(The Jewish Chronicle) Ten years ago, during an interview to promote their “most jewish” film ever, A Serious Man, the Coen Brothers, two of Hollywood’s most celebrated filmmakers, acknowledged in an interview that Jews do indeed run Hollywood:
“We’re Jewish film-makers, for sure,” admits Joel Coen, one half of the Oscar-winning sibling team whose brand of ironic, darkly eccentric and often violent cinema has dominated independent American film-making for 25 years.
“We’ve never tried to hide that or tip-toe around it,” chips in his brother Ethan, three years his junior. “Hollywood has always been largely Jewish, although made of Jews who wanted to assimilate. As a friend of ours once said: ‘If the movie business wasn’t difficult, God wouldn’t have given it to the Jews.’”
Of course, this interview was published in The Jewish Chronicle whose audience is almost entirely jewish, and Jews speak very differently when they have a jewish audience. No one bats an eye when one of the most powerful, successful, and celebrated film directors in Hollywood states matter-of-factly that, yes, Jews run Hollywood.
If anyone else says that, the ADL will immediately put out an All Points Bulletin and demand whatever goy said it apologize, be fired, and visit Auschwitz just for good measure.
This blatant double-standard for which Jews are deservedly famous can easily be explained, of course. When Jews say Jews run Hollywood, they mean it in a good way, even though it’s doubtful you could get either of the Coen Brothers to admit that Hollywood is better off with Jews in control — they are jewish but apparently not slavishly jewish.
However, when non-Jews point out that Jews control Hollywood, we usually mean it in a “bad way”. In other words, we expect anyone with that much power to influence society to use that power responsibly and for the betterment of everyone. And to expect that out of Jews is clearly “antisemitic”.
This scene from A Serious Man sums up the attitude that Jews have toward each other and to the “goyim”, to use the phraseology of the Coen Brothers:
I have always wondered if the Jews use some magic or sorcery in their achievements or conquests with worldly events and women.
Years ago , a news article told of a Jew who built a successful auto dealership using the principles of the Kaballa.
Johnny Cash said somewhere that he intended to marry June Carter, but I read that he sang with her years before and I don’t know if she was married when he said that, but he married her. I’ve never looked or cared to find out Cash’s beliefs or background.
Michael Douglas , a Jew , said the same of Catherine Zeta Jones , that when he saw her , that he intended to marry her and did. An article claims he told her he intended to marry her at a dinner , they attended. Kirk Douglas, , his father , is said in a recent book just revealed that he molested Natalie Wood.
Lynda Carter who portrayed Wonder Woman in the TV series was said to have married a Jew. Millionaire and billionaire Jews in their 60’s, 70’s, 80’s are able to marry women in their 30’s.
I had an article of a Jew that said the Jews love to degrade Christian women, especially Catholic women and girls.
There was a fad to study the Kaballa at one time. I read some that I came across and I can’t feel that they reveal anything worthwhile , but over the decades , wondering how they could use it, to accomplish their desires, the answer came to me.
Other author’s have said that the Jews have stolen the stories and histories of the ancients and made their own history from others history. and that is not difficult to figure out at all, when we see how the Jews have taken concentration camp confinement, and made it a gassing event by Hitler and the Germans to eliminate the Jews as a race. And the Jews make sure that only they have authority to present it as part of their history , told the way they want it and anyone who does not is criticized, defamed, called and anti-Semite, ordered to resign, jailed, fined and whatever else can be done to keep their version of gassing and extermination of the Jewish race by Germany alive.
I have always wondered why Joseph Mengele, is always referred to , when the Jews talk of supposed experiments upon them and twins and I can only believe it ‘s because of the sound of the name. I.ve heard Jews use it and it seems to have a rhyming sound or quality or the way it sounds, easy to remember or something about it that they love his name, because I’ve read he was not as important as the Jews make him out to be and responsible for all he is accused oi. I can only believe when I hear one particular Jew pronounce it, that the sound and pronunciation of the name fascinates them to hear it said .
The Phoenicians are said to be the only race of people’s to have ever disappeared from the pages of history. Well, when one considers how the Jews , make their own history, brag of it, deny it when they have to, it is not hard to understand that all of the Jews History is , from nothing ,but what they claim as the Bible. The Jews, the only people , as far an I am concerned , shows their place on earth , is in a book , supposedly that tells of the history of the world from the beginning. Where did they exist, come from, achievements, culture, history prove they are who they are?
A rabbi claims they are an alien race who came to earth to dominate it. Just as for the last 2000 years , the Jews could have established a civilization anywhere in the world, just as others have or has the Mormons did in Utah. They never did, proving the Jews are parasites and live among others to enjoy the fruits of others, culture and achievements.
It would seem that Jews marrying outside their race , is an example of enjoying the fruits of other civilizations , spreading their DNA among the various races, as well as slavery ,their belief, that the Old Testament tells them to take young girls and women as war booty , treasure’s , cattle , and destroy all else. It’s no wonder that so many Presidents or people’s find out they have some Jewishness in them.
So maybe that is why the Jew’s hate the White race and want to destroy it.
They envy and are jealous of it, just as the black’s are.
They are out there with the ‘anti-semitic’ canard because that is an assertion of their Jewish privilege. Jews can spout all the anti-semitic canards they want – that just empowers them. If a goy was to to say that Hollywood is owned and run by Jews and assert that HollyToon is a Jewish operation from start to finish – GOG would make life very unpleasant for you. It is the same as Nigga. Blacks use it all the time as their power word – but Whites aren’t allowed to say it. ZOG doesn’t allow Whites any high moral ground, so we can’t use any power words and exercise censorship over outsiders using out power words
Would any red blooded American make a movie praising Stalin ?
Thanks for the link. I wonder how long this site will keep flying under WordPress’ anti-semitism radar?
These two sites were recently shut down by Word Press:
Notice that Coen said that Hollywood has ALWAYS been run by Jews, from the very beginning. The movies of Hollywood were never American. Rather they were “American” as seen through the eyes of outsiders, through the prism of deracinated eastern European Jews who were born on shetls and in ghettos. They could imitate what they saw in America, but they were never truly ever real Americans, and they knew it.
Coen said that Hollywood Jews wanted to “assimilate” but that’s true only so much as to be able to pass as White when it was to their advantage. If Jews truly wanted to assimilate, there wouldn’t be any Jews left to run Hollywood after the last 100 years.
What sticks in my craw even more is the fact that “assimilation” is just a choice, and one to be looked down upon by the jews. Isn’t “assimilation” rammed down our throats as a ‘given’ when it comes to turd world immigration? Isn’t “assimilation” the necessary component to the jewish religion of multiculturalism?
While I have long since grasped the understanding that vengeance is God’s, I still pray I can be a witness…