(Israel National News) Laura Loomer, after poking around the alt-Right and failing to find an identity or generate any credibility, is now running for Congress in Florida, as a Republican no less, against another Jew, an incumbent Democrat, in the Jewish stronghold of West Palm Beach:
“At twenty-seven years old, she has become a prominent activist who hasn’t let her age nor the constant censorship deter her. Laura bravely advocates for Jewish values, which is why she is running for Congress. She is an educated woman who graduated from Barry University with a degree in broadcast journalism. This election will be the first time in American history in which two Jewish women will run against each other.
Laura seeks office as a Republican not just because she supports several of Trump’s policies aimed at combating anti-Semitic narratives, particularly on college campuses, but because she knows the Jewish American community needs her. She understands that it is imperative to “boycott big tech because they are the major problem in the current rise of antisemitism.” “I want Jewish Americans to be a protected class. In the United States hate crime laws… they list ‘Jewish,’ as a race. Elected officials will be held accountable. I will also call out the systemic Jew Hatred that has become a major issue.”
Loomer says “It’s time for Jews to wake up!” She holds the conviction that the Democratic Party is the demise of American Jewry. Many of our Democratic Party leaders stand firmly against the Jewish community and the Jewish nation state, Israel. Far too few are condemning them.
Laura is no stranger to criticism. She has addressed anti-Semitism in the Democratic Party for years. On many occasions, she has called out Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talib, and the rest of the “Squad” members’ anti-Semitism, most recently when, a few days ago, Palestinian media praised the Squad for its anti-Zionism and stance against Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria. In the Squad’s letter, Loomer points out that “they supported organizations that are linked to BDS, as well as the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine; which is categorized as a hate group in many counties.”
In 2018, Twitter banned Laura Loomer for criticizing Ilhan Omar. Notably, Loomer boldly interrupted the 2019 Womens’ March and drew attention to the March’s leaders’ anti-Semitic ways. Thereafter, the Womens’ March fired Linda Sarsour.
Laura opines that “[i]f there is a second Holocaust, the Jewish Democrats will be to blame. History is repeating itself.” She continued “the ADL receives millions of dollars a year but won’t say anything. They were complicit with Obama and Farrakhan.” Many Jews feel this way. There has been an outcry for a leading voice to speak out on the rise of Farrakhan’s “teachings.” Loomer added “[Farrakhan] seems to have ridden the wave of the BLM movement and attached the Democratic left, which is a strong force in the media and isn’t a friend to the Jew.”
The rise of anti-Jewish incidents has been profound and has included Brooklyn Jews being physically assaulted in the streets, the shooting in NJ done carried out by Hebrew Black Israelites, and the stabbing at the Monsey shul. When speaking on this, Laura said “We need to call it for what it is. It’s Jew Hatred. Which I find ironic because Jews helped the black community during the civil rights era. We were standing side by side. Now, they are being radicalized by Louis Farrakhan.”
“Joe Biden has said they should teach Islam in school. But no Christianity? No Judaism? Why don’t we give out free Qurans? Studies have shown there’s more hatred for Jews within it than Mein Kampf,” she told me. Laura believes a red-green alliance is taking place. Namely, “that Democrats, BLM, and these Islamic groups are manipulating the system in a way where you can’t even speak out against them without them telling you you’re racist or Islamophobic.” Laura is known for her strong right-wing beliefs but are there truths to this?
…Ms. Loomer has been silenced by many big companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Paypal, and Chase. This has not stopped her. She has found many ways to get her voice heard. She is determined to make sure that America remains America and that the Jewish people in America remain safe. We need her in office. “I was in Israel for the move of the embassy, not a single Democrat member of congress was there. Out of the twenty-eight Jewish members of congress, twenty-six of them are Democrats! They weren’t there. They don’t condemn the members and their Jew hatred.”
…Antisemitism is on the rise. The majority of hate crimes happening in the United States target Jews and no one speaks about it. Laura said lastly, “I will be putting Jews on trial. They need to decide who they want to represent them, their values, and who will stick up for their survival. That’s what I will do.”
Loomer is running in an area north of Miami that is heavily populated by Jews, so she can make such blatant Jewish supremacist remarks without fear of offending anyone — except perhaps an ‘antisemite’.
Imagine a White candidate saying that he wanted to make Whites a protected class — the Jews would make sure his political career would be over.
Of course, Jews are already a ‘protected class’, but apparently Loomer wants to make it official — spelled out in Federal law to take advantage of the fact that Jews are now recognized as a racial — not just religious — minority.
And by ‘protected class’ she ultimately means that no one will be allowed to criticize Jews or Israel without the risk of being prosecuted for ‘inciting violence’ against Jews.
And by suggesting that “Jewish Democrats” will be responsible for the “next” Holocaust, Loomer has unwittingly gone off script by implying that Jewish behavior does, in fact, cause antisemitism — and ultimately violence against Jews.
Loomer seems to be on the same page as historian David Irving who observed that Jews themselves were responsible for ending up in Auschwitz.
Doesn’t Loomer know that it official policy of the ADL that Jews are never responsible for “Jew hate“?
Jews are the world’s ultimate victims, but Loomer is threatening to take that status away from them.
Elderly Jews in Florida whose Jewish identities depend on fear probably won’t like that idea very much.
VIDEO: Rabbi – “The Biggest Enemies of the Jews are the Jews”
Ever seen such a collection of pathetic weaklings all gathered under one religion before? A group so corrupted that they need legislation to try and stop you from hating them? Ironic that the very actions they take are the ones that ultimately cause them the greatest problems.
If they want to be protected, all they need do is stop abusing the public… Putin kicked out the Jewish oligarchs from Russian power and influence…. that lead to a 30 year low in ‘Antisemitism,’ but they still aren’t happy enough… we’ll, we have a definite solution. https://christiansfortruth.com/under-putin-antisemitism-at-30-year-low-but-russian-jews-still-not-optimistic-or-satisfied
Putin is a Jew…the kicking out was fake..
In South Africa: I wrote to the Jewish Board of Deputies (equivalent of ADL for you guys) and the Chief Rabbi and asked for my Kosher tax monies back. I told him it is causing anguish to community relations. As it is not reflected on my till slip and I still pay but I want my money back. No reply. Then I e mailed the tax office to report it as a Tax fraud. No reply. I spoke to the auditor generals office the same again. Then I spoke to the freedom of religion commission and still no help. Now I am speaking to the Human Rights commission. They have asked me to fill in a form and it hopefully will be issued a case number. Take the fight to the Jews and make the ADL work they will be shame faced and back down. Most of all keep them busy.
Mark Gods word. Matthew 14:5
When he (Herod) would have put him to death, he feared the multitude, because they counted him as a prophet. You can fear God or men but see they feared the people. Rise and rise until lambs become lions and sheep no more.
Did you see rulers of this age fear too you must become militant active digital soldiers. Bring shame on the Rabbinate as even in Israel they call Kosher Tax extorion they pay as high as 32% on the bill for some ultra Orthodox lazy usless slime douche to issue a certificate of Kosher. Just imagine Manna coming down from heaven and some Rabbi issuing a Kosher certificate as a religious scam. Moses never authorized nor appointed these Rabbis so why are Jews so scared of their leaders. Make them fear you.
Dozens of Israeli defense officials, journalists and even lawmakers were listed in documents containing the names of alleged spies for the Soviet Union’s KGB intelligence arm mostly in the 1950s.
Among the names listed in the documents published Friday by the Yediot Acharonot daily was Moshe Sneh, a senior member of the Haganah prestate military organization and subsequently a lawmaker for the left-wing Mapam and Maki, the Communist Party in Israel.
The documents were declassified in Britain earlier this year after being kept under wraps for decades.
According to the documents cited in the report, Sneh provided information to the Russians about Israeli foreign policy and was a source for the information sent by the Soviet Embassy in Tel Aviv to Moscow regarding the positive attitude of Israel’s first foreign minister, Moshe Sharett, toward the United States in the 1950s.
“#JewishPrivilege is Running Nearly Every Major Company While Pretending to be Oppressed”
Here is what “jewish values” ultimately bring about to our people.
“DHS: Illegal Alien Distributed Images Of Himself Raping 1-Year-Old Girl”
“Jewish values” are what Hitler was against. They come, they corrupt, they destroy.
As if jewry is not already a protected class in the US, and wherever else the jews reside.
“Israeli Groups Get Covid-19 Money”
“It should surprise no one to learn that even given the current economic and healthcare crisis in the U.S., Israeli start-up companies and affinity groups that lobby in the United States have been declared eligible to receive Covid-19 related money under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). The payments have been authorized through the multi-trillion-dollar CARES Business Assistance Program for foreign companies as long as they have a facility in the United States and have some salaried U.S. employees. The loans can be as much as two-and-a-half times the cost of wages actually paid to employees up to a total of $10 million and are issued at 1% interest that is repayable within two years, with a six-month grace period before payments are due. The loan would be converted into a grant if the company can demonstrate that the money was actually spent on salaries that prevented terminating employees.
Predictably, Israeli-connected law firms in the U.S. were immediately out of the starting gates…”.
Grant has also identified PPP money going to the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA), which inter alia arranges highly controversial “terrorism” training for American police…”.
Note that an Israeli bank has somehow been able to grant as much as a half-billion dollars of U.S. taxpayer money under the PPP program, all of it going to Israeli businesses and other Israel-linked entities…”.
…[One] most outrageous grant is to the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF), an organization that raises money in the U.S. for the Israeli military. FIDF has 14 regional offices in the United States and operates under the slogan “Their job is to look after Israel. Our job is to look after them.” In 2017 alone FIDF had assets totaling $290 million, so it clearly does not need the money currently, but took it anyway. Donations to FIDF are predictably tax deductible as it claims to be a charity and the proceeds of its fundraising are also tax exempt, going directly to the Israeli Defense Ministry.” [More]
Hahaha….Jews are a government protected class and always have been among Christians….the Supreme Court ruled that Jews are a superior RACE of people, so what this Loomer person means, is that she is going to make it official that Jews are the upper class ruling America. They have been de defacto rulers of America for over a century dictating foreign and domestic policy….like the US State Department antisemitism czar said, America has been designed to protected Jews world wide. The redesign of America from Constitutional Republic to a Judaism-Marxist-Liberal Democracy was put in motion in 1871 and Woodrow Wilson signed the death warrant in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act, that enabled the dictatorial imperialist supremacist Jews to hijack the world……
Britains protected class Jews.
Gateshead housing estate exclusively for Orthodox Jewish families set to be built despite objections.
Another jewess in FLorida .. so crowded like a concentration camp (forgive me ). I assume her opponent is Ros-Lehtinen a republican , who must have the same platform as LOOOOmer since they only have one. It must become a choice of which is most radical or most likely to carry the platter with the head of John the Baptizer.
Holycost is a jewish metaphor and Florida has already ratified unconstitutional laws making the rich, south FLorida the real Israel and the rest its frontier . Tallahassee is their …concentration camp. But all are obeisant prostitutes hoping for crumbs from their table . Wandering persecuted jews turn to politics when they cannot compete for easy money in a lucrative profession. She has inherent talents and subversive abilities with effete , jew rhetoric which sounds very much like President Trump, make America great . To hell with the irrelevant laws , they never liked anyway.
She will have a contest with incumbent of who is the better jew (always the decisive issue when jew has no goy to slander)) . Perhaps she is relying on her androgynous , masked face to persuade the voters since Ros-Lehtinen (spare reader a shocking photo) has neither beauty nor youth to offer. Giv-em the holycost and wear some striped , muslin pajamas comrade Laura . The older ones will like that.
Ros-Lehtinen is a Cuban Jew with a transgender “son”, which is a triple identity whammy in South Florida–gave up her seat and not seeking re-election as a republican. Loomer will be running against incumbent Lois Frankel, another carpetbagger Jew from New York City originally.
Thank you . Have not been informed directly on FLorida politic since I left.
I think Ros-Lehtinen is retired from politics.
I used to live in Palm Beach county. It (along with Dade and Broward counties) was infested with northeastern jews whose parents were probably actual communists and who have the same outlook without the party membership.
Inside Israel’s million dollar troll army.
A global influence campaign funded by the Israeli government had a $1.1 million budget last year, a document obtained by The Electronic Intifada shows.
Act.IL says it has offices in three countries and an online army of more than 15,000.
In its annual report, from January, Act.IL says its goal is to “influence foreign publics” and “battle” BDS – the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement for Palestinian rights.
Israel has embarked on a massive recruitment drive to support the country’s online propaganda campaign one day after its companies were exposed for spreading disinformation and meddling in the elections of several African, Asian and Latin American countries.
The new initiative, which would see the government funding pro-Israel groups overseas, was unveiled by Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs, a government arm set up to combat the global rise of pro-Palestinian activism and Israel’s poor global image.
Launching the initiative, Strategic Affairs Minister Gilad Erdan, who is also the public security minister, was quoted by the Times of Israel saying: “I’m proud to launch the first [government] program to support pro-Israel organizations and activists around the world.”
Jerusalem rabbi arrested for ‘holding women in slavery’
Britains Laura Loomer
Luciana Berger.
Sorry laura – cant be a ‘second holocaust’ when there was never a ‘first’.
A few years back, Laura Loomer teamed up with fellow Jewish sayanim Jason Goodman to “investigate” the Las Vegas mass shooting, and their role was to blame it on shadowy “Saudis” and steer it away from the obvious suspects, the Mossad.
Jason Goodman, of course, is pals with admitted Mossad asset George Webb, who allegedly investigates pedophilia in high places–except for when Jews and Israel are involved, and involved they are up to their collective eyeballs.
Loomer also showed up at the Parkland shooting in Florida, which was carried out by a crypto Jew Nikolas Cruz, and “investigated” by Jewish Sheriff Scott Israel. Loomer’s been “sheep dipped” by CIA-connected spook Alex Jonestein at InfoWars and super Jew Ezra Levant at Rebel News.
Her role in running for Congress is to further Judaize the “Right”, to focus America’s problems on Muslims–and steer clear of ‘patriotic’ ultra-Zionist Jews like herself. They will use the pushy, loudmouthed Loomer to attack the anti-Israel faction of the Demoncrats ‘of color’. She’s clearly protected and promoted by some deep pocketed Jews with Mossad connections.