Frank Lowy, an alleged Holocaust survivor who fought in Israel’s War of Independence and went on to become a billionaire shopping magnate in Australia, has made aliyah:
“I feel that I’m home. That’s all. Very simple,” Lowy said in an interview aired Tuesday by Israel’s Channel 12.
Born in what is now Slovakia in 1930, Lowy and his family ended up in the Budapest ghetto during the war, where his father Hugo disappeared while trying to find the family a way out. Lowy escaped to France, tried to reach Palestine and was interned by the British in Cyprus before finally arriving and joining the Hagana, fighting in Israel’s War of Independence.…
Working as a plumber in Haifa after the war, Lowy decided to join his mother and brother when they got visas to Australia in 1952, anglicizing his name from Pinchas to Frank. In a rags-to-riches success story, Lowy worked his way up and in 1959 co-founded the shopping center company Westfield, which he sold in December 2017 for $33 billion.
Later that year he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth “for his contribution to the UK economy through the company he founded, Westfield, and its major investments in the UK.”
…Israel has always been close to Lowy’s heart and he is known for his philanthropic activity, as well as a failed attempt to buy Bank Leumi. That episode ended in 2007 with an investigation of alleged interference in the bid by then prime minister Ehud Olmert.
Plagued his entire life by not knowing the fate of his father, Lowy was stunned when 45 years after his disappearance a stranger approached his son, Peter, who was living in California in 1991, and told him, “I was with your grandfather in Budapest” when the two were arrested by the Nazis and sent to Auschwitz.
Peter told his father the news, and Frank Lowy took the next flight to California to talk to the man, discovering that his father had been shot and killed upon arriving at Auschwitz after repeatedly refusing to give up his prayer shawl and tefillin.
“He could not live without his tallit and tefillin,” a tearful Lowy said.
With the new knowledge, Lowy restored a train car that was used to deport Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz as a monument and dedicated it at the camp in 2013 as part of the March of the Living, where he was finally able to say the Kaddish mourner’s prayer for his father.
Speaking about his path in life, Lowy attributed his success to never giving up.
Just like another suspected organized crime figure, Myer Lansky, Frank Lowy (pronounced ‘Louie’ like the song) has decided to spend what is left of his life in Israel.
Predictably, Lowy has the all-too-familiar resume of many arch-Zionist gangster billionaires, a jewish version of the old Horatio Alger “rags to riches” myth: obligatory Holocaust survivor or son of a survivor; miraculous and rapid accumulation of vast, unimaginable wealth; generous philanthropy to jewish causes; and enormous behind-the-scenes political power and influence.
It is remarkable how these Zionist elite are able to blur the lines between international organized crime, philanthropy, and politics.
With his jewish business partner, “Lucky” Larry Silverstein, a former strip club owner from New Jersey, Lowy just happened to take out a 99-year lease on the World Trade Center 2 months before the 9-11 attacks and thus made billions on the insurance payoff.
You can either believe in impossible coincidences or you can accept the uncomfortable reality that the only suspects arrested on 9-11 were the infamous ‘Dancing Israelis’ who, with legal help from Allen Dershowitz, were quickly deported back to Israel where they appeared on national television, admitting they were in New York City on 9-11 to “document” the attacks.
And if these low-level Mossad agents had foreknowledge of the attacks, it is inconceivable that Lowy and Silverstein were kept in the dark.
Fleeing Europe after WWII to Palestine and joining up with the Zionist terror gang, the Hagannah, may have given Lowy a taste for shedding innocent blood in “defense” of the nascent state of Israel.
From the perspective of these Israeli loyalists, the 9-11 attacks were not, in fact, attacks at all, but rather an indirect way of “defending” Israel by luring America into acting as their proxy warriors to eliminate all of Israel’s “existential” enemies in the Middle East, such as Iraq, Libya, and next Iran.
Perhaps Lowy wants to be in Israel to witness the planned destruction of the Al Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount before he dies. Either way, no doubt there is more to his making “aliyah” than meets the eye.
In “celebration” of Lowy’s return to Israel:
I wish that I was younger and a historian. There are so many stories of Jews and their sudden or hard earned success and becoming billionaires. They were owners of sea ships carrying on trade in ancient times, supposedly. I’ve even read that they good at kidnapping men for their ships. Carried on the slave trade. Makes me wonder how many were the pirates we see portrayed in movies. Where do they really fit in history? I cannot believe knowing the Jews of today and what they do and how they behave, that they are who we are led to believe they are. I believe that they stole or created a history from others among whom they lived and as they became known, accepted, needed , added to their history.
The Jew’s history is supposed to be in the Old Testament. Where did their history really come from? Others have shown a similar ten commandants, and moral laws from other civilizations as well as gods and saviors and events. In 1849, the Jews tried to overthrow the Russian government and one reason, it is said that so many Jews came to the United States . A Baptist minister told of the Jews prostituting their women for money. It failed again in 1905 and succeeded in 1917. And their success and influence in Germany and other European countries after WW1 in taking over governments. That’s where I believe a lot of Jewish success comes from as well as their wealth and power.
The Jews gain control of a country , civilization, town, business, and exploit it. How many Jews today are living around the world who have gotten their wealth , from the overthrow, control , exploitation of resources of Russia, Germany, and other European countries? Such as the gold and diamond fields of South Africa? See the estate the Rothschild’s own. Turkey is said to be secretly ruled by the Jews since WW1. and Turkey was in the news a lot last year or so. Saudia Arabia is said to be run by a Jewish tribal klan. Israel and Saudai Arabia have made agreements with each other. Even I know that the so called Italian Mafia that we see portrayed on Television as Italians were the Jews Mussolini sent to Sicily. That was in the news..
Maybe that is why as soon as the war was over , Mussolini and his mistress were executed. Revenge!! Just as soon as Saddam Huessin was located , he was beaten to death while pleading to his captors: “what did I do; what did I do?” He improved the lot of his people but apparently the Jews wanted him out of the way to shut him up. Afterwards Paul Wolfewitz was sent to Iraq to sell Iraq’s business’s and resources.
We live in the Jewish fantasy land they create for us. They mock WW11 with Hogan’s Hero’s using Jew actors, Viet Nam war using Jewish actors and brag how successful the shows are. They mock us with their nightly Jewish talk show hosts. Did anyone notice how shocked Oprah Winfrey “pretended ” to be when Magan Merkel said that the Royal Family was concerned about how dark the skin of her child would be as though it was a crime to think such a thing by the Royal Family?
Oprah Winfrey lives according to news sources in a $ 68,000,000 home. There is what is called a “Black Bu Lay.” I can’t think how to spell Bu lay now, but it is Black’s like her that are allowed to become successful and wealthy, probably to satisfy the Blacks as a race that they have a chance at success and fame and wealth too. It carries on into sports, media, movies , government, political and social positions. Probably as a means to control them as a race. It’s not difficult to see why so many sports and media are dominated by Blacks knowing that Jews control many and are displacing White’s in all positions slowly, without notice and complaint.
What abuses have the Blacks suffered since Lyndon Johnson? They have been given priority in jobs, education, and many other areas. Harvard is now minority dominated. That is why they and Bernie Sanders wants free education because the Jews , Blacks and minorities will take over the education system in our country. Their supposed racism is the same as the Jews so called “anti semitism. ” To get sympathy and shame the White’s into not criticizing them , knowing they are showed favoritism and expose their faults. Crime is increasing and will continue.
Blacks may seem a religious people, but they are not a spiritual people nor are the Jews. There are too many variations of thinking in this country, and we are being divided. Look at the women and minorities who get into a positions of power and influence and look out for themselves or their group. How many women are taking positions from men especially in local and Federal Government?
Boy, Australia, is really going to miss Lowy and his undue influence, but I’m sure Israel could use him for what they’ve got planned next. Something about a moshiach?
Robert Brown
The Mosiach is the dollar sign, American money!
They know we know and they don’t care because they will never be held accountable, and I think they want us to know they did it and can’t do anything about it to demoralize us.
Maybe I’m crazy, but I don’t remember the Media showing “controlled demolitions” about once a month. Have you noticed?
It feels to me like this is completely on purpose. To shove it down our throats. It is amazing to me how some average Joe watching the news cycle in the morning, watches the news cover a controlled demolition, which ends up looking exactly like towers 1,2 and 7 and thinks to himself……………………………there is no cohencedence.
Are we this stupid as a people??? What on earth happened to us.
Thomas J.
“Average Joe” does not notice because if he does, he’ll have to change how he thinks and lives, and that’s too painful and requires too much effort. “Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise.”
“Sir” Frank Lowy paid cash for his bogus knighthood and was up to his eyeballs in the cash for peerage scandal in the UK….
So Lowy in his early teens found a way to “escape” Slovakia but his father couldn’t? Even more unlikely is his explanation about the mysterious stranger he met in California decades later who knew the fate of his father at, gasp!, Auschwitz, and the exact manner of execution (shooting rather than gassing). None of these “survivor” stories ever stand up to close scrutiny, but the Jews are experts at acting “indignant” if you have the temerity to question their tall tales.
Tall tales indeed. I remember reading through pages and pages of jewish ‘testimonies’ transcribed from the Nuremberg trials. I could never have imagined just how ‘hokey’ it all was. I have since noticed that virtually all jewish testimonies, stories, explanations, ad nauseum, have the same smell…
The generic proverb, “If you want answers, follow the money trail”, can now be more concise: “If you want answers, ‘follow’ the jew”. While the two seem synonymous, most white people don’t even understand the concept of today’s money in the first place, and ‘money trails’ usually lead down rabbit holes that may never reveal it’s jewish origin and masters. All jews lead to Israhell, the center of evil in this world…