Jason Stanley, a Jewish professor at Yale whose specialty is radical social and political ‘philosophy’, wants to help us diagnose and identify “real” Fascism, lessons found in his self-help book How Fascism Works, which has now been translated into a dozen languages:
The book is divided into ten chapters — each representing a key tactic of fascism in its bid to acquire and maintain power. Some of these will come as no surprise to any student with a nodding acquaintance of history — the use of propaganda, the brazen lying, the focus on law-and-order, the idea of purity and especially racial purity.
The book also has fascinating sections on how fascism conjures up an image of a halcyon past (and promises the country a return to glory), how it posits the victimhood of the “decent” majority while blaming immigrants and minorities for all societal problems and how it attempts to undermine institutions that act as a check on power — the press, the judiciary, opposition parties, civil society. That the traditional fascist tactic of attacking “elites” and “experts” in universities and the civil service appears to have become mainstream in British political discourse should probably give us all pause.
There are some pillars of fascism identified by Professor Stanley that have been more overlooked by others. They include the way fascists raise and exploit the threat of sexual violence — the Ku Klux Klan was obsessed with black sexuality, while more recently the German neo-fascist AfD raised the spectre of hordes of sexually incontinent Middle East refugees. Then there’s the romanticism of the countryside and the fear of the liberal, degenerate city. Both before and after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Nazis and Austro-Fascists were able to tap into, and then amplify, the widespread suspicion that Vienna was the Devil’s playground.
Among contemporary figures linked to fascist ideology, Jason Stanley cites the Hungarian leader, Viktor Orban, and the Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro, “the tropical Trump,”; he covers, too, the Hindu Nationalist BJP in India and developments in Putin’s Russia. Not to be forgoten, of course, are substantial Far-Right parties in many countries — Germany, France, even Sweden (so often caricatured as a social-democratic utopia).
The book might not have garnered as much attention as it has, had it not been for the current occupant of the White House. Stanley labels Trump’s tactics “fascist”, but never goes as far as calling Trump himself a fascist. He calls his movement fascist, while Trump himself “is more like a fascist wanna-be”, operating within a (still) democratic government.
“My family background has saddled me with difficult emotional baggage”, Jason Stanley notes in How Fascism Works, “But it also, crucially, prepared me to write this book”.
His mother was born in Eastern Poland and spent her first few years living off potato peelings in a Siberian labour camp. She was repatriated aged five, with her mother, and reunited with her father. After Professor Stanley’s grandfather was set upon and nearly killed by antisemitic hoodlums in 1948, the family left Warsaw, emigrating to the US.
His father fled Germany in 1939, aged five, with his grandmother Ilse. She sounds an extraordinary woman. For two years, from 1936, she disguised herself as a Nazi social worker so that she could help rescue hundreds of people from the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Back in Berlin, she struggled to convince her Jewish friends and neighbours about the reality of Camp conditions. Ilse’s father was the main cantor and one of the founders of Belsize Square Synagogue.
Jason Stanley himself had a comfortable middle-class upbringing in upper state New York – his father an academic, his mother a court stenographer. He’s raising his kids in Jewish traditions. How Fascism Works is the product of his family background and his sense of solidarity with those facing discrimination. “To me, my Judaism means an obligation to pay attention to equality and the rights of minority groups.”
The Fascist Movement truly began in Spain in the 1920s — and then Italy — as a Christian backlash against the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, but don’t expect this ‘professor’ to mention that salient fact.
Reading between the lines, we can clearly see that virtually everything the so-called “fascists” are reacting against is Jewish — decadent urban cosmopolitanism, sexual depravity, multiculturalism, and large government bureaucracies in which Jews have a habit of entrenching themselves.
And in typical Jewish fashion, he openly mocks the tendency of Whites to romantically look back to their agrarian past — the dreaded “blood and soil” ethos that is the antithesis of rootless Jewish cosmopolitanism…
…Everything decadent and destructive that the Jewish-dominated Weimar Republic represented.
So, in essence, Professor Stanley is helping us all identify ‘antisemites’, not merely so-called fascists — anyone who dares criticize Jewish values and proclivities.
We have to wonder why his mother was thrown in a Soviet gulag in Siberia — most likely she was an agitator. The same is true for his grandfather who was allegedly “nearly killed” in Poland by “hoodlums” — but we suspect he was a communist who had betrayed someone to the authorities.
Like all Jews, Professor Stanley seems to be “saddled” with “difficult emotional baggage” — paranoia, self-loathing, and pathological emotional narcissism.
Edmund Husserl, another Jewish ‘philosopher’, once noted that paranoiacs can feel only their own pain, but never the pain they inflict on others — a universal trait of Jewry down through the ages.
And do we really need to guess why this obscure Jewish academic gets to have his book full of banal and shop-worn anti-Christian ideas translated into a dozen languages — it’s his Jewish privilege that Jews have assured us does not exist.
If someone should were to write a book instructing us how to identify Bolsheviks like Professor Stanley, it’s unlikely it would be translated into any other languages let alone dozens.
“Edmund Husserl, another Jewish ‘philosopher’, once noted that paranoiacs can feel only their own pain, never the pain they inflict on others — a universal trait of Jewry down through the ages.”
The Jew will cry out in pain, as HE slaps YOU.
“And do we really need to guess why this obscure Jewish academic gets to have his book full of banal and shop-worn anti-Christian ideas translated into a dozen languages — it’s his Jewish privilege that Jews have assured us does not exist.”
Exactly. And yet, the late Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s “200 Years Together” STILL hasn’t been published in English. I wonder why?
I can smell a fascist from a distance….they constantly tell you of what other people are but never care to take a look in the mirror the “paranoiacs can feel only their own pain, never the pain they inflict on others” and it comes close the modern Marxist, Bolshevik communist, liberal progressive thought process that has infected culture and the body politic in Western countries. Somebody brought up the bad Axis thing in another discussion, and I replied that Germany, (Hitler) Italy (Mussolini) Japan (Hirohito) were the Axis against (supposedly bad and evil) were against communism but they never created international institutions. While on the other hand the allies were Britain, China, Russia and America which ended up creating the international communist organization called the United Nations and its military arm NATO.
The main drafter of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was René Cassin of France, who was instrumental in pushing ‘Human Rights’ from a Jewish perspective. This alone tells a great story who supported the Bolshevik communist imperialist world order that destroyed Christian Europe, wreaked havoc on Africa and other colonial territories of Western countries and is now chopping up America like there is no tomorrow. As the World Turns….those who call other people fascist are in fact the fascist diverting attention away from themselves and the hypocrites can do it with impunity because nobody dares to challenge their depravity and intellectual dishonesty…..
Fascism is another command to the mindless obedient. Paranoia and its concomitant , antisemitism is a common reproach today . These are symptoms of illness. All psychiatrists agree. This jew writer , verbose and relying on holycost suffering for authenticity is promoting another disease for us , that actually are qualities of a natural health . What creature would reiterate the same thought or sound: fascism, racism, holycost, corona with resolute self righteous commination until a sober victim vibrates hysterically from the torture of its merciless rhythm. The jew is displaying its soulless , cruel enmity to life and his purpose , the eventual redefining the Truth and condemning free testimony. Their evil is incomprehensible ; and one mistakes it as good for sake self preservation they conform to thier self glorifying lie.
They have serious issues suffering from the delusion of grandeur as being the light of the nations and the world, which means everybody needs to swallow the garbage that comes from the figments of their imagination without question and it happens with impunity because people who are afraid of them and believe the crap that they are God’s chosen people enable them. You don’t need a Harvard degree to figure out that these people are void of conscience, keeping up appearance that they are the saviors of the world….who ever created that myth unleashed a demon on all of humanity. Michael McDonald has a great song which gives you a picture of this spirit of death and destruction that is accepted as normal in Western countries.
Lisette wrote, “Michael McDonald has a great song which gives you a picture of this spirit of death and destruction that is accepted as normal in Western countries.”
What song is that, “What A Fool Believes”?
OMG….Michael sings about the Ebola virus outbreak in Africa, but I used it to interpret what happens in America and Europe, things that people don’t see…..Where is our deliverance here
From this demon loosed upon us?…https://youtu.be/05M8krqRkQ4
(Michael McDonald And Chester Thompson)
From a house comes the sound of an infant crying
People stand and stare at the door
They dare not go in
Where a child lies sobbing beside a lifeless body
Trying in vain to awaken the mother within
This chain of death has so many faces
From the frightened man to the pitiful child
Where is our deliverance here?
Will this not pass over?
I won’t go back to Kikwit Town
I won’t go back
I won’t go back to Kikwit Town
I won’t go back
They would not give us my father’s body
The men in orange suits started gathering ’round
They asked the names of all who live here
As they threw him down in hole and burned his house down
What have we done to deserve this?
God’s wrath has surely come
He lets the devil walk among us
He lets death into our homes
Where is our deliverance here
From this demon loosed upon us?
Is it not enough we live in this squalor?
Is it not enough these sacrifices we make?
Are we not entitled to some mercy
On this short journey we take?
They said come down and answer all our questions
It’s best for all if I turn myself in
But I know as sure as I walk through that hospital door
I will never see daylight again
What have we done to deserve this?
God’s wrath has surely come
He lets the devil walk among us
He lets death into our homes
Where is our deliverance here
From this demon loosed upon us?
God did not let the devil walk
among us, but the corrupt
in positions of power did. The demon
loosed upon us is the
anti-Christian Communist-Zionist
supremacist ideology that spreads
death and destruction all over the
How much will he pay me to read his stupid book
Another story of the holycost. FIlled with jew half truths and projected through transparent exaggerated lies. Should one laugh or cry? Or just turn away in disgust. This story with its perfect recall and their solipsistic , invidious book , that one can not doubt like thier bible in the christian church especially the Kartoffelschalen item. In Siberia ? Thought they murdered all the czars… where she probably worked (as consultant ) in a vodka distillery .The commiserating and indignant christians can weep thier hypocritical tears and compose another sermon about the evil Nazi and KKK, which will gratify jew and be a purgative for the self righteous. Ja, this jewish monopoly of the historical record (another manifestation of their persecution) is something someone once christened as the demonology of history. And Jesus of Nazareth, a victim of the persecuted jew for saw this voluptuous glory of Satan . The events are embellished and reiterated for thier benefit and our inexpiable debt… reminds of that jew physician’s sex tomes celebrating saint sigmund about the repressed and neurotic CHristian inhibitions to fornicate with anything at any time. It condemns the CHristian and has enjoyed dissolute popularity like the holycost episodes .
More important is what he did not say … about the murders of Germans before and after the war by nice jewish people and thier psychopathic Igors . The statistics are intoxicating and real! But who wants to hear that? But if we have patience or more correctly paralysis we can wait and experience it all over again. And finally learn the truth.
Of course not, nobody every talks about the Jewish Bolshevik slaughter of millions but I have to constantly listen to the holocaust and anti-German hogwash …Jews who push all white people are evil racists are communist-fascist-Nazis all in one who make Hitler and Mussolini in the European context look like choirboys, I said many times before and I will continue doing so, because these people need to get off their moral high horse because their drivel smells to high heavens…..and its time to let them smell their own stink.
About Orban:
Germanys AFD has lots of Jews in its membership and LOVES Israel.
Mr. Abramovych is Vice-Chairman of the Federal Association of Jews in the AfD.
Shouldn’t the title of his book be how Judaism Works? And be translated into a dozen languages and taught at all schools.
AfD, changed course after these freaks started screaming Nazi…Orban loves the Zionist too. Basically all western countries bow down to the Jewish Zionist supremacist agenda….after two Bolshevik wars against you with the help of the mighty military of America, you have no choice.
The imperialism, destruction and plundering the natural resources of non-western countries is all in the interest of the Jewish supremacist and the justify it through US foreign policy in the name of national…..America and European males are send to non-western countries to protect the interest of the imperialist international Jewish supremacist, secular and religious.
The Ku Klux Klan Was Created by Jews.
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” ― Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Jewish)
This is disinformation, Johnny. Be careful what you post. Read it critically before you post it. It claims that Albert Pike started the KKK but then claims that he was a Mason, and Masonry is Jewish, therefore the KKK is Jewish. Don’t you see a problem with that? And what does this have to do with the original cited article anyway? If you post articles that do not directly address the original article, we won’t be publishing them from now on. We hope you understand….
No I don’t see a problem with that Freemasonry is Jewish.Didn’t you know?Do you think I did not read it first? You disappoint me.The KKK was mentioned in the article, referring to Facism.It directly relates to the article, his book is about Facism. All the points he relates to were either instigated or directly related to Israel or Judaism.It is not disinformation.
The KKK was created to cause strife and problems with race and it did.
“GENTILE masonry blindly serves as a screen for us and our objects, but the plan of action of our force, even its very abiding-place, remains for the whole people an unknown mystery.” (The Protocols of Zion, 4:2)
Was it a mystery to you too?
If you think I am still wrong please explain,
Thank you,
Yes, Johnny, we understand that Freemasonry is Jewish, but that doesn’t mean that the KKK was started as a Jewish psy-op. It was not.
After the Civil War, the South was destroyed, along with its police enforcement and courts to punish criminals. Freed Blacks ran amuck raping, robbing, and killing Whites with near impunity, often instigated and encouraged by Jewish carpetbaggers.
The KKK was formed as a “vigilante” group to get the Blacks under control. It worked, and once order was re-established, the KKK was virtually disbanded, only to be revived years later, but that’s a different chapter.
To better understand the circumstances out of which the KKK arose, we would highly recommend that you read “The Clansman” by Thomas Dixon. While it is a novel, it is clearly based on historical fact. You can read it in our library:
As far as Albert Pike is concerned, when he joined Freemasonry in the 1840s, it was not yet dominated by the European Judeo-Masons quite yet. In fact, at that time, Jews in America had separate lodges. The Masonic lodges didn’t become integrated until later….
Thank you
Thank you for your response.
Thank you very much for this update…..”After the Civil War, the South was destroyed, along with its police enforcement and courts to punish criminals. Freed Blacks ran amuck raping, robbing, and killing Whites with near impunity, often instigated and encouraged by Jewish carpetbaggers.” You never hear this part of the story, but it doesn’t surprise me. Jews exploit race to incite hatred against White people and with their ill-gotten billions they now pay the free-loading Black Marxist to run amok across America.
Yes, future president Major-General Ulysses S. Grant singled out the Jewish carpetbaggers and ordered them expelled from many southern states under General Order No. 11 (1862) because of their unscrupulous business practices. In 1863, President Lincoln cancelled the order, and the Jews once again, as they had done in Europe in every country they’d been expelled from, flooded back into the South to take advantage of the social chaos and lack of law enforcement at the end of the war.
The naive Blacks were easily manipulated by these Jewish carpetbaggers–as much of the property that the freed Blacks acquired at that time end up in the pockets of the Jews. There’s nothing new under the sun, no?
Nah. It was simply a Neighborhood watch fir poor southern farmers during the Reconstruction era who faced serious black violence and lived remotely. No 911 to call.
Nah. It (kkk) was simply a Neighborhood watch for poor southern farmers during the Reconstruction era who faced serious black violence and lived remotely. No 911 to call.
It was much later infiltrated.
Gee…sounds like everything (((he))) lists as ways to identify facists is in actuality, CORRECT! Gosh, pointing out obvious facts and trends is fascist – who’d a thunk it?
Will the goy EVER figure this out? see Isaiah 52:1 my people…
How I became a “Self Hating Jew”.
Maybe they should look in the mirror to find them?
Jews now say they are People Of Color..Now they can ramp up the Anti-white rhetoric ,eventually they will drop the people of color and say they are Jews only, but for now it suits the purpose.
Yes, Ashkenazi Jews (Including Gal Gadot) Are People of Color .
52% of Israeli Jews agree: African migrants are ‘a cancer’
The Hidden Powers Behind the Destruction of America
The Khazarian Mafia Takes Complete
Control of the United States of America.
How the Jewish Central Banksters have destroyed most countries and bought the politicians.
It is said a good politician is one that stays bought.
(Video links have been removed for violating rules to ensure that the truth is not spoken.)