(Forward) When the secret society of Jewish Freemasons — B’nai B’rith of Canada — got wind of Education Ministry documents that recommended an even-handed approach to teaching the subject of National Socialist Germany, the supremacist group blew a gasket and demanded immediate apologies and groveling repentance:
Education officials in the Canadian province of Alberta on Friday repudiated official diversity guidelines that call for highlighting the Nazis’ economic achievements and “positive qualities” of European settlers who oppressed of the country’s indigenous population, following uproar by Jewish organizations.
The document, which was posted on the provincial Education Ministry’s website and entitled “Guidelines for Recognizing Diversity and Promoting Respect”, urged teachers to consider whether classroom resources “reveal both the positive and negative behaviors and attitudes of the various groups portrayed.”
“For instance, if a video details war atrocities committed by the Nazis, does it also point out that before World War II, the German government’s policies substantially strengthened the country’s economy?” the document asked….
…The document was brought to educational authorities’ attention by B’nai Brith Canada, Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs. “It is shocking that the Alberta Ministry of Education would consider the genocidal Nazi regime as a good example of a group that had positive behaviors, given Nazis murdered six million Jews and millions of others, in addition to completely destroying their country because they initiated a war,” FSWC CEO Michael Levitt said in a statement on Friday morning.
“In what world could collaboration or cooperation have taken place between Nazis and the groups they targeted for complete annihilation? The fact that Alberta students could have possibly been fed such an outrageous proposition is extremely troubling. We expect the Ministry of Education to address this issue immediately.”
In a series of tweets posted several hours later, Alberta Education Minister Adriana LaGrange declared that she had removed the document from the ministry website shortly after being made aware of it, which she said “contains extremely concerning and completely unacceptable views….The wrongheaded views outlined have no place in our society and I categorically denounce what is written. There is not a “positive” side to tell of the murderous Nazi regime, as this document wrongfully suggests,” she said.
The Jewish Federation of Edmonton welcomed the move and praised LaGrange for initiating “a review of all curriculum documents at this time to remove any other concerning language.” However, it stated, “we’re concerned that the wording had passed successive reviews by Alberta governments,” noting that the document in question dated back to 1984. The latest revision of the guidance stated that it had been last updated in January 2020.
According to the CBC, Jewish Federation of Edmonton President Steve Shafir said that he and his colleagues would be meeting with ministry officials to discuss the issue, saying that while the federation was not looking to find someone to blame, it wanted to “ensure that there are some safeguards in place to ensure something like this doesn’t happen again.”
The removal of the document was also welcomed in Israel. “There are no ‘positive aspects’ to Nazism. Yad Vashem appreciates the removal of this content,” the Holocaust memorial told Haaretz in a statement on Monday. “My own belief is that one has to present a balanced view. Yes, one can present the achievements of Germany before the rise of Nazism [but] just in order to point out the monstrosity of Nazism, what it did to the world and what it did to Germany. But altogether it is a good thing that in Alberta there is awareness on the negative effects of Nazism and Neo-Nazism,” said Colette Avital, chairwoman of the Center of Organizations of Holocaust Survivors in Israel.
The CEO of the Simon Wiesenthal Center wants to know “in what world” did the “Nazis” collaborate with the Jews?
How about in this world — NS Germany and the Jews entered into a formal, mutually beneficial agreement, called The Transfer (or “Haavara”) Agreement — which allowed for Jews to voluntarily leave Germany and relocate in Palestine, taking their personal wealth with them.
A special commemorative coin was even issued at the time — to celebrate this landmark agreement where both Germans and Jews worked together toward a goal that benefited both sides.
The “evil” German who oversaw the fulfillment of this agreement — which was essential to the foundation of the State of Israel — was Adolf Eichmann, whom the Weisenthal “Nazi hunters” cynically and ruthlessly chased down after the war, illegally kidnapped him back to Israel, and put him on show trial for “genocide” — with a parade of fake and bizarre “witnesses” — and then duly executed him.
These are the kind of fair and even-handed “facts” that the Jewish supremacists at B’nai B’rith Canada do not want Canadian school children ever learning about.
School children must never know that prior to the rise of the National Socialists, Jews dominated Weimar Germany, destroying the economy with runaway inflation, corrupting the culture, and leaving the populace in utter despair.
A top Jewish historian has admitted that Adolf Hitler launched World War II in order to stop “world Jewry” from “annihilating Germany” — how’s that for even handedness?
This “annihilation” is exactly what the Jews are doing again in Canada today — and in every other White western Christian nation — and any Canadian who has the courage to warn the public that history is repeating itself will find himself in a Canadian jail, as Travis Patron, Arthur Topham, James Sears, and Andrzej Kumor have all found out.
And the Jews definitely don’t want impressionable school children to know that Ephraim Kaye, the head of Yad Vashem — the Holocaust Museum in Israel — admitted that there is a complete lack of physical evidence to prove that the Holocaust actually happened.
When educators in Sweden — and Texas — recently proposed that students should be taught such “controversial” facts that make many people doubt that the Holocaust actually happened, Jews panicked and immediately put an end to that “fair-minded” educational approach.
As Nobel Prize-winning author Alexander Solzhenitsyn once observed, “For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth.”
I’m just happy someone had the courage to suggest a level playing field when it comes to history.` The revisionists in the first world war had an easier time exposing Allied lies about the war and its causes. American and European Media has been owned outright by Zionist interests at least since the thirties. Instead of giving my opinion about the cause of the Second World War and the lies and psychological and social engineering used at the disgusting Nuremberg tribunal, I will suggest books worth reading to get a better understanding of what took place from 1933 until 1945. ‘The Forced War, when peaceful revision failed,’ by David Hoggan, ‘Churchill’s War, two volumes,’ by David Irving, ‘Other Losses,’ by James Bacque, ‘The Chief Culprit,’ by Victor Suvorov, Churchill, Hitler, and the unnecessary war,’ by Patrick Buchanan,’ ‘After The Reich,’ by Giles MacDonogh, and anything in Germar Rudolf’s bookstore, Castle Books and his wonderful scholarly work at Holocaust Handbooks.com website.
John F. Kennedy’s 1945 Visit to Germany:
Can someone answer the question, why would the German provide for all the inmates in Auschwitz, a Bordello, Movies, Hospital, Dentist, Art classes, Soccer field and Soccer teams, even a British, Swimming pool, Orchestras, Theater, Post office and more, if the Germans wanted to kill them. Why would the Germans even provide them with a roof over the head called Camps. Why would the Germans provide a Maternity ward if they wer killing Children as soon as they arrived?
Every historical war time event has two or more sides involved.
Some say 3. — your side , my side and the truth.
Usually the victor’s side prevails very much at the expense of the vanquished.
We do know that many more German women and children died at the hands of
the Allies than Jewish women and children died at the hands of the Germans.
Google Allied atrocities and you will see some of the real facts.
Jews are fundamental liars. They lie mercilessly even to themselves. Jews lie about everything. Meaning by everything literally “every single thing”. You can’t have a simple truth from a Jew. Even or the most insignificant thing. I guess there must be some psychiatric, anthropological and sociological explanations for that lying compulsive behavior. There’s no more racist and disgusting slogan than “the chosen people.” It looks like derived from that slogan, they are taught and trained in the synagogues not to try and do anything but oppress peoples. For that purpose they lie again and again. Jews give God a bad name.
Even St. Paul said that Jews give God a bad name. Romans 2:24 (NIV): “As it is written: “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you (the Jews).”
If you learn from Childhood on, never to tell the truth, what can we expect. “The Poison Mushroom” comes to my mind.
It took the Russians 70 years to invoke the Byzantine Empire standards of; No Jews allowed in politics, military, education.
Putin told the Jewish oligarchs to stay out of politics, but one was hard of hearing (Mikhail Khodorkovsky) and ended up in prison for 10 years.
I know about censorship because my newspaper of 18 years (www.torontostnews.com) suffered four arson attacks that burnt out of their homes my staff and informants including blowing up my car almost taking me with it. And two attempts on my life Canada’s so-called security people (Canadian Security Intelligence Service / CSNS) won’t investigate nor do the frightened media. All for printing basic facts.
I’m sure “they” watch these emails.
The politicians and every one on the system are gutless and spineless. They buckle under the ADL and are scared shtless not to be called an anti-Semitist. At the Zundel court hearings the accusers were ask, if there was any evidence of JEW destruction in Germany and all said no and to this day there is no evidence.. For what however there is evidence we know, the Brits toke over 60000 people in Bergen-Belsen and supposedly only 800 survived. So, you can say all those corpses, which the British soldier on the caterpillar pushes into the ground, are the product of the Brits.
This is so typical of these vile people. Everyone is expected to feel sorry for them based on a lie, yet the victims of their need for power and control are forgotten. I recently made the attached 3 minute video to help spark interest in the truth. Everyone is welcome to spread it, download and save it.
Well done, Robert….if you do another video in a similar vein, remember the words of Goebbels: “History is a struggle between Christ and Marx.” We can see more clearly now that Hitler fought for a Christian way of life, and the Jews must destroy Christ and His followers for them to achieve world domination.
“Gott Mit Uns” wasn’t just a slogan for the Germans, it was a way of life….today we can see all too clearly what our lives are like without God.
Hitler was a Catholic and Rudolf Hess was a preacher.
If there’s one thing Jews hate is a level playing field, which is why they invented affirmative action so that they and all non-whites can compete with whites. They are masters of the emotional appeal during any debate or argument. That’s why they argue that facts can be “hate speech”. Masters of the “poisoned well” in any debate. Look it up, and it perfectly describes how Jews argue:
This is a Top Trending article on Gab today:
What the Germans of the Third Reich achieved is something the jews are determined to keep secret from the world, i.e.
1) refounding Germany as an ethno-state
2) discovering that money is just a medium of exchange that should be issued in proportion to the amount of value created by the nation’s labor each year rather than borrowed at interest from jews or backed by rare metals whose value can be manipulated by speculators
3) that an economy’s purpose is to serve the people, not people serve the economy
The jews keep people ignorant of these things using two foundational lies so that people reject the Germans entirely such that they will never bother to even look and discover these things. One is the holohoax, since Whites find mass killings (especially of non-combatants) morally repugnant and irredeemable. The second is the “take over the world” lie.
So the jews today will do anything to prevent these two fundamental lies of theirs from being threatened, lest we gentiles see the truth and see the path forward to ending jewish domination.
“You can call the Jew a scoundrel or a crook it all falls of him like the raindrops on a rain coat, but if you call him a Jew, he recoils.” –Joseph Goebbels.
Hitler achieved something that no Jew can ever even dream of….he was dearly beloved by his people. Jews rule by brute force, the threat of violence, and coercion….they rule by fear, never by love and respect. And for that, they will eternally hate Hitler and the German people for loving him.
Jews cannot image how an antisemite could ever be so loved, but that’s because they don’t understand that we Christians have worshiped an antisemite for the last 2,000 years, so loving Hitler came rather naturally for us.
Jews know that if our people ever woke up to all the lies they have told, they would be running for the hills.
That’s why they censor rather than debate fairly.
They have no choice but to censor any facts that contradict their transparent lies.
Even young children know the Holocaust makes no sense.
Germany had at the peak 11 Million foreign workers including Russia and Britain, from all over Europe. These foreign workers run entire cities, because the German Men all were on the fighting lines. Why in hell would anyone kill there badly needed workers. The Germans had Special Trains from Holland and Scandinavia with Volunteer Workers and Soldiers ( google foreigners in the Wehrmacht) The Germans ask the POW, if they would like to work, volunteer in the Army, get paid and get more food, or if the would rather stay as POW in the Camps. Most POW would chose the 1. and 2. option.
Thank you for educating me about the Haavara Agreement between NS Germany and the Jews. And Eichmann’s role in it. No good deed goes unpunished. When he returns, no more Mr. Nice Guy.
I can only imagine the lies told by the witnesses at Eichmann’s trial in Israel. After all, we’re talking about the people who have very good imaginations and have perfected lying to a fine art
The Jewish idea of a “dialogue” is that they talk, we listen.
Jews are the most powerful and richest group in the world, and yet, they still continue to claim they are oppressed – in fact they are so oppressed, that you aren’t even allowed to talk about them.
The even make advertisements that the Germans kill 60 million Jews, while they only count around 15 million in the entire world.
“For instance, if a video details war atrocities committed by the Nazis, does it also point out that before World War II, the German government’s policies substantially strengthened the country’s economy?” the document asked….”
Cleaning up the Jew infested Weimar Republic. Old Adolf confiscated their toys.
“It is shocking that the Alberta Ministry of Education would consider the genocidal Nazi regime as a good example of a group that had positive behaviors, given Nazis murdered six million Jews and millions of others, in addition to completely destroying their country because they initiated a war,” FSWC CEO Michael Levitt said in a statement on Friday morning.”
B’nai B’rith would be so shocked considering their genocidal campaign against Caucasian nations. The height of their hypocrisy is beyond appalling. And the fact their black mail tool of the six million has been debunked beyond question.
“The fact that Alberta students could have possibly been fed such an outrageous proposition is extremely troubling.”
Troubling they have been spoon fed lie after lies of the Holohoax.
Once again the international Jew still kvetches, endlessly whining like bratty school children who didn’t get their cookies and milk.
You stupid goyim! How dare you try to be even handed with history?! History is what we tell you it is!
Good boys. Now go back to watching your sportsball.
your friends – the jews