In the wake of the tsunami of Third World refugees that hit Germany beginning in 2015, pornographic production companies have created ‘refugee porn’ to capitalize on migrant obsession with inter-racial sex and rape:
‘Germans’ have become ‘obsessed’ with refugee porn after the country took in more than one million migrants.
Interest in the fetish has rocketed since Angela Merkel opened the country’s doors in 2015 sparking a European migrant crisis.
Specialist film companies have even been set up in Germany which only deal in so-called ‘refugee porn’ and ‘hijab porn’.
(((Google))) searches for both categories have also rocketed over the past four years while popuar x-rated sites including YouPorn and Pornhub list hundreds of related clips.
According to data from the popular adult content platform “xhamster” a tiny fraction of its searches were for refugee porn in 2015.
However, since then interest has rocketed and this year that number is expected to hit a million – every month.
And that is on just one porn platform.
Some reports claim right wing fanatics are particularly obsessed because they want to see struggling “immigrants” further humiliated.
But one German anthropologist told InfoMigrants that he believes sexuality is a “means to familiarise yourself with things that are alien to you.”
“By approaching new phenomena from a sexual angle we get to understand these things better,” said Professor Jakob Pastötter,
“People want to experience at the very least a rudimentary link between the sexual acts they view and themes from everyday life, as is the case with refugee porn.”
It has also been reported there was also a surge in searches in the UK shortly before the Brexit vote in June 2016 and during the election in the summer of 2017.
While entire production studios have been set up, old videos are also being edited and updated to cash in one the craze, reports the German news site Zeit Online….
That said, InfoMigrants suggests that the porn genre objectifies migrants with violent narratives that promote rape and sex trafficking.
“(Pornography) is the public face of a larger network of sexual exploitation which deliberately recruits from foster homes, shelters serving various desperate populations and otherwise seeks out poor people from across the world to feed a supply chain with a constant need for fresh bodies,” said Jennifer Johnson, Associate Professor and Chair of Sociology at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Jewish insiders have long bragged that they control the pornography industry worldwide, and that pro-immigration Jews would try to cynically capitalize on this crisis should shock no one.
Muslim migrants rape German women at levels not seen since the conquering ‘Russian’ soldiers gang raped their way across Germany at the end of WWII.
It is highly unlikely the ethnic German men have much interest in migrant porn, but migrant men themselves sure do. And no doubt this porn will incite them to commit even more rape against German women, just as it is supposed to.
In Switzerland, bestiality porn has become very popular among migrant Muslims and Africans, much to the consternation of the nation’s farm animals.
That’s right . A lot of porn has black’s in them with White and Asians women doing and have being done to them . The most vile things.
I remember as a boy watching WW11 movies and the Jews always portrayed themselves as being able to pretend to be whatever it took to be spies, and masquerade as another nationality or the one they were infiltrating or deceiving, so when the Jews claim to kill Hamas , Lebanon and other leaders on their air strikes, or assassinstios , they are probably getting their information from Jewish spies. They’re have to be some good , decent, Jews who even today expose the fake , power , world domination Jews, like Bleumenthhal, Zack etc., but how, when you have Jews who claim the Jews have no right to Israel, but they live in and support what the Zionist’s are Israel.
I believe the Jews are thieves, and vagabonds who have stolen the civilization of Babylon or Cannan or both and their history . How could a race of people’ who for thousands of years roam the Earth, enjoying the benefits of others circulations while others are creating civilizations . The Jews could have created a civilization anywhere in Africa, Canada, North America, South America, and did not, but got the British to support their lust for Israel. Even today, articles claim that most Jews do not want to live in Israel. Why would they. They have infiltrated White civilizations and make their fortunes on White nation’s wealth and do not have to create their own.
I’m a muslim and I want to say that jews destroyed Christian culture, modesty, dignity of womens in the west.
They are behind LGBTQ extremism in the world especially west, where Christian youth is being destroyed by gender identity, jews are behind every evil that we are facing today.
there were a lot of FBI + politics steered false flag shootings in USA + some in germany to force the propaganda
to disarm the population + this jew steered criminal BLM shootings by blacks + coloured but the jew media
declared them mostly as white suprematist (patriots) shootings to open the hunt on whites .
but nowhere happened a worthy shooting on Trump, Biden, Trudeau, Merkel, Macron,Johnson, Blair, B Gates,
A Bourla, Fauci, Chertoff, Silverstein, Fink, Rothschild, Soros, Rockefeller, K Schwab + all the other worthless
traitors + cheaters of humanity .
I don’t know if I should say this or it would be acceptable, but when you mention porn being directed to foreigners in Germany, the Jews hate Germany and Hitler because they were almost driven out of power in Europe by them. but what I wanted to say similar to this as far as vulgarity is concerned, they are probably using German women in the films as the Jews , as one declared, love to defile White Christian women and they control Germany. The other point: articles years ago telling of countries like Sweden ‘s farmers allowing foreigners to come to their country and charging fees to have sex with their farm animals. Remove this comment if it is too vulgar. We have no idea of the amount of evil around us.
Someone put on their site illustrations or mention of pamphlets that are being produced in European countries to familiarize foreign immigrants the way to behave to associate with White females and how to have sexual relations with them. This is proof enough that the Jews even after Germany was defeated after WW11, that the Jews regained control of Germany just as they did after WW1 and the Weimer Republic.
What kind of twisted mind can even come up with something like refugee porn? Oh, that’s right, a jewish mind….
Trevor H.
The “White men” acting in these porn videos are by and large Jews, not White. Of course, the Muslims who watch this porn don’t know the difference, and will take out his anger on real White Germans, both male and female. Should be illegal to make and distribute this stuff in Germany just for being “islamophobic” and inciting racial hatred, but that will never happen.
Porn has been weaponized a long time ago, I feel bad for kids being born now (if nothing changes in the next years).
50% of porn is about blacks, even though people don’t watch it (and in a normal situation these videos and pics would go to the bottom of the sites).