The Democrat jewish senator from Maryland, Benjamin Cardin, has introduced Senate Resolution 720 – known as the Israel Anti-Boycott Act. It was co-sponsored by the jewish senator from New York, Chuck Schumer, with a similar version making its way through the House.
This legislation is in direct conflict with the 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech and targets those who are critical of Israel with draconian prison sentences and fines:
American citizens are set to be fined up to $1 million or imprisoned for up to 20 years for criticizing Israel or supporting the BDS boycott, thanks to new legislation sponsored by Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer.
Anyone guilty of violating the new prohibitions will face a minimum civil penalty of $250,000 and a maximum criminal penalty of $1 million and 20 years in prison under the new law.
According to the ACLU, the Cardin legislation would “bar U.S. persons from supporting boycotts against Israel, including its settlements in the Palestinian Occupied Territories conducted by international governmental organizations, such as the United Nations and the European Union. It would also… include penalties for simply requesting information about such boycotts. Violations would be subject to a minimum civil penalty of $250,000 and a maximum criminal penalty of $1 million and 20 years in prison….This bill would impose civil and criminal punishment on individuals solely because of their political beliefs about Israel and its policies.
Although this bill was first introduced in 2017, it continues to gain traction with more co-sponsors recently signing on.
One of the first new laws created by the jewish Bolsheviks when they took over Russia was to make “antisemitism” punishable by jail or death. Despite its freedoms, the United States is now following in Russia’s footsteps, with jews like Chuck Schumer and Ben Cardin leading the charge.
One hundred years later, we find ourselves in a very similar situation – proposed Federal laws protecting jews from criticism. Only criminals and liars are afraid of being criticized.
What other ethnic group is powerful enough to demand such draconian laws to protect them from criticism?
Barry west
Surely there is a relationship between the rise in antisemitism and Israel’s government policy towards Palestine that all politicians appear to ignore. That is why the west is turning against Israel and unfortunately it’s people.
Joe Rizoli
There is antisemitism because the Jews are pushing stupid draconian laws that bring back the days of the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution where you could get the death penalty for saying anything antisemitic…
uncle Fed
uuh, take a 2nd look at 9/11,, a close look, open minded,, 1 hijacker, FTS systems,, 911missinglinks explains it all in detail..
Gary M Marino
This is TREASON. This is Undeniable PROOF that our Government is Illegitimate. When the politicians sell the people out in favor of Corporate, Foreign and Special Interests, the Government is No Longer Legitimate. If it is Not *Of, *By and *FOR* the American people, it is a goddamned FRAUD. Corporations are NOT People, and Israeli Parasites are Not American. EN AIPAC! BDS! Expel All Fifth-Column Traitors with Dual Citizenship!
You are so correct it hurts. Trump was always about “ISRAEL FIRST.” Has always had the motto of ISRAEL FIRST. Where did ppl think he stole his **America first** bull sh*t from in the first place? Trump will also ban citizen’s guns and is starting with the bump stocks. TPTB sold Fear Porn for years and ppl flocked to buy the CORPORATIONS guns. The corporation’s owners, the oligarchs, (The Merchants Of Death) now have riches even beyond their imaginations. Now it time to reclaim all those AR’s and … sell ’em off again to some other country and stir up another war. Netanyahu has been very outspoken for years now. With statements such as, “Israel will bleed America dry, and when we do we’ll watch it blow away.” He’s also been known to say, “These Fundamental/Evangelical Christians are useful idiots.” There’s so much more in store for America and none of it’s good. Trump has been separating us bit by bit from our traditional allies and has exhibited all the traits that other countries hate about Americans. Well, other than the genocide that our country has been committing for decades and who can blame them for that. The other little tit-bit and this is for all those **devout** wrong headed, so called … Christians. Did you know (of course you don’t) that “Baby” Bush while POTUS, signed into U.S. Law the Jewish “Noahide Laws?” Now you may think, well that’s OK bc those laws are pretty much just like our 10 Commandments. Goodness gracious what stupendous fools you are! Read the very First one ….. It says, “… other God/No idolatry.” (loosely paraphrased) So, you *Christian’s* are worshiping Jesus and he was hated by the Jews back then (obviously) as well as now, and they will consider you …. worshiping #1) a false god, and #2) idol worship. You do know they kill for less than that!
Got to go now. So much to tell but you didn’t listen way back when and you probablyy won’t listen now.
Something to remember with these meglomaniacal people……
You reap what you sow , so enjoy.
Emily Windsor-Cragg . . . Setting Left against Right and Right against Left is all these Zionists know how to do: divide and conquer.
Does Israel rule America? Criticizing the Israeli government is not anti-Semitic.
I am surprised that these BDS people are not having their windows smashed and businesses looted.
I am surprised that these BDS people are not being dragged out of their homes and kicked to death.
That will come later, if they don’t comply with the government
Sigurður M. Grétarsson
So you want the Crystal night all over again just with a different victims. You want to kill people and destroy their properties just because they have another opinion than you. That tells us a lot about you.
Sigurour, I think you misunderstood what Shane was saying–he wasn’t advocating violence toward anti-Zionists. Rather, he seemed to be saying that he’s surprised that the pro-Zionists haven’t resorted to more violence to silence their critics. Israel and its supporters have a long track record of violence toward anyone who opposes them….
Attacking National Socialist Germany again without any evidence to back up your (((BS))). How about some Ingrid Weckert.
After 1945 any harm ever done to any Jew in National Socialist Germany has been described in great detail in many publications and combined with other.stories to give exaggerated figures which have then become the so-called “historical truth.” How strange it is then that despite the passage of more than forty years, no one has established the true extent of the damage done to the Jews during the Crystal Night. All one can learn from history writers is that “all” synagogues were demolished and that “all” shop windows were destroyed. Aside from this vague description, one is given almost no details.
On the basis of the so-called “historical truth” about the Crystal Night, the President of the World Jewish Congress, Nahum Goldmann, had the chutzpah in 1952 to claim 500 million dollars from German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer as reparation payment for the damage done during that November night. When Adenauer asked Goldmann for his justification for this enormous request, Goldmann replied: “You find the justification yourself! What I want is not the justification but the money.” [note 7] And he got his money! Goldmann may have interpreted the willingness of the German Chancellor to pay a half billion dollars as proof for the claim that all synagogues had been destroyed. Why else would Germany be so foolish as to pay for something which never happened? All the same, the “historical truth” that “all” German synagogues were destroyed is a lie.
In 1938 there were approximately 1,400 synagogues in Germany, of which only about 180 were destroyed or damaged. Furthermore, Jews owned approximately 100,000 shops and department stores in Germany in 1938. Of this number, only about 7,500 had their windows broken. These figures show just how much the so-called “historical truth” differs from what actually happened. The damage and destruction that did actually occur was, of course, a terrible shame, but the exaggerations, especially by German historians who use them to condemn their own people, are also a shame.
History writers tell us that during the Crystal Night all the Jews were frightened, meekly accepted whatever happened to them and watched the destruction of their property with no resistance. The contrary is true. While going through the files on this subject, I found many documents which report precisely just the opposite of what is claimed. The fact is that in many cases Jews and their German neighbors fought together against the attackers, pushing them down staircases. Street mobs were beaten up and chased away in more than one case. Police and Party officials were generally on the side of the Jews. Some Jewish community leaders went to police stations the next morning and asked the police to investigate the damage done to their synagogues. The resulting police reports are still available in the files today.
Also contrary to what we have been told, most Jews were not directly affected by these events. In Berlin, for example, all of the teachers and pupils of the city’s largest Jewish school, which served the entire Berlin area, appeared in their classes the next morning without having noticed anything unusual during the previous night. Heinemann Stern, the Jewish principal of that school, wrote in his postwar memoirs that he noticed a burning synagogue on his way to the school on the morning after the Crystal Night, but he thought it was just an accidental fire. It was only after he arrived at the school that he received a telephone call informing him of the destruction of the previous night. He then went on with his classes of the day and only during the first recess did he take the trouble to inform the entire student body about what had happened. [note 8]
How can such evidence be reconciled with the claim by Herman Graml, a prominent German historian and associate of the Munich Institute of Contemporary History, who wrote: “Every single Jew was beaten, chased, robbed, insulted and humiliated. The SA tore the Jews from their beds, mercilessly beat them in their apartments and then … chased them almost to death … Blood flowed everywhere.” [note 9] Is it conceivable that thousands of Jewish children would be have been sent to school by their parents on the morning after that fateful night if the attacks against Jews had been so horrific or extensive? Would any parents have let their children go to school if they had thought there was even the slightest danger of them being attacked by roving gangs of SA men? I think the answer is clearly no! Deplorable things did indeed happen which were bad enough, but the fantasies of modern historians and history writers such as Graml are simply inexcusable.
Shlomo Shekelthief
It’s almost like that Jewish dual citizen has higher priorities than the Oath to the Constitution they took to attain that office…
Imagine my suprise. That the same Israel Firster has stated that they don’t want Supreme Court picks that follow the Constitution.
“Communism is Judiasm” Cried the Rabbi in the early 1900’s. Israeli dual citizens seem to be America’s Fifth Collum.
Do a search for “Cynthia Mckinney israel” and hear how when she was elected to Congress, she was asked to swear allegiance to Israel, instead of the Constitution:
Clearly people are confused. Jews have no power under komunist system.
Jews are the “komunist” system. Communism is for the goy, not for the jews themselves.
Shlomo Yidstein
White South Africans can fly themselves out if they want. They’re choosing to stay.
Meanwhile all you’re doing is talking.
Israel will be turned into glass and white countries will have a great purging of jewish filth.
i don’t see any criminal penalty for “criticizing”. you can criticize all you want. We will retain control of our homeland. Period.
I don’t see any of you [edited] giving a nickel to help fly white south African farmers out of harm’s way. The white South Africans know it, too.
You clowns are all talk
You want to know what’s in store for America if the (((globalists))) get their way? Look what happened in the Soviet Union under the marxist jews. Millions were slaughtered. Look up Genrikh Yagoda.