WOW you need to understand self defense. JEWS are only trying to run everything over us and only need 2800 slaves per jew maybe you can negotiate with them give them your first born .
Israel’s New Government Will Bring the Jewish Utopia Pt 2
Where Black Rules:
For West, Flanders and Ignatius and anyone else interested if this comes through and can be read.
Gene ………..
Link did not work for me. Does not come up in a Search Query either.
Could you summarize?
Trying to learn to send them, West. I did one time in the past , but it took so long that when I succeeded, I didn’t remember how I did it. Sorry it wasted your time.
I have saved a lot of things over the years.
Gene ….
No, not a waste of time. Just more curious what the “content” is. Thought perhaps you could summarize the information..
Gene, did you mean this one?
Hey Laura Now we can see when blacks rule nothing gets done and only a threat when doing crime or being used by the jews against us that’s why I stick to the jew problem.
Many reports from poultry ranchers that feed from TS is sterilizing their birds….
The Jews are afraid because of the fear that the Christian world’s belief that Jesus or was Jesus is becoming less and less?
That’s what I keep saying: the Jews for decades have always periodically reminded the world that Jesus was a Jew, his mother Mary was a Jew. the Christian world owes the Jew for his belief in God. The Bible and its contents and teachings the Christian world owes to the Jew.
And I have heard it over and over the decades and even read it in newspapers and news. And noticed it so I am not just saying it to make a comment or act like I know something. The Jews make and remind the Christian world we are indebted to them for our Jesus, God and religion.
But all of the whining may also be the Jew’s way to bring attention to the subject pretending it is not being believed or they were not the vicious communists of Soviet Russia because the gullible ones will believe that the stories, they have been led to believe are being desecrated and denied by antisemites and White Supremist and that will reinforce the support and belief for the Jew version of the world.
I can tell since the internet why I have always felt so stupid. We have never been exposed to our ancestor’s knowledge. And the Jews are trying to suppress our ancestor’s knowledge that they passed on to us as though they, the Jews have the right because it insults them.
I have seen a site in which it was said that when the world is taken over, the Jews, many or certain ones will be eliminated.
Why does Trumps children marry Jews. Al Gore’s, Joe Biden’s? Why do Jews marry Orientals? Is it because the Jews are black, mixed and take whatever they want.
Johnny Cash and Michael Douglas are both said to have declared that when they saw their future wives, they were determined to have them, and they did.
And we know the Jews are promotors of most of the magic that came from Babylon and Egypt.
Or do they select their wives? Like Delorean who the news said was told he had should be married , as I would guess to improve his image as a businessman, and magazines were brought to him and women shown, and he picked the one who appealed to him, was apparently introduced to her and they became married. Is Trump’s children’s, Gores, Biden. Gates , if he is White and Christian, Alex Jones all the result of chance meetings like the rest of us who meet our mates by accident or introduction by friends?
Reading about all of the pop up ads on my computer has me believing that all of our communications are being kept track of. Well see the day we’re accused of a crime.
Why would the Talmud say that Jesus is boiling in hot excrement and Mary is a whore?
Honest question.
So there are no ” true racial Israelites” today?
And if so, who were the last ones?
Great Ceasars ghost
YouTube Video —- Europeans Are The “Lost” Tribes Of Israel – A Rare Documentary
A great documentary and must watch. Especially as it does not come from CI sources. Just some anthropologist/researcher. “Unbiased” in other words.
Do you not remember Yahweh’s promise to Abraham and David?
Of course there are true racial Israelites left today. You’re talking to one.
God have mercy, this comment section *sigh*
“The Lord said to Samuel, “How long will you mourn for Saul, since I have rejected him as king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and be on your way; I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem. I have chosen one of his sons to be king.” -1 Samuel 16
“12 Now David was the son of an Ephrathite named Jesse, who was from Bethlehem in Judah.”-1 Samuel 17:12
It’s not even up for debate: Christ is an Ephrathite through Mary his mother, and only physical parent. This has to be because the Messianic blessing passed to Ephriam, so it has to be one of his descendants. The scripture traces Mary back to king David, and clearly tells us that line is Ephrathite.
The Indisputable Proof Jews Are Behind the COVID Vaccine Genocide
Deranged Jew Arrested for Trying to Murder His Sister so He Could Have Sex With Her Corpse
Two Israeli Hospital Workers Arrested for Sexually Abusing Patients as Young as 1 Year Old
Poisoners of the Well – Jews Have Been Poisoning and Murdering Non-Jews for Centuries
Normant thanks very much for your top-notch links. The first one (proof of jews’ responsibility for the jew-jab) is especially helpful.
Jesus had to be a Jew as he was a Temple priest. Jesus had to be a Temple priest to question, argue and rebuke the Temple’s sacrificial law and ultimately end Moses’ blood covenant contract by fulfilling that law with his final blood sacrifice on the cross. Had Jesus not been a Jew, he would’ve never been tried in the court of the Sanhedrin. Most of all Jesus had to be a Jew, otherwise no Jew would have listened to him.
The article explains what a “Jew” is in the context of the New Testament.
Did you miss that?
Are you insisting that the “Jews” in the New Testament are the same racial stock as those people who today call themselves “Jews”?
It’s almost as if you didn’t read the article, or if you did, you chose to ignore its central thesis.
When people claim Christ was a jew today, what do they mean by the term jew? We know that the word “jew” didn’t even appear in the Bible until the 18th century. Judaism in Christ’s time. not yet called judaism, was the embrace and teaching of talmudic doctrines and their oral tradition which was insisted upon exclusively by the Pharisees.
Christ preached against all of their doctrines, in fact condemned the Pharisees as children of the devil, which anyone jew-aware knows to be true. Ultimately, the talmudic pharisees won this debate and had Christ put to death. Jesus may have been a priest of the temple, but he did not teach talmudic (jewish) doctrine, in fact, condemned it.
So when one says, Christ was a jew, they can only mean a Judean, or a descendant of Judah. Not that he was some slimy “jew”. We know precisely who the jews are today. They practice judaism, which is talmudism, which is precisely what the Pharisees taught in Christ’s time.
Jesus Christ had no relation to Pharisaism, or today’s judaism, the teaching of the Talmud. Aren’t we really talking about today’s jews and judaism as we today know them? So, how is Jesus a jew in today’s understanding of what being jewish means when he spent the entirety of his ministry renouncing the Pharisees talmudic teachings?
But regrettably, for all of us who are jew aware, Christians and non-believers alike, the jews and their defenders can hang their hat on their claim, that Jesus was a jew, thus inferring that speaking against the jews is speaking against Jesus Christ.
Thank you for this great comment.
If Jesus the CHRIST (Savior) was a jew….THEN WHY DID HIS FATHER NEED TO COME as a man to save us? LOL How do we spell OXYMORON?
To Archie above: You are part and parcel of the rising of the ANTI Christ…claiming that this King and Savior, Lord and THE WORD is somehow connected to the degenerate FLESH jews (i.e.
[“There is a long tradition of this, firstly from the Church — early pictures of him on the cross portrayed Jesus as he would actually have been crucified, naked, but a loincloth was quickly added, not just for modesty but also to conceal the fact of his circumcision — “])
These disgusting edomites that call themselves jews ALWAYS go to the genitals for their so-called anal(ysis). Absolute abomination, just like their claiming that He is boiling in excrement in hell. These demons are now claiming all over the internet that Jesus is a jew and is one of ‘us’. As they are desperate to DESTROY AND REPLACE everything of God and replace it with themselves/Satan.
Circumcision is of the heart but what would Archie know about that?
ALSO TO ARCHIE…The Temple Priests were Levites NOT jews. Jesus was condemned by the Talmudist Babylonians called Pharisees. Today He is delivering ALL OF HIS SHEEP from Babylonian Talmudists via Truth and Spirit.
Make no mistake this article is just one small aspect of the degenerate LIES by jews to fool the young believers into believing YET ANOTHER LIE so as to make null and void their Salvation. Salvation can only come by TRUTH and the REVELATION of it. The Revelation of Truth is imparted by the Holy Spirit which will NEVER be second to talmud kabbalah. IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT now more than ever that we have and use the discernment imparted by the Spirit of God. What does The Word say about ‘blaspheming the Holy Spirit’? THERE IS NO FORGIVENESS. It is HE…JESUS CHRIST who baptizes us into The Holy Spirit!!! This important article by CFT is a warning to all of us as to the deepening deception as the ANTI Christ rises. It has been translated into many so-called Bibles now about jewish Jesus…I’ve seen it. Pray for the young in Christ that they will be able to sift through this hideous evil. We will know them by their fruits. As usual Satan is sacrificing the young believers into his own Anti Christ image.
Praise to our glorious and righteous King and Messiah Jesus Christ. If we are walking in the Truth…this article that CFT brings forth should make us Angry with a Righteous Anger and as I have done recently…blast the Truth to the liars spewing this EXCREMENT.
Stop humiliating yourself. The word Jew was invented in 1775 A.D., whereas the occurrences in the bible took place from around 4000 B.C. to 70 A.D. When the translators of the Bible translated “Jews” they either refer to “Judeans” or “Judahites” meaning someone from Judea or a descendant of Judah. They don’t refer to followers of Judaism. Judaism didn’t even exist, but the traditions of the elders – did.
Its modern connotation points to someone who follows and adheres to a faith similar to that of the Pharisees of Judah, but is not of the tribe and stock of Judah. In other words, Jews are people from nations other than the 12 Hebrew tribes who practice a religion known as Judaism/Pharisaism, the doctrine of the Pharisees.
It is much like those who believe in Christ and are called Christians, in honor of the One whom they follow, and their religion is known as Christianity, the doctrine of Christ.
In fact, the religion that is known as Judaism is actually Pharisaism. Judaism – as it pertains to Pharisaism – is a misnomer, since it is neither the doctrine of Judah nor the doctrine that Christ practiced, hence not an Abrahamic faith.
Perhaps a real “Fink” could help….@ 6 pm central
“they” said on the 4:30 “News” aka The “Jews” Views…that “they” would post the update on
the Colleyville Hostage situation…a “Real Tear Jerker”….but isn’t it true that the “PROSELYTES”
To Talmudic Judaism who are literally from the land of Gog & Magog calling themselves “JEWISH”
don’t really have to be in that Satanic Synagogue of Satan…CULT…?
…and can like you know make like a hockey stick and get the puck outta there…?
how about T-Shirts…?
RIP : Lisa Marie
Sorry ….
Yes, see how confusing it becomes and the jews have promoted and capitalized on this phonic similarity of terms, and pardon me for repeating what many already know, but it’s so confusing I need to repeat this in order to get it straight in my own mind.
I’m certainly not an avid bible reader and it’s all so confusing, thanks to hundreds of years of jew lies Christians have been subjected to and bought into and further dissemination of these lies today by the modern jewsmedia and by the jew controlled Christian churches of today.
You have these Biblical terms: Judea, Judean, Judah, Judahite, from the time of Jesus, and finally the term, jews. These jews, who have sought to control information for hundreds of years, and actually do control all information today, have falsely inserted themselves into the thick of it by instilling the belief in today’s “judeo” Christians that Jesus, himself, was a jew.
So-called Bible believing Christians, who claim they read their Bibles, can’t see through the ubiquitous jew bullshit, not that emasculated, jew-serving, pulpit parrots in today’s “Christian” churches would dare preach the distinction. It seems that merely due to the first syllable of these words, which sounds like “joo”, modern day jews have fooled everyone to think it refers to them, when it clearly does not.
When speaking of Judeans, these are people who simply lived in the province of Judea — not that they were practitioners of judaism, but this is the nonsense that has been perpetrated on Christians to confuse them. Same with the term Judahites, which were descendants of the Tribe of Judah — again, not jews, but mistakenly referred to or thought of as jews, and then the deception is complete.
During Christ’s life, very few of the citizens of Judea were decendants of the Tribe of Judah, who were called Judahites. Some citizens belonged to other tribes of Israel, but most were descendants of Esau (Edomites). Esau was the brother of the patriarch Jacob and became the ancestor of the people called Edom, or Idumea.
For example, King Herod was an Edomite. He was made king of Judea by the Romans initiating the Edomite dynasty which ruled Palestine under Roman authority for over a hundred years. The Edomite assimilation into Palestine opened the way for their takeover of Palestine.
The Edomites moved from the arid country of Edom into the more hospitable environment of Judea, an influx obviously encouraged for political reasons by the ruling Herodian dynasty. Edomites would have been appointed to the most influential positions, in order to extend and consolidate Edomite authority over Palestine and its people.
The Pharisees were also, Edomites (termed “jews” in the Bible only after 1776), which was the bloodline of Esau while Jesus descended from the bloodline of Jacob (not jews). Herod became notorious for his massacre of infant boys two years old and under,” a supernaturally inspired attempt on the life of Christ (Matthew 2:16).
Those few Judahites living in Judea joined with the Edomite majority and became followers of the hybrid religion of Pharisaism developed during the captivity in Babylon. Pharisaism is not the Law of Moses, Mossaic Law which Jesus Christ taught. It is the religion of the Talmud which is called Judaism today; it was condemned by Christ, since it is the antithesis of the Mosaic Law and the prophets. For His crusade to upend this religion of evil, the Pharisees — the jews! — demanded Christ be executed.
The point is that one who is labelled a “Jew” in current printings of the Bible, is not necessarily a chosen man of God, a follower of Moses and the prophets, a member of the tribe of Judah, an Israelite, or even a Semite, but one who is a resident of Judea, with no reference to any religion. A Judean, is simply a person from Judea.
But a well-organized and well-financed international “pressure group”, world jewry, created a “secondary meaning” for the relatively new word “Jew”, that implies it pertains to the people of today who call themselves jews, which is not the understanding intended by the Scripture. Those who call themselves jews today falsely imply they are somehow descendants of the tribes of Israel and chosen of God. Yet they are obviously not “Judeans,” or residents of Judea.
By the time of Jesus the word Edom or Edomite had been translated by Greek and Latin into Ioudaios and Iudaeus meaning a Judean or person living in Judea. The original King James version of the Bible, 1611, translated Idumaean-Judean into ‘iewes’. It wasn’t until the revised editions of the King James Bible in the 18th Century, that the word Jew appeared.
The word Jew does not mean Israel or Israelite. Ioudaios Greek: Ioudaioi) is a Greek ethnonym used in classical and biblical literature which commonly translates to “Jew” or “Judean”, each meaning someone from Judea. In its various meanings, the word has also been translated as “Judahites”, “people of the region of Judah/Judea” (Greek: ??da?a) and “leaders of Judea”. (all you ever wanted to know about the origins of the word, “jew”: http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/jew.htm )
In the Bible, neither Adam, Seth nor Noah are called “jew”. Nor were Abraham, Isaac or Jacob (Israel) called “jew”. Moses was not called a jew, and neither was David or his son Solomon called a jew. In fact, you will NOT find the term “jew” in the first ELEVEN books of the Bible!
The first time “jews” are mentioned in the parchments, is in 2 Kings 16:6, and then only in translations revised in the 18th century. In 2 Kings, chapter 16, you will find that Jacob/Israel was at war with the “jews” and drove the “jews” from Elath. All must simply take some time to look at their Bibles to see the deception.
Another key issue that modern “Christians” (I use quotes because most of them worship jews, not Jesus) fail to understand is that the term “Israel” in the bible, never referred to a place or to the jews of today or jews at all, just as the term Israelites, does not refer to jews.
Jesus, of course, was not a jew, a practitioner of judaism or even a Judean, nor was he a resident of Judea. Jesus of Nazareth was a Galilean or a resident of Galilee (Matthew 26:69; John 7:41). Again, Jesus was not a jew, he was a Judahite, a member of the Tribe of Judah, which is not a jew, and has nothing to do with those Talmudists who call themselves jews today. The word merely sounds similar, and jews have used that deception to claim they are Judahites, which again, they are not. They are Edomites, which are decendants of Jacob’s brother, Esau.
A Judahite is simply a descendant of the Tribe of Judah and Judah was one of the twelve sons of Jacob (also referred to by the name: Israel), each of which was the patriarch of their own tribe, hence, the 12 TRIBES *ISRAEL meaning the 12 Tribes of *Jacob. This very same patriarch, Jacob, was renamed Israel.
Take note that the Bible refers to Jacob as both Jacob and Israel even after his renaming most of the time. Hence, when Jesus was quoted in the Bible as saying, “I was only sent to the lost sheep of the House of Israel” (Matthew 15:24), he wasn’t talking about either the jews in the Middle East of today, or the Pharisaic priests of his day, or the modern day country of Israel. He was talking about the descendants of Jacob / Israel, the twelve tribes.
So this is another term, “Israel”, the deceptive jews have taken and changed the modern meaning of to refer to themselves, when it does not — thus due to indoctrination and the willful ignorance of today’s Christians and their leaders, confusion reigns. Now we understand why the descendants of Khazars chose the deception to call themselves “jews” and to further deceive Christians, to call their nerve center of evil, “Israel”.
According to the Roman historian Flavius Josephus, the Pharisees did not accept the Edomites who were forcefully converted to Hebrewism under John Hyrcanus as real Israelites. And if they did not accept them as real Israelites, they most certainly didn’t allow them to become members of the priest class. Other than that, there’s no evidence in the NT that the Pharisees and high priests were Edomites. Quite the opposite.
Recall Coponius was replaced by Marcus Ambivius, who appointed Annias Rufus as high priest. Some years later Annias was deprived of the high priesthood — and in quick succession the following three high priests were also deposed:
The high priest appointed after that was none other than Caiaphas (Josephus, Antiquities 18, 2, 2). This is important because these two are none other than the same Annas and Caiaphas who are referred to in John 18:13, “…and brought Him to Annas first; for he was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was high priest that year.”
Suffice to say that even though Josephus states that Caiaphas was officially the high priest, there must have been some dynamic in which the office was shared. It is probable then that even though Annas was deposed officially, he must have still retained some authority with the ruling priests of the time.
Luke attests to this, and again attests to the high priestly office these men held in Acts 4:6, “…and Annas the high priest was there, and Caiaphas, John, and Alexander, and all who were of high-priestly descent.” Luke unequivocally claims Caiaphas was a legitimate Israelite high priest.
This verse is really very critical to understanding the station of high priests. According to Luke, these men were of legitimate high priestly descent: as a high priest needed to be a descendant of Aaron, brother of Moses (Exodus 29:9,44, Numbers 18:7).
And forget not it was the high priest Kaiafus , who fulfilled prophecy to justify condemnation of Jesus of Nazareth when he exclaimed : it is better one dies , than a whole Volk or people.
the word Jew does not even come into the bible until 2Kings, that means abraham was not Jewish nor any prophet they were Judeans or Israelites.
Kikes are khazarian babylonian frauds who masquerade as Judeans but are not, Jesus called the Pharisees brood of vipers or a breed of serpents, he also called the of their father the devil, he calls these fake Judeans who worship at a synagogue not a temple but a sin-o-gogue he calls them OF the synagogue of satan rev.2 and 3 :9.
The talmud worshipping babylonian Ashkenazi mongrel jews do not worship the God of the Old Testament, if they did they would have accepted Christ not killed him.
So you are claiming that the Pharisees were “Edomites”? Calling them a “brood of vipers” doesn’t prove they are Edomites.
Think about it: Proverbs 23:32 says, ““At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder.” It’s talking about fellow Israelites.
And in Psalm 140:3, King David refers to his Israelite enemies this way, ““They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent; adders’ poison is under their lips. Selah.”
Yes, Israelites can be compared to serpents and vipers.
Edomites and Canaanites were the same people they all lived and created spawns of satan together intermingling etc. the fake jews and muslims are canaanite edom Ashkenazi babylonian satan worshiping kikes, but do not take my word for it
Looks like you didn’t read that article you linked to very carefully. It claims that the ancient Israelites were originally Canaanites:
“The study in Cell not only establishes that the ancient Israelites were descended from the Canaanites, but also establishes that the Canaanite people across the separate city-states of the southern Levant, and over a period of 1,500 years, were a genetically cohesive people.”
Do you believe that?
Testify and I repeat….”thanks to hundreds of years of jew lies Christians have been subjected to and bought into and further dissemination of these lies today by the modern jewsmedia and by the jew controlled Christian churches of today.”
Here you have it – CFT recently reported on this Zionist supremacist President Moshe Kantor,
“European Jewish group says New Testament needs anti-semitism warnings. The Bible and the Qu’ran need introductions that “warn readers about anti-Semitic passages in them”, the European Jewish Congress says.”
Boohoo, it’s about time that the people of the world put the rabbinic hate filled Talmud in the spotlight….there are many, many supposed rabbis out there advocating the genocide of White people….
Jews have to be among the most narcissistic of races. Always seeing themselves as blameless victims, they consider any resistance to them, including merely a disagreement, as unprovoked hostility, “anti-semitism”, so their list of remembered insults is endless. This righteous resentment or hatred empowers them.
Jewish thinking, with its racism, meaning their extreme hatred of all nonjews, domineering quest, habitual lying, intolerance of dissent and lust for revenge, that is the enemy of all non-jews, so, it is very disconcerting and disappointing to see Christians working so hard to defend the very entity that seeks to destroy us all. Jews buy Christians in wholesale lots by simply buying off the preachers. They’ve even been successful buying off the entire mainstream Catholic Church.
I get insulted when I say it but this boggles my mind so I repeat you…. “Christians working so hard to defend the very entity that seeks to destroy us all. Jews buy Christians in wholesale lots by simply buying off the preachers. They’ve even been successful buying off the entire mainstream Catholic Church.”….is all over the place.
The perpetual wars around the world under the American flag are Zionist wars but it would be impossible without Christians and non-Jewish Marxist (who are in fact Jews based on their believes in the anti-Christian dog of Karl Marx and his tribe)…the Zionist plundering of natural resources in non-western countries gets approval from the American state department….as it has been in the case of Dan Gertler an employee for the Dutch taxation department got his license to plunder the Congo and become a billionaire from the US government. People constantly bring up Leopold and the chopping of hands in the Congo, while he never set foot there, but they are silence about the Jews the plunder world wide, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-56444576
The judeo-communist subversion of all mainstream Christian denominations goes back over 100 years….
“How Communists Infiltrated and Subverted Christian Churches in America”
Mr. H.W. Rosenthal confirmed it in 1976 – named 5 fundamental myths explicitly:
Bblical stories appeared early in cinema with Charelton Heston. And others that presented the gospel story usually sponsored by the Roman Church . The films were illumined by the best actors of the time , who would play the eponymous role of the Lord : Jeffrey Hunter , Max von Sydow and last amongst this early genre was the austere, decisive and penetrating countenance of Robert Powell .
All possessed however the same racial qualities . which made it still the inheritance of a distinctive racial nation. These were early investment s of the jew hoolywood which would receive depreciating returns in later generations with epigones , that betrayed the absence of inspiration from the “generic” actors.
I have read that the nouveau “germans” have selected for thier traditional Oberammergau Passion Play a creature of unknown heritage with unanimous approval of state to play the leading role. Another concession one must pay for traitors and thieves also in high place.
Yes, Paul….perhaps you missed our article on the subject of Oberammergau earlier this year?
Germany’s Historic Oberammergau Passion Play Gets Judaized With Kosher Seal Of Approval
Lordylord, sounds like Jews are beginning to realize that their “god’s chosen” jig is running out of favor. Jews have been bashing Christianity for ages, now they lay claim on Jesus that they consider to be an idol of idol worshippers. The evidence of Jewish-Zionist hatred of Christians and Christianity is overwhelming, “communism is our revenge against Christianity”….
I am not the only one who sees that those who call themselves Jews hate Christians, but Christians worship Jews, https://youtu.be/qE1dOA7Mrl4
I am going to repeat it because it is relevant: Zionist bankers controlled Britain, France got America to wage war against White people in Germany and enable the Jewish Bolshevik communist Leon Trotsky, who was born in Ukraine, Russian empire to slaughter Tsar Nicolas and his family and millions of Christians.
Now Europe and America are at it again financing the corrupt Zionist oligarchy who want to steal Russian land for their Heavenly Jerusalem project (second fascist apartheid military Zionist state) in Ukraine (Russian territory)…..anti-White people Zionist wage war around the world, genocide and plunder natural resources of countries with impunity from the comfort of America, listen to Hungarian born warmongering Jew telling it like they do…..Germany and Russia are a threat to us https://youtu.be/emCEfEYom4A
I never heard the intense hatred for American’s coming from Europeans, as it comes from American’s who worship the Zionist who hate them.
Thank you for this report @CFT…..
Lisette, speaking of Ukraine….looks like there’s a “Jews Only” area in Ukraine….protected by police checkpoints…..war casualties are for the goyim….
@Bennie Toe,
A statement of fact, the story is all out in the open, Zionists at the State department, Victoria Nuland et al are the architects of this proxy war to steal Ukraine from Russia and create another fascist Israel.
People in the Netherlands are talking about it and in this video you can hear Victoria Nuland says “F…ck Europe”
Zelensky was hand picked and is known to oversee the genocide of non-Christians, Tucker Carlson talks about it here because Joe Wilson wants to have a statue of that corrupt and depraved human waste in Congress,
Here is the plan:
Zelensky and NATO plan to transform post-war Ukraine into ‘a big Israel’
Zelenskyy wants Ukraine to be ‘a big Israel.’ Here’s a road map
Zelensky, NATO explain how Ukraine could become a ‘big Israel’
Europe was so bad for the Jews, and they got their own holy land, but they are still in all White countries terrorizing people. They put Putin in power and now that he no longer plays their game, they call him a dictator. When Trump said NATO was obsolete, they call him a fascist and Hitler….
I can tell you now that Putin et al is in on it. This is a great deception. This war is another WAR on Christianity just like Czar Russia…but now it’s the world especially America. The Anti Christ is rising and it’s goal is to destroy Christ’s sheep aka ‘Israel’. Putin is a liar. Hates Hitler and has perverted the truth about wwii just like the jews have. Putin never comes against israel in occupied Palestine even when they shot down their plane filled with Russian Soldiers in Syria. And do we not think that Putin could not take out Zelensky et al? This is the great deception right now. All of the western heads (NATO) USA UK along with Putin/jews want this war to destroy Christendom. Sadly many many Christians are rooting for Putin. It’s a war between good & evil from the tree of good & evil. But the so-called ‘good’ is only good in propaganda/deception. It is the Tree of Life that makes Salvation and neither of the mentioned is from it or is it. Thank you for your insights.
ps…Here is an article delving into Putin’s Russia via Victory Day. I do not prescribe to beliefs of National Vanguard (because they are anti all religion except their own), but they do reveal the truth in many articles.
And here is a video revealing their holier than thou morals that is no better than the wickedness from the west.
The general hatred all (Europeans) have for America is that AMericans (churches) have disowned themselves and repudiated their inheritance as hope of the world as the sanctuary for Christ. The chaste and faithful Bride of Christ has become a harlot.
Most so-called judeo-Christians and even Catholics are mistakenly taught that “Salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22) means that our ultimate salvation is dependent on the Jews converting. This is false.
“Salvation is of the Jews” simply means that Jesus Christ, the Messiah of Israel, came from the tribe of Judah. It has nothing to do with Jews in the world today converting before the Second Coming or any such nonsense.
If our salvation is dependent on Jews converting, we are doomed.
Good to hear from you as well.
“If our salvation is dependent on Jews converting, we are doomed.”
Saw JewsMax reporting this earlier: Hate Slogans Calling for ‘Death to Christians’ Scrawled on Jerusalem’s Old City Walls
They didn’t put an overtly jewish spin on the fact that jews hate Christians either. Very surprising. Hopefully this’ll wake more jewdeo-Christians up.
Abhodah Zarah (26b, Tosephoth)
“Even the best of the Goyim should be killed”
“If our salvation is dependent on Jews converting, we are doomed.” You are doomed if you believe this ridiculous, heretical and unbiblical statement. Salvation is a free gift by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord God, and Savior, and salvation is only through Jesus and His sacrificial death on the cross and resurrection on the third day. Salvation is by Grace alone, by Christ alone, and by your faith alone. Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. It’s stunning that so called Christians don’t know basic Christian teachings. Jews, Greeks, and Pagans can all be saved through faith in Jesus.
“judeo-Christians” is an oxymoron, There is no such thing, for they are two contradictory terms.
Yup. “Judeo” vs Christian:
There is no such thing as Judeo-Christians. You are either Christian or Jewish. Besides, the term “Judeo-Christian” was invented by US Neocons for political reasons in the 20th century and has no basis in historical reality. Moreover, the word Judeo-Christian obscures the fact that Christians and Jews are “theological enemies.
Furthermore, the Catholic Church never taught that salvation depends on the conversion of the Jews to Christianity. This statement is heretical and absurd. “Outside the Church there is no salvation” (extra ecclesiam nulla salus) is a doctrine of the Catholic Faith. The truth is, that Catholics were, throughout history, no friends of the Jews.
People should have some basic decency and fairness by at least not misrepresenting what the Catholic, Protestant, or, for that matter, official Jewish teachings say.
Mr Roman writes “the Catholic Church never taught that salvation depends on the conversion of the Jews to Christianity”
I guess you missed a previous article on this issue. The post-Vatican II church certainly allows for this belief. In fact, officially the Church now claims the Jews have a different path to salvation than Christians:
I know the Catholic faith. Here’s the thing: Vatican II documents were written in ambigous language, and you have to read between the lines to understand what they actually say. Hence, it requires reading the documents in depth and some knowledge of church history and Catholic theology. My point stands: even after Vatican II, the Catholic Church never taught that salvation depends on the conversion of the Jews since it would violate a core tenet of Christianity. And of course, after the horrific Holocaust and WWII, the Catholic Church changed its very hostile tone toward the Jews.
Furthermore, there are a lot of counterfeit Catholics and infiltrators out there who want to destroy the Catholic faith from within. For instance, this Jewish man, who claims that after he became Catholic, he became more Jewish, is a troll. He isn’t a genuine convert. There are Jews who are real converts, and they don’t talk like that. In addition to the Jews, the Catholic faith is full-blown pagan. As a result, some rabbis consider Islam to be more similar to Judaism than Christianity. Likewise, this pseudo-Catholic convert must have totally blacked out the Church Fathers’ teachings, the Spanish Inquisition, the expulsion of the Jews from Spain, the Crusaders, and how Jews were forced to live in ghettos in Catholic Europe.
It’s a fact that Catholics used to give Jews a hard time. Anyway, many people have this problem: they judge 2000 years of Christendom based on conventional doctrine and modernized Christianity. And despite the fact that Zionism is a secular movement with no biblical foundation, many US evangelicals are Zionists. ALL Christians—Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox—prior to Darby and dispensationalism believed in the Church as the New Israel and Christians as the Chosen of God. Today, the Catholic Church is not only in crisis but also under siege, and many anti-Catholic haters and enemies who misrepresent and misconstrue traditional and authentic Catholic teachings have infiltrated it.
Mr. Roman …………….
“…..And of course, after the horrific Holocaust and WWII ………”
What is a “holocaust” and what was “horrific” about it?
“…..When the English word “Jew” is used in the New Testament, it doesn’t necessarily mean … anyone living in Judea at that time — rather it refers to Israelites of the southern kingdom — from the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi — who were residing in Judea — and that would most certainly include Jesus Christ, a Judahite.
And most certainly, the term “Jew” in the New Testament cannot possibly refer to that modern ethnic group who today call themselves “Jews” — by their own admission….”
Can we turn this into a Billboard or T-shirts or something?! 🙂
The New Mantra. If only we could get this spread across the “christian” world.
Wow! So this must mean modern Jews had nothing to do with nailing Jesus to the cross. By their own admissions on Tuesdays, Thursdays and sometimes the shabbat, Jews claim they are in fact Khazars, a Turkish tribe that had nothing to do with Biblical Jews. So it must be mere coincidence that all those Old Testament stories just happen to sound exactly like those of modern Jews, How neat – and convenient. Jews have once again managed to disassociate themselves with the Biblical Jews’ criminality.
I just love confusing semantics. So much a can be muddled and obfuscated through its use.
Arch, if we remember correctly, you believe that Christianity is part of some sort of nefarious “Jewish” plot to subjugate and dominate white people. We have addressed this claim many times, most notably here — although you didn’t comment on this article:
We also addressed the issue of who killed Christ here:
In Acts 2:22-23, it is irrefutable that “Men of Israel” crucified Christ. Today’s article clearly proves that today’s so-called Jews are not Israelites.
However, Peter makes clear in Acts 2:37-38 that the Israelites who killed Christ can repent of it and be forgiven — and many did:
“Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? 38Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ”
However, Revelation 2:9 warns us, “…I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews (aka Israelite Judeans) and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”
In other words, by falsely claiming to be real Israelite Judahites, today’s Jews have spiritually taken on the identity of those who killed Christ and refuse to repent of it.
As Martin Luther stated, Jews are our — Christians — “daily murderers”.
Judaism was created after Christianity, in reaction to Christianity, and it is based on the babylonian teachings of the Pharisees who rejected and killed Christ. Thus, today’s Jews are the spiritual inheritors of the unrepentant Christ killers, despite not being true racial Israelites.
The Jews have truly put themselves between a proverbial rock (1 Corinthians 10:4) and hard place.
Excellent and Precise.
Thanks for upholding the Truth.
and all that you do….To uphold the Truth
You got the wrong Arch. I never said or wrote, nor do I think, Christianity is, or was, part of some sort of nefarious “Jewish” plot to subjugate and dominate white people. That thought belongs to others. I put that belief in the same category, as Jesus never existed. Jews are indeed cunning, but Saul/Paul was not that bright, nor that cunning.
Christianity was the plan of the former Temple Jew, Saul/Paul to create a new religion from the ashes of the second Temple that Jesus destroyed by fulfilling its sacrificial blood covenant. Temple Judaism was the sacrificial system on which the corrupt, second Temple priesthood grew wealthy and powerful by oppressing their followers with onerously taxing, sacrificial laws. Jesus referred to them as “Lost Sheep of Israel”. These were the only people Jesus came to “save,” doing so by permanently absolving them of their sins through his blood sacrifice.
Saul/Paul was typical of the Jew opportunist. He saw the destruction of the Temple was immanent, due to Jesus’ effort at fulfilling the law by becoming the final blood sacrifice of the Paschal Lamb. Thus, he would soon lose his job as Temple “muscle.” As so many Jews have done before and after, he switched horses to ride in what appeared to be the opposite direction by usurping his former enemy’s name and reputation to create a new religion. Think Ford foundation or Disney.
This was the old wine of second Temple Judaism put in Saul/Paul’s new bottle of Christianity. Saul/Paul intended to officiate over this new religion as high priest. The only reason Saul/Paul went to the “gentiles” (against Jesus direct command to his disciples), was that there were not enough Jews willing to follow his new religion, so he used “gentiles” to fill out his ranks. Jews have never had any problem using goyim to fill out their ranks when needed. Like the old saying goes, the Jews’ favorite battle hymn is, “Onward Christian Soldiers.”
To Jesus and Gospel authors, “gentiles” were those who did not follow the Temple, bowing in fealty to its sacrificial demands. This included fellow Jews like the very Jewish Samaritan sect whose sacrificial religion closely followed the Temple’s own sacrificial religion. The problem Temple priests had with the Samaritans was that they refused to pay sacrificial tribute to their Temple coffers.
One should note the present Jewish effort to restore the Temple and its blood sacrifice will represent the Jews’ final victory over the destruction Jesus wrought with his sacrifice. Those efforts are why Jews have maintained vehement hatred for Jesus for over two millennium, while giving Christianity’s creator, Saul/Paul, a hate-free pass.
The restoration of the Temple will provide symbolic representation to Jews’ worldwide of their racial/religious dominance over the planet.
To Arch Stanton. be careful of your spelling , sir. I-m-m-i-n-e-n-t not immanent ,which is a very important word with the gospel —- the captious enemy may be watching.
I have the same suspicion of the saint , called Paul and appreciate your “illuminating ” testimony of him. I do not necessarily agree . Many things he write s I like and are true. But even the false prophets will speak truth , when the Holy Spirit allows : refer to the slimy eels in today’s pulpits.
You are wrong about Saul/Paul. You are accountable for spreading lies to the Holy One. You do not have the Holy Spirit of Truth. This is the problem with many. You are no better than the jew/edom spreading lies. Repent while you can and be filled. Ask and you shall receive the Truth about all that is written The Word Jesus Christ. Whatever you are reading is a lie.
Paul was very much hated by the Jews, and he didn’t invent Christianity. By the way, the New Testament makes it very clear that the Bride of Christ is not the nation of Israel. But instead Church, the universal body of true believers, is Christ’s bride, Israel. Furthermore, the NT says that the Jews rejected Christ and therefore, the “elect” and the “saints” are Abraham’s spiritual descendants the Christians.
Mr. Roman ……………
It appears you are new here. Unless you simply changed your name.
Nevertheless ……………………………
The CORE teaching of this Forum is that Europeans (White peoples) are the Israelites and Adamites of the Scriptures.
Question — Would you agree with that statement?
And of course the second CORE teaching of this website is that Modern Jewry have little to NO connection to the Israelites of the Scriptures. Only someone like Paul Newman could try to claim Israelite ancestry as it appears he has at least 50% European DNA, if not more.
Question — Would you agree with that statement?
Plenty to read and learn on this site.
The claim from certain anti-Christian white nationalists that Christianity was invented by the Jews to destroy Europeans is the most ludicrous BS I have ever read. Only people with low intelligence and a lack of historical literacy could believe this intelligence-insulting nonsense.
The truth is, that Christianity has always been antithetical to Judaism and oppressive toward Jews. Only after the emancipation, secularization, and suffocation of the church’s power and Christian dominance were Jews able to assimilate and be citizens. Anyway, white nationalists say that Europeans should reject Christianity to be stronger.
In reality, the rejection and abandonment of Christian identity and heritage by many Europeans and European nations today is precisely why they are weak, self-destructive liberal fools. Christianity’s decline in the West resulted in the decline of the Western world.
A lot of these white nationalists are degenerates who share the same vitrolic hatred for Christianity as Communists, atheists, and liberal leftists. In fact, the only Psyop is the lie that Christianity was a Jewish Trojan horse to subjugate Europeans.
Moreover, Christianity is already hated, demonized, and under massive attack by Hollywood, the media, and the woke elite. So why are these white nationalists so obsessed with blaming and hating on Christianity? This is already a red flag.
Anti Christian white nationalists are at least on to the jews. Christian Zionists that say jews are Gods chosen have caused more evil and intelligence insulting. Christians always been antithetical to Judaism? you spell some big words while being so wrong it’s the other way around. I care about any people that want to stand against the jews for what they have done and are doing and what they want to do to non jews. I care about what the Bolsheviks did not any jew BS whatever holocaust. You’re a red flag.
The big difference between white nationalist and Christians, real Christians, is that Christians understand that we have the Jews we deserve for turning our backs on God. God is all powerful. If Jews, the minions of Satan, have any power, it’s because God wills them to have it to serve His ultimate purpose, to bring his children back to Him.
White nationalists, on the other hand, don’t believe God is in control, and that we don’t deserve the Jews we have, and we are the real victims of the Jews, and that the Jews must be defeated politically or through civil war with some “glorious leader” at the charge. That’s been tried before in Germany.
White nationalists think it’s all up to them, and they think like the Bolsheviks, that some sort of “paradise” can be achieved on earth through their own agency. They merely disagree with the bolsheviks about the nature of that “paradise”. One is a white paradise, a white nation for whites, and the other is a multi-racial society run by the Jews.
Christ promised us His Kingdom on earth. We know it will happen, but we, as a people, must turn back to Him before He puts an end to this insanity.
Arch …………..
The only connection is through blood. If a jew has white admixture, then they would have a connection to the Israelites of Jesus’ day.
Paul Newman would be a good example.
To Jews, blood is everything. They are undoubtedly the bloodiest race in history. They revel and roll in blood like dogs in vomit. They drink the blood of tortured children. Look at their horrific “slasher” movies for true insight into their unbridled blood lust.
The Old Testament is filled with lengthy expositions of blood linage. You will note the effort Gospel authors go to delineate Jesus’ blood linage that verifies his birthright membership in the elite Temple priesthood. So yes, blood is everything to Jews. Here is a classic Jew raving about blood and blood linage:
“We will turn our hearts into steel, which we will temper in the fire of suffering and the blood of fighters for freedom. We will make our hearts cruel, hard, and immovable, so that no mercy will enter them, and so that they will not quiver at the sight of a sea of enemy blood. We will let loose the floodgates of that sea. Without mercy, without sparing, we will kill our enemies in scores of hundreds. Let them be thousands; let them drown themselves in their own blood. For the blood of Lenin and Uritsky, Zinovief and Volodarski, let there be floods of the blood of the bourgeois – more blood, as much as possible. ”- Gregory Zinoviev (Hirsch Apfelbaum) – Krasnaya Gazeta, Sept. 1, 1918.
Bloody right. It’s all about blood. Transferring sin to chickens and beating them to death. What happens behind closed doors that is similar but doesn’t use chickens. It’s about the transfer of sin for sure.
When the blood is spilled, and the life force ejected out of the body, a small clearing is made in the spiritual smog that envelops the area and a pure heavenly energy can come down allowing them occult power.
The muslims too perform animal sacrifice to transfer sin and access the pure heavenly energies in the ether. In fact, this is now happening in the USA.