(Real Clear Politics) In a recent Newsmax TV show, jewish host Wayne Allyn Root, a rabid supporter of President Trump, made some hyperbolic claims about the President’s popularity which have raised some eyebrows:
“I happen to be Jewish by birth and 75% of all Jews vote Democrat, and they don’t like Trump,” Root said Tuesday. “This is the greatest president for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world. Not just in America, Trump is the best president for Israel in the history of the world. And the Jewish people love him like he is the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God,”
“In America, American Jews don’t like him,” he continued. “They don’t even know what they’re doing or saying anymore. It makes no sense. But that’s okay. He keeps doing what he’s doing. He’s good for all of us. Good for Jews, good for blacks, good for gays.”
“He is good for everyone in America who wants a job,” Root finished.
Trump tweeted Root’s comments, thanking him in a series of tweets Wednesday morning.
The hardcore Zionist Jews (s)elected Trump, not the American people, which is why Trump has spent his entire first term checking off items on their “To Do List,” and bragging about it:
- moving the American embassy to Jerusalem;
- approving billions of dollars of American taxpayer money to “aid” Israel, including millions for their border security;
- looking the other way while Israel illegally annexes the Golan (“Stolen”) Heights; and
- agitating for war with Iran.
Next up is letting Israel annex the West Bank and blaming “Islamic extremists” on the upcoming destruction of the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount.
Messianic Jews are truly giddy about Trump, and see him as some kind of mystical figure, like the second coming of King Cyrus, who helped the real ancient Israelites, not these fake Edomites, build the temple in Jerusalem.
The problem is that most of the Jews in America are atheistic liberals ruled by the pedophile elites in Hollywood, and they hate Trump who, in their eyes, is the second coming of Hitler, despite the fact, as Root points out, that Trump has also been good for the core of the liberal Left — Jews, Blacks, and Gays.
All the while, deluded evangelical Christians are gobbling down popcorn as they watch Trump inch America toward a fake Armageddon that will allow them to be raptured up to Heaven along with their “messiah” Trump.
jim bull
American Police Action Plan for Stopping
World Government Rule
AAHH! The Orange Man, The Donald, Gas Bag, Wind Bag, Mr Flip Flop, The New York gangster who talks from both sides of his mouth. Mr. “I am going to clean up the deep state”. While he himself is deep state and selected all those in their cabinet positions. How in the hell is he going clean the swamp when he made the appointments for the swamp. That is about as oxymoronic as can be. Or pretzel logic as a more appropriate name. He is not one iota different than his predecessors before him; all puppets of international Jewry.
Notice how his Chabad gangster son in law keeps a eye on him when speaking at engagements, meetings, etc. That’s to make sure the Donald does not veer from script. I don’t see no way out of the grips of these parasites; the Jews. It needs to start with the so-called Christian church sadly infested with Christian Zionists, Zionuts more appopriate. I say “so-called” because of what supposedly represents the Christian church of today is far removed from the church of the first century.
No longer are passages which speak of the evil Jew; such as Luke 11:37–54, Matthew 23:1–39 preached from the pulpit. It would be unthinkable to do so. Most preachers would be in fear of the PC crowd and of losing their 501(c) status given to them from the Jew run IRS, and that is not even counting the prosperity pimps and their mega churches. A vast majority of smaller churches fall in that rut as well. I have been to enough of them.
A story has it that during a rally hosted by John Hagee (you know, Mr. I have sold my soul for more than 30 shekels) honoring and blessing Israel. a TV reporter approached a christian zionist and ask him what he thought of the rally. He responded, “ain’t it so wonderful how Pastor Hagee holds Israel in such high esteem”. The reporter then in return asked the man, “what would Jesus think and say about this?” The man replied, “who in the hell is Jesus?” We are in deep doo doo in this country folks.
accelerate the boogaloo.
vote for whichever leftist president elect wants to try to take our means of defense.
boomers reek of pathetic “i stand with israel” stink. maga is for cuckservatives.
israel is the real reason why we are in a state of decay. communism is judaism.
jews, as a whole, HATE Trump , his race and his country. Apparently tho, the Donald cant seem to see that as he just performs in lock step with nearly every thing (((they))) demand. Yet (((they))) turn around and demonise him and his base at every turn. Strange situation being a shabbos goy…
Let me school you Luke: You stated: “jews, as a whole, HATE Trump”, “Yet (((they))) turn around and demonise him”. That is the old play book of the Jew: Divide and Conquer. The Donald is no different from the other clowns from the past 70 years who have occupied the oval office…puppets of international Jewry. “The Orange Man, The Donald, Gas Bag, Wind Bag, Mr Flip Flop, The New York gangster who talks from both sides of his mouth. Mr. “I am going to clean up the deep state”. While he himself is deep state and selected all those in their cabinet positions.
How in the hell is he going clean the swamp when he made the appointments for the swamp. That is about as oxymoronic as can be. Or pretzel logic as a more appropriate name. He is not one iota different than his predecessors before him; all puppets of international Jewry. Notice how his Chabad gangster son in law keeps a eye on him when speaking at engagements, meetings, etc. That’s to make sure the Donald does not veer from script.” Taken from my original response to this article.
And the Mossad motto: By Way of Deception Shalt Thou do War
‘Handing over’ the Temple Mount will be Trumps payment to those who delivered his relection.
This is exactly why he will be reelected…
Yesterday, or the day before, at a press meeting outside the White house, Trump said he was “the Chosen One” for the Jews.
Great Vid if you can snag it and post it.
That being said, our Fox News loving, jew loving White brethren will just “agree”.
But I was one…………..so there is hope. 🙂
WestWins- Trump did not say that he was the chosen one for “the Jews”. He joked that he was the chosen one to take on the Chinese for their unfair trade practices after 20 years of neglect by previous presidents. It was really a very funny remark. He was trolling the liberals & the liberal media.
Well darn…………….vote for him then.
I realize after I made the comment that he was referring to China at that particular point in his speech. But using the term “Chosen One” is a HUGE flag.
Not to mention the other hundreds of reasons why Trump is Pro- Jew. Take a hike pal.
Edit — “Huge Red Flag”
It pains me to quote an article from the Renegade Tribune, but here are two articles worth reading revealing how Trump is one of them — if not OF them.
Kyle Hunt goes out of his way to not only bash c.hristianity (which I can hardly blame him); but he trashes anyone espousing CI fundamentals.
Dixie — Trump isn’t Trolling the libs……….he is trolling YOU.
cable guy
While the Renegade does have some good articles, Kyle is a KHunt…he admits it himself so I don’t mind repeating it
Agreed. What a shame too. Why he can’t be allies with CI men and women is bizarre. He needs our Prayers.
Hi WestWins-Yes, I have seen these comments. And I’m watching Trump carefully & still trying to figure him out. I am trying to decide if his actions are a political alliance out of convenience for peeling off a few percentage points for votes (ie. like a business deal in NYC) or if he’s really an admirer in the Jewish faith. I’m sure he admires their intellect & cunning but is (hopefully) turned off by their cultural habits of lying/cheating/
stealing/pornography/child molestation/ bribery/ etc.
I read that he was disappointed when his plastic daughter married that soy boy-toy jew Jared. But, a thrice married father doesn’t have much say over his children’s choice in a spouse. Divorce is not healthy for children.
Thanks for the links.
BTW… why do you say Trump is trolling me? Let me know how you thin he is he doing this? Tks!
W.Wins- I am happy to see that Trump has not been pulled into another of israel’s wars for Iran or Syria *yet*.
I’m sure the hand rubbing over our lack of action was hysterical over in Israel. I’d like to see Trump play the Jews a bit harder, making it clear to Israel that we pull the strings, not Israel. He did do something recently when he rejected BiBi’s request to release the American-Israeli jew spy Pollard from early parole. Trump said , “No way, he will serve out his entire term in the US”. BB gave the long, sad sob story-lie about how the traitor was “dying” & needed to spend his remaining days “dying” in peace in Israel. That was shut down right quick & BiBi went away. Obama gave him early release from prison, by the way. He should have been shot for treason, as far as I’m concerned.
Oh, and I’m a girl…
Have a nice evening!
Dixie —
I “assumed” you were a Trump supporter. I realize I should never ‘assume’.
So………….if I presumed wrongly, please forgive me.
I hate to plug Renegade Tribune…………………….but there is valuable Research regarding Trump in those articles. He is one of ((( them ))).
He is the Ultimate White Pressure Relief Valve. He is the Trojan Horse for the last remaining vestiges of the White Race in America. Him and Fox Jews (news).
Kyle Hunt trashes Christianity? He even trashed my spelling for a comment.
That’s when I see the real personality.
Keep in mind that any and all Chinese ‘fair trade’ talks are at the behest of the jew. The only things the Chinese have that the U.S. gubmint wants is crap that will further the jewish agenda, and nothing more.
That’s true, and I’m sure China understands that, as well. China knows the origins of communism better than anyone. China & the Jews will be working together before long, if they’re not already.
They have, and they are. The Chinese ‘elites’ who benefit from communism freely admit their admiration for the jew and their tactics.
Wayne Allyn Root is a “messianic” Christian, meaning a Jew who claims to be Christian, but his role is to “trump” up and solidify support for Israel among evangelicals. This is what Jews who convert to Christianity do: mislead the flock and subvert the faith, exactly what Trump does as president, coincidentally.