(Matzav.com) A Jewish woman has been arrested for spray painting antisemitic graffiti at a bus stop in the heavily-Jewish populated section of Borough Park, Brooklyn:
A Jewish woman charged with spray-painting two swastikas on a Brooklyn bus stop took to Facebook after the hate crime and posted “maybe the anti-semites have a point,” the NY Daily News reports. Farnoush Hakakian, 45, was arrested Wednesday and charged with criminal mischief as a hate crime for the May 5 broad-daylight incident in Borough Park.
“I am Jewish. This is my art, this is how I express myself. I don’t agree with Judaism and how the Jewish people are,” Hakakian told investigators when she was arrested, according to a law enforcement source. She also admitted to drawing the swastikas, the source said.
Contacted by The News over Facebook about the case, Hakakian continued to criticize Jewish people. “Instead of condemning the anti-semites, did it ever occur to you maybe we are doing many wrong things and we need to change? Did it ever occur to you maybe the anti-semites have a point? A good one?” Hakakian wrote. “If Jews including my own family would be open to criticism and change, extreme cases wouldn’t happen against them,” Hakakian wrote.
The comments left on this Jewish website are very revealing — and completely ignore this woman’s main point — that Jews are doing something wrong to engender such a negative reaction against them — i.e., “antisemitism”.
The commenters say she needs “mental health professionals” to cure her of whatever it is she has — or predictably call her a “self-hating Jew” — a Jew who “undermines her own people” — a moser — a snitch.
Jews have long been pushing to enact Federal laws to make it illegal to commit basically any crime against Jews — especially criticize them, which they consider “offensive” — the same modus operandi they used when they took over Russia in the wake of their Bolshevik “Revolution”.
Jews like hate crimes because they are so easy to incentivize and then fake — a book-length study on hate crimes concluded that over 70% of such reported “crimes” are indeed hoaxes — perpetrated by the accuser.
Of course, Jews like to characterize anyone who criticizes them as “ignorant” and “uneducated” — or having some pathological and irrational obsession with Jews — but nothing could be further from the truth.
A recent survey by a prominent and respected Jewish journal showed that more educated people are more likely to hold antisemitic views — conversely, the only reason you don’t hold antisemitic views is that you maintain a comfortable and willful ignorance of what is really going on around you.
The more you know, the more likely you will start seeing recurring patterns of behavior among Jews — which is permitted, but only as long as you don’t attribute these behaviors to their “Jewishness.”
Either way, it’s unlikely this Jewish graffiti artist in Brooklyn — Farnoush Hakakian — will be prosecuted for any “hate crimes” against her own people — that’s not what the laws were ever intended for.
Hate crime laws are intended to muzzle White people while the Jews subvert and destroy Christendom — and if 60 million dead Christians in Russia won’t convince you of that, nothing will.
Guy Williams
Why is the media so SILENT about one of their OWN being killed?!?
“Shireen Abu Akleh” – TBG
Guy Williams
Guy Williams
This is what happens when “chosen” are in charge of Goyim fate… Look at how humans treat cows BECAUSE we believe ourselves ABOVE them… We eat, wear and REMORSELESSLY kill them BECAUSE we BELIEVE “humans to be SUPERIOR to cows” and MOST of us think NOTHING of it…
What happens when one “group” of people THINK/BELIEVE that THEY are “superior/chosen by god” to control those deemed “less than” and/or “outside the “group”, affectionately known as Gentiles?!?! Seems familiar and answers that age-old question of how can “judges JUDGE PEOPLE”, DESTROY lives over weed, yet let MULTIPLE TIME pedophiles get off with ANOTHER “slap on the wrist” because the laws THEY write seem to PROTECT the PEDOPHILIA over the child… almost like dipping raw chicken INTO the “momma chicken” PERIODS to “get the flour to stick”… Or veal… Or ANYONE reading this who has on leather pants, or a belt or shoes, who happens to plan on having a “nice steak” tonight… Dyed RED so it LOOKS nice and BLOODY/”rare”…
The way we’re TOLD to eat meat by the SAME people who deem US/Goyim no different than any other “beast” on the planet, here to SERVE THEM…???? When you add that “conspiracy” to the equation, what didn’t quite make sense SUDDENLY becomes CLEAR… It ANSWERS THE QUESTION, even if it makes you “uncomfortable”… Why do you think you’re PROGRAMMED to feel that way when it comes to TALKING about THEM and them ONLY??? As Goyim we can openly discuss ANYONE or national identity without it being a problem except for ONE group… Who writes THAT law?? Who makes THAT “judgement”???? #TeamGoyim
Yes, and a few years ago Switzerland introduced legislation to protect the “rights” of plants. Look at how people farm them, cut them down, eat them, excrete them, use them as fertilizer. It’s abhorrent, and if people didn’t feel so superior to plants, they might think twice about it.
Guy Williams …………..
You do make a point. And I’m not disagreeing with you. However, we were given dominion over the animals and plants.
I think what we are witnessing is a world that is sick on SIN. Period. This is predicted in the Scriptures. When a people don’t place God’s Word and His Will FIRST in their lives — well, we now see the result.
If Holy Spirit filled Whites peoples were in charge of food production, I think things would be very, very different.
I live in a very rural, white part of the Country (USA). There is a small group of farmers/ranchers who are good stewards of the land, their animals etc., etc. The cows are allowed to Free Graze and the young males are not separated early from their mothers early in their development. The cows are slaughtered in a humane way ON SITE, so that they don’t have to be ripped from their moms and then packed into trailers and driven miles away. Etc., etc.
I think our Ancestors from the 19th century and Pre, did things right.
We are in the Last Days no doubt. The Falling Away is complete. We are seeing a world in absolute decay and free fall.
Question — do you have a problem with Adamkind eating animals for sustenance? Are you vegan — which is totally cool with me.
“…Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Genesis 1
Guy Williams
“SEMITISM”, according to Webster’s and ALL of the other dictionaries, means you “Practice or believe in SHOWING JEWS FAVOR”… “SEMITIC” refers to ALL of the people of the area, Palestinians, Syrians and yes, isralies too… THEREFORE, “antisemitism” and “antisemitic” mean two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT things…
I LOVE Palestinian people, I do NOT believe in showing ANYONE “favor”, ESPECIALLY anyone that believe they are BORN SUPERIOR to ME… that I and everyone else is “just Goyim”… That is the MOST SUPREMACIST set of beliefs in the world and I’m ALLOWED to THINK that way and CHOOSE to NOT support it!! The one thing I do KNOW, I’ve been BEGGING for someone of that “faith”/NATIONAL IDENTITY to come TALK to me and EXPLAIN to me what I’m “WRONG about”, EXPLAIN to me WHY we give israel (a “FIRST WORLD” country) 3.8 BILLION DOLLARS a year INSTEAD of using it to fund ANTI-PEDOPHILE groups or Veterans groups or Women’s Rights groups or a PLETHORA of other BETTER causes, EXPLAIN to me ANY of the stuff that is supposedly “non-existent” and EXPLAIN what other reasons people feel the way they do about israel?
I am a PERSON OF COLOR, my grandfather was a CONCENTRATION CAMP SURVIVOR, so you CAN’T just write me off as “some dumb skinhead”, yet I NEVER have ANYBODY that believes my OPINION WORTHY enough to come TRY to “adjust” it. I’m just supposed to believe a bunch of stuff that DOESN’T MAKE SENSE (well, OTHER than “conspiracy”) because it makes people uncomfortable talking about it.. AND/OR, I’m RIGHT and people don’t LIKE that…
I’m open to being wrong, but again, I’m just not worthy enough, apparently… Just look at all of the responses I will get on THIS comment.. anybody who ASKS QUESTIONS or points out the INCREDIBLE HYPOCRISY and OBVIOUS APARTHEID going on, like Ben & Jerry’s saying they no longer want to sell in ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED TERRITORIES (STILL selling IN israel though), gets INSTANTLY labeled as someone who “hates jews”, when Ben & Jerry’s is a JEWISH COMPANY.. how does that work???
How is it that retirement funds for average people are being threatened over this? How come nobody’s really talking about it? Again, I’d LOVE to be WRONG, I’d LOVE for SOMEBODY to just come EXPLAIN it to me ANY of this, but NOBODY ever seems WILLING, because APPARENTLY I’M just beneath YOU.. am I WRONG?
Guy Williams
White Lives Matter TOO
Guy, hey man, you’re not my enemy – I’m not a big writer, but let me tell you thanks for being on the same page about jews, and in the end God knows his people. It seems whites could use everyone’s help because the jews use other people against each other – that’s what they do.
Guy ……. is that you in the video?
Holocaust Fraudster Forced to Pay Back $22.5 Million for Inventing Fake Memoir.
There have been a number of “Holocaust survivors” who have been exposed as frauds, but most people still don’t realize the whole thing is atrocity propaganda.
On the infamous Deborah Lipstadt’s website, it says that the gas chamber isn’t a fake intended to fool visitors, it’s a “recreation” meant to be “symbolic”!
VP Harris Ceremonially Swears In Deborah Lipstadt As Anti-Semitism Envoy.
Excellent short video. A must watch.
Are Birds AntiSemites?
Jews Mock Jesus.
Behold Christ in the SPIRIT FATHER/MOTHER- Universal Saviour and it’s polar opposite rabbi jesus after the flesh- tribal demigod
By its definition for some entity to make the claim of GOD it has to be universal not tribal for tribal = respecter of persons
The Vicious Snake.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
“OY VEY, does Goyim needs to know bout my 6 gorillion relatives killed by dose ebil Notsees. The only way to correct that is to gibs all Jews gazillions of dollars, & endless amounts of free weaponry to Israel. And anytime Israel blows up a neighbor & steals some more land, only anti-Semites complain, so shut up & gibs me the loot!”
“NAACP is leading the fight for justice”
“Ensure that Black lives are a priority in all spaces”
“The Plan To Fight White Supremacy”
“Who Really Founded and Furthered The NAACP? The NAACP was actually NOT founded by Blacks. This comes as a big surprise to many people. The NAACP was instead founded in 1909 by one mulatto Communist …
“Jewish NYT journalist wants White lawmakers daughters to be “raped and impregnated by black men”
The six million has been claimed almost six billion times.
6 million jews crucified – 1919
“Initially it was gay advocates in the media who complained about the use of the groomer label, ….
Jewish neocon and infamous warmonger Bill Kristol complained on Twitter that those using the label and opposing the gay agenda are “embracing and …toying with The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”
“DHS Head Can’t Name One Case That He Referred to DOJ For ‘White Supremacy or Domestic Terrorism’
“Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has claimed repeatedly that white extremists are the greatest terror threat to America but when confronted during a congressional hearing on Thursday he couldn’t name one single case he referred from DHS to the Department of Justice for “white supremacy or domestic terrorism.”