Robert Kaplan, the Jewish President of the Dallas Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank, which is part of a privately-owned banking consortium controlled by the Rothschild banking dynasty, alleged that ‘systemic racism’ which causes high unemployment levels among black and Hispanic Americans is creating a drag on the U.S. economy:
“A more inclusive economy where everyone has an opportunity will mean faster workforce growth, faster productivity growth and will grow faster,” Kaplan said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”
Kaplan said he agreed with his counterpart at the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank, Raphael Bostic – the Fed’s only African-American policymaker – who on Friday called for an end to racism and laid out ways the U.S. central bank can help.
The comments by the Fed policymakers follow weeks of nationwide protests against police brutality and racism after the May 25 death of George Floyd, a black man, in Minneapolis. The white police officer who knelt on Floyd’s neck has been fired and charged with murder.
“It’s in the interest of the U.S.,” Kaplan said. “The fastest-growing demographic groups in this country are blacks and Hispanics. If they don’t participate equally, then we’re going to grow more slowly.”
Kaplan said the Dallas Fed and the Federal Reserve System have been working for years to improve skills training and education for blacks and Hispanics, who have long endured a higher level of unemployment than whites.
Overall unemployment, which spiked dramatically during the shutdowns, is on the way down, Kaplan said, adding that he expects to see positive job growth starting this month.
He said fiscal policy, which is set by Congress, will be a critical element of the recovery, including unemployment benefits, possibly “restructured to create more incentives for people to go back to work,” and benefits to state and local governments.
Yes, blame White people for the inability of unskilled and uneducated ‘people of color’ to find jobs in an economy which the Federal Reserve Bank has been hypocritically instrumental in de-industrializing over the last 40 years.
Unskilled southern Blacks moved North after WWII in large numbers to find work in the booming factories — but those factories largely no longer exist, leaving Blacks suited for that work unemployable in this new hi-tech service economy.
And now those unskilled Blacks have to compete for jobs with tens of millions of unskilled migrants from the Third World that Jewish politicians and organizations, like the ADL, are sponsoring.
Today, Federal, State, and local governments employ 25 million people in America, but only 12 million have industrial jobs.
Those government jobs have replaced factory jobs as the backbone of the now artificial Black middle class in America — anti-racist affirmative action hiring programs were essential for that transition.
If the different races were equally capable of equal outcomes, then the Third World wouldn’t be the Third World, and its populations wouldn’t be flooding into White nations to live off of them — they’d be building vibrant economies themselves at home.
But it is illegal to acknowledge that reality — instead the Federal Reserve will continue to loan governments billions at usurious rates to enact programs to eradicate differences in race-based outcomes, which they cynically know is impossible.
There has yet to be created any race-neutral mental acuity test — even by Blacks — where all races perform equally.
So ‘experts’ have pronounced that a meritocracy is a racist impossibility in diverse America — or anywhere else.
Of course, the easiest way to eliminate racial disparities is to eliminate White people — but don’t worry, they are working on that “program” too.
In 2012, the one hundredth anniversary of the Federal Reserve Act, I wrote hundreds and hundreds of letters to congressmen in Washington , D.C. asking if they renewed the Federal Reserve Act? Not a single one responded. I would suppose that if they passed it by a small number of Congressmen, they could renew it by a small number of traitorous congressmen. I’m sure that a lot of people who know so much , do not realize that laws and treaties of the past are still in effect. The only way to get out of our national debt is to have a President or Congress who will repudiate it, and if they did, they would need a country of citizens to stand behind them, and they do not have that. Their lives would be in danger. They would be poisoned or assassinated. That is why the people who went to Washington ,D.C . were foolish because our freedoms are being taken away from us by laws, by those behind the scenes. Many Patriotic web sites noticed that Hillary Clinton thanked the Council on Foreign Relations for advice and Laws that congress should be considering. And some say the Council on Foreign Relations in the US is similar to the Rhodes Foundation, in Great Britain. It is in Great Britain that the price of gold is determined every day. And it is said that the price of oil is determined every day at Wall Street. One day when I was going to put gasoline in my car , the price changed right in front of me on the pump. It is strange that the United States has the document , the Monroe Doctrine not allowing other countries access to this hemisphere , but our government has military bases all over the world. Japan and Germany have wanted us out for decades , but we do not leave. A Japanese man said one advantage since WW11 of the United States occupation is that they have not had another war for 70 years. But we provoked Japan into WW11 , because Japan being an island nation ,needed resources and land for an expanding population. The United States as is usual, put embargo’s and quarantines , I can’t think of the other word, as they did on Germany as soon as Hitler came to power ,because the Jews knew what to expect. Everytime it is mentioned how many wealthy Jews there are, other articles come out to show that their are more Blacks or other races of greater percentages as being wealthy. Survey’s of Iraqi’s and Iranian’s show their citizens, love us, our country , music etc. It is our behind the scenes government agitators , and news media that make us think that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction, and he did not. That he was a terrorist . He wanted to unite the Arab countries together under their own money system to sell their oil and resources. A book, I read , and tried to find for the reference , but could not remember the title, claimed that Paul Wolfowitz, a Jew , was sent to Iraq after the army was defeated to sell Iraq’s oil and resources and business’s. That what the war was all about. When will Israel get and how will they provoke war with Iran which they tried under Trump, got nowhere and now have Biden who kneels before their President, a sign of submission, not equality like shaking hands.
“It’s in the interest of the U.S.,” Kaplan said. “The fastest-growing demographic groups in this country are blacks and Hispanics. If they don’t participate equally, then we’re going to grow more slowly.”
Whom does he means by “we”?
Well before the riots began, I remember going once a year to Famous Dave’s restaurant to pick up drive-through meal with a coupon on my husband’s birthday as it was too hard for us to pull rent, bills and fancy outing lifestyle in Chicago area- and those restaurants were always packed with blacks, year around. There were articles on how they never tipped. Then there is those international scam cruises packed with welfare collectors: I remember store’s assistant manager going to Paris as she “hurt” herself on the job two weeks after being hired, did a knee replacement surgery and went “healing” on welfare cruise. Kaplan’s logic does not stand. When people work for money, they are far more frugal with their spending. And so called “alleged ‘systemic racism’ which causes high unemployment levels among black and Hispanic Americans” is nothing more then result of BEHAVIORAL POVERTY.
He is correct the Federal reserve and the racist communist tyranny of Jews in America is killing the US economy….collectivism, Marxism, communism, socialism concentrated America’s wealth in the hands of an Oligarchy all made possible by the Anglo’s.
Judaism and the OLD testament are the root source of racism and bigotry.
Sorry Alberticus. The root source of “racism” is God. He is the author of “race”. He prefers His creations untampered with. However, the modern concept of ‘racism’ comes from the pen of Lev Bronstein (aka Leon Trotsky) to inflame emotionalism among a mixed population for the purpose socially engineered control.
Notice how it’s simply presumed that unending economic growth is something positive. Since debt-based Jewish capitalism with steady inflation requires economic growth to keep the Ponzi Scheme afloat, they promote growth as something desirable, when it’s not necessarily so.
Thank you….they need to keep the ponzi scheme which only benefits the neo-liberal capitalist aka Bolshevik communist going. America waged war against Germany WWI and Europe on behalf of this depraved, cruel, inhumane and unconscionable cabal.
The Biblical prophecies about the jews and probably the Rothschilds ( 666 / KJV : “18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a MAN- and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.) are being accomplished .
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
There is a letter addressed to President Trump
where we can read that
“…… we have been witnessing the formation of two
opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children
of darkness. The children of light constitute the most conspicuous part of
humanity, while the children of darkness represent an absolute minority. And
yet the former are the object of a sort of discrimination which places them in a
situation of moral inferiority with respect to their adversaries, who often hold
strategic positions in government, in politics, in the economy and in the media.
In an apparently inexplicable way, the good are held hostage by the wicked and
by those who help them either out of self-interest or fearfulness.”…..
“The American people are mature and have now understood how much
the mainstream media does not want to spread the truth but seeks to silence and
distort it, spreading the lie that is useful for the purposes of their masters.
However, it is important that the good – who are the majority – wake up from
their sluggishness and do not accept being deceived by a minority of dishonest
people with unavowable purposes.”.
Make White children , it’s high time to regenerate our Race !
This is tacit proof that the Rothschilds are indeed behind the ‘anti-racism’ movements in America and Europe. And they wouldn’t do so unless they personally benefited from ‘anti-racism’ ideology.
Laws against ‘racism’ benefit the Jewish Rothschilds because those laws make it illegal to criticize them or expose their crimes or their agenda for world domination.
That is unless you believe the world’s richest family — which financed two world wars that resulted in 100 million deaths — supports BLM out of the kindness of their hearts.
If white people haven’t figured out by now that ‘racial coexistence’ is a myth, and that the only way to ‘fix racism’ is literally to separate the races (regardless where to, at this point), then this will turn very ugly for them, very fast. The fact that the Fed is now weighing in on Amerikan ‘racism’ and declaring that it will be working on it’s own ‘programs’ for combating it should be raising red flags for every remaining sane, common sense thinking white person.
I do pity the white people who will not see the truth. They will suffer and die at the hands of non-white masters. There is no optional outcome. May God have mercy on their souls.