As the Poles celebrated the 100th anniversary of their national independence, the jewish press used the opportunity to smear them as dangerous “White supremacists” and antisemites:
Tens of thousands of nationalists marched in a demonstration organized by far-right groups in Warsaw Saturday, as Poles celebrated their country’s Independence Day.
The far-right march was one of many events marking Poland’s rebirth as a nation in 1918 after being wiped off the map for 123 years. Earlier in the day, President Andrzej Duda presided over state ceremonies also attended by European Union president Donald Tusk, a former Polish prime minister.
Some participants expressed sympathy for xenophobic or white supremacist ideas, with one banner reading, “White Europe of brotherly nations.”
National Radical Camp activists – an anti-Semitic group founded before World War II on extreme nationalist values, who regularly hold events to celebrate a 1936 pogrom against the Jews – marched under the slogan “We Want God”, words from an old Polish religious song that the U.S. president, Donald Trump, quoted during a visit to Warsaw earlier this year.
Speakers spoke of standing against liberals and defending Christian values.
Many carried the national white-and-red flag as others set off flares and firecrackers, filling the air with red smoke. Some also carried banners depicting a falanga, a far-right symbol dating to the 1930s.
Police estimated that 60,000 people took part, and said there were no reports of violence. Many were young men, some with their faces covered or with beer bottles in hand, but families and older Poles also participated.
While Poland peacefully celebrated its nationalism, France’s spineless jewish puppet Macron viciously attacked all nationalism as a form of “treason”, and it is, of course, “treason” to the jewish world order that has France in a death grip. Nationalism is treason to the death cult of multiculturalism and international communism which masquerades as “globalism”. Nationalism is treason against the homosexual agenda that makes a mockery of traditional families and Christian values which are the foundation upon which Europe was built. The Poles have proven that treason against the jewish agenda is necessary if any White nation wishes to survive.
And this is why the Poles cannot be allowed to celebrate their own country, their own history, their own shared values that go back over one thousand years. That is “dangerous” and will lead to “another Holocaust” if not challenged at every step. It’s simply not possible that 200,000 White nationalists can peacefully get together for a celebration and no Jews were harassed or put in gas chambers. Or at least that’s the impression that everyone should have when Jews control the message.
Guess he meant the UK and Europe too….
“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.”
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002.
Flight of the oligarchs: Hundreds more millionaire Russians could leave Britain in wake of visa chaos as ex-minister calls Government’s handling of Abramovich ‘hamfisted and clumsy’
Roman Abramovich gives record $5 million to combat anti-Semitism.
Uri Geller leaves Sonning for Israel after 45 years away.
The jews have always hated Christians and Christianity. The very early Christain texts had often used an x to stand for Christianity. That hatred for Jesus Christ is what led to the jews often being called Kikes (especially at earlier times) is about. The jews brought about that word which describe their hatred of Christianity all by themselves and rejoiced in it.
The jews entering the USA refused to sign their entry forms at Ellis Island with the x’s, which were customarily used by those White immigrants who of course weren’t jews, but who didn’t know how to read or write English. The jew “immigrants” interpreted the x as standing for being a crucifix, even if they did read and write English.
The jews would draw a circle instead of with an x, which lead the immigration inspectors at Ellis to call the jews “kikel” – which meant circle in Yiddish, or kikeleh, a little circle, and these were shortened to kike. – This was recited and acknowledged in an older book about “Yiddish”, by a jew author named Leo Rosten. The jews had at that time referred to themselves as kikes because in their perverted minds the exclusivity of it set the jews apart from everyone else, and the jews carried the title of kike with a sense of pride.
The jews know this and have fun with it as they pen their trash talk, panning it off onto the public who reads their trash as being “avant garde” and “sophisticated”. The gullible buy it.
“WHAT IS AN AUTHOR DOING when she calls her Holocaust-survivor husband “a kike” in print? What is this same author doing when she names a book chapter about a painter who engaged themes of the Nazi extermination attempt on the Jews, “Kike Art”? And what is this author doing when she writes, “I didn’t really know I was a kike ’til I was 21”?
The author in question is Chris Kraus, and the three k-word quotations are among many that appear in I Love Dick, the 1997 cult classic on the verge of mainstream recognition with a television adaptation …”.
“Israeli TV mocks Jesus Christ as a monkey nailed to a cross”
Michael Mazur
Israelis are nationalist too, throwing out the Palestinians and Africans, sending the Africans to the EU and to Australia.
Israelis are fake nationalists, and Israel is a fake nation. No other nation in history has been at war since the very first day that it was founded. It was illegitimate from the beginning and continues to be illegitimate every single day that it exists. And ultimately it will be destroyed by its own internal contradictions. Call Israel whatever you want–just don’t call it a nation.
Grand Inquisitor Silencius
K@#$s deserve a real holocaust down to the last frozen embryo! Heil our heroes [edited – this blog cannot allow comments promoting violence.]
EVERY time.
What does the 3rd world having more “babies” mean for your own country?
“Ethnic fouling means flooding a country with foreign undesirables; the reverse of Ethnic Cleansing. The latter is a euphemism for driving a people out of a land by murder, by threats, by harassment. That is what Jews are doing in Israel. They also work against Christendom, to destroy us using Third World Immigrants & Chain Migration to over run England, to outbreed us, by living on the dole with nothing better to do. It is Cultural Genocide, it is real Genocide & a Culture War being waged by an Invisible Enemy – when was the last time that the BBC told you that Jews are political manipulators? Jews in England are not the only perpetrators. They use Lenin’s Useful Idiots, people brainwashed by the Education industry and the Main Stream Media.
You doubt it? Think it’s a Conspiracy Theory? Look at Jews Want Third World Immigration, see the evidence and know.
It is happening in:- [See the site for the links to these].
Ethnic Fouling In England
Ethnic Fouling In America
Ethnic Fouling In Canada
Ethnic Fouling In France
Ethnic Fouling In Holland
Ethnic Fouling In Ireland
and the rest of Western Civilization. By way of contrast those same Zionist crazies use Ethnic Cleansing as a precursor to Genocide in Israel.”
“Jews Admit That They Are Flooding America With Non-Whites”
“Now they’re just admitting that they are flooding America with these third world savages and claiming that we are anti-Semitic for noticing it. It’s quite the narrative shift.
A recent article in The Atlantic written by the Jew Peter Beinart is one example of this. The subtitle of his article describes how Jews have supported immigration because Jews have historically identified with outsiders.”
Frank Vincent
Time to start firing up those ovens,these jew scum are just asking for it, degenerate vermin!
True Christianity IS White Nationalism in it’s truest form, and that is the lesson our people must learn. Every white person who espouses any opinions contrary to the current leftist/commie/liberal (and therefore 100% jewish) narrative is immediately a racist, anti-semitic nazi-who-wants-to-gas-six-million-jews…and that immediately points fingers at every white Christian, even if they are completely snowed by nominal Judaeo Churchianity that has them worshipping that litterbox in the Mideast, Israelie.
If it lead to another Holocaust, so be it.
I didnt think that I would have to become a Nazi to protect my people, but I was wrong.
Hitler was right, and did nothing wrong.
cosMIC jester
Vile SJW schl0m0 bolshevik vermin desperately want to do another Holodomor in the west & murder millions more whites. It’s started to be quite apparent that the Führer knew exactly what to do w/ these commies.
Wow, the jewish hatred of Christianity, which they seem to be equating with nationalism and white identity, really bleeds through that excerpt from Haaretz.
Their disdain for normal white Christians is very clear, thereby revealing themselves to be anti-Christian, or antichrists. Their own words give them away.