(Washington Post) Jennifer Rubin — a Jewish supremacist and ultra-Zionist apologist — wrote a recent op-ed piece for the Washington Post gloating and salivating over the Jewish-orchestrated browning of America — while demonizing White Christians comprising America’s heartland who dare to resist their replacement:
The 2020 Census shows that while Whites remain the largest ethnicity group in the United States, the demographic decreased by 8.6 percent over the past decade. Those identifying as multiracial, by contrast, grew by a stunning 276 percent. Hispanic, Black and Asian American populations all grew at a rapid rate, too. Now, the country is nearly 19 percent Hispanic, 12 percent Black and 6 percent Asian American.
The country grew at a slower pace than in any decade since the Depression. It is also aging. Nearly all the growth took place in urban centers (up nearly 9 percent) as rural populations shrank. The Hill reports: “Fewer than half of the 3,143 counties in the United States added population over the last decade, the new census data shows. The share of Americans who live in nonmetropolitan rural areas dropped by 2.8 percentage points, the Bureau said Thursday.”
The results speak to a truism that millions of Republicans would like to ignore: America is never static. It is — and has always been — in a state of flux, whether it comes to race, religious affiliation (or lack thereof), the divide between native-born and immigrant, or the geographic spread of the population (e.g., the Great Migration of Blacks from the South in the early 20th century or the rise of the Sun Belt population over the last few decades). Indeed, that is the essence of America — a country not defined by racial or religious identity.
That reality has, of course, freaked out a significant share of White Christians who do not see “their America” as predominate. It was never “theirs” to begin with, and the assumption that something is amiss if White Christians are not in charge is the essence of white supremacy and Christian nationalism. It is also fundamentally un-American; our country is defined, as President Biden rightly says, by an “idea.”
It is easy, then, to understand why a political party based increasingly on its appeal to White Christians has adopted so many anti-American traits. The sanctity of elections has given way to a sentiment that violence is sometimes necessary (for Whites to retain power). The decline in their numbers has led to worship of totalitarian thugs around the world and disdain for a free society. The desperation for a make-believe world of yesteryear has led tens of millions down the rabbit hole of right-wing media propaganda, where their worst fears and darkest impulses are amplified.
Less remarked upon, but equally important, is that the growth of urban areas (generally more productive, more tolerant and more diverse) leaves rural Whites increasingly at odds with the national ethos. The latter are also poorer, sicker, less educated and have shorter life-spans than their metropolitan counterparts.
A rational, pro-democracy party would recognize it needs a broader base of support and move to adjust its policies to appeal to a more diverse, more secular and more urban America. That’s not the GOP game plan.
The GOP is so dependent on the right-wing media generator of White angst and resentment, and so fearful they will lose their grip among Whites, that they have chosen instead to try to hold back the demographic and cultural tide washing over them. They resort to voter suppression, assault objective reality, disdain majority rule and weaponize apolitical institutions, such as the courts or the Justice Department. Moreover, given their White, wealthy donor base, they can offer only rhetorical populism while pursuing plutocratic economic policies (going so far as to refuse to increase funding for the Internal Revenue Service to enforce tax laws).
There is no single solution to solve the growing urban-rural divide. However, unless and until Americans in rural areas demand responsible governance, embrace the true “idea” of America and reject the temptation of racism and authoritarianism, little will change.
In the meantime, urban Americans, who constitute a greater share of the population than ever before, will lose patience with anti-democratic techniques (e.g., the filibuster, voter suppression) designed to give rural Whites disproportionate power. Demography may not be destiny, but it brings the weaknesses of American democracy into focus.
While Jennifer Rubin isn’t bashing White Christian America, she is fomenting wars in the Middle East to use the American military as proxy warriors to protect her beloved ethno-state of Israel.
Like many Jewish supremacists, Rubin believes that the Jewish people have a right to their own country — and resist the “browning” of Israel, lest it be overrun by Muslims who “want to replace” the Jews and “wipe Israel off the map” — while admitting they want to wipe Gaza off the map.
All extreme violence against the surrounding Arab population is justified in order to maintain the small Jewish minorities precarious position in Israel — while demonizing White American’s for defending their constitutional rights to bear arms and defend themselves against enemies foreign and domestic.
Yet when it comes to America, Jews falsely claim this country was never a White Christian nation, founded by White Christians for their own posterity, despite what the Founding Fathers explicitly stated.
Prominent Jews have been very candid about their opposition to a White Christian America — such as U.S. Senator Howard Metzenbaum who stated:
“Do not let the forces of evil take over to make this a Christian America.”
Imagine a U.S. Senator stating, “Do not let the forces of evil take over to make this a Jewish America” — but Jews can get away with it because of their unrivaled status as The World’s Ultimate Victims™.
Jewish supremacists have literally rewritten American history, demonizing the Founding Fathers as racist, genocidal bigots — while extolling the virtues of the ignorant Third World flotsam and jetsam concentrated in urban slums — Jewish strongholds — simply because the color of their skin.
White rural Americans have always been the literal backbone of America — they literally feed us and do all the heavy lifting — and they fight our wars in the name of Jewish supremacists like Rubin, who turn around and mock them for being “uneducated” and daring to defend their honest, simple ways of life.
If Jews like Rubin truly wanted to decrease “antisemitism” — and they clearly do not — they wouldn’t write such hypocritical, hateful, and inflammatory screeds like this — but they can’t help themselves — they are inherent destroyers by their own admission:
“We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.”
Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, 1924
If Jews are wondering what gave rise to a “populist” like Adolf Hitler, it is this kind of persistent demonizing of the native founders of White Christian nations in which they dwell as outsiders by their own choosing — a choice of freedom of association they deny White Christians:
“[Russian Ashkenazi Jews] never seem for an instant to lose the consciousness that they are a race apart. It is in their walk, their sidelong glance, in the carriage of their sloping shoulders, in the curious gesture of the uplifted palm. “
–Harold Frederick, The New Exodus: Israel in Russia [London, 1892], 79-80); quoted in Lindemann, A. S. The Jew Accused: Three Anti-Semitic Affairs (Dreyfus, Beilis, Frank) 1894–1915. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1991, p. 129
what an ugly cunt this jennifer rubin !
A year or probably more ago., it was announced that White’s were for the first time a minority within our own country.
Whoopi Goldberg brought it up on her show and she and her fellow hosts laughed about it.
This is what I say: show her and other blacks and News up for the prejudiced scums they are.
For example if they claim White’s were behind slavery , send articles showing the Jews role to them or the news editors of the paper or station.. Show the real character of the black in his native country .
I spent many hours writing letters, sending such materials , but this is for younger people who will see the results of letting people like her get away with it . Send articles to the news source contrary to what Jennifer Rubin says.
I have seen articles in the news and internet and sent my views and I may be wrong , but I know some are with held from the person and others given to them.
When a woman Congress men criticized
a military officer, I sent her a letter telling her what I thought. She never responded nor did I expect her to say something that might make her another news item.
The blacks cry racism , but White’s are taught to feel sorry for them because of slavery and the Jews for what they have developed as a historical fact, the Halocaust, , but most of us can’t show proof that they’re using racism and antisemitism as an excuse , cover and protection to prevent all criticism of them, or their background, history , lies, etc. because we don’t know enough about it to defend ourselves against their lies . Maybe that’s why Jews want the Halocaust taught in schools, so that they are sure their version is taught , then they can call later anyone who says otherwise “ antisemite” because the brainwashed believer will now see all contrary views as racism and antisemitism.
I believe one of your articles or the internet shows Marc Rubio sponsoring a bill. He is Catholic , I believe . He is sponsoring a bill along with a Jew and probably another Christian. That is what I found out that they do. I’m too old to take the time, don’t have the money for printer , ink and postage to do it anymore. We need to let our Congressmen and President know our views and the truth. I’m sure Biden when he says they’re working for a New World Order, that he knows the Jews are behind it. The Catholic Church always taught Lucifer sought control of the world until the Church put the blame for the crucifixstion of Christ ftom the Jews , who they always accused, to the Ronans and since homosexuality , Cold War, blame Roman’s , the Jews have become dominant and create our life, beliefs and attitudes.
The Jews even brag that they create our reality.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
UK tv drama Coronation Street is doing an anti-white storyline – there is a anti-migrant character who although says the right things is portrayed as a nasty person and foreigners in a positive light. A muslim character is defending giving a migrant a job. You have a white woman defending that migrant, and she wants to open a asylum migrant center – she also pushes net zero agenda 2030. She also wanted to rename the Christmas festival to winter festival. The muslim lady called other people who the anti-migrant character is working for and to fire him from jobs he is working on, so he confronted her and she assaulted him . This whole pro-migrant anti-white story comes at a time when vast numbers of migrants are flooding into uk by the jewish enemy within. Many fans of Coronation Street are disgusted with the anti white storyline here are some comments:
lyncey 🇬🇧 yorkshire 💋
“Corrie has sunk so low the cobbles are above it! Anti white anti British! We want entertainment like it used to be, I’m not watching something that criticises the majority of viewers”
#Corrie https://twitter.com/lyncey_gilbe/status/1601379438356492289?s=20&t=aUZLSvbRBuVUNhXuudX0WA
“#Corrie writers #Racist and anti #White
“Like #corrie had to give up on #emmerdale and its anti-white anti-male agenda. The reruns on ITV 3 of the older shows highlights the decline of soaps into woke propaganda machines.”
“#Corrie The sad thing that the truth is “Her lot always stick together no matter what”
These writers seem to be anti white and make it sound as if Non Whites are perfect and #woke whilst whites are all Racist. Keep it up writers soon to be a Non White #CoronationStreet 👍”
David W.
“The continued anti-white agenda is insulting, unbalanced and biased (Corrie). I don’t recall wone episode regarding The Cenotaph being desecrated? Heritage monuments vandalised? My late Grandfather served at Tobruk & Alamein. Balance would help!”
David W.
“Please stop politicising tv (Corrie)…as a dual citizen myself I find the anti-white people agenda pathetic & unfair. Most people are intelligent enough to know better in 2022 so why this continuous divisive attack? We want to be entertained not lectured!”
“Your flooding your programmes with ‘woke’ anti-white racist agenda is an utter disgrace. Back to filling #Corrie as well as #emmerdale with your bile.
“should have you for branding them racists. That @GOVUK promote this poison is as unbelievable as dangerous.” https://twitter.com/AlfieVille/status/1353827000394383361?s=20&t=aUZLSvbRBuVUNhXuudX0WA
“Wow. A preaching anti-white bile racist bile scene a la #Corrie now. @GOVUK will be so proud of you promoting their vile ‘only whites are racist’ agenda. When’s the ‘bring home a white boyfriend & your out the house’ story line coming? You’re part of the problem.”
#emmerdale https://twitter.com/AlfieVille/status/1347666593304743943?s=20&t=aUZLSvbRBuVUNhXuudX0WA
Colour Vision
“Oh dear,more anti white racism & anti police bigotry.
ITV just love the race hate group BLM. Such a shame that Corrie is being infected by far left wing hatred.”
“Anti-Scottish racism now. Wow. I await a negative comment about eg Asian accents. Yeah right. Keep promoting the anti-white racism though. Gotta be woke for the likes & retweets. The hypocrisy is astounding. #Corrie” https://twitter.com/AlfieVille/status/1286073459215347712?s=20&t=aUZLSvbRBuVUNhXuudX0WA
coronation street twitter account blocking people viewers fans who criticize anti white storylines , lyncey 🇬🇧 yorkshire 💋
Nov 25
“They block their viewers on Twitter if any criticism is levelled at their atrocious storylines!!!! They must be blocking tens of thousands at the moment then Anti British, Woke, Anti white!!! #Corrie”
Maybe fans should boycott Coronation Street – why support a tv show that is promoting anti white agenda. This is what jews do use tv shows to push their agendas.
Hi Paul,
We would be hard-pressed to find ANYTHING on the channels that wasn’t “anti-white”.
If it bothers you as much, I would highly encourage you to simply turn it off. It’s really not worth the aggravation — unless you are trying to reach Newbies through their habits and customs.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
The Salvation Army Has Gone Woke Too Now, and They’re Losing Support
Salvation Army defends guide telling white people to apologize for racism
Salvation Army goes woke, demands donors ‘apologize’ for their whiteness
so christian charity is pushing jewish critical race theory pushing anti white agenda even though majority donors are white and many are christians this anti white action by salvation army has seen drop in donations this is what happens when you adopt jewish agenda many see it as a betrayal of those that have been loyal to salvation army for years , there were lots of people on twitter that said what they think
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
spotted this on twitter let me know if the link works , a anti white article by Alyx Goldberg titled white birthing women are terrorists , the terror unleashed on the world by white women and their insistence on producing white babies continues to plague black communities and keep them from succeeding , this is typical of jews using others for blame when its jews that cause problems for blacks causing racial tension using blacks against whites causing racial tension
Just looking at these hideous creatures is like looking at some demonic troll. It sends shivers through my bones. “chosen” I don’t think so, not chosen by the real Creator.
Eish! I can’t unsee that hideous gargoyle.
The Jewish supremacist agenda is nothing short of taking over the whole world — the New (Jew) World Order. “A Jew at the head of every table.” The Jewish holy book, the Talmud is full of Jewish supremacist dribble. They have preached this stuff to their own for centuries, even millennia. Undoubtedly, that is why they (the Jews) where literally thrown out of almost every country in the world. To counter that tend, they invented the accusation of “antisemitism”, even “racism. But it is not the race, people don’t like. It is the Jewish supremacism, their blasphemous claim that God “chose” them to rule the world.
Yet another supremacist Jew reminds of something – how many times must we be reminded we(the so-called Allies), we’re on the wrong side in WW2. General Patton realized it in 1945, went public and paid with his life. Just look at the clown world we have now. All the worst things were brought about increasingly by Jews in positions of power.
Dennis Roe
That is 1 fugly dude.
Does anyone know if Ms. Rubin has always been a chick? Not trying to be insensitive, but she was born a guy, right?
Cold War Boomerwaffen
Gotta be a dude.
And then Jews like her have the nerve to speak of ‘white privilege’.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
My mum said to me i shout in my sleep even though i do not remember much. As it happened often, my mum told me what i said. I shouted, “beware dark people” referring to evil people. My mum said I would shout “beware those in dark suits and hat” I was referring to the likes of Chabad Lubavitch, so deep down someone was telling me these people are no good.
This woman in the pic, I would call such people subhuman trash much like General Patton did. On twitter I have let my emotions and anger out and gone on a tirade which got me in trouble, but I did not care one bit because these jewish supremacists I despise them with a passion. I do not fear them as they are cowards. They have no honour.
They get others to do their dirty work. Without their wealth, their power, they are nothing but pathetic people who parasite off others to make them look strong — they promote their holohoax, but they create actual holocausts themselves. Wherever they go they poison what they touch, leave a trail of billions dead. They are mass murderers. They used their talmud to justify their actions – typical of psychopaths who make up some reason why they do what they do .
There is a twitter and facebook profile “visegrad 24” – they cover migrant invasion into Europe but do not reveal who is behind it, nor post about anti-white kalergi plan. Sometimes I would shame them for not revealing the truth, may seem harsh to some
Decoding her language:
“urban-rural divide” = Jewish–white Christian divide
Cold War Boomerwaffen
I’ll keep an oven light on for her here in the mountains.
(((Jennifer Rubin))):
“In 2011, she was included on the list of “50 Most Influential American Jews” by The Jewish Daily Forward..[10]
Rubin was born to a Jewish family[3] in the New Jersey suburbs of Philadelphia, and moved with her family as a child to California in 1968.[4]
She has described herself as “a Pat Moynihan Democrat, a Scoop Jackson Democrat, an Andrew Cuomo Democrat. I’m not a Bernie Sanders Democrat.”[22]” ***
[Flanders: See the next associated article below]***
*** “A brief history of the Straussuians:
Let us stop for a moment to consider this group, the Straussians, about whom Westerners know little. They are individuals, all Jewish, but by no means representative of either American Jews or of Jewish communities worldwide. They were formed by the German philosopher Leo Strauss, who took refuge in the United States during the rise of Nazism and became a professor of philosophy at the University of Chicago. According to many accounts, he had formed a small group of faithful students to whom he gave oral instruction. There is no written record of this. He explained to them that the only way for the Jews not to fall victim to a new genocide was to form their own dictatorship. He called them Hoplites (the soldiers of Sparta) and sent them to disrupt the courts of his rivals. Finally, he taught them discretion and praised the “noble lie”. Although he died in 1973, his student fraternity continued.
The Straussians began forming a political group half a century ago, in 1972. They were all members of Democratic Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson’s staff, including Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz. ***They worked closely with a group of Trotskyite journalists, also Jewish, who had met at the City College of New York and edited the magazine Commentary. Both groups were closely linked to the CIA, but also, thanks to Perle’s father-in-law Albert Wohlstetter (the US military strategist), to the Rand Corporation (the think tank of the military-industrial complex). Many of these young people intermarried until they formed a compact group of about 100 people.” [Continues]:
“Russia Declares War on the Straussians”
“Jennifer Rubin: American anti-Semitism: It’s getting worse”
“There are few Jewish communities that have not been touched by anti-Semitic vandalism. In Fairfax County, Virginia, where I reside, the Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia was vandalized this month by 19 swastikas painted on the building. It was the second such incident in less than two years.
Social media has become a cesspool of anti-Semitic messages and symbols. I can say from personal experience that social media companies are less than responsive in addressing complaints and disabling accounts that traffic in such material.
Neo-Nazis marched in 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia, chanting, “Jews will not replace us.
There is no single source of anti-Semitism in the United States; it comes from radical leftists bent on destroying the Jewish state and right-wing nationalists who consider Jews to be foreign invaders. Both are increasingly evident on college campuses.
On Friday, coincidentally, Jonathan Greenblatt, head of the American Civil Liberties Union, wrote for The Washington Post, “Campus anti-Semitism has come from across the political spectrum.
There is, however, one particular way in which anti-Semitism is being mainstreamed in the United States and in Europe: the propagation of “blood and soil” right-wing nationalism that by definition excludes Jews (whom many nationalists do not consider white). A country defined as white and Christian, one in which foreigners and different ethnic groups are seen as “infesting” the country and diluting its “true heritage”, by definition casts Jews as a fifth column, as outsiders, as “the other.
Right-wing nationalism in Europe goes hand in hand with overt anti-Semitism. Sure enough, as authoritarian governments have come to power, anti-Semitism has become endemic in illiberal Eastern European countries”
“Jewish Biographies: 50 Most Influential American Jews (2016)”
“Washington Post’s Fake Conservative Columnist [jewess] Runs Away When Writer Asks How She Is Conservative”
“John Mordecai Podhoretz” [Another]
Yes there is “something amiss” when white Christians are not in charge of the country they founded, and in which they are still the majority.
That “something” that is “amiss” is the hidden hand of Jewish supremacism that is using all of its collective power to subvert and destroy the political power that white Christians should, by all rights, still have.
“That is the essence of America — a country not defined by racial or religious identity.”
–Jennifer Rubin
No, Rubin, this is exactly what the essence of any real nation is, even your beloved Israel, a country defined by race and common heritage such as common religion.
Here’s the definition of “nation”:
c. 1300, nacioun, “a race of people, large group of people with common ancestry and language,” from Old French nacion “birth, rank; descendants, relatives; country, homeland” (12c.) and directly from Latin nationem (nominative natio) “birth, origin; breed, stock, kind, species; race of people, tribe,” literally “that which has been born,” from natus, past participle of nasci “be born” (Old Latin gnasci), from PIE root *gene- “give birth, beget,” with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups.
jim babbit
Yep, Rubin’s Jewish idea of a nation is to draw a circle around a random, mixed multitude of people and then use the threat of violence by the police to force them to get along or risk losing their jobs, money, family, and freedom.
A Jewish vision if there ever was one.
“There is no such a thing in America as an independent press, unless it is out in country towns. You are all slaves. You know it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to express an honest opinion. If you expressed it, you would know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid $150 for keeping honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for doing similar things. If I should allow honest opinions to be printed in one issue of my paper, I would be like Othello before twenty-four hours: my occupation would be gone. The man who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the street hunting for another job. The business of a New York journalist is to distort the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread, or for what is about the same — his salary. You know this, and I know it; and what foolery to be toasting an ‘Independent Press! We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping-jacks. They pull the string and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our possibilities, are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”
– John Swinton [1829–1901], Scottish-American journalist, newspaper publisher, and orator
The Bear
(1) The believe that power depends on the number of Americans who are “White” is misleading. Power suckers up to those who control the instruments of International Credit System, which masquerades as “Money” In this case, the Jewish International Bankers.
(2) The believe that “Republicans” are “Whites” and “Democrats” are “multiracial” is misleading Both republicans and democrats are tools for the Jewish Money system, which dictates the social political, religious and economic narrative.
(3) The believe that America is a country not defined by racial or religious identity, is true. All Countries and all human societies, are defined by the power of Money. It dilutes everything else.
(4) The claims that “The sanctity of elections has given way to a sentiment that violence is sometimes necessary (for Whites to retain power).” Is a ruse. Those who are sucked up with Supremacism through gun violence which carefully avoids the subject of “Control of Money” are themselves instruments of the divisive money system.
I’ve seen a quote going around that Thomas Jefferson had grown weary of the eternal jew and remarked to the effect that “if God has a ‘Chosen people’, it would be those that work the land.”
Has anyone out there found a source for this quote?
The quote you are referring to from Thomas Jefferson is….
“Those who labour in the earth are the chosen people of God, if ever he had a chosen, people, whose breasts he has made his peculiar deposit for substantial and genuine virtue.”
reference: Thomas Jefferson (1977). “The Portable Thomas Jefferson”, p.182, Penguin
I don’t know the original source….probably from one of his letters?
Most Jews age very badly..
Evil seems to just consume them.
Lone Star
Man! Would you take a look at that black haired, Canaanite, goblin- hybrid. Not even a hint of attractiveness.
What a foul looking eyesore that tay sachs carrier is. I nearly projectile vomited across my living room.
The longer you study these mamzers, the more you can really see the signs of ancient fallen angel animal crossbreeding that produced them.
I’d probably hate actual white human beings if I were this monster too.
Poor, miserable sewer spawn. Thank Yahweh we know that these walking abominations are destined to be sent back to the cisterns they crawled out of. Deleted for all eternity.
Yes, if I looked like that, I’d hate the world too, especially white people who are the epitome of beauty.
Beauty deeply offends Jews like Rubin.
They cannot tolerate it.
That’s why she loves the slums of inner cities over the beautiful rural areas of the U.S. where she would stand out like a sore thumb.
In middle ages that manWitch abomination would get just two choices ventilate on some hot firewood smoke at stake or gargle on river water millstone round neck. Bring back the ole time days!
America/Europe are Europe
Whoa!! Eye bleach warning!!! What a hideous looking creature. Jews are their own worst enemies. The more they cry anti-Semitism where none exists, the more they are hated for their outright lies and crimes against everything that is good and wholesome. In my opinion, Jews are demons in the flesh.
There was a time when these evil freaks hid in the shadows; now they have become emboldened in the daylight.
Not to get personal, but wow, Jennifer Rubin truly looks like a ghoul. Just saying….