Marc Siegel, a Jewish-American professor of “Theater and Queer Theory” at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany has created a “performance piece” in which a ruling (jewish) elite discusses how to subvert Poland and turn it into a jewish multi-racial paradise:
In the video, Marc Siegel leads a discussion between international Jews from Germany, Poland, and Israel about how to subvert Poland’s Nationalists and the Catholic Church, and also make Hebrew and Vietnamese the official 2nd languages in Poland.
The proposals for the destruction of Poland includes the following:
- Polish citizenship to all immigrants
- Tax the Germans to pay for millions of Jews to move from Israel to Poland. A precedent, the first time the citizens of one country were taxed by another country.
- Hebrew as the 2nd official language of Poland
Jews have long considered Poland to be theirs — at one time it had the largest population of Jews in the world, and they dubbed it the “jewish promised land” where they had their own separate legal system and acted independently from the Polish ruling elite.
That Jews like Siegel still fantasize about reconquering Poland should come as no surprise, especially considering how White and Christian it has become since the end of WWII when Poland was emptied of Jews, who fled to Russia and Israel.
While this piece has the deniability of being a “performance art project,” there should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that this type of jewish sanhedrin has convened in the EU and Israel to discuss how to effectively respond to the current pro-Polish, pro-Christian control of Poland.
Anyone who believes that the Jews are just going to stand by and allow the Poles to determine their own destiny is hopelessly naive.
Henry Ford słynny producent samochodów powiedział kiedyś, że żydowskim talentem jest życie z ludzi, nie z ziemi, ani z produkcji, ale z ludzi. Niech inni uprawiają ziemię, żyd, jeśli będzie w stanie, będzie ciągnął zyski z rolnika. Niech inni zajmują się handlem i przemysłem; żyd będzie eksploatował owoce ich pracy. To jego szczególny talent. Żydzi to naród wymyślony – jak pisze Shlomo Sand. To nie naród a plemię najpodlejsze z podłych, bez etyki i z podwójną moralnością, plemię bezwzględne i pozbawione skrupułów, szczerze wierzące, że są stworzeni do władzy nad światem. Naród żydowski jako taki nigdy nie istniał, tylko został wymyślony przez rabinów, którzy ubzdurali sobie, że bóg ich wybrał do naprawy i przewodzenia światu. Kłamstwo to, jako talmudyczna bzdura powtarzane jest na całym świecie aż po dzień dzisiejszy…
“Henry Ford, a famous car maker, once said that it is Jewish talent to live off people, not from the land or from production, but from people. Let others till the land, the Jew, if he can, will profit from the farmer. Let the others engage in trade and industry; the Jew will exploit the fruits of their labor. This is his special talent. Jews are an invented nation – as Shlomo Sand writes. It is not a nation, but the most vile of the wicked, without ethics and with double morality, a ruthless and unscrupulous tribe, sincerely believing that they are made to rule the world. The Jewish nation never existed as such, only it was invented by rabbis, who fell into disbelief that God had chosen them to repair and lead the world. This lie, as a Talmudic nonsense, is repeated all over the world to this day …”
The 3.3 million Jews returning to Poland is a plot by atheist globalists to destroy Israel and Zionism first and foremost.
These are your anti-Zionist allies. Deal with reality, Liars pretending to be Christians
israel is not a peice of land. Neither is judeah. They are occupied, “sanitized” jewish merchant, mercantile, trade, business routes that seem legit on the surface, but are actually also the same black market network in disguise hiding in plain sight.
As for Poland. They are once again in the middle. Same old anaconda plan from old military tactics. Consolidate and obliterate. This is happening in the USA with the east and west coast, northern and southern borders all anti-Christian, anti-Western.
Perhaps I’m over-sensitive, and I accept that this comment has no real bearing on the above article, but I find it intensely irritating when people who DO know better persist in using the enemy’s corrupt misuse of language.
(Sorry CFT. You’re doing good work, but I feel compelled to point this out.)
Israel was never a place, but a people. WE are that people, not the Khazarian (and other) usurpers.
If wanting to be rid of jews is anti- anything, my preferred term for these non-Semites is SEPTIC, which more accurately describes the devil’s vermin in that an anti-septic destroys infections and infestations.
Israel is NOT a piece of land, whatever the devil’s own might claim to the contrary, so rather than knowingly use an incorrect term, I prefer to refer to the pirate state as Occupied Palestine.
Perhaps it’s just me.
This may be the full version of the video:
Thank you, we’ve embedded the full video in the article above.
lets stage that Palestine people oppressed in Israel decide with Arabic nations the future of Israel!
This is an ‘art’ project. They have no legal power to decide anything, but they use it to test what the reaction to their REAL PLANS will be.
Either there will be a strong ANTI-SEMITIC reaction, which will cause them to pretend its just a prank. Or there will be no reaction, which tells them there will be low resistance to their actions (mass immigration).
It’s also a form of ‘magic word’ influencing. They talk about something for so long that after decades the symbolic becomes real, because it is socially accepted, e.g. whole generations are born having heard something all their life.
That’s why they start feeding them these lies when they first enter school and 5, and after hearing the same things for the next 12 years, they never question it….and if their parents aren’t awake to the truth, their children have no one to protect them from the lies….
Puppets and puppet masters…at least in their own minds.
Does art imitate reality, or does reality imitate art? In the coming Jewish World Order, or Tikum Olam, the answer is both.
All the world’s a stage 😉