The NBA has fined one of its last remaining White players — the Miami Heat’s Meyers Leonard — $50,000 two days after he was caught saying “kike” during a video game stream in the privacy of his own home:
NBA commissioner Adam Silver, who is Jewish, said Leonard spoke Wednesday with Anti-Defamation League officials, the Associated Press reported, “to better understand the impact of his words.
“We accept that he is genuinely remorseful,” Silver added on Thursday.
After the video clip circulated widely on social media, Leonard apologized to the Jewish community and specifically to the Heat’s Jewish owner Micky Arison. He said that he was ignorant of what the word meant.
Leonard is already missing the rest of this season with a shoulder injury but has also been placed on an indefinite leave of absence. He is officially suspended for one week of team activities and will also be forced to participate in a “cultural diversity program.”
“We have further communicated to Meyers that derogatory comments like this will not be tolerated and that he will be expected to uphold the core values of our league — equality, tolerance, inclusion and respect — at all times moving forward,” Silver said in a statement.
Jewish NFL star Julian Edelman posted an open letter to Leonard on social media on Wednesday, saying “casual ignorance” can be more dangerous than hate and inviting him to a Shabbat dinner.
Basically well over 50% of the owners of the 30 NBA teams are Jewish — which is remarkable, considering that Jews are only 2% of the population.
And what’s their explanation of why there are so many Jewish owners in the NBA? “Jews love basketball.” How much more banal could it be than that?
For the last 75 years, the NBA has had Jewish commissioners for all but 20 of those years — and since the league has become almost exclusively Black, the commissioners have all been Jewish.
As billionaire Mike Bloomberg once admitted, his idea of “equality” is an all-black basketball team coached by a Jew.
The NBA’s biggest star player, LeBron James, once compared the league’s largely Jewish owners to slavemasters:
‘In the NFL they got a bunch of old white men owning teams and they got that slave mentality,’ James said. ‘And it’s like, ‘This is my team. You do what the f— I tell y’all to do. Or we get rid of y’all.’
But LeBron James went even further than making a racist statement about “old white men,” he said the following in a 2018 Instagram post:
“We been getting that Jewish money. Everything is Kosher.”
Jewish talking heads at ESPN were quick to defend LeBron James’ “antisemitic” comments — because LeBron is Black, and because LeBron is the biggest cash cow for the Jewish owners of the NBA — and they aren’t going to be “offended” by LeBron because it doesn’t pay to be offended in this case.
Leaving aside the absurd notion that Blacks who make tens of millions of dollars per year to play a game are suffering under a form of “slavery”, it’s worth noting that Jews did dominate the trans-Atlantic slave trade — and Jews in the American South were far more likely to own slaves than the White Christian population at large.
In that sense, the same dynamic is still in effect — Jews still control Blacks, and they still do “keep them on the plantation” — politically and economically.
Any Black celebrity who steps out of line — and gets “uppity” toward their Jewish handlers — will be required to sit down with a rabbi and learn about the “Holocaust” — and convince their Jewish overlords that they are “truly remorseful” — i.e., truly “denazified”.
Indeed, the NBA is a microcosm of the Jewish vision for their ideal America — millionaire Blacks and mulattoes working for Jewish oligarchs — with a few White waterboys thrown in to make sure Whites feel penitent and grateful — the Kaligeri Plan in action.
By fining this White player $50,000, the Jewish NBA — and the Jewish oligarchy at large — is sending a clear warning to White America at large — the word “kike” is the moral equivalent of “nigger” — and if you are “caught” using it even in jest, the gulag awaits — or better yet, the death penalty.
But if he had used the word “asshole” he would be fine?
Wait a minute. Kikola means circle in hebrew/yiddish…it’s a symbol. When the jews came here to escape ww2 europe after being tipped off, they either completely illiterate in English, or wanted to hide their identity so they drew a circle as their signature to become a US citizen upon arrival at Ellis island.
The immigration officers found them to be “assholes” like the symbol they drew. So, “who are you?” oh, another asshole. Get it? This is the real story of the word and symbol kike or kikola. WOP was With Out Papers. The illiterate Italians would get a
stamp of WOP.
You will never be more than poor if you don’t take an oath to the jews. If you do, it’s because you are in business with them or their beholden and VERY lucky.
God bless.
Good history of Zionism timeline.
A PR stunt to keep people afraid of the jew behind the curtain. Watch your speech. Be afraid of the jew…..uh oh…..better not speak your mind.
Sue the bastards after quitting claiming emotional stress of being fired and being victimized by jews. Sue them for causing you to have to quit from all of the horrible hazing you took from the mean jews.
Sue them for anti-gentilism. jews are the most racist race there is and has ever been. They kill their own that marry outside of the tribe. So do muslims and mormons. Honor killings or “blood of atonement”.
As for the kikola, it is a yiddish or hebrew word for circle. The jews either didn’t know how to speak or write in English when their masters told them to flee Europe before WW2 so they moved and many only drew a circle for identification. Two reasons, I am told by my ex-rabbit friend:
1. To keep their true indentity secret
2. They truly didn’t know English at all
This surprised me a bit. Like deep cover operatives, they play dumb to get access and do recon and send it to israel. Like modern sayanim and mossad.
Also keep in mind that the NBA makes a considerable amount of money in China. They don’t necessarily need American fans so the NBA Jews just give American fans the middle finger and smirk. Unusual to me that the Chinese are interested in watching black people run up and down a court and play with a ball, but apparently they do.
I have never had any interest in watching basketball or football. I see enough blacks in my regular life that I work on avoiding, no way I’m going to voluntarily watch them when I’m at home. No thanks.
Henry Kissinger said if it wasn’t for the accident of his birth he would be Anti-Semitic.
That is a great compilation of the Jewish Zionist supremacist fascists walking the echelons of power in American government. The Bolshevik communist on the right use Republicans to fight their wars and destabilizing countries around the world and the Bolshevik communist on the left use the Democrat party to expand the non-white underclass which they use as human shield to foment hatred against the White majority in America.
Why does that jew feller Silver look like Nosferatu?
Or is it that that Nosferatu feller looks like a jew?
Seriously, I was rather struck by the likeness…
I just found this gem…The National Jewish POST and OPINION
Friday, April 26, 1963
Two Negroes on Jews—Pro and Con Wilkens: Little Negro Anti-Semitism;
Malcom X: Jews Buy Equal Rights
NEW YORK — What do the
Negroes feel about the Jews as a race? This question has been buffered about among both Jews and Negroes, but recently two prominent Negro leaders on opposite sides of the race relations fence have taken diametrically opposite points of views on the subject. On the one hand, there is Roy Wilkens, executive secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Writing in American Judaism, the magazine of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations IReform), Wilkens extolled Jewish efforts to help the Negro. He also claimed that anti-Semitism is not widespread among h i s race. On the other hand is Malcolm X, generally regarded the num-ber-two man but power behind the throne in the Black Muslim movement. In an interview conducted in Playboy magazine, Malcolm X said that the Jews in effect bought their equal rights and have hurt the Negroes by not instructing them how to better themselves economically.——-en-20–1–txt-txIN——-
Supporting MalcolmX his position how Jews exploit Black people to further their supremacist agenda in America….Wilkens like many of the so-called educated Civil Right Negroes were hand-picked lackeys selling the snake oil that Jews helped Black people, while Jews relegated Black American’s to the ghetto’s while they walked the echelons of power. They still hand-pick the Negroes and call them leaders if they go along with the program of fomenting hatred against White people….
“Put on the full Armor of God”
Video , how to use Common Law to protect you and yours.
When I ran away from the -isms of Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Europe) to New York (New Amsterdam), America, the second time around, I became aware that I ran into the same predatory -isms that I was running away from. Jews calling George W. Bush Hitler opened the book of truth and forced me to pay attention to who and what governed America. If I knew that part of my country’s history I could have prevented myself the misery of getting subjected to the Jewish supremacist violence of fraud and corruption in New York.
The propaganda machine tells the world that the White majority is racist towards Black people in America, but I lived and learned that the Jewish supremacist are the real predators who engage in the exploitation of Black people. To think that I too at some point believed the victims of Hitler and Nazi Germany hoax, it were the White people who they loved to hate watched my back in America. Thanks for sharing, it is appreciated…..the time has come for me to tell my side of the story, slowly but surely
Lisette, that’s a really interesting speech of Malcolm X you posted about how the Jews control 80% of the economies of the Black communities in America. Do you know the source of that speech? Where and when he made it?
It’s interesting how Malcolm X points out how the media gave much more attention to the interview they did with James Baldwin compared to himself — because Malcolm talked about the Jews — whereas Baldwin, being the Jewish waterboy that he was, knew enough not to bite the hand that fed him.
“Jews believe in censorship more than anybody else.”
—Malcolm X
For your website:
He obviously made the speech in Harlem, but I am not sure when…Maurice shared it in this discussion…..Maurice says
FEBRUARY 28, 2021 AT 12:41 PM
What did Malcolm X say! Malcolm X on Jewish Economic Control & Censorship:
After I was introduced to MalcolmX while living in Harlem, I read everything about him and I consider myself blessed because he inspired me to look at things from an international perspective and not jump on the anti-Christian Marxist, Communist Jewish supremacist, cry victim and Hate White People bandwagon.
What the hell, next time he can call him a lowlife, lying, murdering piece of fucking yid shit then he can get his moneys worth.
Exactly, calling them names is easy relief, but start tackling the corrupt, parasitical and legal plundering Jewish supremacist minority group mindset and you watch what happens…
As the NBA has become more “woke”, more Jewish in its radical politics, it’s tv ratings have plummeted, meaning its largely white audience is alienated by the anti-white messaging, but the NBA doesn’t care because it’s more about the agenda than the sport.
NFL jews
Communist jews and sports:
[Hidden behind a paywall. This is part of the abstract.]
A Means of ‘Escape’? British Jewry, Communism, and Sport, 1920–1950; Dee, David
“Between 1920 and 1950, a large number of British Jews took up sports and recreation within the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB). As members of the Young Communist League (YCL) and the British Workers’ Sports Federation (BWSF), Jews engaged in sporting and recreational activities designed to promote communist policy and fraternity and act as a contrast to the commercialism of ‘bourgeois’ sports. Drawing on a broad array of archival and oral history materials, this article documents the growth and nature of Jewish participation in British ‘communist’ sport and leisure. It focuses on two aspects of this involvement. First, it illustrates that sports and socializing often proved to be a key factor in drawing Jews to communism and became a central aspect of a large number of young Jews’ ‘communist’ lifestyles.” [More]
“The Complete Infestation of the NBA by Jews” [December 25, 2011]
“Here is the list of the Jewish owners of NBA franchises:
Atlanta Hawks – Michael Gearon Jr 2004
Boston Celtics – H. Irving Grousbeck, Wycliffe Grousbeck, Stephen Pagliuca, The Abbey Group 2002
Chicago Bulls – Jerry Reinsdorf 1985
Cleveland Cavaliers – Dan Gilbert, Gary Gilbert, Dan Katzman, Usher Raymond, Gordon Gund 2005
Dallas Mavericks – Mark Cuban 2000
Denver Nuggets – Stan Kroenke 2000
Detroit Pistons – Tom Gores 2011
Golden State Warriors – Peter Guber, Joe Lacob 2010
Houston Rockets – Leslie Alexander 1993
Indiana Pacers – Herbert Simon 1983
Los Angeles Clippers – Donald Sterling 1981
Los Angeles Lakers – Jerry Buss 1979
Memphis Grizzlies – Michael Heisley 2000
Miami Heat – Micky Arison 1995
Milwaukee Bucks – Herb Kohl 1985
Minnesota Timberwolves – Glen Taylor 1995 ???
New Jersey Nets – Mikhail Prokhorov, Bruce Ratner, Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter 2010
New Orleans Hornets – Dell Demps GM (NBA looking for buyer)
New York Knicks – James Dolan 1997
Orlando Magic – Richard DeVos 1991
Philadelphia 76ers – Ed Snider 1996
Phoenix Suns – Robert Sarver 2004
Portland Trail Blazers – Paul Allen 1988
I could not find any info to substantiate the Jewishness of the four owners below but cowardly crypto-Jews are everywhere so it doesn’t mean they aren’t. Many times they change their names or even occasionally breed with Gentiles to throw us off the scent.
Sacramento Kings – Joe Maloof, Gavin Maloof, Phil Maloof, George J. Maloof, Jr., Adrienne Maloof-Nassif, Robin E. Hernreich 1998
Oklahoma City Thunder – Clayton Bennett 2006
Toronto Raptors – Richard Peddie 1998
Washington Wizards – Ted Leonsis 2010 (Greek but could still be a Jew)
That means only the Charlotte Bobcats, owned by Michale Jordan, the Utah Jazz, owned by Mormon Greg Miller, and the San Antonio Spurs, owned by Peter Holt, are definitely not completely dominated by Jews. Of course I would be remiss to omit the head honcho parasite himself the NBA commissioner David Stern. That means there are 30 teams in the NBA and 23 of them definitely with Jewish owners or GMs. Jews are 2-3% of the American population. Anyone think that’s a bit out of whack?
Why do Jews only want to dominate sports, media, porn and the Federal Reserve? Because money is their religion and the media controls the mind. It’s that simple. They distract and corrupt. They actually own all religions as well. Americans are such dumb asses. We could end all of this tomorrow but we believe that we have to continue spiraling down this chasm in the hopes of saving our individual asses while everyone else perishes. Divide and conquer always work on Americans who have absolutely no sense of unity on anything except buying more useless shit.
We think that we can beat the system if we work hard enough and kiss enough asses. Well you can’t. It’s all rigged by the Jewish elite and their asskissers so you may as well stop trying and wasting your time. If you are not one of them you don’t get it. Get it through your thick skull.” [More]:
“They distract and corrupt.” Statement of fact a look at American government financed by the Federal Reserve petro-dollar ponzi scheme. I cannot think of a more ruthless, void of conscience and corrupt cult walking the face of the earth.
“They actually own all religions as well”….the Law, La Loi, is religion and throught the legal system they can enslave people with impunity and have you believe that they are liberating you….”When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.”— Frederic Bastiat
“Americans are such dumb asses.” I second this without a reasonable doubt, thanks to their genious America is the number one supposedly first world country that is worse than a third world country….
Wow, what a handsome boy!!!
Every time I hear a story like this, I dislike Jews even more. I know I’m not the only one….
Meanwhile, there’s virtually no black ownership in the NBA, and the blacks don’t protest against all those “old white guys”. Hmmm. Why don’t the black players demand that every team has a certain percentage “minority” ownership? How about go on strike until the jewish owners cough up some of their ownership stake? That won’t happen because as Ice Cube said….he admired how organized the Jews are, and admitted that blacks just can’t get their sh**t together like they can. And the Jews won’t allow the blacks to get organized against them.
Here is a negroid trying to take on Zuckerberg’s Facebook.
“A U.S Federal Agency, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, EEOC, has opened a “systemic” probe into Facebook’s alleged racial hiring and promoting history, Reuters reported. That “systemic” designation enables the EEOC to devote more resources to the investigation, which could potentially result in a lawsuit against the Social Media giant.
The recent development follows a July 2020 complaint against Facebook filed by Oscar Veneszee Jr., a Black Facebook employee whose job includes recruiting people of color to work for the company, according to the report. Veneszee told NPR that Facebook has a “Black people problem,” with a workplace culture that is not conducive to retaining Black employees.
According to Facebook’s official 2020 diversity report, only 3.9 percent of Facebook’s employees are Black.”
LOL, Jews helping Black people, using them as baits….browsing the story of Dan Gertler who got a license from the Zionist supremacist controlled State Department to plunder the natural resources of the Congo, I found this article…..
“Israel despises and deports Africans while its business tycoons mint billions off Africa’s back”….
I scrolled down to the comments and once again I received a confirmation about the self-serving arrogance of the Jewish supremacist,…you cannot be critical of the god chosen predators, you have to be thankfull to them because they are helping you. The mindset of Isaiah Berlin, exploiting you is their way of liberating you, from their imaginary enemy….just figure out who that enemy is. What a depraved bunch god picked as his chosen people….
Just thinking about people who abuse their Jewish privilege to cry victim while violating the inalienable rights of others turns my stomach, in one word nauseating. People enable this predatory behavior…..
It’s Communist speak, Lisette. The jews can’t make that much more clear than they do in the article below:
“One thing is clear. Democracy works for America’s Jews. The enemies of democracy are, by definition, enemies of the Jews…”.
“But thousands of his confederates remain free, and many have vowed to keep up their violent assault on America.
As Stanford University professor Terry Lynn Karl notes…. Her solution is accountability, rooting out groups and individuals bent on violence, depriving them of funding and exposing them to public condemnation.
If anything good can come of the Jan. 6 terror attack, it is this: We will never take lightly our responsibility to serve as citizen shomrim — guardians — of the American experiment that has allowed us to thrive.”
“Brooklyn’s Private Jewish Patrols [Shomrim] Wield Power. Some Call Them Bullies.”
Lordy lord, the guardians of the America experiment, the slave driving predators who constantly cry victim while perpetrating crimes against humanity with impunity. I am going to have a ball with this…my experience with these predatory Jewish supremacist, Bolshevik communist in New York earned me the credentials to speak freely and boldly about this hypocrites who exploit Black people and other immigrants in America, while running their mouth about racism of White people…..Thank you @Flanders
This is another gem, the racist in America are so transparent, thanks for bringing one more Jewish supremacist outlet to my attention….
Being a Black Jewish woman in America on Jan. 6
The first day I moved back to my college campus, I, a Black Jewish woman, watched the news as the U.S. Capitol building was overtaken by white supremacists and Nazis. For a brief moment that day, my heart had fluttered with excitement about the news of a Black man and an Ashkenazi Jewish man representing Georgia in the Senate for the first time in history.
I couldn’t get a grip on the ideology that mades slaves of people in the Netherlands and yes, marginalized non-White people, many who had their orgins in the (former) colonial territories of the Kingdom dominated by Jews….than I fled to America looking for freedom as the Constitution guaranteed, only to have the same demon that I was running away from starring me in the face in New York. Predatory cult…from slave-drivers to Marxist, Bolshevik communist dictators and liberal progressive fascist imperialist that make Hitler look like a choirboy…..
Lisette, you will find this jew aware and awakened Blak Rant article below and it’s comments interesting.
You came to the jew capital, New Amsterdam, when you came to New York. The Sephardic Marrano majority of jews who had come there during the 1600’s have since been overtaken and almost completely assimilated into the Ashkenazi’s and their Zionism, which had taken over most of jewry by the late 1920’s and which is very much inclined and has strongly been influenced to follow the dictates of the networks of the Rothschild consortium of international jew bankers.
“Of course this [religion] was even further ensconced into blacks with the Holocaust fallacy taught in public miseducation at the end of WWII and even to this day. We are taught that non-Jews are bad and Jews are good, no matter what their actions are because God simply likes them better. What a fucking ridiculous notion but repetition eventually overcomes the common senses of most men. Everything on TV and in Hollywood re-inforces the holohoax lies. The Nation of Islam would have us believe their religion is different but it’s another Jew religion. They all are including Buddhism and Hinduism.
Let’s dig even deeper. Jews convinced blacks that voting is a privilege that can change things when in fact every so-called right that is ever granted to blacks is gutted of any efficacy before doing so. Joel Spingarn is the Jew that started the NAACP to distract whites from Jewish infiltration. It worked and it’s still working. Jews are behind the eugenics movement that sterilizes black females without them even knowing. These organizations were eventually banned during the 60’s and 70’s but re-emerged after their rebranding under the same Jewish management, including Margaret Sanger, as Planned Parenthood.