B’nai Brith Canada, a Jewish supremacist secret society, is demanding that the Canadian government deport a man who served in the German army during the Second World War an an interpreter and boot polisher:
In a statement released Thursday night, B’nai Brith Canada called on the Canadian government to expel [96 year old] Helmut Oberlander, a Ukrainian-born ethnic German who served in the SS mobile killing unit during the Holocaust.
Oberlander and his legal team have thus far stymied deportation efforts with legal challenges.
Last December, Oberlander’s appeal effort was rejected by the Supreme Court of Canada. Now, the Immigration and Refugee Board has ruled against him as well.
“After decades of entertaining his excuses, justice must finally be served. The government must settle this issue once and for all,” B’nai Brith Canada said in a statement.
Nearly two years ago, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau made history by formally apologizing to Holocaust survivors for Canada’s rejection of Jewish refugees on the MS St. Louis in 1939. He said: “Today, I rose in the House of Commons to issue a long overdue apology to the Jewish refugees Canada turned away. By issuing this apology, it is my sincere hope that we can shine a light on this painful chapter of our history and ensure that its lessons are never forgotten.”
“However, by failing to deport a Nazi whose SS death squad unit, Einsatzkommando 10a, murdered more than 90,000 innocent men, women and children, Trudeau unfortunately raises questions about what exactly has been learned, and how much history has been forgotten,” B’nai Brith Canada charged.
“If the government’s promises of justice and a brighter future were serious, then this is the last chance to prove it regarding Oberlander.”
Oberlander is currently facing deportation for misrepresenting his past and thus gaining entry to Canada illegally. B’nai Brith and attorney David Matas have led the effort to deport Oberlander.
“Oberlander has already received every conceivable degree of due process possible, and then some. And he has lost every step of the way,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada. “There is no longer any excuse for delaying his immediate deportation from this country.
“Canada cannot continue to allow a mockery to be made of its processes. Oberlander has had his day in court, and he lost. To not remove him now would be a punch in the gut to every Holocaust survivor in this country – and would render meaningless the Prime Minister’s promises of justice.”
“Oberlander has had more than enough opportunities to defend himself before Canada’s courts. He has lost his final appeal and should be deported immediately,” Matas said. “No more delays. No more appeals. Canadians demand justice and further delays make a mockery of that justice.”
Mostyn added: “There should be zero tolerance for Nazis, in Canada or anywhere else in the world.”
Imagine someone in Canada saying, “There should be zero tolerance for Jews in Canada or anywhere else in the world.”
Even Adolf Hitler — the greatest “Jew hater” of all time — didn’t want Jews expelled from the entire world — but hell hath no fury like a Jew scorned.
The suggestion that Oberlander was involved in the “murder” of 90,000 people is preposterous — the Jewish allegations against the German Einsatzgruppen — that it was some elite SS group of antisemites that targeted Jews — have been completely debunked.
And yet because no one is allowed to question the Jewish Version™ of World War II — without being thrown in prison — they can accuse any German anywhere in the world of anything they want, and no one will challenge their “expertise”.
The international criminal Simon Wiesenthal and his henchmen uncovered no credible evidence whatsoever that Oberlander was directly involved in any killings of Jews or any war crimes — so they then claimed his “crime against Canada” was lying on his citizenship application.
Using that as a standard of deportation, Canada could very well deport every migrant and asylum seeker they’ve allowed in the country in the last 20 years.
The Germans enlisted Oberlander in the army as a teenager because having grown up in the Ukraine, he could work as a translator with Russian radio transmissions — and when he wasn’t busy doing that, he was polishing boots — yes, polishing boots, which in a Jew’s mind is the moral equivalent of aiding and abetting “genocide”.
This was so many years ago, and these folks aren’t going to do much more in life, let alone any of that Notsee activity… just leave them alone already.
When you own the press, might as well work all angles. The “we don’t care how old you are” angle is old and most find it ridiculous so long after WW2. It’s basically just a mafia message saying “you can run but you can’t hide” if you go against us. This is mostly for blacklisted people who have taken a secret oath then got useds, as they all do. If you are not hebrew, don’t bother taking a secret oath of slavery to the jews. It’s a scam.
Christians For Truth: I ponder if the world’s greatest problem is the jew or religion. A close friend of mine, a holocaust truther Dr. M.M.O’Hair, founder of American Atheists famous quote: “Religion has done more damage to this earth than any other single idea.” Sadly AA has become a jew secular organization since Madalyn’s death in 1995.
David, let’s do a thought experiment to test Dr. Hair’s thesis, ““Religion has done more damage to this earth than any other single idea.”
Let’s define “damage” objectively as “wonton death and murder,” something most cultures could agree upon.
With that definition, the atheist communists murdered over 100 million people in the last 100 years, and no organized religion comes close to that–perhaps Islam a distant second. And we are soon to see another massive death toll if the atheists who have this world in a strangle hold get their way.
Therefore, Dr. Hair is objectively incorrect. It has been atheism that has done far more damage than generic “religion”.
The jews naturally are not satisfied with the venal “historic” gratuity from Prime Minister Trudeau. Their Pontius Pilatus will not abdicate his authority to fraudulent jew demands . “Abduct him and kill him yourself.” ” No, it must be a public condemnation of another German soldier before he dies through your law to validate our fraud.”
The jew demands always too much. They abducted and murdered Eichmann because public knowledge of his testimony would reveal truth of his identity and the holycost.
This 17 year old recruit is perfect for the justification of race alone. The livid Shiksas and Sodomite media are waiting anxiously in new Weimar. The holycost is a jew lie that invents evidence to increase the debt of the fools who believe and those who disavow justice. But a 17 year old without blemish is condemned by his innocence. He is victim of race and circumstance.
The feeble resistance to jew adamant to the irrelevance of host law and the histrionic contest of their lawyers is to amplify the lie and reveal the subordinate law of Canada to supreme law of holycost. Calling it precedence. The self-righteous Judases representing the corpse of Germany are waiting for another opportunity to abjure their heritage and themselves. And declare their innocence.
Yes, Canada’s Supreme Court has become subservient to Jewish “ideals”, as expressed in its summary 2013 decision in case #33676, Saskatchewan (Human Rights Commission) vs Whatcott:
“Truthful statements can be presented in a manner that would meet the definition of hate speech, and not all truthful statements must be free from restriction…. The benefits of the suppression of hate speech and its harmful effects outweigh the detrimental effect of restricting expression which, by its nature, does little to promote the values underlying freedom of expression.”
The Einsatzgruppen were necessary for the removal of the murderous Bolshevik leadership who regularly executed Christians or just anyone they pulled off the street to meet their “quotas.” The Germans were absolutely right to form the Einsatzgruppen to stomp the Bolsheviks into the grave.
The Russian armies who surrendered wanted to and did fight WITH the Germans against their murderous communists. And the jews at Auschwitz didn’t want to stick around when the Soviets came. They left with the Germans. The jews are the most disgusting liars that have ever lived in this planet. If the jews want to know why we hate them so, they just need to look at their actions which is something these psychopaths will never do.
CFT…..Thank you for compiling these stories about the Jewish extremist in Western countries, they will come in very, very handy when the trial about their Crimes Against Humanity starts…..it will not be the like Kangeroo Nuremburg court I can tell you that much.
you’re very optimistic!
If you are talking to me, I have to say yes, I always ran from the darkness looking for the light of truth….I predicted that Germany would take the lead in addressing the post-WW II Crimes Against Humanity….and it is happening as we speak. I can still hear the warmongering Neo-Cons in America talk about Europe is death, but surprise, surprise….Germany is leading the charge to break the chains of Zionist subjugation. They can’t stop it….natural law cannot be manipulated……
What’s happening here isn’t about “natural law”, whatever that is, but God’s law and His promises that in His time, when He is ready, he will destroy the Edomite Jews, and they will be erased from the face of the earth, as if they had never been. See Obadiah 1:18 cited below…..
Please explain to me what the difference is between natural law and God’s law. What does God look like? The majority of people believe that Jews are God which makes a lot of sense, Jews destroy with impunity because people believe the hogwash what they themselves put out, having them believe that it comes from God. Sorry, I am sticking to natural law.
Obadiah 1:18
“And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.”