(ShineALightOn) To better celebrate the traditional lighting of candles on the ersatz Jewish “holiday” Hanukkah, ShineALightOn, a Jewish supremacist organization which — according to its website — admits to being part of an international network of other supremacist cell groups — such as the Anti-Defamation League, B’nai B’rith International, and Chabad — has released a public relations video titled “The Truth About Antisemitism.”
[Note: the comments left by viewers on YouTube show just how ineffective Jewish gaslighting has become.]
Here’s a transcript of the voice over:
You’ve been there. You saw that offensive meme depicting a cunning Jew being shared around. You sat in the room when someone made a joke about the greediness of Jews. You’ve heard someone on the news talking about ‘certain’ groups having ‘too much power.’ You’ve been judged and rejected for speaking out on Israel’s right to exist and live in peace.
We’re used to thinking about antisemitism as ‘unhinged violence,’ but here’s the underlying truth: today’s antisemitism is growing under the radar, prospering in social media, where many, knowingly and unknowingly, spread small crumbs of darkness. Yet it is still Jew hate. Simply put — baseless hatred that is internalized around all us.
The spreading and growing of antisemitism — including the denial of the Jewish people’s right to manifest their nationality in the state of Israel — is based on false tropes and stereotypes.that feed on fears. It’s dangerous and leads to hatred, bias, violence, and intolerance that goes far beyond targeting Jews alone.
We can’t be the ones allowing this darkness to spread. When in a group of people, listen to what others or even yourself might be saying. Before you share something online, pay attention to the content. What starts as a burden for Jews quickly becomes a dark cloud over all of us. The darkness of antisemitism, the baseless hatred of Jews, only dissolves when you shine a light on it.
You’re the one who can call it out. You’re the one who can change the conversation. Together we can make a difference and dispel the darkness of hate. Join us at SineALightOn.com and stand up for what’s right. Shine your light on antisemitism and Jew hate and share that light with all you know.
From beginning to end, this self-serving, transparent, and condescending psy-op is a textbook example of gaslighting — an age-old specialty of international Jewry — where Jews try to convince the goyim — white people in particular — that they are “crazy” and “evil” to think that Jews indeed operate as a firmly entrenched Fifth Column in every white nation actively subverting and destroying them from within.
The term “fifth column” appears to have originated in Franco’s circle during the Spanish Civil War — to identify a treacherous element operating within the Republican ranks — and considering that international Jewry heavily supported any opposition to Franco, it would hardly be going out on a limb to conclude that the “fifth column” in Spain referred to Jewish-supported subversives of all stripes — on both the Left and Right.
Ironically, during World War II, pro-war Jews in the press gaslighted the American public by claiming that there was a “fifth column” of “Nazi sympathizers” such as the America First Committee headed by Charles Lindbergh — working clandestinely to destroy the country’s ability to wage war against Germany and undermine “our freedoms.”
In reality, Jewry was the actual fifth column working feverishly to gaslight Americans into believing that Germany wanted to conquer “the free world” — rather than Jewry using communism as its weapon of choice.
That said, the recurring theme of this public service announcement is that all antisemitism is “baseless” — for the last 2,000 years Jews have been universally hated in every country they have dwelt — and kicked out of those countries, often the same countries, literally hundreds of times — For No Reason Whatsoever™.
By their own admission, the internet has been an unmitigated disaster for their ability to monopolize everything that people read and hear in the media — and censor their critics.
According to a recent survey, Jews are the most likely to support censorship of views they don’t like — and to even use violence if necessary to silence those who oppose them — all the while insisting that they are the victims.
If you dare to acknowledge the suffering of others, Jews complain that you are trying to deny them their official status as The World’s Ultimate Victims™.
A perfect example of this galling hypocrisy is that the organization that produced this video — ShineALightOn — has received generous funding from Silverstein Properties — yes, that real estate holding company owned by “Lucky” Larry Silverstein, the former New Jersey strip club owner who somehow managed to take out a lease on the World Trade Centers just prior to the Mossad-orchestrated 9/11 attacks.
Not only that, Lucky Larry successfully managed to convince a court that he should receive double the insurance payout for the attacks because — his attorneys argued — there were two separate attacks.
So what does this lucky strip club owner do with that financial windfall? Why, of course, he makes sure that anyone who discovers the hidden Jewish hand in orchestrating the false flag 9/11 attacks is smeared as an “antisemite.”
Each year, on the anniversary of 9/11, the Jewish-controlled media gaslights the world by asking the disingenuous question, “Why is there always an uptick of antisemitism on the anniversary of 9/11?”
The same Jews who have openly bragged in their own major media outlets that they have “taken over” America — and “own the whole freaking country” — then turn around and claim that anyone who believes this is an “antisemite” spreading “dangerous canards” that could lead to “violence” against Jews.
Jews don’t demand armed guards to escort them in public because they are honest people.
Jews need armed guards because they know that people are on to them — and they are very afraid.
[“Chad Chaddington” has done a good critique of this ShineALightOn video which you can watch here.]
The following meme we found is excellent in revealing the paranoia of a people constantly looking over their shoulders as more and more people wake up to them:

“Jewish Beverly Hills residents receive anti-semitic flyers in zip-lock bags on their front lawns on the first night of Hanukkah”
see twitter feed on right of page,,,
I am especially sad to say that Franco, though killing many Jewish Communists, actually empowered the Jews in Spain. As a Catholic I had long admired Franco as one of the few “winners” in the 20th century, but I recently had to temper my enthusiasm for him. My World Wars page has a section exposing Franco’s clay feet. Truly sad to say so.
You mention “Fifth column” and that charge is justified. I have aggregated huge amounts of evidence that for millennia Jews have focused obsessively of a single goal: hastening the arrival of their “moshiach” (THE Anti-Christ) by exterminating “amalek” (a.k.a. goyim > you and me) and globally dominating any survivors.
Most of this evidence I have aggregated on my Kabbalah https://judaism.is/kabbalah.html and Chabad http://judaism.is/chabad.html pages, but had so much material on World War I II III (it really is one war, singular, in three phases, long-planned to be so) that I had to break out that material onto a separate page https://judaism.is/world-wars.html
Keep doing God’s good work.
Over 4,000 comments & very woke. There’s the ‘woke’ movement for you Shlomoes, ppl are getting woke to your tricks, cons, scams, lies, back-stabbing, massive thefts, murders & false flags.
The world is a much smaller place now, there’s no room for religious bigots who are also racists because they think some deity they created chose them above all us Gentiles, or Goyim as you disdainfully call us.
3 days ago
I’ve lived for decades thinking Israel and the Jews were special people we needed to be allied with and I thought they had our backs. After seeing what they’ve done to our government, media, entertainment, education, how they’ve handled stolen state secrets, and more, I’ve changed my mind and spread the word.
Yeah, 1.7 million views for a PR video on antisemitism? On a channel with only 73 subscribers? Really? And only 263 up votes? The 1.6 million down votes are conveniently hidden.
Most of those views were by people who wanted to troll it, judging from the comments. Those comments must make the Jews nervous….people are more hip to their b.s. than ever before. Yes, you can’t hide it anymore.
“It’s the Jews.”
Their desperation is showing, yet they are still announcing their damned “moshiach.”
Chief CHABAD Rabbi of Tatarstan Yitzhak Gorelik:
“The Mashiach is coming. He is already on the doorstep. According to Kabbalah, the Mashiach is already in the world, and these global events [World War 3] are associated with it. And when he appears, the wars will end. But this is already included in the secrets of Kabbalah …”
Ицхак Горелик: «Машиах уже находится в мире, и глобальные события связаны с ним»
Машиах приходит. Он на пороге уже стоит. Согласно Каббале, Машиах уже находится в мире, и эти глобальные события связаны с ним. А когда он появится, войны закончатся. Но это уже входит в тайны Каббалы…
¶ 34-37
from the Russian
The video is just a different version of the “if you see something, say something” videos about domestic “terrorism”….
in other words, Jews are equating antisemitism to domestic terrorism, and any antisemitic remark should be “reported”…..
snitch culture….soviet surveillance of dissidents….
how many average citizens would actually side with the Jews?
that’s what they’re banking on….
. . .Who controls the banking?
Scratch a victim… reveal a tyrant.
Yes, “When Victims Rule”…..the mass murder begins:
It’s really disgusting how they do this, even that new degenerate Elf movie by Seth Rogan And Sarah Silverman just proves how anti-White and Anti-Christian they are, they hate us and our guts. Because they are devils. Their hatred for us seems to inherent, they are mongrel devils after all.
Got a question for the CFT Community, what do you guys think about the Hebrew Roots Movement? Are you familiar with it? I keep seeing them on youtube, kind of Jewy I think but wanted to get your guys view on it.
Odin, a Black Hebrew by the name of “Reginald” showed up here recently and tried to make the argument for the idea that the ancient Hebrews were black Africans. It’s easily refuted, but those who believe it can never be convinced otherwise. You can read the threads here:
CFT, Hebrew Roots is not the Black Hebrew Movement, you must not know what it is; its different. It isn’t really race related from my research, its more about following the Torah and levitical laws, nothing to do with the BHM, of course the Israelites weren’t black, Black’s weren’t even in ancient Mesopotamia
Ah, the Christians who commune with Jews and imitate their rituals, etc. Clearly a violation of Scripture. Christians are to have nothing to do with unbelievers. Hebrew Roots followers don’t necessarily even acknowledge Christ as the messiah, basically going along with the Jewish denialists. Any “Christian” movement that has anything to do with Jews is a recipe for disaster.
What’s especially sad about the Judaizing “Torah” manure?
There was NO complete set of Scripture in Hebrew even before the Incarnation. The only complete set of [Old Testament] Scripture at the time of Jesus was the Greek Septuagint translation that was commissioned by the Sanhedrin in 250 B.C.
The POST-Christian/ANTI-Christian Masorete Jews wrote and re-write the “Hebrew Bible” as late as 1000 A.D. intentionally bowdlerizing their so-called “Torah” https://judaism.is/torah.html to discredit prophesies that pointed to Jesus as Messiah. Sadly, the KJV relied upon the Masoretic fraud (among many other errors). Many Noahides and Judaizers have been suckered.
The authentic Old Testament prophesied a New Covenant and pointed to Jesus.
They hate that.
@Al Liguori, Christians have always done the best they can with what they have. It has been enough to understand the salvation message and to come to Christ. We don’t have to rationalize that just because we had only the Septuagint for a time then it must be the golden source of all things Old Testament.
The Masoretic text as well as the Dead Sea Scrolls are welcome additions. The truth is, we don’t have the original Old Testament. All copies we have point to the original, but none of them constitute the original.
Yes, the Jews likely altered the Masoretic text to suit them, but by providence we had the Septuagint and now the DSS to weigh in as witnesses. I’m not saying you’re wrong on the Jewish point, but it would be foolish to think only the Jews would modify texts for their own ends. They hate Christ, but false Christendom has loved power.
If the DSS and the Masoretic agree on a verse and the Septuagint disagrees, then we can assume that the Septuagint was wrong and the Masoretic is correct.
@Sheepdog If you read this article (authored b an Orthodox Christian) and absorb the historical details and the article’s 18 representative examples of hundreds of other instances of the Masoretes’ fraud, I suspect you will un-welcome it:
Guns, Lies, and Forgeries
by Robert E. Reis
A few more points:
• “We” do not have the Dead Sea Scrolls. (((They))) have and control the Dead Sea Scrolls.
• The Septuagint was commissioned and vetted by the Sanhedrin who, 250 years before Christ, had no axe to grind with Him. Hence it is as “official” OT as the Latin Vulgate is “official.”
• Old Testament quotes in the New Testament agree with the Septuagint and contradict the “Hebrew Bible.”
• The Syriac Peshitta Bible from the 2nd century A.D. agrees with the Septuagint and contradicts the “Hebrew Bible.”
@Al Liguori, I’m aware that the Septuagint agrees with the New Testament most of the time. Of course the New Testament is another witness to the original Old Testament texts. The New Testament is the most powerful witness of the all obviously.
That being said, I don’t feel the need to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The very existence of the Septuagint prevented the Jews from tampering with the Masoretic text too much. Although tamper they did.
It’s all very well (((they))) have control of the DSS, but I didn’t find your article convincing enough to doubt the scrolls we currently have. Perhaps (((they))) are withholding some incriminating scrolls (that would be interesting), but we would need stronger evidence to conclude that the scrolls which have been released are forgeries.
Let’s not forget that many of the DSS scrolls agree with the Septuagint and the New Testament, which indicates perhaps they don’t have as much control as you believe they do. The discovery of the DSS has been a blow to the Jewish agenda as things stand right now.
We just need to let the witness stand up with one another: The New Testament, Septuagint, Masoretic, Dead Sea Scrolls and even the Samaritan Pentateuch. It’ll all work itself out. The Masoretic is proven wrong a lot of the time, and that’s fine. But sometimes where the Masoretic and DSS agree, we may get a little glimpse into the Israelite past before they were Hellenized.
so whats your opinion on this do you think there is any truth in it does have evidence to back it up https://christiansfortruth.com/how-the-khumry-of-the-assyrian-captivity-migrated-to-wales/?unapproved=87832&moderation-hash=5f28bed140a261120cfdae4dc75d81d4#comment-87832
Paul, could you please post a link to the material of Alan Wilson that you are referring to so that we can read what he wrote for ourselves?
sovreign wales posts some of alan wilsons work i dont know if alan wilson has his own website https://sovereignwales.com/2016/02/05/are-the-welsh-the-lost-ten-tribes-of-israel/ . i assumed sovereign wales was run by alan wilson