(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) David Schroeder — Jewish public school teacher in Grafton, Wisconsin — was arrested for threatening to violently harm students and their families simply because he found some random swastikas drawn on notepaper in his classroom:
…David Schroeder was arrested on Friday and charged Monday with a felony count of making terrorist threats, according to the court record. Schroeder is a seventh-grade math teacher in Grafton, a town north of Milwaukee, and has been placed on leave.
A student in Schroeder’s class told local news outlets that Schroeder became angry after a student found a scrap of paper with swastikas on it. Earlier in the week, Schroeder had reportedly found a notebook with more of the Nazi symbols. The student said the teacher “went on a ramble about how that’s bad and that’s a disgrace to his people,” and “started mentioning the N-word.”
Soon, Schroeder reportedly started threatening his students, saying he owned 17 guns and was “not afraid to use them,” adding that “all Jews have guns.” He further said he would send his daughter to the students’ houses “with a baseball bat,” the student said. The teacher also allegedly threatened to “go scorched earth” on the students, and said, “I wish pain on all of you and your families.”
The school told law enforcement that Schroeder wrote a statement admitting to making the comments. He wrote that he had made the comments out of anger.
The incident represents an unusual reaction to swastikas being found in school settings, a relatively common experience in U.S. schools that often triggers intervention by local Jewish leaders or representatives of the Anti-Defamation League. The civil rights group documented 232 incidents of antisemitic vandalism in non-Jewish K-12 schools last year, up from 152 in 2021.
The Grafton police chief, Jeff Caponera, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that his department was investigating both Schroeder’s behavior and the swastika drawings that prompted it.
“The behavior on both sides is unacceptable and we need to make sure this doesn’t become a recurring pattern,” Caponera said. But he added that because the swastikas were not specifically directed at any individual, they “don’t represent a hate crime,” which limits how police can respond to the person who drew them.
Police have yet to determine who is responsible for the swastikas, but Grafton School District Superintendent Jeff Nelson suggested that they were the work of a student.
Nelson told JTA that the school is “continuing to work with the police to find the student or students responsible for drawing the swastika drawings.” He sent letters to families over the weekend informing them of the incident, notifying them of an investigation by the school and calling Schroeder’s behavior “inappropriate and unprofessional.” A separate joint letter from Nelson and Caponera said increased police presence would be placed at the school this week.
The criminal complaint against Schroeder added that he had already been under investigation for other “inappropriate behavior towards students,” and that the principal had previously decided not to renew his contract, although police did not have any further details about his past behavior.
Schroeder was released on Monday on a $10,000 bail posting. He was ordered to surrender all his firearms, stay at least 500 feet away from the school and refrain from contact with all district students except for his own children. His preliminary hearing is set for June 22.
Though Schroeder had reportedly told his students he owned 17 weapons, he turned over only 15 to the authorities, Caponera said.
Caponera added that his own son is Jewish, as is his son’s mother, and that he would likely have a strong reaction if he were to discover swastikas in a classroom.
“I take offense to that. And I understand where the teacher is coming from,” he said. “But at the end of the day I also understand that the teacher has the responsibility to act appropriately in situations like this.”
Here we seem a textbook example of “Nazi Derangement Syndrome” among Jews — who, from the cradle to the grave, are inculcated in the Holocaust™ psy-op, which makes them believe that another Shoah™ is potentially just around the corner at the hands of the antisemitic goyim.
As the head of British WWII psychological warfare program admitted,
“We have had a good run for our money with this gas chamber story we have been putting about, but don’t we run the risk eventually we are going to be found out and when we are found out the collapse of that lie is going to bring the whole of our psychological warfare down with it? So isn’t it rather time now to let it drift off by itself and concentrate on other lines that we are running.”
–—Victor Cavendish-Bentick, Head of British Psychological Warfare Executive (Propaganda), in a handwritten note, wrote on Aug 27th, 1943, Public Record Office Document F0371/34551 revealed by Stephen Mitford Goodson, ‘Inside the South African Reserve Bank’.
It’s no wonder that Jews in general have a much higher incidence of mental illness than the general population — they actually blame this mental illness on how they were victimized by the “barbarous Nazis” which literally “shrunk their brains” — not on their multi-generational inbreeding — or endogamy — or their spurious identity based on lies.
Jews have assiduously embedded this Holocaust narrative into their “religion” — and even tried to convince Christians that if they question any aspect of it, they will literally “go to Hell.”
Every Jew is subjected to this mind control programing which has become the very foundation of Jewish identity — like Manchurian candidates, they are “activated” or “triggered” by certain visual, written, and audio cues — such as swastikas or any “right-wing” rhetoric.
As with David Schroeder, Jews are taught to believe that any response to these cues or triggers is justified, no matter how irrational and violent — and the sympathetic judicial system supports them, often giving them a slap on the wrist because of their personal and historical “sufferings.”
We see this tolerance for Jewish violence and lawlessness on both the individual and organizational levels — extremist groups like the Jewish Defense League, which has been linked to bombings and assassinations, has not been targeted by the FBI for infiltration and subversion the way the benign John Birch Society was — and the media turns a blind eye to their machinations — while at the same time shoving their anti-White, anti-Christian propaganda down our collective throats 24/7.
Even on an international level, no matter what organized Jewry does — such as bombing the U.S.S. Liberty, assassinating John F. Kennedy or Martin Luther King, or orchestrating 9/11, it’s all swept under the rug because Jews “deserve” to “feel safe” — and neutralizing any “existential” threat is completely justified.
It’s quite ironic that David Schroeder warned his students that “all Jews have guns” — while the percentage of Jews who actually own guns is probably lower than the general population, Jews know that the armed police forces across the country are specially mandated to protect them — which explains why most Jews confidently can advocate to disarm the majority of the White population — a recipe for disaster.
And while the Holocaust™ psy-op has most surely increased the Jewish proclivity toward psychological derangement and violence, let’s not forget that even before the so-called Holocaust™, Jews showed the world during the Bolshevik Revolution the epic levels of sadistic violence they were already capable of as they genocided tens of millions of White Christian Russians during the Red Terror.
As Christ said, “The truth shall set you free” — and this cruel psychological game being played by Jews on Jews themselves — and one the entire world — must end — and end it most surely will as these lies will eventually collapse under their own internal contradictions.
Instead of more mandatory Holocaust™ education for every child in public school, we should have mandatory Holocaust deprogramming — in order to release Jews from this psychological hell they have created for themselves — a mental disorder which has infected western civilization where they prefer to live.
As long as Jews continue to insist that they are the “world’s ultimate victims” — and dominate the “hierarchy of human suffering” — while at the same time hypocritically being the world’s greatest victimizers — Jews will continue to be — in the words of the apostle Paul — “hostile to all men.”
And as long as every Jew is taught that they have done nothing wrong — and that they have no idea why they are “persecuted” despite having been expelled from every country in which they have dwelt — often numerous times — blind to their own fabricated history and malfeasance — the David Schroeder’s of the world will continue to violently lash out even if that means that Jews will ultimately rule over the smoldering ruins of the entire world.

The Jew teacher cries out in pain as he threatens to strike you.
An interesting note about this town, it houses the self-funded USS Liberty Memorial Library that I have visited several times before making 911Missinglinks. Grafton, this town, has some good blood there so I am not surprised to see this there.
Christopher Wood – A follower of Jesus Christ who is my Lord and Savior.
Christopher Wood for Mayor of Wausau 2024
Students are questioning the Holocaust Story.
In Palestine the Star of David is worse than any Swastika.
No surprise, if you get them angry enough, they’ll drop the mask and reveal their true nature. I once had a jew reply to my Yahoo comment about Israeli terrorism with “I can only hope and pray your children get stomach cancer. You guessed right — I’m Jewish.”
I predict the judge will lift the restraining order and force the school principal to renew its contract. Then it will successfully sue the school district for antisemitisms and make off with a million shekels.
Forty plus years ago I had an Old English Sheepdog that ran out of the house and charged straight to the Oklahoma State University baseball Stadium, where a game was happening. At 7 years old I chased him to the stadium that was 3 blocks away and to my horror he jumped the fence and ran onto the field.
He started going after a black centerfielder – and I hurried to gain control of the dog and get him off of the field. As I grabbed his collar and apologized to the black sports baller, I looked up and saw that the stadium was FULL of people. It took me several minutes to get the sheepdog off of the Field because he dug his claws in and resisted me the entire way to the side of the field, where a coach was waiting for us with a gate open for our exit.
To me, the dog is like the jew, attacking us with its make believe garbage and refusing to admit that it was lying the whole time. Like the dog, the kike refusing to ‘exit stage left’ and abandon their crazy-making LIES. The crowd at the stadium, many of whom were laughing, represent the overwhelming number of people who know that the jews have lied about pretty much everything.
The jew never chooses truth and honesty, imo, so it would rather attempt to turn the whole world into mental cases like itself with its fake ideology , holohoax, jewish terrorism, transgenderism, mind-spiking vaccines etc., than repent and move forward in Truth. Since the murderous jew cabal has seized our governments, making any justice illegal and automatically punishable to the maximum extent, we will probably have to wait for the Lake of Fire to burn their lies away.
The jew knows that the book of Revelation says that they will be gathered into bundles soon to be BURNED. The wild exaggerations and machinations of the evil paranoid jew mind sees the SS officers as the foreshadowing for its future in the LAKE of FIRE.
The jew knows that there is nothing it can do to avoid God’s will from happening: the White Adamites will gather them in Bundles and all the kvetching in the World won’t save them in the END. Similar to the ‘Never Cry Wolf’ story, the fake pain of the jew will ultimately fall on deaf ears, with NONE to save them. They did it to themselves.
Hello Sir, just wanted to say I have seen your videos on Bitchute and I respect your dedication to the truth and to our people. I found your channel initially view Drawdy back when I was associated with DSCI. I agree with most of what you have said – however. I do have a few contentions that I would like to raise, by no means am I trying to come off as an ass, this is merely the truth I am concerned with.
The Bible as we know is written only the Adamic Kind (Race) all other Beasts (non-adamics) are not included in this. So in the NT and OT it is only ever addressed to Adam Man; The Israelites are the focus – however, the wild olive branches would include other Genesis 10 Nations.
Take Matthew 13:41-43 “41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;
42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.”
So who are these in his kingdom that do iniquity? Well, we know that Beasts or Hybrids cannot sin as the Law does not pertain to them – they act in their beastly nature because they do not have the Adamic Spirit. This verse clearly tells us he will gather those “out of his kingdom” – this is clearly a reference to Adamites/Israelites, the ones who practice lawlessness and do evil.
When I dropped the 2sl baggage and started to seek Christ truly, the Scripture made things more clear than it ever did when I was associated with DSCI.
The destimy of the beasts (non-adamics including the Kikes) is simply the Grave. The Kike atheists ironically get it right when it comes to their death, they have no spirit, they are corrupted mongrels, and as such they could never attain salvation (this also includes negores, chinese etc.)
None of them will be in the Kingdom, as they do not have the Pure Adamic Spirit! God bless you Sir, and thank you for sharing this story.
Elijah …………………
You and I think alike. If a person has no access to Eternal Life, why should they be punished in the Heavens for how they behaved on Earth???
Not sure if you caught my comment to “Luke”. If I don’t protect my house so that a Grizzly Bear can walk freely into my home and maul my family to death ….. it makes no sense that I would “catch” the Bear and then torture it for a week before finally ending it’s life.
If God, somewhere in His Law made a provision to Beasts that if they behaved well towards the Adamic Creation — and by doing so, they would be rewarded in life on earth, then Ok, then it would make sense why God would punish beasts in the afterlife.
But I haven’t read that passage.
I really do appreciate the work that some do here — Normant is a perfect example — the guy is an amazing researcher on the Jewish Problem. Amazing.
But, he is just telling us what we already know! It’s not us who needs to know about Jewish Perfidy. It’s the rest of the Adamic World! We get it. And no doubt all of us here are trying desperately to inform our family and friends first and our associations second.
But as a result, for me personally, now I’ve lost my entire extended family and my friends from College and Church. I have no one to “witness” to any longer.
All of this information needs to get into the hands of our sleeping brethren. Whether non-adamics will do anything about the Jewish Problem is anyone’s guess. I’d say — a big fat NO.
In summary ……………… everyone is angry at the jews. My question is —– WHY? Why should they not control the world because we allowed them to. Why should they not corrupt our people because we allowed them to. They have no reason to stop.
If Adamic people stopped buying their Product, they’d be done.
West, This is very true Sir, I agree with what you have said, I did see what you and Luke were talking about and both of you made good points. Frankly, as you said we need to spread awareness to our Folk and by doing so hopefully get them to see whats going on.
I can relate to what you said regrading family and friends, I’m a younger guy, but anyone I’ve tried to tell about the truth of the Covenant Message, or even something as simple as the Plandemic BS, they always gaslight and use “Conspiracy Theorist” as a Pejorative.
Christ’s words couldn’t be more true in Matthew 22:14 “For many are called, but few are chosen”. If you would like to have a conversation privately you can email me at [email protected]
No, Mr oldSSaxon, a dog isn’t like the jew – a dog is what we should be like; He noticed a problem, pointed it out and went after it! 🙂
Hope you gave dog some Hideaway Pizza for his efforts.
Some of the Ashkhazarim are having deep regrets that the golem
( schwartzes) that they unleashed on White America are now been turning on them. And I am enjoying their pain. 👍😁
I forgot:
I was thinking about this article, and others …:
In Russian but it can be read with the English translator.
To CFT: Out of the present subject.
What do you currently know about Russian Freemasonry and its influence on the current conflict taking place in Ukraine?.
I find absolutely nothing on Google, I am not surprised but …
Russian Freemasonry was revived in the 90s. Freemasonry exists in Ukraine too, but Jewry rules there. And Masons are their assistants everywhere.
Thank you for answering Vladimir,
I think I did not formulate my question very well or maybe you did not have time to read the article (link) because it had to be translated into English, I am referring to the current influence of Freemasonry in Russia.
It is correct, Masonry was revived in the 90’s … but what I would like to know is how strong this Freemasonry can be today in Russia, it looks to me that it is strong (taking into account all that is described in the article), — about the internal division that is observed within the Russian elites, some are in favor of the war against the West in Ukraine and others against it — traitors and patriots; among them, intellectuals, oligarchs, government officials, etc.
One must read the whole article in order to fully understand why this concern …
Sorry for the Russian link … now in English:
Hi Nonex
The first link you provided automatically translates into English for me.
Your second link was excellent informative reading as well.
Thank you.
This pic below sums it all up as well per global leadership.
It translates into English if you use a chromium browser and configure it … otherwise it comes out in Russian — that’s why I put the second link, but the first one is the most detailed.
I have seen those pictures before and others of him in meetings with rabbis, etc, but keep in mind the time that has passed since his beginnings in politics and secondly that this is how politics moves … Watch this, China an atheist country, now in strategic union with Russia, why?, because of this maxim: “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”.
The most important thing would be to know, not what someone else in the leadership is pulling in the visible strings of politics, but the hidden background of the secret societies, what influence they could have or have, whether it is decisive or not; the Russian ‘deep state’ now have only about thirty years of new renaissance.
Maybe it is something that nobody knows very well yet, anyway, thanks for your comments.
Christopher Pohlhaus, aka Hammer, the agent provocateur and neo nazi leader of Blood Tribe (responsible for many false flags lately) has a baphomet tattoo on his neck (and possibly a eurasianist symbol on his arm):
He also has a former military background (2005-2009).
I have heard if this character “Hammer”, when will our people realize no Man can save us? Why is it so hard to grasp? I admit I fell into that Utopia idea of a White Nation revival. Particularily the NorthWestFront, I still have respect for the late Harold Covington.
However as you pointed out virtually all of these individuals are agents, having a military background like that is sus. I was a fool for ever thinking those things, the only way the White Adamic Kind will be rescued is by our King Jesus Christ.
CFT did a good article on this and they addressed this towards the end of the article I think https://christiansfortruth.com/what-are-the-signs-of-the-end-times/
I feel more alive in Christ, I am worried as I have not been baptised, I haven’t done enough research I believe CFT did an article on this so I shall check it out.
God bless, and thank you for spreading awareness of these wolves.
Imagine this violent Jew Schroeder if he were one of the Bolsheviks who overthrew Christian Russia….
He wouldn’t spare anyone’s life if he had the power to do so.
All the Jewish Bolsheviks were genocidal monsters with the same hatred of non-Jews.
The police chief in Grafton is married to a Jew and has a Jewish son. If he had any integrity, he would recuse himself from investigating this crime, as he already made clear his sympathy for Schroeder. He can’t be expected to be objective about this. But that won’t happen.
Can’t help noticing that he called some of his students “niggers”, so obviously he suspected his black students of doing the swastikas….just shows what Jews really think of them when the mask comes off.
If the teacher were White, he would have been fired for calling his students “niggers”, and it would have been reported non-stop on CNN and MSNBC for days on end.
But since he was a Jew, and he was “hurt” by the swastikas, calling them “niggers” is the lesser of two evils.
I can remember doodling swastikas when I was six years old back in the 1960s…..I probably had no idea what they were, but I must have thought they were interesting and cool….
This is off-topic. But I felt the urgency to sound alarms and help.
It’s yet more evidence that the “jews” ™ always stay focused on their goal of EXTERMINATING their enemy—-the descendants of Noah (Christians).:
…and they wonder why kids are drawing swatikas? Children know things instinctively – this is why (((they))) are so determined to start propagandising them from birth.
Hey Luke!
Had a comment for you a few days ago — before it goes down the “Recent Comments” memory hole —
They Live.
John Carpenter.
Wow, just look at that jew – it looks “just like” a man. They’ve stolen our genes through mixing, and now they walk amongst us unnoticed. It’s EXACTLY like that movie, “The Thing.”
And just like the movie, “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”…..
Luke 11:44 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are as graves which appear not, and the men that walk over them are not aware of them.
Ron ……
What’s your point? What does the guy in the photo have to do with Scriptural Israelites?
Are you suggesting there were mixed race “adamites” masquerading as Israelites during the time of Jesus?
Schroeder? I hope that isn’t a Jewish name. One of my best friends at one time was a Schroeder. It wouldn’t be the first. I knew a Bauer, Fraser, Collins, Wilson etc… before I was turned on about our struggle. They all seemed normal and not rubbing their hands.
Schroeder is a German name. Remember that character in the Peanuts comic named Schroeder? He was a Beethoven fan, and he had blond hair.
Many Jews took German names in order to assimilate, as if the we couldn’t tell they were obviously not German just by looking at them.
It’s too bad because many good German names are now assumed to be Jewish.