(Times Of Israel) Within an article about how commonplace antisemitic attacks like the recent one in Halle have become, an Israeli jewish writer living in Germany frankly admits that many Jews have hoped that flooding Europe with Muslims would distract Whites away from focusing on the Jewish Question:
But for us, Jews who live in Germany, “shock” is the last reaction that comes to mind following this heinous attack. In fact, it was just a matter of time until the extreme far-right scene in this country would turn its spotlight back on the true, eternal enemy of both Germany and Western civilization: the Jews.
“Jews are the root of all problems,” the gunman, identified as Stephan Balliet of the German state of Saxony-Anhalt, could be heard saying, among other xenophobic and misogynistic statements, while livestreaming his attack on Amazon’s streaming platform Twitch.
He even had the temerity to deny the Holocaust, reminding us all that prejudice, conspiracy theories and hatred toward Jews never really vanished.
Some in the Jewish community — albeit not many — were foolish enough to think that the far right in Europe was now occupied with the 2015 immigration wave, mainly from Muslim countries. Some even had the audacity to celebrate the extremists’ rise.
In Europe today, many of the attacks against Jews are carried out by Muslims, though there is much debate over the prevalence of such instances. Just a few days ago, a knife-wielding man tried to enter a Berlin synagogue, chanting swears against Israel and shouting “Allahu Akbar” in Arabic — a phrase that means “God is great” and also is often used by Islamists upon committing acts of terror. He was released from custody less than 24 hours after the incident and not charged with any crime, sparking concern among Jewish leaders in the country.
But celebrating the rise of anti-Muslim extremists because of a few attacks perpetrated by radical Islamists is not only abhorrent but also superbly naive — anti-Semitism, xenophobia, Islamophobia and racism more typically go hand in hand.
Notice that this writer at no time makes any attempt to refute the idea that Jews are the “eternal enemy of Germany and Western Civilization,” because that is exactly what they are, just as they have admitted to in their own writings, such as Maurice Samuel in his book, You Gentiles, who stated, “We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.”
And yes, just as this writer freely admitted, many Jews firmly believe that by flooding White Europe with violent Muslims, White Europeans — the Jews’ historical enemy — would become so distracted by these new invaders that they wouldn’t notice that it was the Jews themselves who were the true destroyers, as Maurice Samuel openly admitted in 1923.
That jewish plan has clearly failed, and the proverbial cat is out of the bag: far too many White people are now fully aware that it’s been the Jews who have been aiding and abetting this Third World invasion of Europe and all White countries from the beginning.
And yes, Jews themselves have arrogantly admitted that this is not, in fact, a ‘conspiracy theory’ — yes, they admit they are behind it, and funding it, and it is in their interests to promote it.
And yet none of this has anything to do with the “rise” in antisemitism.
Wade Convy
It’s well established that Jews are responsible for the demographic destruction of Europe,even by some of their own gentile collaborators.The Jews will deny it,of course,as they always do and dismiss the claims against them as “conspiracy theory” or “antisemitism”..we expect that sort of thing from them.
It’s in their nature to deny and lie,as one man put it,when the spotlight of truth is shone upon them.It remains to be seen if the European peoples will ever combine to stop them.Probably not.The Jews have done everything possible psychologically and politically to prevent this.And it is obviously working.
Europeans seem intent on committing racial suicide and welcoming their own dispossession and ultimately their destruction due to the impacts of mass immigration and every policy and ideology the Jews have concocted.Only a spiritual miracle will save the European peoples now.
If you look at the rise of multiculturalism in the United States a country once seen as dominated by Western Europeans, you have to notice the major changes after the arrival of Eastern european(?) Jews. The establishment of the so call federal reserve bank (a private bank ran by Jews) paved the way. Next our economy was crashed, followed by mass circumcision.Starting in 1940 90% of all U.S. male were mutated. Not one European country followed this Jewish craze. By 1960’s the first batch of Jew children promoted their immoral behavior and promoted the removal of all Christain symbols in the public square ( we have a star of David at ever state capitol hidden in Holocaust memorial, we did not do that.) No Christ in our schools. The school to prison pipe line was started at the same time. The Jew is over represented in our Government by appointment or vote (a whole page could be devoted to the methods and lies they used for this). Now the white non Jew american is all but gone and so are all the manufacturing jobs ( we keep being told we won’t do that sort of work). So yes Europe is on the Jewish chopping block. The only good white is a Jew.
R. Ahrens
….And they said THIS because its a little too obvious what they are up to, so saying what I would think is one of thier HONEST responses, it would sound something like this-
“We are doing it to distract from the Jewish question” is a lot safer for them to openly admit then the truth, which is “We are doing it because we are the ancient enemy of the Adamic race, and we knew if we could weaken thier faith enough and get them to turn from God by using scummy movies, followed by hard rock which would lead into rap music to promote drugs and sex, and if we got thier morality down low enough, we knew God would not protect them from the Jew. We knew we could start slow with the Hollywood smut, and slowly intensify it over generations to normalize sin and degeneracy. We knew we could grease the palms of everyone from preachers to politicians now that we control the federal reserve, Wal Street, and the Utility companies ect. and my creating a sort of supply and demand with money itself, the love of money would create enough traitors to pull it off. We knew by watching them closely that white people tend to have this thing called compassion and altruism, which Jew themselves do not…Thats why it took this long for such a success against the white race. And without God shielding and blessing thier nations, we could unleash hordes of vicious non white heathens to really stir the violent, chaotic pot. We could tell the heathen that they are ALSO British, or American, or Swedish so as to chip away at thier solidarity and identity. And when the blood was stirred and enough white blame and guilt was spread, we could sic these heathens on them to finish them off, as we are doing in South Africa….And all the while this goes on, we will trick as many who still believe that the Jew are Gods children of light, taking from them the most important thing they had, in thier connection to God. And thus avenge our forfather Esau for losing everything to Jacob that should have been rightfully ours”.
THAT is what they think, and what motivates them. I have collected enough in quotes, deeds, and observations to put this much together, as though this wasnt a real quote or anything, it IS based on an accurate representation of thier motivations from everything I have seen, heard, read, and learned about them.
And these snakes are right. We cant win this war without God. But if we turn our faces back to the LORD as a people, God promised us he WOULD heal our land, and forgive us.
If this doesnt happen, things are going to get very, very bad. I am an optimist by nature…Always trying to be positive and hopeful. But it is going to take a miracle from God to wake our people up to the point they stand together against this united Satanic horde that has been arrayed against us all.
We HAVE to feed the sheep, and wake the flock. Its sad that so many of our people think that if they side with the heathen hordes or the Jew, they will be exempt from the anti-white hate. They dont realize they are just as much on the to do list as the rest of us. We are going to lose many in what is coming, even many we love. I pray God hardens our hearts for those coming dark days.
2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, turn from wickedness and seek my face, I will hear from heaven, and I will heal your lands.
The Jewish plague and thier heathen hordes are that SICKNESS God will heal. We have NO CLUE when the end days will come. It could be in another 1000 or 500 years for all we know. We have to treat this as if that were the case, and make this into one nation, under God if we can. We cant sit around hoping things will just work out or pray for God to come any day. It could be tommorow or 100 years from now. Until then we MUST do all we can for our people, and for love of God.
God bless and protect you all!
Merkel father,priest successfully hided his Jewishness,migrants are the Merkel Jewish heritage, you the moron.
Its not all jews some even have tryed to stop them and warn people. many messianic jews notice that there are something wrong and even if they knows about bad ones plans feel that they can do nothing and maybe they can’t some have tried to tell but get ignored. More than 80% today so called jews are ascenazi (maybe Edomites). They’re not descendants of judah, levi or any other tribe of israel but maybe Dan. And I think catholic church, islam, freemasons, communist, kabbalist and many more.
I think they infiltrates every new organisation, political movement, secret society, police or any organization and start to change it from the inside direction they want and corrupt it. And i dont think many muslims/jewishs/chatolics/politics etc. Knows they plan if even part of it. I have one example: Before catholics get their antipope Francis (13.03.2013) and Pope Benedict retired for “healty reasons” and lives well even today. I think that the real reasons for this retirement relate to the Pope’s speech about Islam and the immigration crisis few month before that.
Only puppet master knows plan and gives only needed information needed to puppet.
There are many forms of government. Two in particular start with We the people transpiring into human rights. The other If you will harken unto my word… blessings by divine right? Which are you? Paul said all goverment was est by God? What even democracy? Religion and government is the play game of priestcraft. Wakie Wakie arise and walk. You must choose? democracy even Republicanism is not able to stand in the face of this theocratic destruction. Choose ye this day what system you will serve.
This is exactly what is happening in Europe…..people from the former Dutch colony in the Netherlands jumped on this hate white people bangwagon in the 1990’s with the help of the Black America race-huslters who love the socialist welfare states but hate white racism…..multiculturalism and getting paid to spew hatred like Zwarte Piet is racism is now the modus operandi……
I fled to New York were I got a first hand experience to understand how Jews exploit people to further their dictatorial agenda in western countries, but they have the audacity to call me racist, antisemite and nazi….because I challenge this crime against humanity.
Pim Fortuyn was labeled a racist, sexist, anti-immigrant rightwing extremist and Hitler and danger to MINORITIES because he challenged this claptrap…..on May 6, 2002 he was assassinated in name of the poor and disadvantaged MUSLIMS……
Irish Savant
‘far too many White people are now fully aware ….’
More accurate to say increasing numbers of Whites are aware but still nowhere near critical mass.
Or maybe i’m just fortunate to live among braindead conformist zombies…
They are cowardly people.
What compels them to have such caution & neuroticism?
It is like they fear the mere realisation would instantly & miraculously crush them and everything they’ve worked towards.
Maury Samuelson
Maurice Samuel, not Samuels
Christians For Truth
Duly noted. Thank you!
Massive accolades to you for writing this article! This needs to be acknowledged and even though many people know, more must know so that it can be discussed whether The West as it has been known should be preserved, or allowed to be drastically changed (ironically into something that abhors its creators). Without talk, no doubt some will be forced to action. With talk, perhaps change can come through politics.
James 1:1
Talk is exactly what’s needed, but certainly NOT through politics! The true message of Scripture needs to be redisseminated amongst our people, so we can finally see what is going on, and turn back to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Only through His knowledge and teaching can His children truly be free.
How can i subscribe?
CFT Team
We’ll try to get some kind of newsletter, but we’ve been denied service by a few different providers so far.
1 Thessalonians 2:14-15 (Douay Rheims Bible)
Mat 23:31 “Thus you testify against yourselves that you are sons of those who did murder the prophets –
32 and you fill up the measure of your fathers!
33 “Serpents, brood of adders! How would you escape the judgment of GěHinnom?
34 “Because of this, see, I send you prophets, and wise men, and scholars of Scripture. Some of them you shall kill and impale, and some of them you shall flog in your congregations and persecute from city to city,
35 so that on you should come all the righteous blood shed on the earth, from the blood of righteous Heḇel to the blood of Zeḵaryah, son of Bereḵyah, whom you murdered between the Dwelling Place and the slaughter-place.”
36 “Truly, I say to you, all this shall come upon this race (genea). ”
1Sa 22:18 And the sovereign said to Do’ěḡ, “You turn and come against the priests!” So Do’ěḡ the Eḏomite turned and came against the priests, and put to death on that day eighty-five men who wore a linen shoulder garment.
19 And he struck Noḇ, the city of the priests, with the edge of the sword, from men even to women, from children even to nursing infants, and oxen and donkeys and sheep, with the edge of the sword.
Lam 4:21 Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Eḏom, You who dwell in the land of Uz! The cup is to pass over to you too, So that you become drunk and make yourself naked.
Lam 4:22 Your crookedness has been completed, O daughter of Tsiyon. He no longer prolongs your exile. He shall punish your crookedness, O daughter of Eḏom, He shall uncover your sins!
Eze 36:2 Thus said the Master יהוה, “Because the enemy has said of you, ‘Aha! The heights of old have become our possession,’ ” ’
Eze 36:5 therefore thus said the Master יהוה, “Have I not spoken in My burning jealousy against the rest of the nations and against all Eḏom, who gave My land to themselves as a possession, with all joy of heart, with scorn in their being, to drive it out for a prey?” ’
Joh 8:33 They answered Him, “We are the seed of Aḇraham, and have been slaves to no one, at any time. How do you say, ‘You shall become free’?” (Edom wasn’t in bondage to Egyptians.)
Joh 8:41 “You do the works of your father.” Then they said to Him, “We were not born of fornication, we have one Father: Elohim.”
Joh 8:42 יהושע said to them, “If Elohim were your Father, you would love Me, for I came forth from Elohim, and am here. For I have not come of Myself, but He sent Me.
Joh 8:43 “Why do you not know what I say? Because you are unable to hear My Word.
Joh 8:44 “You are of your father the devil (slanderer), and the desires of your father you wish to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has not stood in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it.”
Mar 8:14 And they had forgotten to take bread, and they did not have more than one loaf with them in the boat.
Mar 8:15 And He was warning them, saying, “Mind! Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the leaven of Herodes.”
Mar 8:16 And they were reasoning with one another, saying, “Because we have no bread.”
Mar 8:17 And יהושע, being aware of it, said to them, “Why do you reason because you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive nor understand? Is your heart still hardened?”
Mar 8:18 “Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember?”
It is because (((they))) think they have the destruction of Germans and the rest of Western Civilization so well in hand that these simple admissions are becoming commonplace. Statements like these roll right off the backs of judeo-xtian flouride drinkers (not to mention agnostics, pagans, atheists, etc.) who either have no clue what was just said and don’t care, or believe that it is a hoax being perpetrated by a ‘vicious anti-semite’.
History repeats itself. It’s a modern-day, high-tech version of the Bolshevik Revolution, 100 years later, a half a world away we are experiencing. The cancer is reoccurring.