[CFT Note: Instead of offering our usual commentary, we have embedded multiple, highlighted links to other CFT articles that comment on or contradict what the following article attempts to “debunk”. Let us know what you think of this format.]
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Combating so-called “antisemitism” is an “exhausting”, futile, never-ending fool’s errand — much akin to the Whac-A-Mole children’s game — and Jews now concede that the more they attempt to stop “hate” — the more “antisemitism” they create:
A few days after the comedian Dave Chappelle appeared to justify the never-ending appeal of Jewish conspiracy theories, this sentence appeared in the New York Times: “Bankman-Fried is already drawing comparisons to Bernie Madoff.”
I’ll explain: Sam Bankman-Fried is the 30-year-old founder of FTX, the crypto-currency exchange that vaporized overnight, leaving more than 1 million creditors on the hook. Bernie Madoff, is, of course, Bernie Madoff, the financier who defrauded thousands of investors through a multibillion-dollar Ponzi scheme and died in prison.
It’s a fair comparison, as a former regulator tells CNN: “Bankman-Fried, like Madoff, proved adept at using his pedigree and connections to seduce sophisticated investors and regulators into missing ‘red flags,’ hiding in plain sight.”
Nevertheless, seeing these Jewish figures lumped together, I braced myself for the inevitable: Nasty tweets about Jews and money. Slander from white supremacists. Plausibly deniable chin-scratching from more “mainstream” commentators.
What comes next is a familiar script: Jewish defense groups issue statements saying conspiracy theories traffic in centuries-old antisemitic tropes and pose a danger to the Jews. Jewish news outlets like ours post “explainers” describing how these myths take hold.
It’s exhausting, having to deny the obvious: that a group of people who don’t even agree on what kind of starch to eat on Passover regularly scheme to bilk innocents, manipulate markets or control the world. And it often seems the very attempt to explain these lies and their popularity ends up feeding the beast…
…This week I worked with a colleague on an article about how the “Jews control Hollywood” myth took hold, and at each step of the way I wondered if we were stoking the fire we were trying to put out. No, Jews don’t control Hollywood, we reported, but “nearly every major movie studio was founded in the early 20th century” by a Jew. Those moguls rarely used the movies as a platform to defend Jewish interests, but per Steven Spielberg, “Being Jewish in Hollywood is like wanting to be in the popular circle.”
A documentary shown Thursday night at the DOC NYC festival here in New York teeters on the edge of the same trap. “The Conspiracy,” directed by the Russian-American filmmaker Maxim Pozdorovkin and narrated by Mayim Bialik, uses 3-D animation to explain how conspiracists ranging from a 19th-century French priest to American industrialist Henry Ford placed three Jews — German financier Max Warburg, Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky and falsely accused French soldier Alfred Dreyfus — at the center of a vast, contradictory and preposterous scheme to take over the world. It connects age-old Christian animosity to the Jews to centuries of antisemitic paranoia and fear-mongering that led to unspeakable violence at Kishinev, Auschwitz and Pittsburgh. “This myth has plagued the world for centuries,” Pozdorovkin explains.
Or at least that’s the message you and I might have gotten. But I can also see someone stumbling on this film and being seduced by the rage and cynicism of the conspiracy-mongers — who, I should note, are quoted at length.
Part of the problem is the film’s aesthetic: a consistently dark palette and a “camera” that lingers on ugly examples of antisemitic propaganda. Even though these images are seen on a creepy “conspiracy wall” and connected with that red thread familiar from cop shows and horror films, I can well imagine an uninformed viewer asking why members of this tiny minority seem to be at the center of so many major events of the 19th and 20th centuries.
I was reminded of a joke by the Jewish comedian Modi, ridiculing the ritual of inviting celebrities accused of antisemitism to visit a Holocaust museum. “Which is the stupidest idea, ever,” he says. “You’re taking someone who hates Jews into a Holocaust museum. They come out of there [saying] ‘Wow! Oh my God, that was amazing! I want a T-shirt!’”
The poet and essayist Clint Smith, whose cover story in next month’s Atlantic explores the meanings of Holocaust museums in Germany, makes a similar point. After visiting the museum in Wannsee documenting the infamous meeting in which the Nazis plotted the Final Solution, he wonders: “Might someone come to a museum like this and be inspired by what they saw?”
The makers of “The Conspiracy” (oy, that title) obviously intend the very opposite. In an interview with The Forward, Pozdorovkin agrees with the interviewer’s suggestion that those “who most need to see this film might be the least likely to be convinced by it…”
…The fault lies not with those who seek to expose antisemitism but with a society that relies on the victims to explain why they shouldn’t be victimized. As many have pointed out, antisemitism isn’t a Jewish problem; it’s a problem for the individuals and societies who pin their unhappiness and neuroses on a convenient scapegoat. Ultra-nationalism and intolerance are the soil in which conspiracies take root.
But as long as scapegoating remains popular and deadly, the victims have to keep explaining and explaining the obvious — that, for instance, the fact that Sam Bankman-Fried and Bernie Madoff are Jewish is no more significant than the fact that Henry Ford and Elon Musk, two people who founded car companies, are gentiles.
The question is, who is listening?
Jews and Homosexual Brainwashing.
https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/jews-and-homosexual-brainwashing_zzV3ZdqvAoJFZC3.html or
Paul Kurt
Einsamer Reisender has discovered the tares ( Unkraut) sown amongst the grain. Jew itself is Unkraut. Opposition is anti-semite. Divide et impere is to destroy mutual trust. Everyone becomes a liar. The sleeping jews are “lying”. jews do not sleep .
Einsamer Reisender, I have tried to speak with ‘Germans’, whom, I contemptuously call “Bunteslaender”. They will not speak if one ,die ihnen zugefuegte Grenze antastet. Is the true German in prison ? Or happy in thier cage ?
The great adversary seems everywhere. To distrust is good but the need to communicate is am wichtigsten, the most important . Risk is ours.
Jews lie . Every word is a defiance of Truth. Their enemy is the Truth. One must not be silent . Jews are intoxicated with projecting lies . We share the narcosis observing them . The great Rausch! One word , Unterscheidungsvermoegen gives ,the divine ability to discriminate the truth.
vincit omnia veritas.
halo effect
The average Jew thinks that because they argue and disagree about so many things among themselves that they couldn’t possibly agree enough about certain things to form any sort of “conspiracy” or common goal that benefits them on a large scale.
They are in complete denial that they do this because it would force them to accept any responsibility when Jews use their collective power to do things that draw any negative scrutiny upon them.
Jewish “comedian” Jerry Lewis once pointed out that at a party of 100 people, the two Jews in the room would quickly find each other, and by the end of the party, they would agree to start a new non-profit organization. Truth in jest.
I am a newbie to British historian David Irving and in one of the old videos of him asking this question to the Jews,
“Why don’t you people look yourselves in the mirror and ask yourselves why you are so despised after 3000 years!”
Good question in my view.
Johnny Rottenborough
Steven—Ron Unz on David Irving:
I have bookmark that page for further use.
Thank you.
Please switch back to the old format; it’s better.
Christians For Truth
Thanks to everyone for your feedback on this experimental format. Judging from your comments, we will continue with the old format by including our commentary after the article cited, but we will also include hyper-links within the cited article to refer you to other CFT articles in our archives, which many of you have said are new to you.
We have over 2,000 CFT articles in our archives going back 5 years, and we would like to find a way of getting our readers to be able to read many of them in a logical, relevant fashion. If you have any ideas how we might accomplish that — through formatting, indexing, links, etc. — please let us know. Thanks again!
Johnny Rottenborough
Indexing could be the solution. The blog written by Peter Hitchens, the British journalist, has an index which runs parallel with the posts and comments. Click HERE and scroll down to ‘INDEX – SEE WHAT’S ALREADY BEEN SAID’.
If you name the Ziojews criminal acts whether white, black, brown, asian and are NOT for cart blanche expulsion – that being is on the right side.
As a Japanese man recently said in a video (no idea if video was real or not). It’s the principle of the content.
Any man or woman of any race can be a “Samurai” and subjugate the jewish demons “tengu”.
The zio jews need removed from ALL positions of authority, media, child influencing. They need to stop being busybodies in others affairs. The world is not out “to kill them” – they are by their arrogance (EGO) out to kill themselves. According to the “bible” insurrection” was the original crime
Yes, anyone from any race can oppose the Jews, but the Jews have one primary target, and that is white nations, and white nations only.
We cannot expect or rely on non-whites to protect us from the Jewish onslaught.
When push comes to shove, non-whites will act in their own self-interest, and sometimes that self-interest will coincide with ours, but not often, and not predictably.
The expulsion of the Jews is impossible at this point, as one prominent white nationalist described them, “a firmly entrenched social irritant.”
The good news is that they have Israel to flee to if the heat gets too hot in the kitchen for them, and the more they are exposed, the more of them will make “aliyah” to safety in Israel. That is what’s been happening in France.
I’m not sure that is a recent video, but it has gotten a recent revival.
The idea that all honorable and free thinking men of action can be samurai, and Jews Fear the Samurai, is a fun one.
In the video, he states that even (non-white) Africa could conceivably have a samurai equivalent. I scoffed at that, and I still do, but a little less so now that Kanye West has reminded me that there have been blacks fighting the jews for decades.
It’s too bad that rampant awareness of JQ didn’t result from Jews getting (many) whites to love black culcha, but when Seinfeld had episodes literally explaining ZOG + that “anti-semetism” is a Jewish racket, and was ignored by the white masses, there was no hope that Ice Cube or Michael Jackson could wake them up.
Einsamer Reisender
I am of the opposite idea of what you depict here.
I think jews are playing us all honestly, I am German and I have been into some various anti-zionist political parties and groups since the early 70s and since my time nothing has changed except maybe the demographics and the music taste, it’s literally all controlled opposition working for them, the media doensn’t stop on TV or journals, it continues on the internet and on all those “alt-right” websites.
When I was 27, I said “F*ck it” and left everything to focus on having a normal life and I am very happy about having made that decision, regardless I checked on the available sources, first on magazines and later on internet, how the political discourse evolved and, I can safely say, it all just got worse especially the so called “Opposition” in Germany and basically every other country.
Just in this year I found out that Carolyn Yeager was married to a jewish man and the dude who exposed her turned to be a part-amerindian dude who worked for the FBI, that Sinead from the renegade tribune worked for the FBI too and is married to a black man, and William Finck of Christogenea.org is of jewish descent and so on….
The jews are clearly winning the information war without any resistance, I wouldn’t be surprised if you turned out to be controlled opposition too, honestly there is nothing that you do or say that hasn’t been already said or done by others and writing articles online isn’t gonna lead anywhere concretely.
John Cribbs
Sounds like you’re repeating a lot of rumors and hearsay, probably put out by Jews to discredit any opposition to them. You are the victim of Jewish demoralization. Almost all Germans are. They want you to give up and think any opposition is “controlled” or pointless. Congratulations on falling for their brainwashing. Well done.
Einsamer Reisender
“Sounds like you’re repeating a lot of rumors and hearsay, probably put out by Jews to discredit any opposition to them.”
All these links can be summarized in “jews jewing other jews”.
They are all controlled but I am not, my family is not, my friends are not and my God is not, those are the things that matter.
I am not a “victim of Jewish demoralization” , I have been into this since the early 70s and the script is alwasy the same.
Some of my ex-friends weren’t as lucky as me, they kept hanging on to those clearly controlled groups and ended up jailed for very long terms.
John Cribbs
Providing links to internet rumors doesn’t make them true. Are you aware that Sinead has addressed these rumors? She has, but you haven’t bothered to listen to her side of it, have you?
You link to “zogbots.org”? Are you aware that website is run by William Finck? Are you aware that he uses that website to slander anyone who dares disagree with him? His favorite slander is calling anyone who disagrees with him a Jew. What a joke.
As far as Carolyn Yeager is concerned, do you not allow people to repent of their mistakes earlier in life and learn from them? Or must they be perfect from the womb? Many former liberals have an awakening and realize their mistakes. Cut people some slack, as you yourself would not be judged based on your worst mistakes. Yeager has done a lot of great work, which speaks for itself. Not perfect, but better than most.
Next you’re going to tell us that Adolf Hitler was “controlled opposition”?
Every single website is accused of being controlled opposition or “the Feds” the second they say anything that someone doesn’t like or disagree with. It comes with the territory. And there is a lot of in-fighting and back biting among “truth tellers”. No way around it.
Well their heavy anti-Christian rethoric kinda gave it away a long time ago for me.
“You will know them by their fruits” type of situation.
Also if someone has a weird face and/or facial expressions like the individuals in those links I am immediately turned away by them.
Reisender …..
Slow down.
Are you a “Christian” by the way? Our Peoples, who are not saved and are not guided by the Holy Spirit can make ALOT of mistakes. Alot. I was one of them.
Carolyn Yeager may have married a jew, but that doesn’t discount the work that she has done to expose the lies of ww2 and the holyfraud. Maybe pray for her, rather than judge her as some kind of paid agent.
Kyle and Sinead …………. same deal.
But you do have some giant Cojones calling out the very people whom you chose to comment on their platform. I’ll give you that! Pretty low blow in my opinion.
Curious ………….. how did you find CFT? Was this your first experience with CFT?
If you are not a Follower of Jesus Christ, I would encourage you to come back and read more material.
Johnny Rottenborough
Einsamer Reisender—writing articles online isn’t gonna lead anywhere concretely
It was through reading online articles that I became ‘Jew aware’ and finally understood why white Christian nations were being destroyed, probably the most important discovery I have made in my life, and one which I have passed on to others. CFT’s work is invaluable.
Hear, Hear…
Totally agree, woke up the same way, CFT is excellent, passing it on to others when I can.
A. Clifton
in the famous words of the Messiah for all Israel…..
He answered and said unto them,
He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;
The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom;
but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil;
the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.
As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.
The Son of man shall send forth his angels,
and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;
And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.
Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
No Dallas Cowboys the the Alamo
A. Clifton….
No Dallas Cowboys the the Alamo…”
What does this mean???
Anyone else having a hard time? “no dallas cowboys at the alamo” Huh?
west….he’s written the same thing many times before. I have no idea what he’s talking about. Sounds like he’s having an obscure conversation with himself….I wish he would clarify, but I guess he likes to keep people guessing….
Thanks, truly. I thought I was going crazy or something — not being able to figure out what the heck is trying to say.
I appreciate it. Cheers.
A. Clifton
It’s very simple.
Chronology…..read the Old Testament and look for a…
{{{{PROSELYTE}}}} to Talmudic Judaism.
or read IN SEARCH OF ISAACS Children
then THINK.
I believe it is an analogy, he is saying that believing the Old Testament was written about Jews is as absurd as thinking that the Dallas Cowboys football team fought at the Alamo.
Thank you RB.
If what you say is true —- why is Clifton bothering to tell us all that which we already know???
He seems to be disgreeing with us — at least this is my take. His comments “imply” that we have something wrong in our analysis.
I have said this before, but I always get a kick out of some new commenter whose first comment is to remind us all that Whites are the Israelites of the Scriptures. Uhhh………. duh. The entire website is devoted to this ONE point.
I think so many come here and don’t even read the articles, but just make comments based on other comments.
Anyway …………. thanks for weighing in RB.
I wish Clifton would just make his point.
I’m reading the article he cited but it’s like a novel. So …… still trying to figure out what his over-all point is.
No Jews in the OT. Ok ………….. but now I need his understanding/definition of “a jew”.
Which is what we are trying to figure out — Where did they come from? When did they start? Etc., etc.
Cheers, RB
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
i do value your input and commentary cft , i saw this on facebook
Her real name is Rebbekah Dorothea Kasner. This Jew is the head of the largest economy of Europe and the most dictator communist regimes in the world, where just questioning the Holo-hoax can lead you to 5 years prison, or opposing Multiculturalism or the Islamic future of Germany, even on Facebook, can get you fined for “hate speech”, or fired from your Job
This Jew is the head of the CDU Christian Democratic Union party, she pretends to be German and Christian while she is Polish and Jew and was member of the communist party who fought the German people
She was introduced to politics by her antecedent Chancellor of Germany Helmut Kohl, who was also Jew, his real name was Hennoch Kohn who also has been the leader of Christian Democratic Union party CDU and was pretending to be Christian and German while he was Austrian Jew and prominent member of the great Masonic lodge “B’nai B’rith” that was made of only Jewish members
The Jew Angela Merkel is the biggest enemy of the German people and the most dangerous Jew in Europe. She gave gift to the terrorist state of Israel several German-made submarines that can be equipped by nuclear weapons, and they are considered the most advanced in the World that even Germany doesn’t have equivalent to them
This Jew defends all Jewish interests in Europe and Worldwide. She is a prominent leader for the Islamization in Europe which is the Jewish plan for the great coming European civil war. She robs the German people, impoverish them by imposing the highest taxation rate in Europe while she gives very generous welfare to millions of invaders and useless immigrants who will just in 2045 become majority in Germany. She promotes all Jewish filth such as Homosexual rights, abortion rights and feminist rights to reduce the birth rate of the native Germans
She is the biggest defender of the EU union that was created by the Jews to destroy the European people and impoverish them. She received the “Kalergi Medal” that is given to European leaders who play a big role in race-mixing the White people of Europe with all non-Whites races that the Jews bring by massive immigration
She supported Ukraine coup made by the Jew George Soros; and removed by force with her American clowns the democratically elected pro-Russia Ukrainian Government and she placed a Jewish terrorist president (Poroschenko) in Ukraine.
She wants to start WW3 with Russia so the Jews can destroy Western Civilization and rule the planet over the remaining slaves of the southern hemisphere. The first country to be nuked by Russia will be Germany where the Jews implemented their largest American bases in Europe
This Jew is the most Satanic woman in the world, but the Jews put her on “Time magazine” as a “leader of the free world”
Read more at:
the article is not in english http://decamentelibera.blogspot.com/2016/07/angela-merkel-ovvero-rebbekah-dorothea.html?m=1&fbclid=IwAR2OaB-KU929qRqTn0jIV8ivdfSCh-Vywjs_jj–zI6Kxh1I3tgNVkSPE4I
Johnny Rottenborough
The new format may be confusing for first-time visitors unless it’s always preceded by an explanation. One source of confusion could be instances where hyperlinks in the original article are replaced by your own links tied to the same words.
For clarity, the original article could be reproduced (a) with its own links or (b) without any links, but both those options would, of course, necessitate providing your own commentary, as before.
America/Europe are Israel
I like the new format. It allows me to open up new windows to the links using them as references. Toggling back and forth is not an issue.
Like the negroes, the Jews are their own worst enemies. The negro is too slow to recognize this. The Jew knows this, but could care less. Like their father Satan, they tire not in aggravating the goyim. I truly believe they enjoy doing so despite the title of the article
Al Liguori
I prefer the old format. Your commentary is serious immediate value added.
I enjoy the links, and applaud CFT’s encyclopedic knowledge of all of its articles that it put to great use in linking all of these past articles, many of which I hadn’t seen before.
Though I prefer the old format as well, the CFT commentary was top-notch.
Their own words always condemn them. They are so tone deaf to their own hypocrisy, which is transparent to all non-Jews.
We hate hypocrisy while Jews embrace it and even flaunt it.
The format is full of good news bad news for jews that’s welcome facts and the truth always works.
I prefer the other format.
Thanks for all the years of work!
Lief Fenno
Exhausted? They have no souls, no purpose other than to subvert and do the will of Satan. There is literally nothing else for a jew to do as nothing can make them happy anyways. May as well get busy with the internet kikery.