(The Jewish Chronicle) Jews once again have proven that they don’t “own the whole freaking country” by insisting their arch-nemisis — Mel Gibson — be disinvited to be the Grand Marshall at this year’s Mardi Gras festivities in New Orleans — while taking this occasion to remind us all how the success of Gibson’s film The Passion of Christ proves that Jews don’t control Hollywood:
The New Orleans Mardi Gras is a spectacle of public drunkenness and indecency, so Mel Gibson would have fitted right in. Perhaps this was why the Krewe of Endymion, the largest of the groups that organise New Orleans’ annual bacchanal, asked Gibson to be a Grand Marshal in their 2023 parade.
To some ears, names like Krewe of Endymion and Grand Marshal evoke the Ku Klux Klan.
Tragically, the invite has been cancelled, following protests from the Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish Federation of New Orleans, the Greater New Orleans Rabbinic Council, and viewers of Lethal Weapon 4.
In a joint statement, the Jewish organisations argued that Gibson’s history of making “antisemitic, racist and misogynistic slurs” should disqualify him from an esteemed role such as Grand Marshal.
Again, it’s mystifying why a fervent Catholic and penitent alcoholic like Gibson would have accepted the role at all. The Grand Marshal’s job is to incite thousands of drunk and drugged revellers to commit acts of fornication, intoxication and mixed dancing from a slow-moving float.
It sounds purgatorial, especially if you believe in purgatory. The good news is that Gibson will not be offending the Jews of New Orleans. The bad news is that he can now concentrate on offending the Jews everywhere else.
His 2004 film The Passion of the Christ was a surprise hit, even if audiences already knew how it ended. It also represents a reversion to the old Catholic tradition of blaming the wicked Jews for Baby Jesus’ fatal run-in with the Romans.
The Passion of the Christ was religious porn, and an invitation to hate Jews, not that people need much of an invitation. It became the seventh-highest grossing film in American history. And people say the Jews run Hollywood.
A sequel is in the works. It is called, perhaps unimaginatively, “Resurrection.” Again, Mel is giving away the plot twist in advance…
…The Jews have bigger problems than the prospect of Gibson looking foolish on a Mardi Gras float. For foolish he will surely look. No one has ever looked anything but foolish on a float. Let him have it, I say. Rather than give him the martyrdom he secretly wants, give him to the baying mob. It’s like a scene from “The Passion of the Mel”.
The Jewish organisations of New Orleans may have missed the point. Gibson said and did execrable things while drunk, but he has sobered up and apologised.
Whatever he thinks of Jews, gays, women, blacks and liberal theologians, he has kept it to himself since then. That should be enough. On these grounds, he’s entitled to his hour of glory on a float amid the sinners.
The reason that Jewish organisations should lobby against public acclaim for Gibson is the possibility that he might have been sober when he made a profoundly anti-Jewish film like The Passion of the Christ, an attempt to modernise the, er, lethal weapon of the blood libel…
It’s very revealing that this Jew conflates the murder of Christ on the cross with the “age-old” accusation of Jews ritually murdering Christian children to simulate the murder of Christ — the so-called “blood libel.”
Jews have always claimed that the basis of all “antisemitism” lay at the foot of the Cross — that Christians falsely accuse Jews of being responsible for the death of Christ.
Of course, today’s Jews are not true Judahites, but by making that false claim, they have taken on the identity of those Israelite Judeans — “Men of Israel“ — who indeed rejected Christ and called for his death (Acts 2:23).
The only way they can truly avoid this “blood libel” is to come clean and admit that they are not really Judah — as Revelation 2:9 makes clear — but by doing so, they would give up another powerful “get-out-of-jail-free” card — they know that Christians give them a free pass for many of their treacheries because, as Judah, they are the “spiritual elders” from the Old Testament — and foolishly believing their salvation is “of the Jews.”
Even though Jews have used their enormous political and financial power to force both the Catholic Church — at Vatican II — and now many Protestant denominations — to now exonerate them for the death of Christ — laying the blame on the “Romans” — most Christians still aren’t buying it — they know what the Gospels actually say.
Unfortunately, most Christian denominations are still under the “strong delusion” that today’s Jews are the legitimate descendants of the Israelites who called for the death of Christ — which enables the Jews to continue their great masquerade as Judah:
Instead of coming clean and admitting who they really are, Jews instead argue that Christ was not the promised Messiah of Israel — clearly and unequivocally prophesied by Isaiah — and therefore they are “righteous” and “justified” in denying Him.
And then the Jews doubled-down and committed the most egregious “blood libel” against the Germans by inventing the Holocaust™ myth — blaming it on Christian “antisemitism” — and attempting to replace their own ersatz “suffering” in fake Gas Chambers™ during World War II with the real suffering of Christ.
Not only have the Jews successfully persuaded the Germans of this false “blood libel” — they have convinced Christians in general that they are all responsible for the death of 6 Million™ Jews — flipping the script — and creating, by their own admission — a “successful historical fiction.”
So, no, Christians didn’t need Mel Gibson’s The Passion Of Christ as an excuse to “hate Jews” — the Jews themselves have done a wonderful job all by themselves — as “master of the Lie” — to create hostility against their machinations — using Judeo-Freemasonry as a vehicle — among all their Christian host nations.
Not only that, many Jews have publicly bragged that they would gladly kill Christ when He returns — most notably “comedian” Sarah Silverman — the demonic look in her eyes when she says “I hope the Jews did kill Christ. I’d do it again” shows that she’s not “joking” at all:
And as far as the “success” of The Passion of Christ proving that Jews don’t control Hollywood — Joan Rivers bragged that Jewish accountants stole much of the profits from the film:
“People are arguing whether Mel Gibson’s “Passion of the Christ” is anti-semitic. Well, whether it is or it isn’t, it doesn’t matter, because I’ve been in touch with his accounting firm, Rosencrantz, Levy and Stern, and they’re screwing him out of his profits.”
Guys, it’s anti-$emitism, not “antisemitism”.
The latter is the Jewish spelling. Apparently,
they are trying to conceal the Semite.
Mel Gibson Passion of the Christ is a freemason version not the Biblical truth of our Lord Jesus’ sacrifice to save us from our sins.
“We Communists are like Judas. It is our bloody work to crucify Christ. But this sinful work is at the same time our calling: only through death on the cross does Christ become God, and this is necessary to be able to save the world. We Communists then take the sins of the world upon us, in order to be able thereby to save the world.”
—György Lukács, Jewish communist from Hungary
Heeby Kikeburger
The Passion of the Christ really wasn’t that good tbh. It really didn’t capture the suffering of Jesus that accurately at all, the blood looks fake & the cross looked light, and when Jesus died the lighting was so bad it just made you go “eh”.
Really missed opportunity, the cinematographer from “Apocalypto” would have done a much better job.
As we wait for Gibson’s 2nd film, the son of the “Left Behind” author has made his own series about the ministry of Jesus, “The Chosen” and I have seen some it to keep up with what Churchianity is up to.
In “The Chosen”, the Judeans are all a mixed race rabble and none of them, including Jesus, is white (Joseph is black as coal).
Its message seems solid, much to my surprise, but it is a massive downgrade from Jim Caviezel playing an ethnically accurate Jesus. Also bizarre is that, for whatever reason, the actor that they cast for Pilate plays him like Monty Python’s “Biggus Dickus”, as I recall, Gibson had a properly respectable Pilate portrayal.
Is there any historical basis for Matthew being autistic? “The Chosen” has him be autistic and a bit of a clown as compared to the other disciples.
“America Will “Soon” Have “Hate Speech” Laws, EU Commission VP Tells World Economic Forum”
“During the same WEF panel, New York Times owner Arthur Sulzberger whined about the “existential” threat of “disinformation” and said people criticizing “fake news” reminds him of Nazi Germany.”
Yes, EU Commission VP for Values and Transparency Vera Jourova snickered when she told the American on the panel that they would soon have “hate speech” laws…..
Hitler Was Right
The jews invite the violence through the disgusting actions they take.
ozone lier
And they know they do, and they’ve figured out how to monetize that violence and “hate” against them into benefiting them, and enriching themselves. That’s how sick and twisted they are.
That is true, ozone lier. Jewry has perfected that Freemasonic perversion of “justice” which they hide behind into working systematic injustices against all other people, but especially against our White people, and jews make money for themselves at every step while doing so.
“Cop who arrested Mel Gibson gets day in court” [Jan 18, 2012]
“Mee maintains he suffered taunts and missed out on career advancement following the arrest and now a Los Angeles judge has ruled a jury should decide if he is a victim of discrimination because of his religion.
The Jewish police officer filed suit in 2010, claiming he was overlooked for promotion after complaining to his bosses that Gibson received preferential treatment from deputies. He also alleged his superiors ordered him to remove parts of his report about Gibson’s arrest, “effectively participating in covering up the anti-Semitic posture of Mr Gibson,” according to Mee’s lawyers.”
“Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin: A Dialogue Between Adolf Hitler and Me”
[Deitrich Eckart: Translated by Dr. William Pierce, (pg2)]
“In terms of our customary concepts,” he shrugged, “it really can’t be defined. It [Jewry] is a rank growth over the whole earth, sometimes advancing slowly, sometimes leaping ahead in great bounds. Everywhere it sucks voraciously at the lifeblood of the planet. What was in the beginning a swollen abundance will become in the end nothing but dried-up sap. Zionism is the visible, surface aspect. It is connected underground to the rest of the monstrous growth.
“There is one thing above all of which we must always keep in mind,” he tendered, “one thing of which we must always remind ourselves: ‘Great masters of the lie’! One need only forget Schopenhauer’s words for an instant in order to begin slipping under the influence of their deceptions. To be sure, we also lie but, in the first place, not as a matter of habit and, in the second place, clumsily. Any really experienced judge of human nature is able to detect the lie of an Aryan, even a very shrewd one. Sherlock Holmes himself, however, would be at a loss when confronted with the Jewish cold-bloodedness in deception. A Jew is only embarrassed when he inadvertently blurts out the truth. If he should happen to deliberately tell the truth, it is always with a mental reservation, thus making a lie even of the truth.”
That’s what everyone who knows them says of them.” he rejoined, “from the Pharaohs up to Goethe and our time. It has been said in every dead and living language: in Greek, Latin, Persian, Turkish, English, French, or what have you. One would hope that these universal condemnations, throughout the whole world, would give our charmers and wizards at least a little to think about. God forbid! Not even Christ was able to reach them. He stood there among the cringing Jewish rabble, his eyes flashing, the very image of scorn, and his words fell among them like whiplashes: Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it (John 8:44). But to our charmers and wizards that means no more than the unintelligible stammering of a child.”
“They delude themselves by believing that to be only a stern but well-meaning lecture of the Lord to his beloved people of Israel,…”.
“Christ,” he continued with a raised voice, “was never other than perfectly straightforward and frank. God, not to feel the fact that there two fundamentally different worlds opposed one another! In Palestine after the Babylonian captivity there was a great lower stratum of non-Jews ruled over by Jewish moneylenders, powerful through their usury. One can read that in the book of Nehemiah. Sombart says that it leaves absolutely nothing to be desired in the way of clarity. [32] The outstanding point is that the real population, composed of oppressed peasants, was of an entirely different race than the Hebrews. Gradually the Jews forced their religion on them. Christ himself growled about that: ‘Woe onto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye encompass sea and land to make one proselyte…’ (Matthew 23:15).To the Jews, Galilee was the land of the Gentiles, whose population ‘sat in darkness,’ as they impudently imagined (Matthew 4:15-16). They said: Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?’ and ‘Art thou also of Galilee? Search, and look: for out of Galilee ariseth no prophet’ (John 1:46; 7:52). The Hebrews were so firmly convinced of the non-Jewish ancestry of Christ that they counted him among the especially hated Samaritans (John 7:48). We live and learn! There are many more such examples.”
I watched the film for the first time just before Christmas 2022 and to saw how the Jews made the Romans torture and destroy Jesus because he dared go against them shows how much they cannot stand others being more powerful than them and how much they need to be in control and ridicule others for calling them out.
Wouldn’t even know where to start on this one….
Scroll down and zoom in on the map….everyone here will know where.
I get a bunch of invitations to hate Jews every morning when I open the news pages on my web browser. No Mel Gibson required.
If there ever were a film to cut me to the core, it was ‘The Passion of the Christ’. I was a young Believer at the time after a very long intermission of Catholic upbringing. God called me back…and couldn’t run anymore. Never stopping from loving Him…I needed Him terribly in my crumbling world…for Truth, Healing and Forgiveness. That Homecoming was a Miracle that no words can describe. Since then He has accomplished much albeit in tremendous suffering.
‘The Passion of the Christ’ whether on film or in Word is the Truth and servant Mel Gibson did not stray from it. I remember not being able to get up from being prostrate on the floor where I dropped. The reality of it all was too much to comprehend and still is. It keeps me in awe even when I can’t hold up this cross anymore. What I do know is that liars will NEVER enter the Kingdom of God…and that is sufficient for me. The ‘jews’ can scam their way into utter darkness forever for all I care because that is where they are from.
It is up to us Believers in Christ to believe in these last days as hard as it is (and I am pointing back at myself when I say it). We must hold each other up. We must intercede for our brothers and sisters in desperate need of help. Righteous Prayer avails much and no child of satan can prevail over it. Even though I am not Catholic…there are many who still hold to it and serve with much love for Jesus Christ. Here is the latest from a warrior who flinches not in this storm…Katherine Watt
Dual-use government officials of concern
Prosecute war criminals in personal capacity or US Government official capacity?
“….The deeper and nobler function of the carve-outs in the laws, imply that, starting with the moment in time and place that anyone elected or appointed to office or employed by the government, engages in criminal acts and conspiracies to commit criminal acts, or induce others to participate in crimes (knowingly or unknowingly), he silently and automatically forfeits classification as a government official and removes him or herself from the protective shield that Almighty God has placed around legitimate, valid sovereigns who serve the legitimate, valid purpose of protecting and defending the lives and properties of the people entrusted to their care and jurisdiction.
In other words, a government at war with its people is not a valid, legitimate government.
It’s an invalid, imposter government.
By logical extension, any individual government official demonstrably engaged in war on the people is not part of a valid, legitimate government.
He’s an invalid, imposter official.
He’s a rogue, an outlaw, operating beyond the scope of the authority given to valid governments through legitimate social compacts and covenants formed (in various ways) among the three parties: God, Sovereign Government and People.
To sum up, if an illegal, immoral war is being waged on the people, (it is) and if it’s legally and morally impossible for a VALID government to do such things, in the course of VALID official duties (it is), then by legal and moral definition, the people doing these things are not of, from or inside the US Government.
They are outside of the government, and outside of the law.
They are outlaws occupying government offices.
The legitimate, valid, authorized government still includes anyone in executive, legislative, judicial and military positions who either resisted going along with the program from the start, such as by defying unlawful orders, and also includes men and women who cooperated at the start when under the false impression of legitimacy, but have since realized an illegal war is underway, have stopped cooperating and have started resisting.
Those conducting the war have already abdicated from office in substance, but not in form.
They are filling real time and space — the physical offices in Washington DC and other US government sites, as of Jan. 16, 2023.
But they are not fulfilling proper functions, and are in fact violating them…”
As I have known from the beginning of all that God has revealed to me about this outlaw government from A-Z…before this ‘last’ hideous scam, it has been my daily Prayer for The Almighty to end this beast/monster/tyranny that is ruling our nation and the world. He says that by His Truth He will slay it…and so goes the understanding that lies cannot stand. He is now doing it through obscure and humble servants Blessed be He. THIS is why there is no forgiveness in blaspheming The Holy Spirit who was sent to Protect us and Deliver us from this darkness. The same beast who slayed our Savior but Lives forever.
The ‘jews’ may think and believe that they will TAKE/KILL as many of us as they can…but those of us who have been filled with solid FAITH… (they) can’t…and forever after. He came to deliver us from Babylon…the knowledge of Good & Evil which is this world and every man made machination in it…into the knowledge of Him…our Lord…our Father who dwells in Heaven, Ruler of All. Man’s destruction of this beautiful earth will come to an end. We are a walking image of this created beautiful earth and every time it’s destroyed…we are destroyed. That is why WE ARE THE CHURCH in THESE LAST DAYS according to The Word.
Thank you CFT…YOU are here for serving and I appreciate it. Much Love, Blessing and Strength.
PS…By ‘stealing’ profits from ‘The Passion of The Christ’ by these forever damned ‘jews’ confirms (!) that Christ overturns the moneychangers from His Temple and that is His Signature that this powerful film was of Him. VIVA CHRISTO REY
America /Europe are Israel
“Jews Smear Mel Gibson’s ‘Passion Of Christ’ As ‘Religious Porn’ And An ‘Invitation To Hate Jews”
Jews invite hatred upon themselves all on their own; they need no assistance from anyone.
One would think by now after all the years of moaning and screeching about their so-called plight of persecution, they would realize that.
Just goes to show how deep schizophrenia is in the Jewish psych.
Basil Rathbone
Jews dominate the “mental health” fields, not to cure people of mental disorders, but to promote mental illness in their patients by making them think like Jews.
Jewish psychiatrists and psychologists never allow their “gentile” patients to seek answers to their emotional problems in Christianity, in God. Verboten!
Much of mental illness among whites is caused by us having to live in and adapt to an insane, jewish dominated society.
America/Europe are Israel
Thanks. I agree. But their biggest contribution to making our White society unstable is through the Judeo-Christian churches that are soaked in false doctrine.
Ya, I agree Basil and America / Europe and West. But all the things in different doctrine between Christians that differ caused us a lot of fighting each other – that’s nothing compared to any Christian that believes jews bring any good.
And the biggest false doctrine fraud theft of God’s chosen – that’s the one thing that’s the # 1 evil to the Christianity by jews and their useful idiots. That one thing all Christians should be clear on – and the #1 lesson.
Saw that
The evil witch Joan Rivers also said that Mel Gibson “should “f*cking die” and it didn’t affect her career at all:
America/Europe are Israel
Up until she started to bad mouth O’homo and his shemale partner. That’s another issue with Jews; they never know when to keep their yappers shut.
Jews can’t “keep their yappers shut” because they are so neurotically intent upon controlling the narrative in their favor.
Rivers Roast (Holojoke)…more hooks than a bait shop…..
great family entertainment.