(The Algemeiner) The progressive news outlet NowThis removed a segment of a video it had posted online earlier this week in which a Becca Lewis, a jewish George Washington University student, stated the fact that Anne Frank died of typhus rather than being killed by the Germans in a ‘death camp’:
The comment was made by senior Becca Lewis, who identified herself as Jewish, during a group discussion about US President Donald Trump’s recently-issued executive order on combating antisemitism on college campuses.
She said, “What’s going to happen if there’s another Holocaust? Well, we’re seeing what’s happening. We’re seeing people die at the border for lack of medical care. That’s how Anne Frank died. She didn’t die in a concentration camp, she died from typhus.”
Lewis faced withering criticism on social media for the remark, including a Holocaust denial accusation.
On Thursday, NowThis tweeted, “CORRECTION: We have removed a segment of this video in which the speaker misspoke regarding Anne Frank’s death.”
“These Jewish and Palestinian students are speaking out against Trump for equating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism in his Judaism executive order,” it added.
Jews intentionally mislead people into believing that Anne Frank was ‘murdered’ by the ‘Nazis’ in the ‘gas chambers’ at Auschwitz, even though they know full well that is simply not the case.
Anne Frank was killed in Bergen-Belsen not by the “Nazis” but rather by the relentless bombing raids on Germany by the Allied Forces, which make it impossible for the Germans to resupply the camp with food, medical supplies — and yes, life-saving Zyklon-B, which controlled the typhus-carrying lice problem, which is what she succumbed to.
The final report on the concentration camps issued by the International Red Cross, which had unlimited access to all the camps throughout the war, specifically stated that the Allied bombing raids was the leading cause of death at many of the concentration camps on German soil, such as Bergen-Belsen and Buchenwald.
Understandably, the Jews are doing everything they can to censor and bury this Red Cross report, and we encourage everyone to create a copy for themselves.
So this little episode shows that ‘Holocaust denial’ now includes merely pointing out the true cause of death of Anne Frank, even if you’re a Jew.
Oh, i thought she died at Soapowitz.
Reps. Budd, Zeldin, Kustoff Introduce Resolution To Reduce Anti-Semitism Through Education
Washington, January 9, 2020
Washington, D.C. — Today, Representative Ted Budd (R-NC) introduced H. Res. 782 along with Reps. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) and David Kustoff (R-TN).
The resolution encourages public schools throughout the country to design and teach a curriculum about the history of anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, and the historic importance of the creation of the Jewish State of Israel in 1948. It also highlights that the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement (BDS) has subjected Jewish students on college campuses to rampant anti-Semitism and calls on federal law enforcement officials working with State and local officials to hold the perpetrators of anti-Semitic attacks accountable and bring such perpetrators to justice.
There is a movement under way to make Judaism the defacto state religion in the U.S. This, after decades of relentless attacks on Christian prayer in the school and the removal of the Ten Commandments, etc. We will have no right to free speech or right to protest. We can’t go down without swinging. The Jews hate us, make no mistake.
I love it when jews start being accused of ‘anti-semitism’. Then you KNOW there is a problem with the label…
Its a hoot to listen to Europeans and Russians who claim the jew mantle but don’t have a drop of semitic blood in them call others anti-semitic.
No matter what jews try to do, whether it’s more jew assaults against our freedom of speech, more jew lies, or even kill us to shut us up, they will not be able to halt this unstoppable train of truth that has been awakening millions over the past few years to all the evils of the jews. They’re not going to stop me. The more pressure they put on us, the louder we will become.
2 sources that really awakened me to all the jew lies of WWII, is Dennis Wise’s “Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told” (documentary) and MS King’s “The Bad War” (book). BOTH of these items are banned on jewish owned Amazon. I highly recommend these if you can find them. What we need is to reach the children. That’s what the jews have been doing. brainwashing the goy children. Children need to be taught early on about the jews and be taught that being called “anti-semite” is an honor to be proud of.
Anti-semite: anyone who discovers the truth about the jew
Check out Victor Thornes book for which He was suicided. It’s all about the Holohaux