During his testimony at the trial of Adolf Eichmann in 1961, Jewish eyewitness and “artist” Yehuda Bakon made the astonishing claim that the Germans went to the trouble of making the so-called “gas chambers” handicap accessible for Jews with artificial legs.
In his description of the physical “gas chambers,” he stated the following:
In crematoria Nos. 1 and 2 there were two rooms of gas chambers; here, inside the Entkleidungskammer, there was yet another structure which they called a Rutschbahn (a chute) for people with artificial legs who could not walk; they transferred them by the chute directly into the rooms for undressing which were very near the gas chambers. In crematoria Nos. 1 and 2 there was a very long hall divided into two.聽 I asked them the reason for this and they explained that sometimes there were not enough people and it was a pity to waste the gas, so the people were put into only one half of the hall.
Bakon also provided the court with the only known “detailed” drawing of the legendary “gas chambers” — by someone who claimed to have actually seen them with his own eyes.
Luckily for posterity, Bakon’s artistic skills were able to capture — with chilling precision — how the Germans utilized their infamous engineering prowess to execute genocide on an industrial scale:
Gas chamber slides for the elderly
There is a video of Jewish business men being interviewed in which one claims that they want immigration into White Christian countries as revenge for all of the suffering they endured over the ages by the Christian world. I don’t know how or if I need a special program to put these videos with my comments, but they can be found on the internet.
It is difficult today to kid, tease or have fun with others , because you do not know how what you say or do will be interpreted. I was emptying waste baskets one day and a woman employee told the manager that I hit her, even though I was not even aware of doing such a thing, but had to explain myself. Another time, a women told me that she was a teacher and I told her that I had heard that children were being taught about homosexuality and I wondered if it was true as I could find no one to tell me. I was then called in and told that a customer complained that I was ” into her.” I never heard the term before and said that I did not speak slang and guessed that she meant that I was flirtting with her and never did any such thing.
One day , watching the news , a women, A Black male and a Jew were discussing the news. Another station had a Black women , a Jew and a Black male . The combinations are endless , but proves that the Jews are slowly or quickly replacing White males in as many areas as possible. The Blacks in the movies are made to be police chiefs, policeman, spies , businessmen and many other dynamic occupations. Even though in real life, the Blacks are mostly interested in sports and their own selves, and when one hears of them on the news, it ‘s about some crime or shooting or a Black reporter.
The Jews have revealed that they will always place a Jew in a position if possible. I’m surprised that with all of the captured documents and signatures of Germans, that the Jews and Communists of Russia haven’t accused and faked more accusations of evil against the Germans of more vicious evil than they have. So many people have videos and articles on their websites that are not available, because of censorship, yet Donald Trump passed HR 6421, The Anti Semitism Awareness Act for the Jews even though for over 4 years no one mentioned it, not even Alex Jones, who brags that he is the most censored person in the world, yet he knows about it.
The Obama’s sent their daughters to Harvard University which is now said to be a minority dominated college, proving that free education, that Alexanderia Cortez and Bernie Sanders want will fill the colleges and universities with Jews, and Blacks and other minorities. Even though there are countless videos on the internet of homeless people in all of our major cities, the Jews , Blacks and other minorities want more foreigners into this country. They will get the education while the Whites keep the infrastructure operating and inventing.
One can see that the One world Order is in operation by them declaring events and then seeing them be brought about. Such as Agenda 21, Agenda 35 and the declaration that fossil fuel vehicles will be eliminated by , I beleive the year 2050 and the automobile manufactures are claiming that they will do it. These timelines that are given such as Agenda 21, Agenda, 35, and the date of the elimination of fossil fuels are most likely the completion dates of certain projects they want done , which gives us an idea of how far along they are and possibly when we will see the End Times , so many want to see.
Get on various sites and see the machines that are being developed to act and react like humans and animals. See then woman like creation of a female made by the Japanese who can talk and react to questions. It is unbelievable . Alex Jones loves to talk about transhumanism , references to the New age , makes Masonic and Occultic symbols and no one , but those who try to expose him care. Why would anyone want to create an artificial human looking vehicle and your consciousness into it to live forever as Alex Jones claims so much to know about all of this.
We are already told that we are immortal, but apparently there must be something that we do not know about life on this planet and immortality and the Jews and others are working to achieve it. A Jewish Rabbi claims that the Jews were sent to Earth to conquer it. why would anyone want to rule over the Earth unless the only reason was that they needed to prove their superiority to themselves, others or one such as a Satan or Lucifer.
Rabbi Yosef Tzvi-ben Porat-says Hitler was right.
Rebbe Glickman
I will now tell you something so incredible you will have trouble believing it! At Auschwitz, or maybe it was Chelmno, there was a cage in which the Germans kept a bear and an eagle. Every day Ilse Koch would pick a Jew she didn’t like and have them thrown him into the cage. The bear would tear the Jew to pieces then the eagle would pick his bones. I know this for a fact because I saw it with my own two eyes!
And to think there are still people who deny the Holocaust.
Yeah, I reckon! And can you believe that some people still doubt the reality of the Auschwitz Rollercoaster too!
LOL! ?
You’ll like this…A letter from Jewish French Dr. Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce to Stevens Spielberg:
and after you believed you had heard it all… are they testing the abysmal credulity of holycost pilgrims or insulting the growing number who deride the stupidity and irresponsibility of such fatuous testimony ? Or boasting thier legislated liberty to lie without restraint or contradiction?
Jews are completely tone deaf to their own absurdities.
Rebbe Glickman
Say that again?
That’s all I got for this one. 馃檪
Bonus comedy article for the day!
I hope the Apostles were able to laugh from time to time.
Jews are so good at comedy, I often feel guilty at times for finding humor in things.
They STOLE that too.
In my family growing up, Jerry Seinfeld made a huge impression with my brothers. Seinfeld started out with simple comedy about dogs and dads — endearing to our hearts. And then look …………..
This is how they operate. The history of Entertainment is a perfect example of how that works. From Shirley Temple to Jenna Jameson — Karen Carpenter to Lady Gaga. 馃檨
Every Jerry Seinfeld joke used to start with, “Didja ever notice…?” Maybe there’s something wrong with me, but I never found him funny.
On the other hand, I liked Bob Newhart and George Carlin…..
I was under the impression that Jerry Seinfeld’s own standup was deliberately unfunny, the forerunner to modern “It is funny because it isn’t funny” ironic style of alleged humor.
However, his eponymous show was rather on point, naming the Jew and Jewry in ways that even Jews, as Seth Rogen conceded, are afraid to do nowadays.
Henry C.
Humor is impossible and totally absent in a nation dominated by Jews, who allegedly are the “kings of comedy”. Why? Just look at Bolshevik Russia. No one laughed. Why? Because the people did not share the same values as their Jewish overlords. And because of political correctness, all humor was considered counter-revolutionary. The same thing is happening today, where liberals want to ban memes, and no one can talk to each other, no one laughs at the same things, history repeats.