(Algemeiner) Dexter Van Zile, a member of the pro-Zionist, jewish supremacist organization, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), whose purpose is to whitewash the ongoing Israeli genocide in Palestine, wrote a recent article in which he vented his anger and frustration over how Jews have lost their control of public discourse and must now contend with their critics on the open, level playing field of the free and anonymous internet:
“…The troubling reality is that we are now confronted with a subculture of Jew-haters who can recruit new members into their ranks via the Internet. The subculture was always present, even after the Holocaust, but their ability to transmit the virus of antisemitism into the larger American society was limited by a number of factors.
Antisemitism was a tough sell to children whose parents and grandparents had fought to defeat the Nazis in World War II. A lot of people who may not have liked Jews too much hated Nazis more, and understood that it was necessary to keep obsessive Jew-haters out of the mainstream.
Under these circumstances, dressing up in a white robe or donning the uniform of a neo-Nazi organization would put you so far outside the realm of polite society that most people wouldn’t do it, even if they hated Jews. Their bosses and their relatives would shun them.
Anyone who was interested in participating in the American economy and raising a family had to think long and hard about coming out as a full-blown antisemite. They might have talked about Jews privately, but they kept their mouths shut in public.
These days, the anonymity of the Internet allows Jew-haters to spread their message and recruit new members into their movement without having to reveal their identity. And those folks who do reveal themselves to be antisemites are able to generate an income from their less-than-public supporters. Getting them kicked off Twitter, PayPal, and YouTube hinders them somewhat, but not entirely, because they can always go to other hangouts like Bitchute and Gab — the Brown Shirt District of the Internet — to connect with their audience.
To make matters worse, the COVID-19 crisis has become an asset to Jew-haters throughout the world. Just recently, the FBI foiled a would-be killer in Missouri who was going to blow up a hospital. The suspect, who died after being shot by the FBI, had previously told his fellow Jew-haters that the COVID-19 virus was “engineered by Jews as a power grab. Jews are playing a long game and we are the only ones standing in their way.”
With rhetoric like this, which closely mirrors the Iranian government’s accusation that COVID-19 was a Zionist plot, the would-be killer was talking to the type of folks who call Israel and its supporters “lampshades.”
In the coming months and years, we will probably see the development of a vaccine and effective treatments to drive COVID-19 into the dustbin of history, where it will remain.
Sadly, the virus of antisemitism has proven to be more resilient, making the need for a Jewish state ever more evident with each passing day.
So there you have it: this influential Jew admits that Jews used to be able to silence their critics using their terrible power of the purse.
Anyone who dared question Jewish Power could be ostracized, marginalized, and economically punished in their communities and jobs.
The unrivaled jewish stranglehold over all media outlets — whether television, print, and textbook publishing — guaranteed that only the pro-jewish point of view would be heard or deemed ‘polite’ and ‘socially acceptable’.
The free internet completely undermined jewish media hegemony and put the likes of the mighty New York Times on the same level playing field as an anonymous blogger in Des Moines, Iowa.
And Jews hate anonymity because it focuses on the facts and the quality of the argument — and doesn’t allow for personal ad hominem attacks against the writer, which is the bread-and-butter tactic of jewish censorship: personal smears and character assassination.
The internet has been devastating to the Jewish Supremacist agenda whose ‘trump card’ has been the ever-reliable ‘Holocaust’, but thanks to the tireless work of independent scholars, the ‘Holocaust’ narrative is collapsing like a house of cards, as its promoters are incapable of answering the doubters and skeptics.
And because Jewish Supremacists will lose any open, fair public debate on the Jewish Question, their only recourse is to advocate for total censorship of social media — and the internet in general — through spurious and draconian ‘hate speech’ laws.
If we allow the Jewish Supremacists to take away our internet freedom, we will return to the pre-internet Dark Ages of the 1950s through the early 1990s when the State-sanctioned jewish narrative ran virtually unopposed.
And make no mistake: they are working feverishly to get that iron-fisted control back.
As Alexander Solzhenitsyn observed, “For a Jew, nothing is more insulting than the truth.”
Germany has been saddled with its own “Stockholm Syndrome” ever since the summation of the Second World War.
There are some brave Germans who have gone against the “official narrative” of WW2 with Germany seen as being on “the wrong side of history” and as such are (still) considered to be “the bad guys”, but they are either too few or afraid of being “outed” as “holocaust™ deniers”, subject to severe punishment, and yes, Nazis (which is unfairly still a pejorative term in Germany and in much of the rest of the civilized world).
This is especially bolstered by the (in)famous “jewish holocaust™” which was created by the Allies in order to keep Germany permanently demonized.
In fact, it was Russian jews who “rebuilt” Auschwitz after the war in its own propagandistic way, creating and amplifying engineering errors that the Germans would have never done.
From non-sealed “gas chambers” with wooden doors that “swing the wrong way” to no means for inserting and ventilating the poison gases, using a delousing agent as an ineffective “poison gas”, anyone with an engineering background can easily poke holes in all of the claims made by holocaust™ promoters.
Let’s not forget that jewish “holocaustianity™” has been deemed to be a state religion in many countries from which no deviation of belief is permitted.
Prosecution, fines and imprisonment await those who seek the truth about this false, contrived event in history.
Even Canada has criminalized any criticism of this “event”.
Recently, Florida Governor DeSantis traveled to israel where he signed legislation to outlaw and prosecute (certain) “hate speech”. He signed this legislation while in israel and made it known that it was to outlaw criticism of the “holocaust™”. Now, who does DeSantis work for?
It is only a matter of time before “holocaustianity™” becomes the “official state religion” here in the USA.
If the “holocaust™” is based on “truth” why not encourage a full impartial investigation into this “event”? What are “holocaust™” promoters afraid of?
Jews have always been excellent propaganda agents, tugging at heartstrings by always showing jews as being “downtrodden” victims and always being marginalized and victimized. This is a “feature” and not a “bug” as it has been successful in keeping the holocaust™ fable alive to the present day.
Jewish “holocaust™ museums” (actually jewish freak shows) display piles of shoes, glasses, clothing, and other piles of “who knows what” in order to claim that 6,000,000 jews were “gassed out of existence”.
These jewish freaks shows get massive amounts of taxpayer-funded dollars despite being totally out of place in American society. Schoolchildren are brainwashed and propagandized in these freak shows, which is actually child abuse to allow children into these jewish freak shows.
Florida Governor DeSantis mandated that ALL Florida school children will visit these “holocaust™ museums” (jewish freak shows) under penalty of law. Gotta keep the fraud alive.
It could be safely argued that even Americans have been unwitting victims of “Stockholm Syndrome” especially when it comes to “all things holocaust™”.
It is long overdue to conduct a full, impartial, honest of all holocaust™ claims and to “let the chips fall where they may” and finally expose it as the fraud that it is.
This is the only way out of the Stockholm Syndrome for Germany, the USA and the rest of the world.
The only way for the Germans to “wake up” is to throw off the jewish / American boot heels, get out of NATO and restore their long-deserved honor by getting rid of the foreign influences that still rules German society. German pride was outlawed with the summation of WW2 on terms imposed by the “allies”. It’s been long overdue to “let Germany be Germany”, unfettered by outside forces.
There are those who miss the mark by comparing Germany to Japan.
Japan never got the “treatment” that was imposed on the German people.
It would appear that Theodore N. Kaufman’s vile tome “Germany Must Perish” was at least partially used on the German people in order to “neuter” the German citizenry and their country.
Hell, Japan even got to keep its “emperor”.
It is said that technology advances greatly during wartime, gruesome experiments taking place that would not be allowed or considered during peacetime. Japan’s unit 731 conducted much more horrific experiments than any other country, Germany included but was never brought to task. Even Americans conducted gruesome experiments during the war.
In fact, medical types from around the world have obtained and reviewed the “results” of such experimentation.
You see, in Japanese culture, those captured as the “enemy” were considered to be “less than human”, not unlike jewish supremacy which still reigns supreme in their jewish talmud.
Germany was saddled with jewish holocaust lies about masturbation machines, electric floors, phony gas chambers, delousing agents used as “gas”, shrunken heads, fingers for light switches and jewish “soap”. These fabrications are still taken as “truth” despite such claims being laughable, totally ridiculous and impossible.
Even the supposed “numbers” (6,000,000) don’t add up. The engineering claimed by holocaust promoters itself was impossible. Every holocaust claim can easily be debunked and shown to be a fabrication.
That being said, Germany’s subservience is imposed by external forces. It is long overdue for Germany to be restored to its rightful place in the world of nations. Of course, the jews will never go along with it.
There is one solution: A certain sh!tty little country in the middle east and its upcoming eastern European version 2.0 must be returned to their rightful inhabitants. I don’t care where the jews go…
A Wyatt Mann
The jew will always tell you what happened to him, but he will never tell you why.
Why do you jews continue to cry like you are victims when you are behind nearly every anti-white attack in print and on the internet? You juden literally call for the destruction of western nations and the genocide of the white race. Openly. Publicly. Your anti-white “Race Theory” was invented by a Marxist jew. Multiple times a day on your jewish controlled media you attack conservatives, attack Christians, and attack whites as a race. (The same as you jews did when you called for the death of German children in the 1930s. Before you murdered millions of them.)
You juden spent weeks laughing, cheering, and dancing like you did when the Twin Towers fell chanting about how you had “replaced white voters” when your polls insisted Hillary was a 98% sure winner. Weeks. Literal weeks you celebrated “replacing whites” with mass third-world immigration Jews are behind, that jews take credit for. And then you parasites acted as victims again when the “jews will not replace us…” chant started in protest. But never did you parasite jews in your lying jew media ask where that chant came from. It came because of Jews.
What a coincidence that when jewish behavior doesn’t change, jewish hate is soon to follow. You’ve been given 111 second chances now? Or is it up to 112?
Indeed, the jews cause the anti-semitism so they can cry and wail about being hated.
I thank God for allowing us this brief access to a comparatively free internet. We won’t have it for much longer.
I remember a time, pre-internet, when I was genuinely shocked to learn that there were people who didn’t believe in the holy hoax. How could anyone question such a “proven historical fact”? Had I looked into the technical issues involved, I’d have been forced into the realisation that the whole thing was a LIE, but when we’ve only ever heard one side of a story, we don’t even think to consider other possibilities.
A friend who isn’t jew-aware had the garden made into a death trap by a jewish firm of “landscape gardeners”, and another jew made this friend’s bathroom practically unusable – and then tried to charge twice.
I haven’t been immune, even since becoming jew-aware via the internet. Having bought a “high end” computer, I thought a jewish-looking “repair man” could be trusted to look after it, having found him honest in the past (less money involved). Not wanting to invalidate any guarantees by opening the tower myself, I asked him to take it in and install more RAM.
He brought it back after a week and asked whether I still wanted the increased memory! Worse, when I tried to use it, I found evidence that he’d been poking about in my personal files, found something he didn’t like and vandalised my operating system in ways I wouldn’t have thought possible.
I ended up having to re-install my operating system, but he still wasn’t finished. I’ve never used – or wanted – “wireless” anything, but I hadn’t yet learned how to disable it. For the next two months my ISP was penalising me for exceeding my bandwidth allowance, something that had never happened before.
He was parking outside my place and wirelessly STEALING my internet allowance.
Do I hate jews? Not necessarily. Would I ever TRUST a jew? NO! Not in a million years!
Nikola Tesla said this “Ma’am, never trust a Jew”. And he would surely know. They lied and stole from him for decades.
Jonathan Cross
You know what? A message to all gewish bloodsuckers!
YOUR DAYS ARE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Jewish hate White people culture is mainstream, open and blunt no hiding it, having the audacity to call it social and racial justice, they exploit race and Black people, Muslims and religion the become members of their incestuous, corrupt hate White People ranks…..it is time to face to stand up and challenge their violence and oppression.
Lee Brucke
Jews now have a successful state. Its nationalistic and still geopolitically in US orbit. Eventually most of them move there, nothing needs to be done. We have wellfare system running out of control, bunch of American haters on a Capitol Hill. We now have a bio-terrorism threat as voiced by Bill Gates who predicted this current pandemic. We have China who’s about to drug us into WW3 over it South china sea occupation and do not forget Russian bear with their thousands on nuclear tipped missiles. Lets make sure our great President Trump gets re-elected . Make America Great Again!!!
silly satan
after 2000 years of being despised not to mention being kicked out of dozens of countries for centuries I think they need to just realize they will never stop the woke people that know the truth about them. at this point you cannot say anything in social media groups and be safe. even google tracks searches for antisemitic words or fascism and turns it over to the fbi.
David Martin
I’ll bet they’re not pleased that this story’s out: https://www.unz.com/article/fifteen-years-before-kennedy-zionists-murdered-forrestal/
Truth is Antisemetic
Irish Savant
I’m afraid we’re still very, very far from an ‘open, level playing field’. However things are looking up.
The vast majority of White people have failed to exploit the free internet to disseminate information that contradicts the official jewish narrative. But the small number of Whites who have used it to do good, like yourself, have been very effective in disrupting and exposing the jewish agenda.
We outnumber Jews almost a hundred to one, and if more of us would use this tool, we could drown out their voices–and the world would be a very different place. Instead, most White people use the internet the same way they use televisions, passively, to be entertained and brainwashed. That has to change before they take away the internet.
Amy Armadillo
You’re missing the bigger picture … Jews control the Internet.
You Tube – ADL
Facebook – ADL
Twitter – ADL
Breitbart – Joel Pollak (Jew)
Drudge – Matt Drudge (gay Jew)
Gateway Pundit – Jim Hoft (Jew)
American Thinker – Thomas Lifson (Jew)
Daily Wire, Frontpage Magazine, dozens of others all Jew O&O. Disparage the Jews or question the Holocaust and get permanently banned. Even sites that start out ostensibly unbiased get purchased by Jews (e.g. Twitchy).
I’m sure this CfT site is already being erased from search inquiries, and DDoS attacks are imminent. When all else fails, the hasbara trolls will ensure their propaganda renders the site virtually useless (ref. Daily Stormer).
Ask Walt Disney or Henry Ford which team always wins in the end. The Tribe is rapacious and relentless, a lot like Satan.
Yeah, but we have God on our side.
Bingo! You have the facts. They have purged the Internet of truth and facts about Jews for the past 10-15 years! They squashed accounts, videos, articles and everything else of those who were the most knowledgable about the Jews. The equivalent to book burning is what is still being done. They have complete hirise office buildings of Jewish workers scrubbing the Internet daily if there is any mention of what they don’t want peoplle to read.
Hoft is also gay!
YOUR taxes used against YOU:
That commenter on your blog may actually be working for the Israeli government
Straight out of Avigdor Lieberman’s Foreign Ministry: a new Internet Fighting Team! Israeli students and demobilized soldiers get paid (with YOUR TAXES) to pretend they are just regular folks and leave pro-Israel comments on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other sites. The effort is meant to fight the “well-oiled machine” of “pro-Palestinian websites, with huge budgets… with content from the Hamas news agency.” The approach was test-marketed during Israel’s assault on Gaza, and by groups like Give Israel Your United Support, a controversial effort to use instant-access technology to crowd-source Israel advocates to fill in flash polls or vote up key articles on social networking sites.
Will the responders who are hired for this also present themselves as “ordinary net-surfers”?
“Of course,” says Shturman. “Our people will not say: ‘Hello, I am from the policy-explanation department of the Israeli Foreign Ministry and I want to tell you the following.’ Nor will they necessarily identify themselves as Israelis. They will speak as net-surfers and as citizens, and will write responses that will look personal but will be based on a prepared list of messages that the Foreign Ministry developed.”
Israel: Government pays students to fight internet battles
https://www.jewishboston.com/events/american-idf-soldiers-we-fight-for-israel-on-campus/ TRAITORS
Israel has started a program called Operation Counterstrike (funded by American WELFARE $ YOUR taxes)
to combat what they see as rising antisemitism(TRUTH) on the Internet. Israeli College students and recently discharged IDF soldiers are PAID (American WELFARE tax $) to surf the Internet, locate “hot spots”, then notify all the other Jews on their list to swarm in and counterattack.
To find out more of Israeli internet games on forums.
Search “Israel Hires Internet Soldiers to Penetrate American Forums, Chatrooms”
Video of Jews faking WIKIPEDIA http://investmentwatchblog.com/israel-is-paying-internet-workers-to-manipulate-wikipedia-and-other-online-content-here-is-footage-of-an-israeli-manipulation-training-seminar/
Course: Zionist Editing on Wikipedia
One of their “operations” to try to scare you:
David Goldberg — about that — consider — supposedly YOUTUBE is working really really hard to suppress him, but THERE HE IS.
Goldberg with a heavy Jew York accent — that thing sounds like a designed effort to scare people away from criticizing the Original Nazis.
“OOOOoooooo they are going to GET you in all sorts of heineous manners and you can not escape their far reaching grasp no matter what so do not DARE speak out against them.”
Seax from the Sperg Box
What is it with them and the gay acronyms? Also, Lampshades? Exquisite. Oh, would that the Normies just understand irony.
Aryan Man
I said this very thing a few days ago. They are scared. The mask has slipped.
Jews ALWAYS speak about the ‘what’ – never the ‘why’.
It’s literally an artificial world of deceit, lies – fueled by infinite money (at this point), not the smallest sense of guilt, and then of truth.
Jonathan Cross
The why is here : https://lordmolyneaux.wordpress.com/2018/05/02/complete-list-of-jewish-expulsions-908/
One of the reasons they demonized Adolf Hitler and the Germans, was to prevent future generations from even thinking about the jew problem. Once that thought enters the mind (that jews are bad), the TV programming we’ve been brainwashed with activates and prevents the mind from going any further.
Now that millions of us across the world have learned the truth (that jews really are wicked), the jews are flipping out. Their mind control via the TV and other mediums doesn’t work on us anymore. Therefore they will kill us off with viruses, terror events, shootings, vaccines, or just send some Mossad agents to whack us.
We know what jews are up to. Jews are everything they accuse their enemies of being. They are a cancer upon the whole world. I work endlessly to persuade and educate all my family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances about the wicked nature of the jew and all their past crimes against humanity.
They accuse everyone else of “racism” (a commie word) but they’re the racists. They accuse others of “hate” but they’re the most hateful, spiteful and revenge filled devil’s on all the world. The biggest mistake our country made was allowing these jews on our soil.
And hence, the institution of a world-wide (((plannedemic))) and ensuing gubmental ‘lockdowns’. Sounds pretty “iron-fisted”. And this is just the beginning. Hang onto your hats, Christian believers, cuz this is gonna be a hell of an exciting ride!