Nikita Malik, the Jewish director of the official-sounding Center on Radicalization and Terrorism in the U.K., is pushing for even more draconian laws to censor all forms of ‘antisemitism’, including making the use of ‘neo-nazi’ imagery online a form of ‘domestic terrorism’:
On the “Advocacy Anywhere: Coronavirus, Conspiracy Theories, and the Current State of Global Antisemitism” webinar held via Facebook and Zoom, Katharina von Schnurbein — the European Commission’s coordinator on combating antisemitism — noted that conspiracy theories blaming Jews for the coronavirus were “dangerous not only because they create an atmosphere for the Jewish community that is very unpleasant,” but also “we know that conspiracy myths have translated into attacks in the past.”
She noted that new regulations on combating hate speech online had been adopted by the EU and “what will be the next step is to ensure this is not only done on a European level, which is important, of course, but unless it trickles down and every mayor, every school director understands what needs to happen, there will be no change for the Jewish community. So, this will be the challenge now.”
Nikita Malik — director of the Center on Radicalization and Terrorism at the Henry Jackson Society in the UK — emphasized the importance of legislation, particularly in regard to far-right antisemitism.
Malik said she was struck by the “difference between hate crimes legislation — which is what is usually used in the United Kingdom for antisemitic hatred and antisemitic violence in the real world — and terrorism legislation.”
“Neo-Nazi imagery and white supremacism deserve to be classified as terrorism,” she said, “because it is that serious. It’s not hate crime, it’s not an opinion against a certain category of people, it’s actually looking to enact violence and often eradicate an entire group of people. It’s very serious and it has a political objective, and as a result, it deserves to be designated.”
Holly Huffnagle, the AJC’s US director for combating antisemitism, addressed the free speech issues raised by combating antisemitism online, noting that in the US, the First Amendment did not apply to private online platforms.
“If I post something or say something that goes against those tech companies’ rules,” she said, “it’s not a freedom of speech issue, its actually a corporate responsibility issue for them to clean out their platforms.”
Huffnagle sounded an optimistic note, however, saying, “We have seen improvement. If you look at just 10 years ago, where we were in this space, it’s leaps and bounds for what tech companies are able to respond to, what they’re doing now. There is movement, but we’re in the middle of it right now and we can’t stop.”
Jews now have a virtual monopoly of ownership of major online platforms, which has allowed them to enforce their draconian censorship, under the guise that the platforms are privately-owned and therefore immune to “freedom of speech” laws.
“But what does it matter what “religion” or “race” the media owners are?” you ask.
Because they want to censor any and all criticism of themselves by falsely characterizing it as ‘hate’.
If you have a plurality of media ownership, no one would be immune to criticism.
And if you want an example of what a society is like where criticism of Jews was not only not allowed but carried the death penalty, look no further than the brutal, dehumanizing Soviet Union.
Believe it or not, that is where we are rapidly headed — where Jewish power is becoming virtually unopposed, and all forms of opposition — including symbols of that opposition — will become illegal.
Make no mistake, in the Jewish-dominated Soviet Union, Christianity was outlawed, as were Christian symbols, and it’s hard not to notice that Jewish interest groups are working feverishly to outlaw any public displays of Christianity right now.
In fact, as we previously reported, a Jewish lawmaker in Canada recently proposed outlawing “offensive” public Christian displays.
Christianity has now been officially blamed for contributing to the so-called “Holocaust”.
After all, in the mind of the Jews, Christianity is the basis of all antisemitism, and the sign of the Cross is the ultimate “neo-nazi” symbol of “Jew hate”.
“But that could never happen in America,” you assure yourself.
i see only three symbols up there are not nazi symbols
One more story that support my position of the fraud that is being perpetuated against humanity…..Jews are human beings, their lives matter and the rest does not…..the European Unions of dominated by Marxist socialist and if Marxism is Judaism you know what time it is. The hypocrisy is hilarious……
“After all, in the mind of the Jews, Christianity is the basis of all antisemitism”
Except the Muslims were also sick of them at various points in history, expelling them from Arab lands a few times. It’s always about the other people, never about Jewish behavior.
I am offended when I see the “Star of DEATH””.
Judaism is neither a race or a religion, it is Xenophobic Tribalism.
XENOPHOBIC: n.A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.
1. The organization, culture, or beliefs of a tribe.
2. A strong feeling of identity with and loyalty to one’s tribe or group.
For 3,500 years Israel has practiced eugenics …. Jewishness is based on: Jewish mother determines that you are Jewish …. Jewish father determines the Tribe (cohen, levite, dan, benjamin) They are a TRIBE …. a family based GANG. If you are not an active member you are NOT part of the GANG. No more than having a cousin in the Hell’s Angels makes YOU a Hell’s Angel.
The jew has no relation to true Israel or the tribes of Dan, Benjamin, etc as listed, tho there is no ‘cohen’. No kin.
The modern jew is NOT an Israelite. Most are khazars; the only Adamic members of that race are of esau edom, canaan or amelek. See your Bible for what God thinks of them.
I too am offended when I see the ‘star of rothschild’ – so wheres the NGOs protecting me and MY rights? I think we know the answer…
There’s only one symbol that should be classified as a symbol of terrorism. And that is that 6 pointed jewish star, also known as the star of Remphan (Acts 7:43). It conceals the jews’ favorite number, 666. It is written in a footnote somewhere in the Zohar that “the number 666 contains hidden within it exalted and lofty messianic potential.”
All these symbols that the jews hate are actually symbols of Christian societies that fought against the jew. To me, the swastika is merely a symbol of a people who refused to be defeated by the jews. It was a symbol representing a people’s will to live and control their own destiny and not be ruled over and slaughtered by communists, who were desperately trying to take all of Europe down. Hitler was the GREATEST man of the 20th century at least.
Whoever the jews condemn is a hero I look up to. And whomever the jews love and exalt always turns out to be some murderous lunatic. We should all thank the Lord for revealing the truth to us about these jews, or the people that call themselves “jews.”
Jews hate the swastika because it’s a reminder of a time in history when their treachery was exposed for the entire nation–and world–to see. Their crimes were brought to light, and their denials were scoffed at. To the Jews, the swastika means, “You’ve been found out. We are on to you.”
Christianity IS “anti-semitism” in it’s purest form. Any visage of Christianity is reviled by jews like a vampire reviles the cross, holy water, wolfsbane, garlic, ad nauseum. And yes, there is a total parallel there, lol.
The swastika seems most hated not only because it represents the once greatest threat of the 20th century to jewish hegemony, but the fact that the symbol represents the name of God, the tetragrammaton YHWH – a word they dare not utter, a word they had stricken from the mouths of Judaeans in Judaea at the time of Christ!
I do believe we will get to a point where Christianity will be outlawed across the earth – if only for a short time. “No way that will happen,” you say. I say most ‘Christians’ won’t even bat an eye because they’ve been giving Christ lip-service their whole lives anyway.
The united States of America was founded by white European God-fearing Christians who fought for God and His Law, establishing the first and only nation in history to be completely Christian in nature, predicating the rule of law upon the Bible and the belief that we owe everything to the God of that very same Bible.
But now, the New Jerusalem is very much a part of Mystery Babylon along with all of it’s brother nations of European heritage. True Christianity has been under attack exclusively and is already demonized everywhere, being under an extremely heavy veil of censorship for a number of years now. So it’s only a matter of time before the jews place the kibosh on the ‘judeo-churchianity’ (((they))) helped create, as it will soon have outlived it’s usefulness to (((them)))…
In some ways, real Christianity has been outlawed already in America–through the back door. This has been done surreptitiously through the U.S. tax code, 501c3 tax-exempt status that they grant churches. In exchange for the coveted tax-exempt status, pastors tacitly agree to not discuss certain controversial subjects. The Christianity that is allowed by the State is a watered-down, lukewarm, feel-good, universal love fest that neuters the faith and its followers.
Yes, my local Baptist church, as an example, says on their website that they will not discuss homosexuality or transgenderism in church as it divides the congregation too much…
So, with that type of logic what is the point of having a church leader? Hardly leading the good fight, are they.