In direct contradiction to powerful jewish advocacy groups such as the ADL, SPLC, and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Facebook VP Joel Kaplan made it clear in writing that the company does not consider Holocaust denial to be ‘hate speech’ or ‘antisemitism’:
Facebook intends to allow Holocaust denial on its platform, so long as it doesn’t advocate “violence against Jewish people in any way,” according to a letter written by Joel Kaplan, Vice President for Global Public Policy at Facebook and obtained by Jewish Insider.
“I want to underscore that Facebook rejects hate,” Kaplan writes. “We take down any content that celebrates, defends, or attempts to justify the Holocaust. The same goes for any content that mocks Holocaust victims, accuses victims of lying about the atrocities, spews hate, or advocates for violence against Jewish people in any way. As you can imagine, posts and articles that deny the Holocaust often violate one or more of these standards and are removed from Facebook.”
But Kaplan makes clear that Facebook will “not remove lies or content that is inaccurate — whether it’s denying the Holocaust, the Armenian massacre, or the fact that the Syrian government has killed hundreds of thousands of its own people. This is because we do believe that people should be able to say things on Facebook that are wrong or inaccurate, even when they are offensive.”
The letter dated April 9 and addressed to Paul Packer, Chairman of the U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad, responds to an inquiry about whether the social network would allow Holocaust denial on its site, in light of its recent ban on “praise, support and representation of white nationalism and separatism.”
So in other words, it’s okay to claim what many people already know, that 6 million Jews did not die in gas chambers during a two and a half year period in WWII, but it’s not okay to state that you are disappointed to find out that the Nazis didn’t really kill 6 million Jews. The Jews must know they won’t be able to sustain the official 6 million death toll forever, and so in the event that the truth comes out on a massive scale, antisemites will become those who are disappointed millions of Jews weren’t killed.
Unfortunately, Jews get very angry when Holocaust deniers, many of whom are actually jewish, try to convince their fellow Jews that the world isn’t such an evil place and that Jews were not murdered on an industrial scale as they’ve been told their whole lives. You’d think that millions of Jews would collectively let out a sigh of relief and be grateful that such a horror show didn’t happen, but instead they turn into head-spinning Linda Blairs in “The Exorcist” and want to kill the unfortunate messenger. Perhaps Facebook will somehow show its fellow Jews that Holocaust denial is good for Jews.
Red Flag Fed
The PTB want you to comment. Internet is much better to read the minds of the nation than the old Nielson reports. It’s interactive. Now with sites like FB, you give the intel away for free. No speculation on the govt psychologists part at all.
NEVER write, document, digitally broadcast your true feelings online. You are right now, believe it or not, being monitored real-time everywhere you go and recorded just about all of the time. Be carefull what you say in public as federal red flag agents are trying to get people to talk about guns, patriotism, communism, politics, war…etc.. anything to get you to say something to take your guns.
What is the holocaust everyone keeps talking about, the one in Armenia, or Ukraine, the Holodomor?
The jewish claim of 6 million jews dead at the hands of Hitler and the ‘nazis’ simply due to ‘anti-semitism’ (at a time when there were less than 3 million jews in all of Germany and only 15 million accounted for worldwide). If you’ve never heard of this, sounds a bit preposterous, doesn’t it?
Add “Dresden” to that list.
“Hellstorm” by Thomas Goodrich. Or — “Hellstorm” the documentary by Kyle Hunt
How can you deny the holocaust while not simultaneously breaking the rule of claiming that a survivor™ is lying.
Edward L.
Clever point, but the reality is the vast majority of “eye witnesses”, according to their video testimonies collected by Speilberg’s Shoah Foundation, never saw gas chambers or mass murders. Thus, they don’t need to lie in order to prove the Holocaust narrative is full of holes. That there have been millions of Holocaust “survivors” is proof, in and of itself, that the official version is bogus.
Karls Jr.
“As you can imagine, posts and articles that deny the Holocaust often violate one or more of these standards and are removed from Facebook.”
There seems to be only one acceptable case of Hoaxaco$t denial: “I don’t think 6 million jews actually died in the Holocaust.” Nothing else can be said. If you were to expound upon that, you will be in violation. What Fakebook is doing is actually tantamount to weeding out the remaining “fringe-thinkers”, since they were able to effectively eliminate white, Christian, conservative group thought and the proliferation of their intelligence and knowledge. This is about convincing the remaining stooges of liberal-think that jewish run Fakebook isn’t what it truly is. Fakebook is being retooled to use the dumbed down liberal citizenry to be the jews’ public sjw spying network. Unless you are extremely careful about who receives/reads your ‘conservative opinions’ and you’re not on some jewish list yet, you will be. And if you want to know what that ultimately means, what happens when jews have enough power and chutzpah, read the Russia No.1 documents. Research the Bolshevik revolution. Research what happened to ALL Germans for 10 years AFTER WWII. You fools who think it’s the end of the world when you lose your precious cell phone, or can’t get your Starbucks coffee or McDonald’s French fries – you are in for one hell of a rude awakening…
It’s hard not to conclude that Facebook is up to something treacherous. They censor any conservative news at the drop of a hat, but they won’t censor Holocaust denial because “people have the right to be wrong”? Will they use this ploy to defend themselves against accusations of censorship of the “right wing”? Time will tell what they are really up to here…
Precisely ; this is one ‘bone to throw’ that [[[they]]] work overtime to disprove otherwise, and end up deleting the poster anyway over some other alleged infraction.
And ‘facebook rejects hate’?!?!?!!?!? Dont make me laugh…they hate EVERYTHING and EVERYONE that is right and white.
Beatie see
Once our traitors in the U.S. Congress pass laws to make Holocaust denial illegal, just as most of Europe has already done, those who were foolish enough to post denial material on Facebook will be threatened with jail, or worse. Must be a set-up of some sort….