A Jewish candidate for county attorney in Michigan claims he is allegedly ‘offended’ by ads from his political opponent, who in a recent mailing and Facebook post calls himself “a candidate…who is truly a Christian”:
Stuart Fenton is running to be the top prosecutor in Emmet County, in northern Michigan. His opponent, James Linderman, a four-term incumbent, has made his religion an issue in the race, partially in the context of his support for limits on access to abortion.
“Jim is a proud Christian Conservative who is 100% pro-life,” reads Linderman’s ad, illustrated with a blue-eyed baby. “He has been a life-long supporter of the lives of the unborn and his Christian principals have guided him during his time in office as Prosecutor.”
Fenton — a former assistant county prosecutor fired from the office by Linderman in 2019 — called the ad “religion-baiting and pandering” and “un-Christian-like.”
“What’s the message he’s sending — ‘Keep the Jews out?’” Fenton told the local Petoskey News. “Why and how is that a relevant issue to the job description of prosecutor? Aren’t church and state supposed to be separate?”
In a response on Facebook, Fenton said that people had contacted him over the offense they took at the ad. He referred to himself as “a member of the ‘chosen people’ of the Bible.”
The campaign was already acrimonious. Michigan’s Department of State began investigating a complaint filed by Fenton, which charged that Linderman had sent a campaign press release from his official email address.
In recent Facebook posts, Fenton has displayed his handguns and his “Thin Blue Line” version of the American flag to show his support for the Second Amendment and law enforcement. In 2018 county voters voted in all-Republican candidates across the ballot.
There is a small Jewish community in the area centered on Petoskey, the Emmet County seat and a northern resort town on Lake Michigan’s shore. Its only synagogue, Temple B’nai Israel, calls itself “Northern Michigan’s only Jewish synagogue.”
Emmet County in rural Michigan is overwhelmingly conservative and Christian — and if the voters know what’s good for them, yes, they will do whatever they can to keep Jews like Fenton out of any public office.
Despite his alleged pro-2nd amendment stance, it’s not going to fool the average voter into thinking that he’s “one of them”.
And, yes, Mr. Fenton, your opponent’s Christian identity and values have everything to do with what qualifies him to hold public office in America, which is indeed a Christian nation.
It wasn’t too long ago that it would have been impossible for anyone in America to be elected to any public office who wasn’t a professed Christian — and now that it is no longer a qualification, the country has gone down the drain.
If Mr. Fenton wants a government job and live off the taxpayers, perhaps he should move to a liberal town in Michigan where there is a lot of like-minded Jews like himself — where being a Christian is a liability, like Detroit, Lansing or Ann Arbor.
The War Against Christianity.
Pedophilia and The Rothschild Dynasty:
They are sneaky..
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When Israelis Burn Babies:
……..“What’s the message he’s sending — ‘Keep the Jews out?’”…………….
is this not typical Jewish projection!???
Nazi’s Everywhere!!!
I like how he pointed out the baby in the Ad had blue eyes.
Their innate hatred of us is not only obvious, but uncontrollable. Literally. It is their nature.
Fenton provokes inference with his lie “separation of church and state”. Michigan is not England and this is not the 16th century . Christ is not religion nor faith but life. Therefore to separate guvmint from Christ’s people is correct. It declares sovereignty disavowing any higher power . Therefore it answers to no one except the hidden imposture , that usurps (without resistance) sovereignty. State prosecutors are notorious for malicious ,unlawful prosecution . They consistently repudiate American constitutional law and claim to apply the UN law of “human rights”. No doubt Fenton is another jew , who is sent to contaminate a vulnerable “virgin”. Am surprised “antisemitism” was not his first and last reproach.
This is very interesting……”They consistently repudiate American constitutional law and claim to apply the UN law of “human rights” The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was inspired by the Constitution of the United States to expand the Communist perversions of law world wide. These same people are under mining the Constitution in America to impose their dictatorial will on people. American’s Presidents under the spell of these depraved void of conscience power hungry people made it happen. There is a movement underway to expose the Jewish perversion and abuse of law……
I don’t always agree with what Henry Makow says on his website, but he’s right about Judaism being a satanic religion. That fact perfectly explains why Jews are always ” offended” by any display of Christianity.
Here is the red-herring…….”Aren’t church and state supposed to be separate?”……Jews cry separation of ‘Church and State’ when it suits them, but if we look at Western countries, Christianity has to go but Judaism inserts itself in all government affairs….it dictates US domestic and foreign policy. Jews oppose Christianity but they demand the import Muslim who they claim are their natural allies against Christians……Fenton who is offended is another free-loading hypocrite and I hope his opponent is well aware of what these supremacist are all about. He needs to stick to his gun and defend his Constitutional Right…..the non-sense of these ‘government protected minorities’ is getting tired…..
This jew obviously thinks he can pass himself off as White to the voters. He’s not and never will be. And trying to shame his White Christian opponent won’t make him any whiter.
I am sorry to say it but the corrupt ruling classes claiming to be White Christians created the myth of Jews as a superior Race of people. If Jews are not White, the Eastern Europeans who were subjected to the Bolshevik communist tyranny are not White people either. Turks are Muslim and in MHO not white but they are considered White and White people in power push to have them become part of the European Union, so Jews are White people. But since White Christians put them on the throne of superiority they can pretend to be something other than what they are and cry victim of White people until eternity…..they are not African, Indian, Chinese or Native American either.
No, White people did not invent the myth that Jews were a superior race. The Jews took that identity for themselves from the Bible, and White people allowed them to take that false identity without challenging them.
You wrote, “If Jews are not White, the Eastern Europeans who were subjected to the Bolshevik communist tyranny are not White people either.” What does this even mean? Jews can pass as White. How hard is that to understand? Passing as White does NOT make you White. Some Blacks can pass as White, does that make them White? All Jews are part Black, btw. And part Mongol, Turkic, Canaanite/Edomite. White people do not have that racial admixture–complete different race. They are shape-shifters.
Exactly Thadam. Genesis 3:15 encapsulates the enmity between the ‘have nots’ and the ‘haves’. And what that is is racial purity, or whiteness. The Bible is replete with warnings to beware of those who LOOK like one thing (representing pure Adamites – God’s true children), but are indeed something else (always represented by something much more dangerous).
The jews have stolen the true identity of the white people, which we have indeed allowed them to get away with – but we did not place the mantle on them. The Bible professes without a doubt that the only MEN that exist according to God are his literal children that he created in His image to propagate kind after kind – and they “just so happen” to be white. Everyone else who claims to be ‘men’ according to the Bible are IMPOSTERS.