Because of budget cuts associated with the so-called “plandemic”, Belgium announced plans to stop providing free armed security to synagogues in Antwerp using trained soldiers from the military:
The plan, which has not been finalized, would end the army’s protection in the city’s Jewish neighborhood in September. The redeployment is connected to budgetary and manpower shortfalls in Belgium, where COVID-19 has severely impacted the economy and claimed more than 9,000 lives.
“The Jewish community needs more, not less, protection in these difficult times,” the Forum of Jewish Organizations of Flemish Jews wrote in a statement published Monday about the plan.
Belgian troops were first posted to guard Jewish institutions in Antwerp in May 2014 after an Islamist murdered four people in a terrorist shooting at the Jewish Museum of Belgium in Brussels, located about 40 miles south of Antwerp.
Antwerp has about 100 Jewish institutions servicing a predominantly ultra-Orthodox population of 18,000 people.
In 2018, an unidentified man was filmed stealing mezuzahs from the door frames of 20 Antwerp homes days after a Jewish man and his son narrowly escaped being rammed by a passing vehicle that swerved in their direction onto the pavement while they were walking to synagogue on Shabbat. [But] Police said there was no indication the incident was a hate crime.
In 2017, police apprehended and briefly detained a man who allegedly assaulted a ultra-Orthodox Jewish man on the street in Antwerp while shouting “Jew.”
Why did Orthodox Jews in Antwerp suddenly need armed military protection after an attack at a Jewish museum over 40 miles away from Antwerp?
And only two of the people killed in that attack were Jews — and they weren’t even Belgian Jews — they were Israeli tourists.
Don’t the Jews in Brussels, Gent or Brugge need armed military security teams, too?
Perhaps this armed protection racket has more to do with the fact that the Jews of Antwerp are up to their eyeballs in the world’s international diamond trade — and all the new Muslim migrant criminals are drooling over these Jews walking the streets carrying diamonds on them.
Certainly, Jews don’t need armed security merely because some guy stole 20 mezuzahs from some random door frames, as this article seems to suggest.
Of course, these cutbacks are only proposed at this point — don’t be shocked if some well-timed kvetching by some influential Belgian Jews will ensure that their free military armed security guards will remain in place come September.
After all, highly-placed EU politicians have called for all Jews in Europe to have armed police escorts because of the “dangerous” rise of antisemitism™.
They can hire the Muslums they bring in to protect them…. LOL
The Jewish “Kalergi Plan” moves ahead . The Kalergi Plan: Mass immigration isn’t about helping the migrants, it’s about over running the destination nation. “The nation’s Washington, DC-imposed mass legal and illegal immigration policy — whereby at least 1.5 million unskilled foreign nationals are admitted to the U.S. every year — is a boon to corporate executives, Wall Street, big business, and multinational conglomerates[.]” The United States of America is being treated like nothing more than an economic farm by these politicians, wherein GDP is the determiner of national success; not safety, not community, not happiness of the populace; just wealth/the economy.
HIAS-Jews & CAIR-Muslums work together to genocidally flood Christianity:
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) Imports “Refugees” to White Countries, Even from Israel
The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) organization—targeted by the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter Robert Bowers—works full time to bring fake refugees to America and Europe, while at the same time helping to expel them from Israel and ship them to white countries, a review of that organization’s activities shows.
According to the HIAS website, that organization said that “HIAS continues to resettle the most vulnerable refugees of all faiths and ethnicities from all over the world. In the US we work with local social service organizations around the country to welcome refugees and help them integrate into their communities and build new lives.”
In 2015, HIAS organized a petition letter sent to the White House urging America to take in Muslim “refugees”—which was signed by at least 1216 rabbis from all Jewish denominations, the Jewish organization proudly boasted.
Also in 2015, HIAS was one of all the major Jewish organizations in America which publicly demanded that America open its doors to hundreds of thousands of Muslim “refugees”—while at the same time supporting the Jews-only state of Israel which has barred all “refugees” from entering.
HIAS New York is a corrupt and criminal human trafficking enterprise getting millions and millions to import refugees to expand the non-white under-class in America. In Europe they push the multicultural diversity agenda to do the same…..American born Zionist supremacist Barbara Spectre who is subsidized by the Swedish government said…..Europe has not yet learned to be multicultural and Jews are going to play a leading role in the transformation, Europe will not survive if Jews don’t turn European countries into ghetto’s much like these supremacist Jews did in America. They support open-borders and the human-trafficking. Over 22 million illegal aliens are part of the non-white underclass in America being exploited by the Jewish supremacist. Anyone who challenges them is call anti-immigrant and racist…..
Interesting article supporting my position how the secularized anti-Christian western world hypocritically bows down to a particular religion…..Jews are human beings and their lives matter more than others.
But they aren’t recognizably bowing to another religion, per se. While yes, being ‘jewish’ is a religious designation, as proven here time and again, ‘jews’ are a specific bastard group of people who basically carry ‘the mark of Cain’ – the blood of their father, Satan! Just as Paul said, they are completely CONTRARY to all white men – because of their lineage. Their evil is inherent, just as our ability to do “good” (wield the power of the Holy Spirit) is inherent.
Lisette, read Genesis 3:16. That is why the jew has forever targeted and hated their white counterparts – we have the same mother…and that is why the jews follow their lineage MATERNALLY. They are immediately disqualified from any covenants God has offered His children – because (((they))) are NOT His children, but Satan’s…see Matt 13:24-30, John 8:32-48, and Rev 2:9 and 3:9.
I’ve been there….. When you put 2+2 together and use common sense you come to the conclusion that the Cain and Abel story is not fiction. It’s lifting the veil where the envy, hate and insatiable maw of the Jewish supremacist comes from. They are an unconscionable, dangerous bunch. The troubling part is that “Christians” and secularist white people perpetuate the God chosen people fraud.
Europe today is largely secular–non-Christian, and even the racial Jews in Europe are largely atheists. For the secular racial Jew, Marxism is their messianic “religion”, and they practice it with murderous enthusiasm, as we saw in Soviet Russia.
The White race are naturally sheep, which is how God describes us throughout the Bible–His sheep. Our instinct is to trust Him and follow, but when wolves (i.e., Jews) enter the sheep fold pretending to be one of the sheep (“my fellow white people”), they are capable of doing great mischief and destruction. That is why Jews, who can “pass” as White are so dangerous in White societies.
“For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Jude 1:4)
While Europe is largely secular-non-Christian dominated by Marxist ideology destroying Churches and turning them into heroin dens, Jews hold onto to their religion and have their places of worship and those secular non-Jewish politicians have to put on their jarmulka’s before they enter….the same way as with the Muslim mosques.