(The Jewish Chronicle) In a recent article titled “Why Can’t Jews Enjoy Burns Night Too?” — a Jewess writes about how she visited Scotland to attend the Robert Burns Festival — but found herself “disturbed” to read that the native Scottish and English have a deep connection to this land and history that “foreign born” peoples can never truly understand:
After recounting her experience enjoying the quaint festival and foods, she whines,
…Today I saw something I found disturbing on Facebook.
A woman showed some beautiful photos that she’d taken of rugged northern English countryside, with the caption that this was her land, the land of her ancestors, “built” by her (English) forebears and how it gave her a feeling of such pride and connection that only she “and people like her” could truly understand.
Some of her friends piled in, agreeing. One went so far as to say, “There’s something that stirs in the soul, I get that feeling just glancing over this land that no foreign born or descendant will ever feel, that strange mix of love and pride that makes us who we are.” Chilling words. And complicated…
I get the pride in one’s country bit, that’s all commendable, but, sorry mate, this is my country too.
OK, I almost certainly would feel something different driving through the Israeli Negev than he would, but as an Englishwoman who happens to be Jewish I still have a deep love of this country, and a visceral pride in it. As do my foreign-born parents.
Another comment on the post read, “These demonstrative pics evoke the Aryan genetic memory.” Sinister stuff to a Jew. Indeed, to anyone who recognises and values our shared humanity.
At the very heart of much of this is identity politics, something that I believe divides us. As long as you’re not trying to gain something by trying to trick or deceive someone into believing you are something you are not, surely you should be able to dance at as many simchahs as you want?
Jews, of course, are the progenitors of “identity politics” — they have been the ones who insist on retaining their Jewish cultural heritage and beliefs on the majority in every country in Europe they have ever dwelt.
However, as eternal vagabonds, have drifted from one country to another after their host nations have kicked them out hundreds of times because their insistence on their Jewish identity has inevitably conflicted with the morals and traditions of the native Christian-European populations.
In fact, Jews have such little connection or commitment to Scotland that they recently threatened to leave en masse if “antisemitism” weren’t dealt with using draconian “hate laws” by the Judas Goat government.
And no matter where they settled, Jews never became connected to the land and invested their blood, sweat and tears in it — they have always been city and town dwellers taking up vocations that would allow them to profit off the labor of their host nations — and pick up and leave when they’ve overstayed their welcome — or don’t get what they want.
On the other hand, all white people of European descent have ancestors in the not-too-distant past who lived off the land — land like Scotland and Ireland that were often inhospitable and difficult to tame and bear fruit — and they didn’t think twice about going to war to defend those lands and the life they had worked so hard to create out of the wilderness.
And except for the last 70 years or so, these European lands were Christian going back well over 1,000 years — and our ancestors built up Europe into the greatest civilization in the history of the world to glorify Christ — so our connection to the land is both visceral and spiritual, something that a Jew can never truly understand.
And when white people get pushed off the land and packed into racially diverse urban and suburban areas, they run the risk of losing that deep, ancient connection to our past — and when that happens, we become like Jews — deracinated — or as the Germans would say entwurzelt — living abstract lives with abstract “values” such as the nebulous concept of “shared humanity.”
And if Jews were actually honest with themselves — a very tall order indeed — they would appreciate our connection to our native lands instead of being narcissistically “chilled” — or “shocked” and “disturbed” by it.
When Jews attempt to shame us for having that deep connection we have to our “blood and soil,” they naturally create resentment among us — and they smear that resentment as “antisemitism.”
This is why Jews instinctively have wanted to flood our native lands with non-white aliens from the Third World, who, like themselves, will never have that deep connection to our shared European heritage and spirituality — and who, like the Jews, become generic urban dwellers encouraged to engage in identity politics to undermine native Europeans.
So, no, she will never be an “Englishwoman” who just happens to be Jewish — she’s a Jew who just so happens to live in England — for now — and in order to feel comfortable, she, like all Jews, wants to transform England into a Jewish nation with Jewish values.
For those interested in exploring the deep connection that Europeans have to our land and Christian heritage, we would highly recommend the website Cambria Will Not Yield — simply one of the best writers on this subject.
“Narcissistically chilled.”
That’s such a great way to put it. Yes, 1000 year history. Add to that the long hours before a Christian dawn and you have… no time for Jews. Nothing they can offer.
What is it, really, they offer… he asks aloud? Einstein and his bomb, I suppose, and his theories he stole that didn’t really improve life after Newton… sure. But what else? Sarah Silverman?
It seems like their major cultural contribution is cynical aversion to achievement.
…huh…well how do you like that, America.
It’s the same the world over. Showing love for your country is somehow antisemitic.
In effect, what this article suggests is that to trigger a jew, you don’t need to deny the holocaust, but just show love for a countryside, a recipe or song that goes back more than 100 years
Gidday fellow Christians, and sorry for the off topic post CFT… have you all seen this: https://www.rt.com/news/571139-gender-neutral-god-england/
So if God made Man in His image, and now God is supposidly gender neutral, does that mean we are all genderless? Does that mean Jesus can be portayed as a, well, who knows what? the mind boggles!
And why does this Jew react this way to a simple statement about land and history by white people?
The Holocaust Psy-Op. Jews have been so conditioned by this Grimms Fairy Tale that they get triggered just by reading or hearing certain words, like Manchurian Candidates.
If they have any hope to live a normal life without constant paranoia, they need to break free of this mental and emotional prison they are in, courtesy of Big Jewry.
Yeah, it seems like Jews do live in a virtual or alternative reality based on the insane premise that the Holocaust was real. I’d like to pity them, but since it’s self-induced, I can’t quite go there…..
“Boycott, the Jewish Weapon” by Eustace Mullins. An excellent synopsis of the real problem in the USA, the Jews. Only 12 pages, but hits like a bomb. Well worth a read.
If you know REAL history, you’ll know that we’re living in a Weimar Republic type kleptocracy, with Jews the head parasite. And like Germany, we’re about to be flushed down the pages of history, due to the corruption, thieving, grifting, wars for the Jews & the degradation of society.
In 1950, Senator Pat McCarran said to me, “If the American people ever find out what the Jews are doing to them, they won’t leave a Jew alive from coast to coast.”
An official of the American Jewish Congress said “We must never lose sight of the fact that the only thing preventing pogroms in the United States today is our watchful control over the channels of communication.” … We all know that the principal function of the United States Government today is to maintain Jewish dictatorship over the American workers… [Vladimir] Jabotinsky is saying that no Jew can ever be a loyal citizen of any nation, because “our Jewish interests” take precedence over all other ties.
Is that why this cancer called jews (death cult) invaded Palestine and demand their, ahem, god given land at the barbaric treatment of indigenous people?
Using 100% extorted labor and money from the whole of Christendom? Damned are they and everything that they touch.
Cancer needs a host because it doesn’t have a home, and hopefully soon will be radiated completely with the Light of Truth. Even the land and all it’s life quakes and groans for freedom.
I have my Deliverer Jesus Christ Lord of all the 🌎. HalleluYah! Death can’t touch me anymore.
Sparrow it would be an honour to be your acquaintance, and most here
Just a thought …………………….
They haven’t complained much about the USA, albeit for the usual race-baiting reasons ……………..
So, I wonder if they don’t because they know they own it.
I don’t think for a second that the creation of the United States of America took them by surprise.
On a side note —- My race traitor for the week is — Taylor Sheridan.
I got suckered into a preview of his series depicting life back in the 1800’s. I spent a great deal of time studying this period in History — the Pioneers and Western Expansion. So, I know it well.
This Taylor Sheridan is a piece of s#it. The “writing” in both his 1883 and 1923 is UTTER GARBAGE.
The “White Guilt” is so over the top it’s Demonic
I swear it was a Jew writing this. But no ………………… look at the guy. If that ain’t an Anglo-Saxon, I don’t know what one is.
For my own piece of mind, I’d be thrilled beyond belief to find a jew in his woodpile. At least that would make more sense.
This man hates himself and his Ancestors.
West, Not sure why you want Taylor Sheridan to be Jewish. Is it that hard for you to accept that there are many Judas Goats among our own people who betray us for 30 pieces of silver?
Taylor Sheridan is an actor and filmmaker, which means he is surrounded by Jews, and he’s obviously figured out how to please his paymasters, both in Hollywood and publishing.
If you want to get a book published or screenplay made these days, you increase your odds by promoting the racial agenda of the Jews, and I’m sure Taylor Sheridan figured that one out.
I suspect that Sheridan’s fellow producer and co-writer, John Linson, may be Jewish. His father is a Hollywood producer, executive producer of 1883.
I expect Jews to betray us, but I have a much bigger problem with the Taylor Sheridans of the world, because there are a lot more of them right in our midst and they do a lot of damage.
King David laments being subverted by his fellow Israelites around him, piercing him, and we should all learn from his experience.
Mark ……………
“…but I have a much bigger problem with the Taylor Sheridans of the world, because there are a lot more of them right in our midst and they do a lot of damage….”
Oh I get it. Spiritually I totally get it and it makes complete sense.
But every now and then, my humanity — my empathy for our People gets the best of me and in that moment of weakness, I “vent” for a lack of a better word. I come to you for support — to help carry that burden. To remind me that I am Ok and it will be Ok. It’s hard alone.
I have no family, no friends for encouragement, support and edification.
So, I come here.
Thank you for acknowledging my comment.
Ever listen to Saga’s — Ode to a dying race? I used to have it on my iPod. Had to remove it. Makes me cry.
Seems like I’m continually in the Grieving Process. Always jumping around from stage to stage — denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.
West, this observation from Carl Jung may apply to you and like-minded allies….
“If a man knows more than others, he becomes lonely.”
—Carl Jung
Mark ……..
Thank you. 🙂
Not to sound like a baby, but that’s why I made the comment, to receive a comment like yours. I needed it.