Stephen Pollard, the editor for The Jewish Chronicle in the U.K., has written an op-ed piece in which he openly gloats and brags over how simple it was for him to have a man fired whom he decided was an “antisemite” because he openly criticized him and other pro-Zionists on Twitter:
As someone who, for reasons best known to the psychiatrist I probably need, is addicted to Twitter, the sheer volume of Jew-hatred can seem overwhelming. As you might suppose, antisemites are drawn to the editor of the JC like… well, use your imagination for the analogy.
Twitter is worse than useless in dealing with it. More often than not it seems as if it is keener to ban the victims of bigotry than the perpetrators themselves.
But this column is not a moan. It has a happy ending (well, happy is not quite the word). Because I am here to tell you that you can take things into your own hands and, with a bit of persistence, show the antisemites that their actions can have consequences.
A few weeks ago, I came across a tweet by @Ruralmaestro. This charmer told his followers that I was a “lifelong hard right racist”. I had a look at his Twitter biography and was intrigued to see he is a conductor — and the founder of the Bristol Classical Players (BCP). “Tom was born in 1980 and read English at Jesus College, Oxford”, reads his bio on the BCP’s site. I searched his name, mainly because I am a classical music enthusiast and wanted to see what sort of conductor tells lies about me online. What emerged immediately was a link to his day job: “Director, Private Client Tax Services for Smith and Williamson”, a blue blood firm which declares that “for over a century, we have managed the financial affairs of private clients and their business interests.”
This no ordinary schlemiel, I realised.
So it would be worth a look at his timeline to see what else he had to say. What I found was a man with what might best be described as an obsession with Jews, with Jewish communal bodies and with denying the existence of Labour antisemitism.
For example, he has repeatedly tweeted about the Board of Deputies: “Starmer is going to do exactly as the BOD — a hard right, fanatically pro-Israel group — tells him. This means the moment he says anything progressive or egalitarian they don’t like (be it on Palestine, Muslims or whatever), they’ll attack him. You fight liars, not appease them.”
Or this: “Yes but on the other hand this report isn’t half smoking out the hard right, pro-apartheid organisations who are criticising it. Like the BOD, the hard right racist group whom @keir_starmer has inexplicably chosen to be the arbiter of what is and isn’t racist in the Labour Party.”
And he really doesn’t like Jews who make a fuss about antisemitism, such as Rachel Riley: “No idea what Riley thinks she is doing and why, but she’s a proven liar and a fraud who harms those Jews who really are suffering from anti-Semitic abuse. She’s utterly vile and to pretend otherwise is to deny reality. Plus: if you know her, tell her to stop it pronto.”
There are two ways of responding to online lies: sue or expose. I always prefer the latter, especially when the liar is supposedly respectable. And since it took me a matter of seconds to discover that Tom Gauterin is “Director, Private Client Tax Services for Smith and Williamson”, so others would, surely. And I doubted that so establishment a firm would be happy to have their name associated with such antisemitic tropes as the Board of Deputies controlling the leader of the Labour Party.
On 28 May, I wrote to the company’s chairman, alerting him to his employee’s behaviour. I heard back the following morning from its PR, confirming that my email had been read and would receive a response. The next day, he told me that I could see how seriously it was being taken from the fact that @Ruralmaestro had now made his tweets private.
I have to tell you, I was sceptical about their response. Mr Gauterin hiding his tweets was hardly the response I had been after.
But my scepticism was misplaced. The company’s CEO then called me to say that he could not give me any information other than that an HR process was now under way. But he gave me his word that it was being taken seriously. Weeks went by and I became convinced that they were hoping I would forget it and go away.
I was wrong. HR processes need time to ensure all the correct procedures were followed. The CEO rang again. He was — he had to be — careful with his words. But he told me that Mr Gauterin no longer worked for Smith and Williamson.
I have no idea if he jumped or was pushed. I don’t care. Smith and Williamson behaved honourably and a man I believe to be a Jew hater has suffered the consequences of his bigotry. That is what matters.
Clearly, Pollard wasn’t satisfied that his victim was forced to make his Twitter account private — essentially publicly censoring him — he wanted more — he wanted “consequences” — his euphemism for ruining this man’s life socially, professionally, and financially.
And merely getting this man fired wasn’t good enough either — he wanted to make sure the public was aware that Gauterin was fired for expressing anti-Zionist opinions — a warning to everyone — like the Jewish Voice for Labour — who dares challenge the behavior of these Jewish supremacists thugs and their ethnic cleansing in Palestine.
And the CEO of Smith & Williamson seems to have been aware that firing Gauterin at the behest of Pollard for his political opinions could create serious legal problems for the firm — which is why he wouldn’t come right out and tell Pollard in the email exchange that Gauterin was terminated for Tweets that offended Pollard.
Instead the CEO cagily and cryptically let Pollard know that for unspecified reasons, Gauterin just so happened to be “no longer working” for the firm — without coming right out and admitting he was fired at the behest of Pollard.
In this op-ed piece Pollard admitted he “probably needed a psychiatrist” — and judging from what he’s foolishly admitted to — he may also need an attorney if Gauterin challenges his firing and Pollard’s admitted orchestration of it.
Pollard also shot himself in the foot when he quoted Gauterin directly which demonstrated he — Gauterin — indeed had concern for Jews who suffer from real antisemitism — after all, real “antisemites” don’t express such concern for Jewish suffering.
In a potential lawsuit with his former employer, Gauterin’s attorneys could very easily find other Tweets that show his sympathy for Jews — while expressing his valid criticism for Israel and its Zionist hooligans.
Apparently, Pollard is no stranger to legal troubles as editor of The Jewish Chronicle — according to Wikipedia, the publication has been “forced to pay damages for libel on several occasions throughout his tenure.”
Perhaps Gauterin’s attorneys will make Pollard understand that smearing people as “antisemites” and getting them unjustly fired also has real world “consequences.”
This should make people question the superior IQ thing, “Black Central Europe”, the Jewish race-hustling garbage that turned America into a first world minority group Bolshevik communist gulag is coming back to Europe and surprise, surprise who leads the charge Whites and Black American race-hustlers….
The making of a slave….
The reputed author, William Lynch, identifies himself as the master of a “modest plantation” in the British West Indies who has been summoned to the Virginia Colony by local slave owners to advise them on problems they have been having in managing their slaves.
He briefly notes that their current violent method of handling unruly slaves – lynching, though the term is not used – is inefficient and counterproductive. Instead, he suggests that they adopt his method, which consists of exploiting differences such as age and skin color in order to pit slaves against each other. This method, he assures his hosts, will “control the slaves for at least three hundred [sic] years.”
The inferior IQ group keeps whining about being a victim of the superior IQ group. The superior IQ group enjoys the acknowledgement of being superior and keeps giving, and giving, and giving what others created and worked hard for, they keep paying taxes so that their masters can keep feeling good, looking good and being superior while selling them down the river.
Fighting against group tyranny gave birth to the Constitutional Republic called the United States of America, but the posterity and their superior IQ helped turned it into a Bolshevik communist gulag where group tyranny rules…..proving that superior IQ is not that superior after all.
In the spirit of James Madison……
In the spirit of reality:
Piet Pompies
Literally entire towns have been looted and trashed. Something like 200 shopping malls looted and trashed… And even destroyed. Black police recorded joining in the looting. Trade routes blockaded.
All on top an already failing economy due to black government looting the taxes. Then government looted the COVID relief funds. Skilled workers are leaving (even blacks who can leave are leaving), and the tax base is diminishing. As if the black government wasn’t stupid and corrupt enough, in light of the above, they start a national health insurance scheme and free tertiary education for the “previously disadvantaged”. More funds to loot…
Blacks are so bad at running countries it’s comical.
“I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children, and destroy your cattle, and make you few in number; and your high ways shall be desolate.” (Leviticus 26:22)
“If I cause noisome beasts to pass through the land, and they spoil it, so that it be desolate, that no man may pass through because of the beasts” (Ezekiel 14:15)
“And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.” (Daniel 7:5)
“Twitter is worse than useless in dealing with it.”
That’s untrue. As far as I’m aware all the “jew-hatred” twitter pages get banned as soon as they apear. Even the funny jew pages like jews posting L’s online. The bloke got banned everytime he started up a new page with a slightly different name! The professional jewish internet trolls are always on the look out for the next thing to be offended by.
When people call me an “anti-semite” or a “racist” when I discuss things with them, I always say: “Perhaps I am, but am I wrong in what I have said?” That usually quitens the people down somewhat as Truth trump feelings… and as we all know emotionally people argue emotionally, whilst Truth shines light in to the darkness. I say what I say to show them that their shoutings of “RACIST!” do not affect me like they expect… they are so used to shutting people down that they find it hard to cope with when someone stands up to them. The same applys on the internet, but obviously social media have their “rules” and yet chirp on about being bastions of “freedom of speech.”
LOL, I just finished talking about this reverse psychology thing with some guys. If you confront those people who constantly call others racist, with their own actions they shut up real fast. Give them as taste of their own medicine. Thanks for sharing…..
Urgent Briefing that could save your life. Dr BAKHDI
Believe it or not, I am a regular Jewish reader of this site, a biological Jew, that is. I visit here near daily. All that you say about us is true. I am a converted, practicing Catholic, though I am now convinced that Identists have it right.
Unfortunately I’ve concluded, and as Bertrand Comparet has written, we are the children of Satan.
Julius Streicher said we are not only the enemy of Germany (we still are to this day), but the enemy of all mankind.
I am a anomaly though. I’m white presenting, grew up and socialized with whites, and never, EVER, had any resentment to them, nor did I feel like an outsider. And I am free of mental illness, neuroses, paranoia, and all the other conditions that Jews so often have.
Thanks for all you do. I particularly enjoy the articles about covid and have been sharing them with my wife (who is white) and friends.
I believe when Jesus returns he will be utterly ruthless with me and my kind, yet I still turn to him everyday for guidance in this hellscape called the USA.
Scott, God’s harshest punishment will be for true Israel — His true children — who turned their back on Him and who opposed His Son — “there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” All people who live in the truth will benefit from it, even if only in this material world. To live and die believing a lie of who we are is to live like an animal. The truth will set you free — pursue it whether it benefits you or not. If you take the truth personally, it will forever elude you.
Thank you!
Lisette, you are just great, a real Emily Hobhouse or an Elizabeth Dilling by character and nobility. Your work and efforts are monumental. We lack our women in this space and to find one that out shines men is a rarity. Saying this we should direct and illuminate more women to help in our cause of justice and freedom. Keep your arrows sharp and your wits more pointed. Thank God for your courage you motivate me in this darkness that so consumes our people.
In the fourth century, the pagan Libanius exclaimed, “What women these Christians have!” The focus of his admiration was
Anthusa, mother of the famed preacher John Chrysostom, but any student of Christian history could make the same affirmation of the hundreds of women who have suffered and died for the sake of their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In the earliest days of the church, the persecutor Saul “began ravaging the church, entering house after house, and dragging off men and women, he would put them in prison” (Acts 8:3). You are not alone we are more than them and our Father is Sovereign. Do not falter nor fear God is with us for sure. Censorship is a lack of a reasoned response!.
Hi Birnie,
Thank you for the compliment and the history lesson. I had to look up Emily Hobhouse and Elizabeth Dilling, women of grace.
Emily exposed the cruelty of the Anglo-Boers (Dutch) war over who would control the gold mines in South Africa. The precursors were the Anglo-Dutch wars, two European empires fighting each other domination of the seas and trade routes. It so happened that I am a product of England and the Netherlands fighting each other over power and turf.
Elizabeth, I find out put the communists of her days in the spotlight. “She was appalled by communism’s “atheism, sex degeneracy, broken homes [and] class hatred.” Very much like where I am today. In the name of liberating people from supposed Christian colonialism, Marxist ideology, turned my country of birth into one big corrupt cesspool, displaced people from their natural habitat, to become slaves of Marxist dictators in the Netherlands. I love the title of her book….”The Red Network.”
It is one more confirmation that the conservatives who tell me that I am sniffing glue and the liberals who call me a fruitcake are ignorant of history and intellectually dishonest.
We don’t hear about these women, only the feminist who push the anti-Christian Marxist agenda are considered to be Real woman. Thanks again for bringing them to my attention. Everything in due time and the laws of nature cannot be manipulated….principles matter.
As a wise man once said: “Logically one cannot speak of “Anti-Semitism” without first speaking of “Semitism”.
Well, since “anti-semitism” is a meaningless, made-up term, therefore, so is “semitism”.
It’s a subtle and devious trick to make it appear as if honest whistleblowing is just an act of blind, begrudging hatred.
And it’s not just “anti-semitism.” I recently left a fellowship over false doctrine, slander etc and even among those that were sympathetic to my moral grievances, i was labeled “anti-their doctrine” and suddenly plain scripture itself had no effect on settling doctrinal issues.
So it is good to examine the tendencies of ourselves as sheep, because the enemy knows them. And many of our Christian kin unwittingly utilize those same tricks. Mental hygiene demands a close look at semantics and implied meanings of words and phrases.
Isn’t it ironic how some repeatedly quote, “By your fruits ye shall know them”… Then they go on to exhibit the same behavior and show the same fruits. They witness against themselves, because by their behavior they are calling themselves Jews. It’s just like 2 Peter 2:12 says…
“But these, like unreasoning animals, born as creatures of instinct to be captured and killed, using abusive speech where they have no knowledge, will in the destruction of those creatures also be destroyed”
KJV is missing a bit which was present in earlier texts, so quoting the NASB above. But read the whole of 2 Peter 2 without 2SL baggage and it’s quite eye-opening…
Right. And Peter goes on to call them “clouds without water,” which is also how Jude refers to them.
Interestingly at Jude 1:6 he likens them to those angels who left their first estate.
So the subject of 2 peter 2 and Jude are the same. Definitely not mamzers.
You hit the nail on the head…..words have meaning.
“The terms “anti-Semite” or “antisemitism” came by a circuitous route to refer more narrowly to anyone who was hostile or discriminatory towards Jews in particular.”
“Anthropologists of the 19th century such as Ernest Renan readily aligned linguistic groupings with ethnicity and culture, appealing to anecdote, science and folklore in their efforts to define racial character. Moritz Steinschneider, in his periodical of Jewish letters Hamaskir (3 (Berlin 1860), 16), discusses an article by Heymann Steinthal criticising Renan’s article “New Considerations on the General Character of the Semitic Peoples, In Particular Their Tendency to Monotheism”.Renan had acknowledged the importance of the ancient civilisations of Mesopotamia, Israel etc. but called the Semitic races inferior to the Aryan for their monotheism, which he held to arise from their supposed lustful, violent, unscrupulous and selfish racial instincts. Steinthal summed up these predispositions as “Semitism”, and so Steinschneider characterised Renan’s ideas as “anti-Semitic prejudice.”
Antisemitism as a political weapon:
Ernest Renan a French Orientalist and Semitic scholar, expert of Semitic languages and civilizations, historian of religion, philologist, philosopher, biblical scholar and critic, shared his opinion about the lustful, violent, unscrupulous and selfish instincts of some people. Steinthal who was appointed assistant professor at the Berlin University and private lecturer in critical history of the Old Testament and in religious philosophy at the Hochschule für die Wissenschaft des Judenthums (Higher Institute for Jewish Studies a rabbinical seminary), summed up these predispositions as “Semitism.” Steinthal his brother in law Moritz Lazarus was a vocal opponent antisemitism.
A perfect example of how academic theories become tools/weapons to further a particular political agenda. Steinschneider (Jewish) used Steinthal’s (Not Jewish) ideas to call Renan’s (Not Jewish) ideas “anti-Semitic prejudice.”
As the world turned pitting people against each other for political gain is social and racial justice and anyone who questions the cruelty and viciousness of “Jews” is labeled an antisemite. What a tangled web they weave as they deceive.
“Meaningless”? It may be made up as you say but it’s hardly meaningless. Being labeled an “anti-Semite” today can cause you all kinds of real world trouble.
Because people accepted the notion, which is nothing but the corrupt ruling political class creating laws to protect their favor minority group. Everything happens with the law, including tyranny.
“The law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! The law, I say, not only turned from its proper purpose but made to follow an entirely contrary purpose! The law become the weapon of every kind of greed! Instead of checking crime, the law itself guilty of the evils it is supposed to punish!” — Frédéric Bastiat
They call me racist, Nazi and Antisemite all the time, and I dare them to go file their hate crimes laws against me, but they can’t. They only bully people who don’t know that as individuals they have the right to be free from oppression and tyranny of any kind. That right is natural and inalienable. The Constitution for the United States is clear on that matter….so these people only depend on the corrupt in government to keep their racket going. Challenging the perverted laws that politicians create to favor one dictatorial group over the majority of individuals is a civic duty…..
The State Department is a cesspool run by these Jewish supremacist, hiding behind America to spread their garbage to people around the world and making look perfectly legal, while their non-sense is in violation of the Constitution. They have to right to dictate what people should think or how they should feel….
The Department of State has used a working definition, along with examples, of anti-Semitism since 2010. On May 26, 2016, the 31 member states of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), of which the United States is a member, adopted a non-legally binding “working definition” of anti-Semitism at its plenary in Bucharest. This definition is consistent with and builds upon the information contained in the 2010 State Department definition. As a member of IHRA, the United States now uses this working definition and has encouraged other governments and international organizations to use it as well.
Bucharest, 26 May 2016
In the spirit of the Stockholm Declaration that states: “With humanity still scarred by …antisemitism and xenophobia the international community shares a solemn responsibility to fight those evils” the committee on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial called the IHRA Plenary in Budapest 2015 to adopt the following working definition of antisemitism.
Nobody talks about the evils of Zionism and Marxist tradition imperialism that is waging war against humanity. Jewish supremacist can exploit non-White people to foment hatred against White people and they do so with impunity, because corrupt politicians who create the perverted laws shield them from being held accountability for the crimes against others.
Hillary Goldberg Levin
“Despite being the wealthiest, most politically well-connected and influential group in Western nations, Jews have assiduously (and successfully) cultivated the notion they have always been, and remain, a cruelly-persecuted victim group deserving of everyone’s profound sympathy.”…..
They call me a fruitcake and all the -isms in the book, but I am not the only one seeing the Jewish victimhood culture for what it is a big scam, a shakedown, fraud, deception. With massive propaganda they convinced the world but they are not that genius because not everybody drinks their cool-aid.
Thanks for sharing
Midwest Guy on CNN
Good article.
He won’t be laughing soon, looks like he has a serious donut problem
Zionism is both a political ideology and a nationalist movement. It emerged in the 19th century in Central and Eastern Europe, both in reaction to the newer waves of ‘antisemitism’ and as a response to ‘Haskalah’, or Jewish Enlightenment. Soon after this, most leaders of the movement associated the main goal with creating the desired state in Palestine, then an area controlled by the Ottoman Empire.
Why Jewish Enlightenment?
Because Jews suffer from the delusion of grandeur, so they separate themselves and claim superiority over others aka Apartheid, multiculturalism, state within a state. This proclivity is fueled by envy. They copied what came out of Christian Western European philosophy and just put Jewish in front of it.
At the heart of Zionism is Marxist Bolshevik communism, which used religion and the claim of being God chosen to justify stealing land, genocide, and crimes against humanity.
Eastern and Central Europeans are not semites, so the anti-semitism is hating Jews, and anti-Zionism is anti-semitism claim that they use to censor people is bogus.
Here you have a Stasi aka Bolshevik communist, pushing the multicultural Jewish apartheid propaganda having the audacity to talk about Europe and its history of nationalism,
Jews are hard-core nationalist but they accuse Christians (White people) who want to preserve their culture and heritage to be dangerous anti-immigrant nationalist. I am still trying to wrap my mind around this one…. I can’t help it, I am constantly looking for looking, and the arrogance really ticks me off.
They envy the people of God, true Israel, which is contained within the white Adamic people.
They know it, which is why they call their land “Israel.”
They obfuscate this truth more than any other. Attacking our right to racial sovereignty is a major aspect of that. If we are drowning in white guilt, then we cant fulfill our obedience to love our kin and our God. Instead we serve all those opposed to us, groveling at their feet instead of praying at His feet.
They are chastisement from God for our abandoning our first estate, which is with our heavenly Father and not with the world and its allures and idols.
Deuteronomy 28:15, 43-44
“But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:”
“The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low.
He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail.”
Israel to hold referendum on replacing Britain in EU
Bibi promises vote on joining the European Union as Brussels says a space is up for grabs when Brexit takes place
They wrote the stuff and put it out there to test the sentiments, and when people respond with things they don’t like to hear the terrorists call you Racist, Nazi and Antisemite.
“The European Jewish Parliament or EJP (formerly known as European Jewish Union or EJU) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Brussels whose stated aim is to be “a uniting structure for all Jewish communities and organizations throughout Western, Eastern and Central Europe.”
With a European Parliament as an NGO of the god chosen supremacists that makes the “Real” European Parliament and European Union look like a joke, people who know how they play the game, know that the article was not a Purim Spiel…..but Zionist supremacist propaganda.
With all the evidence gathered it is my opinion that the Jewish supremacist who pitted America against Europe are trying to come back to Europe, because they know that they are running out of favor in America. American’s are waking up the Bolshevik communist Zionist supremacist scam that has economically and morally bankrupted the Constitutional Republic. The open-border, flooding Europe with Africans and Muslims, diversity and multicultural refugees welcome, Black Lives matter, LGBTQ agenda is paving the way.
They know it, and they know that I and many others know it too….the facts cannot be disputed. They can use perverted laws to ridicule people into silence, get them fired, destroy their lives, but they cannot destroy to truth, natural law cannot be manipulated and it will takes its course in due time.
Which proves the terrorism of the Jewish Zionist supremacist. This Jewish Zionist supremacist put me on his anti-semite list and when I challenged him for calling me a racist and Nazi I was censored by Twitter,
If I remove the post and give up my right to appeal the censorship, I can use my account again but I have no interest in doing such a thing. I stand my ground that these “Jews” who constantly cry victim of anti-semites are a bunch of arrogant self-serving government protected terrorists.