Prominent jewish conservatives — whatever that means — have rebuked right-wing pundit Michelle Malkin, who spoke at an event last week hosted by anti-Semitic and alt-right figures, where she dared to question the definition of ‘antisemitism’:
The America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC) in Washington, D.C., on Feb. 28 featured anti-Semite and Holocaust-denier Nicholas Fuentes; Scott Greer, a former editor at The Daily Caller who wrote for the alt-right Radix Journal, founded by white-supremacist Richard Spencer; and Patrick Casey, executive director of the white-nationalist group Identity Evropa.
At AFPAC, Malkin said:
Already right out of the gate, before I even knew who Nick Fuentes was, before I knew who Groypers were, I was being tarred as an anti-Semite. It’s become a useless, meaningless term and everybody knows it. And that’s why they’re so desperate to tar all of us as that.
It’s anti-Semitic to mention George Soros’s billions. It’s anti-Semitic to criticize the Anti-Defamation League. It’s anti-Semitic to question whatever the precise number is of people who perished in World War II. It is anti-Semitic for me, being married to a 100% Ashkenazi Jew, to question dual loyalties of people who are working here as agents of a foreign country.
Oh, and it is an unacceptably anti-Semitic to point out the rank hypocrisy of people who are fiercely protective of an ethno-state and an immigration enforcement system that works–who turn around and call those of us who believe, whatever our backgrounds are, who only have one homeland that they’ve ever known, to call us– what is it now?–“white majoritarianism” I believe is the term.” That’s me. Thank you.
Malkin has praised Fuentes as “one of the New Right leaders.”
Fuentes has a history of both anti-Semitic remarks and similar social-media posts.
YAF cut ties in November with Malkin as a member of the organization’s campus lecture program.
(((Conservatives))) on Twitter slammed Malkin for her AFPAC remarks.
“I’ve been reading Malkin for probably a decade, and I once admired her. This is disgusting,” tweeted National Review and New York Post writer (((David Harsanyi))). “I said a decade, but it’s probably more like two now that I think about it.”
(((David French))), senior editor of The Dispatch, replied to Harsanyi: “Agreed. Pathetic.”
“Michelle Malkin claims ‘questioning the numbers of the Holocaust’ isn’t antisemitic and neither is questioning the ‘dual loyaltie’ of ‘foreign agents,’” tweeted pro-Israel philanthropist and activist (((Adam Milstein))). “You read that right … ”
“The fall of Michelle Malkin should be leading the conservative movement to ask some uncomfortable questions of itself about how mainstream her views were … Has she changed? If not, what does that say about us?” tweeted conservative writer (((Bethany Mandel))), who linked her article about Malkin in Ricochet.
A ‘jewish conservative’ is a contradiction in terms, an oxymoron, as their knee-jerk, unquestioning support for Israel and the endless wars in the Middle East will ultimately destroy America, not ‘conserve’ it.
Jews on the political Right, even the extreme Right, serve as ‘gatekeepers’ to make sure that the largely non-jewish White electorate do not discuss the hidden jewish hand in the false Left-Right political paradigm.
So-called ‘antisemitism’ is anything the Jews say it is. Only an ‘antisemite’, by definition, would question the jewish definition of ‘antisemitism’. The logic is circular, but to notice that is also ‘antisemitic’.
But the identity politics that Jews love to push is now turning against them — that is, Michelle Malkin is Asian and married to a Jew, which makes it very difficult for any of these attacks on her to stick.
If Jews were as smart as they think they are, they’d let this matter drop down the memory hole, but they have never been known to ‘let well enough alone’, as Harry Truman discovered the hard way.
Well, someone here is linking Conservatives to Whites. Michelle Malkin is not White, but she certainly is conservative. It isn’t her skin color, it is her actions and words that define her as a conservative for me. When you link White people to conservatives, aren’t you playing the grouping-by-race card again? Conservatives are defined by their beliefs, not their skin color. Can a Jew be conservative? Yes they can. Can a Jew be a Conservative? Not by definition because being Jewish means being a communist, while being a Conservative means being an anti-communist.
Excellent comment, Karen, but the collapse of the financial system is not the end of it. Yes, to the (((financial system))) as we know it will hafta go. Usury – which the entire economy is slave to – is forbidden in the Bible. Of course, seems to me a government outlawed usury in 1933 once over in Europe…
No, there must be a change in the hearts of the population. Until we, as a group, repent, return to God and are baptised into the death burial and resurrection of Jesus FOR the remission of our sins, we are stuck. Remember IIChronicles 7:14… AND , more importantly, remember Deuteronomy 28. That is addressed to us as well as our forefathers and it still rings true. The ONLY thing that will turn this place around before Jesus comes is US.
True, we – and I do so especially, and rightly so – point our finger at the jew and their corrosive influence. And its true – the jew, who Jesus said was’ of their father the devil’ – is the tool by which we are chastised. But, as a man famously said – and I cant remember his name and couldn’t spell it probably if I could as he was Easter European – “a country has the number of jews it deserves’ or similar. Our stupidity and our sin as a people is the root of our jewish problem, our black problem, our towelhead problem etc etc.
When we, as a people and body politic, straighten up, then we can rid ourselves of these issues. See the latter part of Nehemiah. It will be messy, and not easy because none of the listed parasites will want to give up the free ride / gravy train, but we can do it. See Psalm 91.
Wish it was as simple as armed revolution – not that such may not be necessary , but it will require a change of heart and obedience of His people.
Hmmm…gook married to an antiChrist…looks like perfectly controlled ‘controlled opposition’ to me. The two least trustworthy and truth-averse races on the planet…
Michelle Malkin is a very honest Conservative. Interesting that you would categorize her by her race, as well as classifying her as a “gook”, and therefore not trustworthy. You could most certainly say untrustworthy for Jews and communists as well, because that is demonstrated by them everyday.
Fuentes and Gorka are on the jewish surname list [avotaynu]
Ahhh, a classic case of jews getting hoisted on their own petard: they can’t call Malkin a “white supremacist”, so no doubt the jews will up the ante against all the other races too now to brainwash even the deepest jungle dweller in Borneo, or loneliest aborigine in the outback of Aussie, to make sure that the whole world knows that saying anything against the precious jew is a crime.
We know that caucasian Christian’s are Israel: Israel means “wrestles with God”. We wrestle with God, not the nonsense of this world. The only thing the jews wrestle with is the world itself and us Christian people trying to live our lives in a way God intended us to live it. And they hate it so, so much.
Well stated. I’m a Saxon , or iSac Son , and know it and am blessed of it
God bless you! Thank you! I am just so happy every day as I look around to find more and more people that share in this God given knowledge of our heritage. I thought I was all alone with my Christian faith that we are Israel for such a while, but praise Yahweh; seek and ye shall find – and I was rewarded with finding people, such as yourself, with the same understanding of the Holy Bible! Isaac’s sons, and all our brethren, are waking up!
King is Christ. Steve King that is. 🙂
pretty soon if you say an orange is orange you will be called anti-Semitic or anti- fake semitic.
The current ruling class is Jewish, and they are protecting the interests of their people extremely well. The principles of the Left and Right are all Jewish values.
On the Left, the Jewish principles of tolerance, diversity, multiculturalism, normalization of the extreme outliers, and the opposition to White cohesion are the foundation of Progressivism. These principles are to destroy group cohesion so that they can flourish in the chaos. The tools they use to destroy homogeneity are pornography, Marxism, degeneracy, Feminism, and eroding the family.
On the Right, the Jewish principles of free markets, unrestrained capitalism, debt, materialism, globalism, constant warfare in the Middle East, low regulation of businesses, and allowing corporations to overpower national governments are the foundations of Conservative, Inc. These principles are to allow for banking, business and finance to have priority over nationalism, nativism, community, and heritage.
None of the above are Western values in their current forms and priorities. The values of the West used to be Truth (Logos), honor, family, achievement, useful work, nation, beauty, and God (Christianity). These are nowhere to be found on the Left or Right.
The philosophical model of the Kosher Sandwich is much simpler, and a much more useful way of looking at our politics.
We are in a struggle between Zionist Jewish Power and Bolshevik Jewish Power. Each election cycle, one side wins and advances their agenda. If the other party gets in power, it switches. In either case, the West and White nations lose.
The point is that no matter which side of politics wins, White nations lose.
Most Whites simply don’t operate on the level of Narrative that is being used here, and with Jewish power controlling all the Narrative Institutions in the nation (academia, media, Hollywood, news), there is no option to change any of this, because any effort by Whites to change this and take power away from the Jewish Elite is countered with “Nazi, Nazi, Nazi” and “Muh White Supremacy”.
Until this entire financial/political system falls apart, I’m not sure how this will change, because even if you move to a White state like New Hampshire, start a farm, and attempt to live apart from the system, the system will come and find you and destroy your community.
I’m not sure how to change this corrosive dynamic we are in, but without a change this nation will be finished and become a vassal state of Israel, which it already is, and Whites will be relentlessly persecuted and hounded.
Sorry, but all this is simply the Truth, and there is no Hate in what I said. A collapse of the financial and banking system is our only way out of this.
Excellent comment, Karen!
This is why I will not vote for Treasonous Trump no matter what.
America’s Pulpits should be shaking from the sermons of Condemnation:
The greatest betrayal of Christ Jesus since “The KISS” of Judas Iscariot.
Trump’s “SUPER SUPERIORITY” Executive Order for Jews. The order will effectively interpret Judaism as a nationality, not just a religion, to trigger a federal law penalizing colleges and universities, and soon (((lawyers))) will expand it to cover Worshiping CHRIST since Judaism has hated and attacked Christ for 2,000 years.
For the first time since Emperor Constantine recognized Christianity in the 300th Year of Our Lord, Christians are relegated to SECOND CLASS CITIZENSHIP. 1700 years and JUDAS trump ISCARIOT again betrays CHRIST.
The first step in legalizing State sponsored Christian Persecution.
Trump has set the legal precedent for the subjugation of Christianity.
Trump just set the legal foundation for the TRIBULATION so many fret about.
Crosses on Churches ALREADY “offend” Jews . … so do Nativities, Carols, Trees …. Where do you think the “War on CHRISTmas” originates? Jews refuse to acknowledge Jesus or the NEW Testament and Trump just handed them the weapon to attack.
Exactly. There is no political solution, and Mystery Babylon will collapse under it’s own weight. It is then that our people will have the necessary ‘spiritual’ revolution…but that does NOT mean we wait until MB collapses to advance our spirituality in our quest to acheive ‘sonship’.
The “Right” you described is Neoright. They are false right, like Shapiro, Turning Point America etc.
Great comment, Karen. Yes, we Christian’s wait for the cry of “Babylon has fallen” as it says in Revelation. And in regards to jewish control, unfortunately It is the same all over the world: all democratic governments, even MMP governments that arent two dominant parties, are either lefty or righty, and yet the same, as you so well pointed out. The jews control all sides. I can’t see a way out of our present predicaments without the Second Coming of Christ.
Good post, but you are being overwhelmed by pessimism. Yes, Jewish power is at an extreme right now. The stupidity of the West was to think that Jews would be content to be merchants and bankers, not realizing that eventually they would accumulate enough power to take over entire societies. The ‘Jewish Question’ in the 19th century was a realization that Jews were taking over government positions, the aristocracy, high positions in the military and other roles previously reserved for gentiles.
However, you don’t have to solve that problem. No one in the west has to solve that problem right now. The main issue is to have children and stop the demographic collapse. Political and economic systems can be broken, but a tribe that stops reproducing and allows rapidly breeding foreigners into its territory is doomed to extinction.
Have kids, make sure they have kids, and at least our various European peoples will survive to sort of the issues of control and economic domination. Japan’s population is crashing, but at least they are on an island that doesn’t evidence much in the way of immigration. Europeans don’t have that luxury. The situation in Sweden is obvious, but even in Poland there are more and more Arabs, Indians, Pakis and other third world invaders with each passing year.
Jews dominated the former Russian Empire, killing tens of millions, but you can walk the streets of Novgorod and Saratov without being surrounded by blacks and south asians. A people can survive mass predation economically, but they cannot survive mass immigration and being outbred.
Your an awesome woman Karen.
that’s basically what Nick Griffin says. The collapse will be white opportunity to escape Jewish power and establish white ethno-states that can begin the long road of rebuilding, free from Jewish depravity and subversion. But the Jews always worm their way back in. Maybe we will have learned.
These jews truly believe they own us like cattle, and they behave as such. They demand certain behavior out of us from principles that they carve out, and destroy any notion of free original thought. So, we’re supposed to abandon our original thinking because some Jew calls you an “anti-semite”?
The jews should know that doesn’t work anymore. The jig is up on that BS word. Everything they say about jews is TRUE! From sacrificing children, being kicked out of over 100 countries, to being the instigators of WW1 & 2, USS Liberty, JFK, 911, Fed Reserve scam, jewish wars, gun control, pornography filth, Hollywood garbage & propaganda, holocaust lie, and the list goes on forever about these rats.
So what’s this site’s opinion on Nick Fuentes, the “white Nationist” America First host who spoke before Michelle Malkin at this event? Is he “controlled opposition” or one of the good guys? He has thousands of viewers every weeknight on his D-Live podcast & seems to have gained the support of other Generation Z Christian conservatives. I’m hoping he, along with other Zoomers, will stand up to our Zionist overlords.
We see no clear evidence that Fuentes is ‘controlled opposition’ per se. He’s a young, clever, ‘conservative’, who, like Michelle Malkin, is not exactly White–has some Mexican ancestry, which causes the Jews some problems because it’s hard to accuse him of ‘White supremacy’.
He’s obviously hip to the Jewish Question, but he doesn’t seem to address it head on because that would end his future career as a ‘conservative’ pundit. The Jews are watching him closely, but it’s unlikely that they would ever allow him to get on mainstream media at this point.
That said, Christians For Truth is not affiliated with any political party, nor does endorse any political figures, as we do not believe that the solutions to our social problems as a people will be solved through political means.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Ephesians 6:12
Fuentes is s sephardic Jewish name. One look at his father and you know that he is controlled opposition.
Correct, and a large percentage of Mestizos/Latinos do indeed have some Sephardic ancestry as there were a lot of Jews and crypto Jews (marranos/conversos) who accompanied the Spanish conquistadors to the New World–and were part of the ruling elite in Mexico. There were so many crypto Jews in Mexico at one time, they had to have their own Inquisition to root them out.
That said, it’s highly unlikely that Nick Fuentes secretly identifies as a Jew based on his possible Sephardic ancestry. It’s doubtful he even knows about this connection. Either way, by his fruits you shall know him, so if he’s truly a crypto Jew, it will eventually come out through his actions.
Given the Jewish reaction to his jokes about 6 million cookies, he’s not very well controlled opposition. They are freaking out, denying him access to conferences, and calling for his banning on YouTube and other platforms. This is probably the most badly managed controlled opposition setup in years, since they are outing themselves.
Idiots like Sebastian Gorka are outright stating that free speech is an American value, but not criticism of Jews. Even the most dull witted slum black can see that Jews are sacred cows, so if Fuentes is controlled opposition I say we need more like him.
Ironically, Michelle Malkin owes her career to powerful Jews who run the news networks. They promoted her as a ‘conservative’ for the exact reason that she is NOT White, but I doubt even she is willing to admit that to herself because she doesn’t fully understand the game that is afoot.
And now she commits the worst treachery: turning on her jewish paymasters at a point in her career where her high-profile opinions could do serious damage to jewish power.
She will be kept on a short leash, if not fired or blackballed from the mainstream for this ‘disloyalty’.
Isn’t her husband Jewish?
Jesse Malkin- which surely sounds jewish.
You don’t have evidence that she ‘doesn’t understand the game’. Being married to a Jew would give her insight into the clannish, paranoid nature of Jews.
Malkin has consistently been standing up against Jewish interests. She has written books opposing open borders, the H1B visa, and other Jewish projects. She could be writing on a host of topics, but she has chosen a few very well placed attacks on the whole ‘open society’ project that is the main goal of Soros and other Jewish oligarchs. I don’t see any reasons to believe that she is unaware of how Jews have taken over the American right.
At any rate, props to her. Jordan Peterson is an example of someone whose public persona was created by Jewish TV producers, but he has remained a faithful shabbesgoy ready to defend Jewish power and Jewish domination.
They’ll definitely try to kick her out of the mainstream, but given that she is not white and married to a Jew, it is going to be an interesting set of contortions.
Jim, the part of the game that Malkin doesn’t understand is that she was hired and promoted by the jewish networks, not because of her skills, but because she’s Asian. Promoting non-Whites like Malkin to represent the American Right, which is White America, is a way of subverting it.
If you don’t think your White bloodline is worth ‘conserving’, then you have no right to call yourself a conservative. After all, traditional conservative American values arose out of the White Christian ethos–and non-White ‘conservatives’ like Malkin mislead Americans into think that these racial aliens can carry on their values and traditions. That’s the part of the game that Malkin doesn’t understand.
I was interested when Michelle Malkin left The Blaze radio (XM radio) when Glen Beck partnered with Mark Levin. I’ve always wondered what her departure was about & if Levin had some say in her move.
I find it funny how non-white ‘right-wing conservatives’ have no problem associating with known ‘evil white nationalists’ who obviously share many of the same views politically as the political right, while still (and always will be) majority white is becoming more and more ‘diverse’ as the ‘common sense’ of the right becomes more and more polarized.