Mark Pinsky, a Jewish journalist who has covered — or kept a careful eye on — the pro-Israel Christian Evangelical community in America for the last 35 years, has announced that he’s now throwing them under the bus — and literally demanding that they renounce their “White supremacy” and “intolerance” — which apparently didn’t bother him until they supported the most pro-Israel President in history — Donald Trump:
As a Jew, it’s arguably not my place to either lecture white evangelical Christians or attempt to explain them to the world. But few secular American journalists have written on the subject as deeply as I have for the past 35 years.
I have lived among evangelicals, and raised my family in their company. For decades, I have defended these good people.
Still, I have read the recent polls and studied the data. And I’ve reviewed a spate of new books which have portrayed white evangelicals in a largely negative light, by scholars who have documented the entrenched and widespread racism, anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant prejudice and anti-LGBTQ hostility informing white evangelicalism. These forces go a long way, I think, in explaining many conservative Christians’ deep and seemingly blind infatuation with Donald Trump…
…Like the post-Trump Republican Party, evangelicals may be facing an internal civil war. In both the Gospels of Matthew (3:12) and Luke (3:17), John the Baptist preaches that there comes a time when the valuable wheat needs to be winnowed from the useless chaff, preserving the former and burning the latter. For white evangelicals to rejoin the American mainstream, they need to undertake some hard talks as a community, addressing their racist roots and accounting for the wreckage wrought by Trump, often with their support.
That work needs to start in pulpits, even at the risk of alienating some of the people in the pews. In this Jew’s view, these leaders need to drum into their congregations that one cannot be a faithful evangelical Christian and also believe in white supremacy and other forms of intolerance. That message must shape the evangelical future, for the health of the country and that of the movement itself: Younger white evangelicals tell pollsters that they are increasingly attracted to more moderate views on issues like climate change, income inequality and LGBTQ rights.
Of course, reconciliation is a two-way street. For white evangelicals to renounce Trump and intolerance may not be enough for many in the secular Democratic base. For them, nothing short of a full-throated apology from white evangelicals for throwing their weight around in the public arena in support of causes incompatible with real faith will suffice as a step towards unity.
My decades of reporting in the evangelical community have left me with some hope that it may as a whole change for the better in the future, maybe even sooner than we think. But a true apology for the Faustian deal so many evangelical individuals made over the last four years? For many, I think, that will require a reckoning too strenuous to bear.
No, it’s not his place as a Jew to tell Christians what to think and believe — if he were a Christian telling Jews what to believe and how to behave, he’d be smeared as an antisemite — but luckily for Pinsky there is no anti-Christian equivalent of antisemitism.
Pinsky is emblematic of Jews in America — he lives among Whites and pretends to “share” their “common values” — but when the time is ripe, he stabs them in the back, betraying their trust — and uses everything he knows about them against them.
But Pinsky sounds confident that the evangelicals will do exactly what he’s demanding — because Evangelical Christianity — or better yet “Evangelical Zionism” — has been a Jewish movement from its foundations with the Jewish-Zionist financed Scofield Bible — and they are far more beholden to Jewish interests than they are to actually following Christ.
Real Christianity — by its very definition — is a refutation of Judaism and all of its so-called babylonian Talmudic “values” — which can be summed up by the platform of the Communist Party — along with the Jewish Supremacist ethno-state of Israel.
Naked hypocrisy has always been the strong suit of Jewish supremacists — and Pinsky appears to be no exception — he’s blithely oblivious to his own double standards about White Christians while giving his fellow racist Jews in Israel a free pass.
Jews created the Nazi, bigot, white supremacy, antisemitic, conspiracy theorists and racist cards to control the goyim! Anyone opposing their own genocide will have the appropriate card labelled on them!
It all Makes sense when you figure out Saudis are crypto Jews! They are merely hiding literally behind a veil
termites and parasites there are, evil to the core ; they will self destruct and be casts to the pits of hell!
How Israel became a high tech military super-power with the help of Republicans and Democrats, Netanyahu bragged about it and here is a book about it….but these Bolshevik communist Zionist supremacist want the world to believe that Donald Trump is Hitler and a danger to the world….
Study history and you will find the reason for the phrase white supremacy. If any other race had the history of the white race, they would be called the “insert race here – supremacist”. If it wasn’t Hitler. It would have been somebody else.
Not sure how to interpret your comment Carolyn.
Seems hostile. Would you like to elaborate???
You said — “…..if it wasn’t Hitler of , it would have been somebody else…..”
You mean someone like Corneliu Zelea Codreanu or perhaps Nesta Webster? Henry Ford perhaps? A person who understood the “Jewish Question” and had the courage to do something about it???
Lastly ……………. please tell us what you think “supremacy” means.
Look forward to your clarification.
I think what “Carolyn” is saying is that if any other race had the accomplishments of the White race, they would be accused of “supremacy”. That is, the accomplishments of the White race are witness to their supremacy, and any other race who had such accomplishments would be attacked in the same way Whites are.
I hope you are right Hanss. In this day and age, I just despise “esoteric” comments. Just say what you want to bl%#dy say! 🙂
The deaf, dumb and blind need plain speech. And we should be the vessels for such speech. Tell like it is without fear.
Most people are conflicted, and the words they write are conflicted and obscure. Few can write plainly because few have a grasp of the plain truth. Perhaps you expect too much of people….
“…….Perhaps you expect too much of people….
As if this is a bad thing???
“Be Perfect, for your Father in Heaven is Perfect.” Jesus
CTF, you are cracking me up with these reports. FB accused me of hate speech, when I repeated a Jewish zionist supremacist calling Christians bloodsucking vampires while at the same time they want the same Christians to the support their fascist Zionist state and go around the world killing people in their name, just to proof the hypocrisy, cowardice and intellectual dishonesty. This story confirms that my opinion was not some conspiracy theory but an expression of actual reality.
He reminds me of Eelie Weasel.(Pun intended) Hypocritical parasite…
Achh…. You can get more with a kind word and a pocketful of shekels than you can with a kind word alone.
Jew opinions or whatever this manifesto against the CHristian church’s last redoubt is an improvised apology revealing ancient prejudice. Since he suffered dwelling amongst these vermin can one infer why he himself was the serpent who himself into the holy places.
The reference given by CFT to his disassociation with the unclean he laments with pain , sadness and reluctance –here I made pause to vomit. Yes, the long suffering jew can live no longer amongst the hater of LBJTQR%^&, another jew collection of inculcated aberrations and after his confession of being unqualified to judge, define or reprove the impenitent evangelical , he does just that.
His christian co-conspirators in Zionism are at first an alien enclave he actually condescended to live amongst. Then forced from conscience to disaffection as their unwilling enemy. They still discriminate. Claiming his self-righteous superiority, he remonstrates before the Heavenly Father for the world to know that regrettably, yes he must find fault, that he is imperfect God. He only created two sexes!
He pretends humility at first then exposes his claws with the reference to John Baptizer instead of Jesus of Nazareth, a blatant denunciation of the Son of God. His hypocrisy shows well with his defaming their intolerance and condemns them no less to be burnt as chaff . The jew reveals his prejudicial, pharisaic malice.
This is evidence why the eternal jew is known with the inseparable epithet, damned jew.
When a Jew presumes to tell Christians how to live, he’s basically telling them to be Jews, which is the only correct way to live.
Correct! The result is a litany of soul destruction: mental illness; dementia; perversion ; alienation; social disintegration , idolatry; with the consolation felo de se. The only viable product is proselyte, worse than the Jew himself.
Hard not to hate them despite their prowess being our fault entirely.
Seems only those of us who are “awake” to God’s Truths are the ones who suffer the most. Which tells me — it’s going to have to get a whole lot worse.
I don’t know about others here, but my entire x- social circle of Evangelicals and Jew lovers are all doing just fine.
My brother’s occupation involves him begging for money for him to pay his bills (campus crusade for christ) — and despite this plandemic and all the other calamities that have befallen us — the money keeps rolling in.
America and the West seems still too flush with cash. Will the Jew pull the plug on America? Time will tell I guess. It could happen in a day.
They already have pulled the plug,they have been doing it slowly for years.The Gold at artificially low prices has gone East to Russia and China in the 10000s of tonnes, as goes the Gold so goes the Power.They think they dont need the West now and their Communist China and Russia with Israel directing can have it all. They forget that the free West with the belief in God,Truth and Honesty invented, worked and created the modern World. The Communist World during the phony Cold War the Soviet Union and its associates was supported covertly by Western traitorous leaders throughout by material and financial support cheap Canadian grain etc., and leaking of secrets at the highest level(see Antony C Sutton and Gary Allen’s work , Major Jordans etc.) and was still Third World.When the free West no longer exists to support the World the power of the East will collapse quickly , they had the greatest control Wealth and power by leaving the West as it was but that was not enough for them they want it all and then some. They cant see that their greed and insatiable appetite will be their own undoing but the damage they will do to all finding this out will be unprecedented.They are killing the Goose that laid the Golden Egg because they despise the Goose ,stealing the Technology ,businesses and giving it to China and Israel is not enough, freedom is needed and that will not exist.
I don’t disagree with you. But I am speaking in practical terms here. There is still too much cash in the system at the moment. Whether they create it to pay professional athletes and entertainers — that is beside the point.
I keep hearing about these “bread lines” and no doubt that is true in some places; but where I live, the economy doesn’t seem to be hurting anyone.
And as I stated in my example — my brother pays his bills off of other people’s monies. Last I heard, he wasn’t having a hard time whatsoever keeping up with his obligations. If one “sponsor” bows out, he picks up another. Which ironically, he sees as a sign from god (little g).
There is still money in the system and many people still get paid quite the handsome salary. The only point I am making is that as long as Americans are comfortable CHANGE is never going to happen.
I’ve always predicted that they won’t pull out of Western Nations until we become near the 20% mark in demographics. When we get there, we will be absolutely useless in terms of political and economical capital/leverage.
I thought this plandemic was their end game. Now, I’m not sure. I think my first hunch is correct. They need us a bit more decimated before they go in for the hard kill.
In 10 years, Whites will be an insignificant minority. And of course the non-whites will be happy to see us placed in museums.
I’m afraid the next 10 years will be simply more of the same. Which gives us time to get our own house in order — starting with ourselves personally and then reaching out to family, friends and neighbors.
Teach them about the True Jesus — 2 Corinthians 11:3-4
Gary Allen’s book None dare Call it Conspiracy was co-authored with Larry Abraham. Others include the Bell Curve [Herrnstein] and Ron Paul’s book on gold [Lehrman]. Culture of Critique [MacDonald] published by Praeger. . .
Ugandan Jews Not Eligible to Immigrate to Israel, State Informs High Court
Decision overrules Jewish Agency, which had formally recognized the 2,000-strong Abayudaya community several years ago. A ruling in favor of the state could have serious repercussions for ’emerging Jewish communities’ around the world.
Jesus in Matthew 23: 13 But woe unto you, scribes and [Jews] Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.
(ALL PHARISEES ARE JEWS, not all Jews were Pharisees)
Matthew 23:14-39
Didn’t the Abolition movement start in England with Evangelicals then more across to America, while the Tribe owned most of the slave ships?
“ALL PHARISEES ARE JEWS, not all Jews were Pharisees”
I don’t quite understand that statement, Chaplin Bob Walker.
Would not that have made Paul a jew too? But he was not.
Did you mean jews at Christ’s time? or jews in our present time?
Damn these present day jews for pinching our heritage! Just makes it reeeaaaalllllllyyyyyy hard to work out who is a Jew/ Judahite/Judaean, and who is a jew of to-day!
Chaplain Bob Walker wrote, “ALL PHARISEES ARE JEWS, not all Jews were Pharisees”
In those times, the word translated as “Jew” referred loosely to someone from the house of Judah, or Judea. The modern term for “Jew” we see today, referring to the mixed blood Arabs who pretend to be Israelites, is far different from how it was used back then.
To equate modern Jews with what is translated as “Jews” in the Scriptures is not really possible, because modern Jews didn’t exist back then. I suppose you mean that the Idumeans who were forcibly converted to the Israelite religion by John Hyrcanus were descendants of modern day Jews. This is not true either, as Edom took white/Adamic wives from the daughters of Heth and Ishmael.
Even so, the comprehensive genealogical records of the time wouldn’t have allowed a complete subversion of the priesthood over a mere 200 years. Also we have examples of Pharisees who were good men in Nicodemus, Gamaliel, Paul and possibly even Joseph of Arimathea.
Johan, don’t confuse “Chaplain Bob” with facts. You’ll confuse him. He’s on a roll….
Modern Jews didn’t exist back then?
I’m not sure that I follow this. I’ve seen two theories, the first mentioned in the transcripts on CFT that the edomites had been allowed into Judea, had wormed their way into all strata of society there, begat the hook-nosed greedy goblins that we all know today as Jews, and comprised the Biblical body of evil Jews who sabotaged Christ and were chastised by Him as being of their father the devil.
The other being that today’s Jews are just a horde of Russian asians who converted to Judaism en masse in the dark ages and have been LARPing biblical Jews for over a thousand years but have no biological connection to them.
I’m more partial to the edomite theory, admittedly because it makes it clear that it could not have been our White Israelite kin, the bona fide sons of Judah, who killed Christ. But, to put aside that bias, absent the edomite theory, how would the prophecy in Obediah fit in?
ReformingBoomer wrote, “The other being that today’s Jews are just a horde of Russian asians who converted to Judaism en masse in the dark ages and have been LARPing biblical Jews for over a thousand years but have no biological connection to them.”
Amusing. That’s my theory, loosely speaking.
ReformingBoomer wrote, “it could not have been our White Israelite kin, the bona fide sons of Judah, who killed Christ.”
The Scripture makes it explicit that it was pure white Israelites who killed Christ, as Peter says Israelites in Acts 2:23, “this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death.” They responded in verse 37, “Now when they heard this, they were pierced to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, what are we to do?””
I worry over the view that we as Israelites didn’t kill Christ, because it demonstrates the stiff-necked nature of Israelites. If we deflect the death of our Lord, then what more are we willing to deflect? The answer is anything, because the worst has been deflected.
No doubt the Edomites/Idumeans absorbed to some extent into second temple Israel, but the nation of Edom were not non-whites. One would have to somehow prove that Canaanites weren’t white, which is not possible either. Then there is Deuteronomy 23:7, which is not a scribal error, as it is confirmed in the Septuagint and also only Edom is referred to as Israel’s brother (Deuteronomy 2:4&8).
As I recall of the transcripts posted here, the Edomite is the spawn of Esau mixed with the Arab descendants of Ishmael, and that Arabs are literally non-White.
This contention jibes with the modern DNA ancestry meme showing the striking similarity between modern Jews and Arabs.
This also explains how the Jews who are of their father the devil could say to Christ that they are the sons of Abraham yet also state that they were never in bondage.
As Christ acknowledged that they were indeed sons of Abraham it must mean that they were telling the truth about their lineage, and it is my understanding that there was then no such thing as an Israelite whose ancestors had not held in bondage?
It was then these non-Israelite descendants of Abraham who killed Christ.
In what I believe is similar to your contention on culpability for the Crucifixion, I have heard the Boomer Churchanity contention that White Gentiles killed Christ as it was our guys who did the nailing and the spearing. My counterpoint to that is they did it at the behest of the non-Israelite Jews and were of course excused by Christ for their actions as they knew not what they were doing.
Since Christ excused those Roman Israelites who acted as golems, I question us heaping blame onto them for acting as golems; my understanding is also that Matthew 27:25 has the non-Israelite Jews accepting all of the responsibility for the murder of Christ.
BTW, since you are a fluent proponent of the theory of the Russian Jews, I would like to know more about who converted them, why they were converted, and what happened then to the Jews of the Bible.
ReformingBoomer wrote, “As I recall of the transcripts posted here, the Edomite is the spawn of Esau mixed with the Arab descendants of Ishmael, and that Arabs are literally non-White.”
Back when Esau took an Ishmaelite wife, I believe that they were white. They were only two or three generations from Ishmael himself, and God had promised to bless Ishmael. Although it was a transitory promise, I suspect.
ReformingBoomer wrote, “This also explains how the Jews who are of their father the devil could say to Christ that they are the sons of Abraham yet also state that they were never in bondage.”
2 Samuel 8:14 says, “He [David] also put garrisons in Edom. In all Edom he put garrisons, and all the Edomites became servants to David.” It seems then that Edomites were in fact under bondage at some point in their national history. Therefore, in my opinion, the common CI interpretation of the John 8 bondage is broken.
Them stating that they were not under bondage in John 8 is literally just a response to the Lord who said in verse 31 and 32, “So Jesus was saying to those Judahites who had believed Him… the truth will set you free.” They’re just pointing out that they personally, who are the audience, had never been under bondage.
Later they say in verse 41, “We were not born as a result of sexual immorality; we have one Father: God.” This is a physical/genetic statement they are making I believe, and I think they were right. Many in CI flippantly discard the genealogical records which the Israelites had until that time.
However, the Lord spiritualizes the statement when He says in verse 42, “If God were your Father, you would love Me.” We know that many genetically pure Israelites do not love the Lord Jesus or God, as a list of such from the Scriptures would be a long one. With that simple fact combined with 1 John 3, it is inconceivable that the Lord is challenging their physical descent. On the contrary, He is challenging their spiritual descent.
ReformingBoomer wrote, “Since Christ excused those Roman Israelites who acted as golems, I question us heaping blame onto them for acting as golems; my understanding is also that Matthew 27:25 has the non-Israelite Jews accepting all of the responsibility for the murder of Christ.”
Agreed. The Lord excused the Romans in their ignorance, and all of the blame was placed on those who willed the act. It’s sort of like when David murdered Uriah the Hittite with the sword of the Ammonites. I go back to Acts 2 though, where the Israelites in Peter’s audience admitted that they were responsible for killing Christ. Edomites infiltrating the Israelites and murdering Christ seems to me to be not at all what the NT writers are saying.
ReformingBoomer wrote, “BTW, since you are a fluent proponent of the theory of the Russian Jews, I would like to know more about who converted them, why they were converted, and what happened then to the Jews of the Bible.”
I should clarify — I believe that Jews come from Arabs generally speaking. It may even be possible that some of the Jews were literal descendants of Israelites who had been mixed genetically with the Arab population by 600AD (making them no longer Israelites or even people). Brought into that, which I thinks accounts for most of the Jews, were the Khazars and whatever was the result of the mixing of Arabs, Mongols and Russians.
Many in CI view the rise of Jewry as something which was the result of their own genetic predisposition, which carried on since Esau all the way through to today. I believe that this is not a Scriptural view, for many reasons I have provided, but also prophetically. I believe that “Jews” were created and raised by Satan some time after the ascension of Christ. If Jews are one of the beasts of Revelation 13/Daniel 7, then this is the only possible answer, as Satan raised the beast(s) from the sea after Christ’s ascension.
Therefore, as for the “Jews of the Bible”, I don’t think there were any. I think Edomites were/are pure white Adamic people, and don’t represent the threat to Judean society that many in CI think they did. All those who murdered Christ were evil, white Israelites.
There is also Stephen’s defense in Acts 7:51-53,
“51 You men who are stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears are always resisting the Holy Spirit; you are doing just as your fathers did. 52 Which one of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? They killed those who had previously announced the coming of the Righteous One, and you have now become betrayers and murderers of Him; 53 you who received the Law as ordained by angels, and yet did not keep it.”
Consider this in relation to Matthew 21:33-46, where the Lord condemns them for killing all of the prophets. If they killed all the prophets, then it can only be Israelites. He says also in Matthew 23:34-36,
“34 “Therefore, behold, I am sending you prophets and wise men and scribes; some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will flog in your synagogues, and persecute from city to city, 35 so that upon you will fall the guilt of all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. 36 Truly I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation.”