Just as Jews announce that they cannot decide what the definition of antisemitism actually is, they turn around and blame President Trump, whom they’ve hailed as the most pro-jewish President in American history, as responsible for the rise of ‘antisemitism’ in this country:
The majority of Jews in the United States say they feel less secure than they were two years ago, and they blame President Trump for the way he has handled anti-Semitism, according to a new survey.
The poll, conducted by Greenberg Research, shows 71 percent of Jewish Americans disapprove of Trump and 29 percent approved, matching with polling since Trump’s election.
Nearly 60 percent of respondents said Trump bears at least some responsibility for last year’s shooting at Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and last month’s shooting at a synagogue near San Diego, California.
Experts say Trump is trying to help his 2020 election campaign by prolonging and weaponizing the debate over Israel and anti-Semitism among the Democratic Party, which has historically enjoyed more support among US Jews.
US political analysts say that the Trump administration hopes support for Israel will attract Jewish and Christian Zionist voters.
US evangelical and Zionist Christians are a loyal voter base for Republicans who believe the gathering of Jews in Israel is a prerequisite for the return of Jesus.
The new poll comes as anti-Semitic assaults in the United States more than doubled in 2018 and overall incidents against American Jews remain near all-time highs, according to a report released earlier in May…
The ADL said that nearly all incidents of anti-Semitism, terrorism, and extremism in 2018 across the US were committed by individuals linked to right wing, anti-government or white supremacist groups.
As Harry Truman found out, it’s impossible to please the Jews. No matter how far you bend over for them, they’ll still shrug their shoulders and say, “Meh, I’ve seen better.” And this is part of their collective strategy: to never express satisfaction with anything or anyone. Being permanently dissatisfied is a form of their social control. If the ‘goyim’ perceive that the Jews are not satisfied, they will make even more concessions just to shut them up and stop the non-stop whining and kvetching. But that strategy has never worked and never will, as President Trump will soon find out in his second term.
In reality, the Jews are probably right about Trump: to a certain degree, he is partly responsible for the alleged “rise” in antisemitism in America, but not because he hates Jews but rather because he loves them and does too much for them, and the rest of the country knows this and they resent it. Under Trump, America has become more judaized, and when that happens, there will always be blowback. A large part of America’s White Christians resent being judaized against their values and beliefs, and Jews should understand that, but they refuse because that would force them to acknowledge their own role in the creation of the antisemitism they love to complain about.
Yes, if you want to create more antisemitism, just become more pro-jewish and favor the Jews, exactly as Trump is doing. Makes perfect sense.
“The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” (#10) describes Donald Trump perfectly:
“In order that our scheme may produce this result we shall arrange elections in favour of such presidents as have in their past some dark, undiscovered stain, some “Panama” or other—then they will be trustworthy agents for the accomplishment of our plans out of fear of revelations and from the natural desire of everyone who has attained power, namely, the retention of the privileges, advantages and honour connected with the office of president.
The chamber of deputies will provide cover for, will protect, will elect presidents, but we shall take from it the right to propose new, or make changes in existing laws, for this right will be given by us to the responsible president, a puppet in our hands. Naturally, the authority of the presidents will then become a target for every possible form of attack, but we shall provide him with a means of self-defence in the right of an appeal to the people, for the decision of the people over the heads of their representatives, that is to say, an appeal to that same blind slave of ours—the majority of the mob.
Independently of this we shall invest the president with the right of declaring a state of war. We shall justify this last right on the ground that the president as chief of the whole army of the country must have it at his disposal, in case of need for the defence of the new republican constitution, the right to defend which will belong to him as the responsible representative of this constitution.”
Makes me wonder what may have gone on in those “meetings” between a young Donald Trump and his gay mentor, Roy Cohn.
Trump’s arrogance about how he thinks he knows how to “deal with the Jews” could end up being his achille’s heel. After all, he’s been doing business with them for 50 years, and he married off all his children to the Jews as an obvious gesture of “goodwill” to them, but if he thinks they will ever truly trust him or accept him, he’s very foolish and naive.
No doubt they have “the goods” on him, which is why they allowed him to be President in the first place, so they can keep him in line, but despite all that there are some very powerful Jews who hate him and will not leave him alone until they run him out of office one way or another. If “conservatives” were frustrated with him during his first term, they’ll be jumping out of windows during his second.
Great comment, nothing more needs to be said
I think they recruited him to preempt any possibility of a Republican or third party candidate that they couldn’t control. He was probably not even meant to win. In the mean time, the MAGAtards spin their wheels waiting for him to act on his campaign promises to them, even to the point of making excuses for why he hasn’t. All the while the clock runs out.
He might not even run for re-election if they don’t think he’s needed. All the Dem candidates that are serious contenders are all pro-Israel. If Trump drops out of the Republican race late enough, it will preclude any serious Republican contender and Zionist Pence is the Republican nominee. If any third party or independent threat emerges, a controlled lackey can be put in the race as a diversion.
Perhaps, but Sheldon Adelson wants his war with Iran before his cancer kills him, and I seriously doubt the warhawks would trust any of the spineless democrats to lead the country into a high-risk, bloody war with Iran. Americans have more confidence in Republicans to wage wars, or at least start big ones, which is why I think Trump will be a shoe in.
We may also see another significant move with Israel in biting off a big chunk of the West Bank, and given that there are so many pro-Palestinian liberals among the Democrats, this could be an issue with a Democrat President selling this to the voters.
On top of that, there’s also the issue with the Temple Mount, and when Israel is going to go all in with a false flag to destroy the Al Aqsa mosque so they can build their phony “third” temple. We may see another big event like that, or the war with Iran, under a second-term Trump, and then we’ll get another commie-liberal president after that to continue once the dust settles. Either way, get out your popcorn.
Imagine a “President” Pete Buttigieg, that soft little faggot, meeting Bibi Netanyahu and telling him anything. That’s even more absurd than Obama, whom Bibi clearly despised. Bibi would make Buttigeig crap his pants if he ever said one word that displeased him. No way do I see the Jews going along with that scenario any time soon.
I’m so very dissapointed in myself that in my desperation for change I wholeheartedly supported Trump. So naive.