(Jerusalem Post) During a recent conservative news podcast called And We Know, a Fox Nation presenter Lara Logan suggested that Charles Darwin was paid by the Rothschild banking dynasty to invent the theory of evolution:
“Does anyone know who employed Darwin? Where does Darwinism come from?” Logan asked. “Look it up. The Rothschilds.”
“I’m just saying Darwin was hired by someone to come up with a theory based on evidence,” she added before saying that evolution is a chicken or egg debate and cannot be answered scientifically.
The Rothschilds were a prominent wealthy Jewish family who gained their wealth in the late 18th century. Due to its great wealth, the family has featured heavily in antisemitic conspiracy theories about Jews taking over the world based partly on stereotypes of Jews’ relationship with money.
This is not the first time Logan has engaged in antisemitic conspiracy theories and comments. In November, she compared Dr. Anthony Fauci to the Nazi doctor Josef Mengele who conducted horrific experiments on Jews in the concentration camps during a segment on Fox News.
Following these comments, Logan’s talent agency made the decision to stop working with her. Over the following month, Logan boosted attacks on Holocaust remembrance groups that criticized her comments on social media.
Aside from antisemitism, Logan has also been spreading Russian propaganda since it invaded Ukraine, blaming the invasion on Ukraine and claiming that Russian President Vladimir Putin is the “man standing between us and the New World Order.”
Of course, Lara Logan never mentioned that the Rothschilds are Jewish — so to suggest that her comment is an “antisemitic conspiracy theory” is a classic example of “begging the question.”
After all, why would Jews immediately assume that the Rothschild’s “Jewishness” had anything to do with their interest in funding research to prove the validity of evolution?
Do Jews benefit from the promotion of the theory of evolution?
Cui bono? Interestingly, the Wikipedia entry for “Cui bono” mentions the possibility of “scapegoating” when asking “cui bono?” In other words, even to ask “cui bono?” has become an anti-Semitic dog whistle.
It’s also interesting to note that one of the most prominent and credible “anti-Semites” is professor Kevin MacDonald — who explains inordinate Jewish power as the result of an in-group evolutionary survival strategy.
But the problem with Lara Logan’s “conspiracy theory” is that the theory of evolution did not originate with Charles Darwin.
In fact, Darwin’s grandfather — Erasmus Darwin — had written about aspects of evolutionary theory long before Charles was even born.
And Erasmus Darwin was a prominent Scottish Rite Freemason — as was his son Robert — the father of Charles.
The theory of evolution figures prominently in the philosophy underlying Freemasonry.
Coming from the wealthy Darwin-Wedgewood family, Charles Darwin would have had no need to take Rothschild money to invent his theory — his own family financed his studies and research.
One thing the Darwin-Wedgwood family and the Rothschilds have in common is that both families are highly inbred — by their own admission, that’s how the Rothschilds kept their fortune “in the family.”
That said, the Rothschilds do control Freemasonry — through the Illuminati — and these secret societies use their enormous influence to heavily promote evolution in every aspect of society — schools, television, especially children’s nature shows.
And, of course, the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion state that the Jews would intentionally promote theories such as evolution that they knew were not true — in order to destroy our faith in God and justify Jewish domination of our nations.
Any western nation that refuses to be ruled by Christ is destined to be ruled by the Jews.
According to Paquita de Shishmareff in her exposé Waters Flowing Eastward. the Protocols were originally leaked from the Mizraim Masonic Lodge in Paris.
So while the Rothschilds didn’t necessarily directly fund Darwin’s theories of evolution — they most certainly have promoted this theory to consolidate their power over every aspect of our nations and personal lives.
Possibly useful to include this book Timeline in CFT’s Library………. recovered using wayback machine at archive.org
The History of the House of Rothschild by Andrew Hitchcock- 1789: Due to the European ignorance of the Bavarian government’s warning, the Illuminati’s plan for a French Revolution succeeded from this year to 1793. This revolution was a bankers’ dream, it established a new constitution and passed laws that forbade the Roman Church from levying tithes (taxes) and also removed its exemption from taxation.
1790: Mayer Amschel Rothschild states,
“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.”
1791: The Rothschilds get, “control of a nation’s money,” through Alexander Hamilton (their agent in George Washington’s cabinet) when they set up a central bank in the USA called the First Bank of the United States. This is established with a 20 year charter.
1798: John Robison publishes a book entitled, “Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All the Religions and Governments of Europe Carried on in the Secret Meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies.” In this book, Professor Robison of the University of Edinburgh, one of the leading intellects of his time, who in 1783 was elected general secretary of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, gave details of the whole Rothschild Illuminati plot.
He advised how he had been a high degree mason in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and had been invited by Adam Weishaupt to Europe, where he had been given a revised copy of Weishaupt’s conspiracy. However, although he pretended to go along with it, Professor Robison did not agree with it and therefore published his aforementioned book. The book included details of the Bavarian government’s investigation into the Illuminati and the French Revolution.
That same year on July 19th, David Pappen, President of Harvard University, lectured the graduating class on the influence illuminism was having on American politics and religion.
steve holmes
Jews just don’t get it. You love to scream “antisemitism”. Duh, that means against SEMITES.
Ashkenazi “jews” are the predominant people of Israel. Ashkenaz descended from Japheth To be a Semite, one has to have descended from SHEM. Therefore most of Israelis are NOT SEMITES!
Then one is called “antisemitic” of one is against Israel, the zionists, ashkenazis, Semites, or Judaism.
Israel is a Country
Zionism is a Religion
Ashkenazis are an ethnicity
Semites are an ethnicty
Judaism is a religion.
Saying that being against any of them is antisemitic is crazy. That’d be like saying that if one is against Mexico, Catholicism, some Mexican political party, or against some ethnicity such as Aztec is all the same. (but then again, the zionists are the true antisemites, USING Israel and real Semites for their agenda to beat back criticism of what attrocities the zionists have done (such as when the Bolsheviks killed 100,000 Christians in Russia around the time of WWI)
Steve Holmes …………
I think the connection of Modern Jewry to Japheth is tenuous at best.
I think the jews simply co-opted that word/name to make them sound more legitimate.
Japheth’s son was a pure Adamic man.
The only jews that exist today that could claim ANY Israelite Heritage would be someone like Paul Newman, as just an example. A jew with a large percentage of Adamic or White DNA. And of course they seem to be the most “slippery”.
West, Paul Newman was 100% Jewish on his father’s side. His father’s mother was named Cohn. His father looked unmistakably Jewish:
Paul Newman’s mother was a white Slovakian Catholic, which is where he got his “gentile” look.
Paul Newman’s brother Arthur (on the left) looked more Jewish than did Paul (on right), with mother in middle:
That Paul looked more Aryan was pure genetic chance. You see his blond hair and blue eyes and can be misled into thinking he could be pure Adamic, but clearly he is not.
His brother Arthur also had blue eyes, but looked more Jewish overall:
A photo of Paul while he was in the Navy shows his typically big Jewish lower lip, and his thick Jewish nose. His nose seemed to thin out as he got older:
George Segal was from a similar, post-war generation of actors as Paul Newman, though a little younger.
Segal was Jewish on both sides of his family, but he also had blue eyes and blond hair, like Newman.
And like Newman, Segal was an assimilated, non-practicing Jew who got roles as a “golden boy” because of his “gentile” looks:
Hi Kevin,
I was simply trying to define or should I say “differentiate” Modern Jewry from Scriptural Israelites.
To me …………. and I have made this suggestion/theory before — when we are trying to figure out how far back “Jewry” goes —– my theory is that as soon as a pure Adamic Man (or woman) mixes his seed with a non-adamic person, then we get this half-White/half-non adamic being. This is the foundation for what will become (if we are going back to the beginning of Genesis) Jewry.
Steve Holmes (above) was trying to claim that the Ashkenazi jew is directly related to Japheth.
There is no way to prove that. But it could be true that somewhere in Japheth’s line of descendants, one of them did mix their seed with a non-adamic person — then we would have the beginning of a line of “jews”.
The only reason I brought up Paul Newman is because he “looks” Adamic. But I appreciate your research, because I do find it very interesting that the rest of his family doesn’t look Adamic.
All we have to go by is appearance. I don’t trust any DNA test at this point in time. So we first have to go by appearance.
I was NOT making the claim that Paul Newman was an Adamite. Far from it. I figured Paul was at least 50% Adamic. I thought “maybe” his father was half-adamic. But it appears from that photo that his father had less Adamic genes than I assumed. Paul Newman was probably only 25% Adamic.
I was just saying that if any Jew wants to try and claim Israelite Ancestry, he or she had better have a good portion of Adamic blood running through their veins. But I doubt one exists. Unless they were adopted.
I hope that makes sense.
Thanks for the research into Newman’s family. Fascinating.
I hear you, West, and I agree. In theory, there very well could be real Israelite Jews somewhere, just by the pure luck of genetic pairing, but it’s probably incredibly rare.
Recall Bess Meyerson, the only Jewish woman to win Miss America. Despite being Jewish on both sides of her family, she didn’t look Jewish that I could tell:
Even as she aged, Bess’ jewishness didn’t come out as it often does. Here she is next to Jackie Kennedy, and Bess is clearly much more attractive (I suspect the rumors might be true that Jackie was part Jewish);
In fact, I would go so far as to say that Paul Newman looked more Jewish than did Bess Meyerson, despite being only “half” Jewish himself:
Just goes to show, you never know what you’re going to get with the genetic roll of the dice…
Kevin ….
Wow, that photo of Jackie and Bess sums up and affirms our discussion precisely. Thanks for understanding as well. When I first posited this theory, it didn’t get much reception.
Appearance than Fruit.
The People Of The Lie are still at it, nothing has changed in 4000 years. Darius The Great , the king of the Persian Empire spent his time defeating The Liars all over the middle east , and wrote of them in stone. Monuments still in existance today. They’ll Lie until the end of the age.
Then the God of this world will wipe them out to the last one, and everyone who is found enabling them, from every nation they have been conspiring with, and none will ever be heard from again.
Isaiah 13:11 And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.
14 And it shall be as the chased roe, and as a sheep that no man taketh up: they shall every man turn to his own people, and flee every one into his own land.
15 Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword.
16 Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished.
It’s coming to happen soon, sooner than you think!
I started reading this essay thinking I will soon be treated to the actual logical and factual debunking of the Theory of Natural Selection, ie “evolution”.
Why did I assume this?
Because I am a fellow traveler on many ideas presented, and I having deeply questioned JFK, 9/11, WMDs, the Fed’s money creation, the Holocaust, and many more things that are called conspiracy theories. I have been very impressed by how much intellectual muscle and actual factual rigger has been brought to bare on these subjects. The Holocaust alone is just one of the things that has fallen to good investigations. Various historical records, as well as logic, facts, and clear reasoning have all been brought to bare on the subject of the Holocaust to such a degree that I can no longer believe it to be mostly self-serving wartime propaganda and myth.
But that said, this article did NOT debunk the Theory of Natural Selection. So, the Theory of Natural Selection (Evolution) still stands tall in my book. The case was not made in this essay.
But don’t you worry, both faith in Jesus can stand and so can the Theory of Natural Selection (evolution). Why? Because they are not mutually exclusive. Yes, you can believe in both. There is no problem with believing in both for the Bible is both allegorical and literal at the same time. See the lectures by Dr. Jordan Peterson on the Bible. A fascinating and brilliant examination of the scriptures.
Moreover, those that try to debunk evolution ought to at least get the Theory of Natural Selection right, or you just swinging at the wind and no scientist will take you seriously. And why should they take you seriously if you cannot repeat the theory correctly enough to begin to even challenge it?
Question: Have you ever had an argument with an atheist who acts as if he’s read the Bible and yet after just 30 minutes or less, you realize he has not even cracked open page one? After 30 minutes of listening to his criticisms begin to realize that he has never even read the Bible let alone studied Christianity, yet here he is going on and on as if he knows. Why would you take an atheist’s criticisms of Christianity seriously when he cannot even state what Christianity is in the first place? You wouldn’t, you’d walk away.
In the same way, if you spout off an essay like this that is supposed to be against evolution that is nonsensical, why would someone who is deeply familiar with the Theory of Evolution stop to bother with you? Do you really want to be that Christian who spouts off like he knows when he really does not know nor has he even read Darwin? No? Then at least read the very short book “The Top 10 Myths About Evolution” by Cameron M. Smith, that way people will take you seriously.
Most of all, I see absolutely no reason to pit Jesus against the Theory of Evolution or ANY OTHER SCIENTIFIC THEORY. It is a false game. Its a silly foolish game and so it is completely a waist of time and totally unnecessary to pit Science _____ vs Jesus/Religion/Faith. Why do this? Its not required or needed. Please notice that you and I do not this in other scientific claims of the natural world.
No Jesus/Religion/Faith vs Theory of Electromagnetism,
or Jesus/Religion/Faith vs Theory of Plate Tectonics,
or Jesus/Religion/Faith vs the Theory of Oxygen Combustion,
or Jesus/Religion/Faith vs the Theory Statistical mechanics,
or Jesus/Religion/Faith vs the Theories of Special relativity & General relativity,
or Jesus/Religion/Faith vs the Theory of Quantum Mechanics,
or Jesus/Religion/Faith vs the Theory of Information & Game Theory,
or Jesus/Religion/Faith vs the Theory of Photosynthesis,
or Jesus/Religion/Faith vs the Theory of Heliocentrism….
*Now speaking of the last one, the Theory of Heliocentrism, i.e. the Earth revolving around the Sun. Notice that the Koran makes two positive claims. One, that the Koran is perfect and is without mistakes, and two that contrary to the Theory of Heliocentrism, the Sun revolves around the Earth! It is for this reason that many if not most Imams claim that the Earth is Flat. In fact, as born again Christian David Wood has pointed out again and again, both science and the Koran itself actually debunks Islam. If you have not found David Wood’s videos, you are in for a real treat.
And as far as I know, science has not debunked Jesus or the Bible and if anything, has added to our greater understanding of our world. Science has found factual evidence of a gigantic worldwide catastrophic flooding via the fast melting of the Polar Ice caps around 11,000 – 12,000 years BCE. See the scientific work of Graham Hancock and others. If anything, science has now shown us that the Great Flood theory of the Bible, is much bigger flood than the Bible led me and others to believe. But the Bible is not science book, not a history book, and yet it is a very valuable book were truths can be mined and wisdom gleamed.
Again, there is no reason, as far as I can see, to pit Jesus/Religion/Faith vs scientific theories. Scientific theories have their own scientific criteria for standing or falling. More testing will tell. More facts will tell. More experiments will tell. And yes, Time will Tell.
Its simply NOT the job of Christianity to debunk scientific Theories. If found lacking or wanting that rocks the Theory of Evolution to its core and it is replaced or falls, then it will die a proper scientific death – just like other scientific theories that died as well. For now, the Theory of Natural Selection still stands. The theory that 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust, not holding up to the light of facts and reason.
bingo was his name
The Theory of “Natural Selection” is NOT synonymous with the Theory of Evolution. Animals can adapt to their environment, making minor changes to their coloring, etc. No one really disputes that idea, even the most ardent creationists.
But that’s not the core belief of Evolution. The crux of Evolution is the completely unprovable notion that one species can change into another, distinct species. Speciation has never been proven valid, but has been merely presumed to have happened. Let alone, they still can’t come to any scientific consensus as to what a “species” actually is. If you can’t agree on what a “species” is, you cannot agree on what evolution is. House of cards.
Sneakiest jooganda…
Inherit the Wind
On Borrowed Time (Bury Mores)
In your face….
Preminger’s Exodus
Beware of Judas Priests
Dariwin’s “Survival of the Fittest” can loosely be interpreted as “Survival of the Richest.” Jews want a permanent and codified reminder to the Goyims that they are not only the chosen race by God but also verified by Economics and Science to be the superior race. Also, these instant Jewish tech billionaires are a constant reminder they are genetically superior to you and all of life’s modern conveniences are owed to their existence. Otherwise, we would be nothing more than hairless apes poking sharpened sticks in to the ground, living a life of subsistence.
CS Michael
That’s a great point. So many of us have been under their spell of what’s rich, what’s healthy, what’s life to the full..
I come from a past of heavy addiction and work with allot of men in recovery to get out of the devil’s grip. It dawned on me recently how similar a vice addiction is to the parasitic entities that push their “technology” onto us. This was also inspired after reading about some dangerous foods being pushed onto us such as Canola Oil. The Christian researcher made the point, as a very easy standard, if the food you’re eating wasn’t eaten by men and women before 1900, it’s probably not good to eat.
Whether it’s Satan’s short season, Fallen Angels released, Gog & Magog, or all of the above. It’s becoming very clear (with the help of the Holy Spirit) to me how to distinguish from what is good, and what is to be avoided–Especially in 2022.
“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
—John 10:10
Vaccines – Devil
Fluoride Neuro-Toxin Water – Devil
Nihilist Globe Space Model – Devil
Usury – Devil
Porn – Devil
Pharma – Devil
Hollywood – Devil
Strong bodies – Jesus
Pure Life Giving Distilled Rain Water – Jesus
Unmovable Earth Built for us because we matter to Him – Jesus
Jubilee, Generosity, & Giving – Jesus
Loving one-flesh marriage – Jesus
Real fruit and herbs – Jesus
The Word of Truth – Jesus
Blessings Brethren
CS Michael,
I visited your blog with the hope that you had a “contact” feature. I did not see one.
I hope CFT will allow me to include my contact as I was curious to talk to you about Rosette aka Kat the Fryan.
Just sort of curious what happened there. I left a few comments on one of her videos last year as to try and unlock the mystery as to why she left Christianity.
Anyway ……………. if you wanted to share, that would be interesting. If not ………. no big deal.
I can be reached — [email protected]
Rothchild’s Hollywood faction did all that they could to spread Darwin’s false “ideas”.
“Trial by Hollywood”
John Scopes, of the famous Monkey Trial of 1925, was recruited by the ACLU to challenge the Butler Act in Tennessee. Scopes had never taught evolution theory or Darwin’s ideas. Most people have a misimpression about the trial and it’s verdict because of a movie which intentionally depicted events counter to the actual facts.
“IN REAL LIFE, John Scopes was not a biology teacher, nor did he grow up in Dayton, Tennessee. Scopes taught math and coached football, but had briefly substituted for the regular biology teacher during an illness. He was recruited by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to challenge Tennessee’s Butler Act. Evidently, he never even taught evolution or Darwin.”
Preterist ADSeventy
Has CFT ever considered that today’s Futurist eschatology was started by the Judaizers? Today’s Christianity is based, by far, on the Zionists’ Scofield Reference Bible which promotes the false Dispensational Theology. Recently the revised version states all Christians MUST be in support of Occupied Palestine’s ISRAEL- (which was brought back into existence through Rothschild wealth.)
Quit being deceived by the Zionists’ version of Christianity.
Preterism is the closest version of Christianity— not the Zionists’ version of Christianity that’s based on their Scofield Reference Bible with its false annotations and commentaries.
Great to see you here!
I will send you a quick email.
Would love your insights on this comment thread — https://christiansfortruth.com/adl-defends-neo-nazis-in-ukraine-they-dont-attack-jews-or-jewish-institutions/#comment-99469
Hope you continue to share your ‘learnings’ here at CFT.
Preterist ADSeventy
Hi Westwins! Good to see you.
I’ll check out that thread soon.
Well, the first preterist treatise was written by Luis del Alcázar, a Jesuit priest who just so happened to be a crypto-Jew, like many Jesuits. His father Melichor predictably was a lawyer.
Alcázar is listed here as a Sephardic Jewish surname:
Alcázar contrived preterism in response to the eschatology of the new Protestants who interpreted the “great Whore” in Revelation as the Catholic Church. That is, if preterism is true, and all prophecy has been fulfilled, then the Catholic Church cannot be “the great Whore” or so the thinking went.
So if anything, preterism originally was the brainchild of a Jew, a “Judaizer” in your words. No doubt, though, that modern evangelical Christianity is also the work of a Judaizer, as Cyrus Scofield was hired by Samuel Untermeyer to reinterpret the prophecy concerning the regathering of Israel.
Preterist ADSeventy
Check out “Preterist Archives” to see that the earliest Church patristic writers were the original preterists. The Jesuits, who infiltrated into the RCC way after the patristic writers, were off by 100’s of years. Athanasius of Alexandria, in his “On the Incarnation of the Word”, was in Rome in the 4th century when the canonization of the New Testament was taking place. It was still the Church in Rome— it wasn’t the RCC yet. Athanasius of Alexandria, who believed all was fulfIlled in AD 70, reported on the destructive influence the Jews had during the canonization process. He recorded that the Jews “denied with impunity” Christ’s return in AD 70 even after Jerusalem and their temple was destroyed.
I believe somehow they were threatened or even done away with because the Judaizers didn’t want the truth to be told. They did away with Jesus… they could have easily done away with the early preterists and anyone else who exposed their false beliefs.
According to Don Preston “The patristic writers Tertullian, Athanasius and Eusibius applied the prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27 and the fulfillment of all prophecy to AD70. The key chief patristic writers Chrysotome, Athanasius and others document where they believed and they said that the great commission had been fulfilled in the first century, the great tribulation was in the first century, the abomination of desolation was in the first century, the completion of the world mission was in the first century,
“Eusibius wrote The Lord came in flaming fire in His chariots in AD70. (Refuting Lance Conley #20 Isaiah 66- In Flaming Fire)”
The Church in Rome had a good start but was ruined after the Judaizers infiltrated it eventually changing it to the RCC. The Jesuits, who cannot be trusted, came on the scene well after the RCC was established.
PreteristADSeventy writes, “The key chief patristic writers Chrysotome, Athanasius and others document where they believed and they said that the great commission had been fulfilled in the first century…”
The problem with this thesis is that by this time a huge number of Israelites and Adamic people residing in northern Europe had not heard the gospel by this time, in order for the Great Commission to be fulfilled, no? Yes, the gospel had reached England by this time, but the continent was still largely pagan. How do you explain this?
And for clarity, let’s agree to the fact that every generation of Christians has wanted to believe they are living in the End Times, and have interpreted prophecy to squeeze history and current events into the Revelation. This phenomenon has been historically documented.
Preterist ADSeventy
Paul said the Great Commission had been fulfilled. The early Church “patristic” writers said the Great Commission had been fulfilled because Paul said the Great Commission had been fulfilled.
Paul said the gospel had been preached in all the world in—
Colossians 1:5-6 “For the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel; Which is come unto you, as it is in all the world; and bringeth forth fruit”
and in—
Colossians 1:23 “This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant.”
As far as your “every generation of Christians has wanted to believe they are living in the End Times” is concerned I have to believe that the phenomenon is a result of the Judaizers first denying the events of AD 70. I go by what Athanasius of Alexandria said of them in his “On the Incarnation of the Word”. There may be others earlier than Athanasius that dealt with the Jews’ denial of the destruction of Jerusalem being the return of Christ but at the moment all I can remember is what Athanasius said of them.
PreterestADSeventy, you are relying on a self-serving translation of Colossians 1:23 & 1:6.
If you look at the Greek (kérussó, Strong’s 2784), you will see the verb form in 1:23 does not connote a finished act, but rather an on-going act of the gospel being proclaimed. A literal translation would be better “which is being proclaimed.”
Colossians 1:6, which you also use as a witness is the same as Corinthians 1:23; both verses refer to an ongoing act of the gospel being heard, not a finished act. But this shows Paul’s consistency in getting this idea across — that it is an ongoing act.
Many translations confirm this:
Better yet, the original Greek confirms it:
Preterist ADSeventy
I’m replying to your answer regarding the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
You said “you are relying on a self-serving translation of Colossians 1:23 & 1:6.
My answer to that is that the early Church “patristic” writers also relied on what Paul wrote in Colossians 1:6 and 1:23. They claimed the Great Commission had been fulfilled. So, in a way you’re saying that the were wrong also? And that they were relying on a self-serving translation of the verses?
You also said “If you look at the Greek (kérussó, Strong’s 2784), you will see the verb form in 1:23 does not connote a finished act, but rather an on-going act of the gospel being proclaimed. A literal translation would be better “which is being proclaimed.”… And you’re relying on the Online Interlinear NT.
I have firsthand experience dealing with the Online Interlinear NT where the wording has been changed regarding the “Beast” of Revelation 13.
Up until relatively recently the Beast was described as being a MALE:
Revelation 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon HIS horns ten crowns, and upon HIS heads the name of blasphemy. (KJV, emphasis mine)
The Online Interlinear NT USED TO HAVE THE WORD “HIS” in Revelation 13:1 but now it has “ITS” instead of “HIS”. You can see that “ITS” is of a different font and size compared to the other words in the verse. They’ve made the Beast into an inanimate object instead of a male by changing HIS into ITS.
There are people now saying that the Mark of the Beast could possibly be the mandatory vaccines!
Another instance where words have been changed is Athanasius’ writing that the Jews were at the time “denying with IMPUNITY” the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple as Christ’s Second Coming to “LAUGHINGLY denying” the event. That change was made about 5 or so years ago. Before it was with IMPUNITY… Now it’s denying LAUGHINGLY.
Then there’s the book of Esther. I’m sure you’re aware of the controversy surrounding that book.
Then too there’s Romans 13 and the controversy surrounding that passage. I cannot prove it but I wholeheartedly believe that the Jews managed to change the wording of that passage in their favor. I wouldn’t doubt that it was changed even before the Bible was printed and published by Gutenberg.
The JudeoZionists have at their disposal all the means necessary to change the words of the Online Interlinear NT, key words and passages in the Bible and the History books, to rewrite history, to make up certain events that never happened, etc., etc.,… All the rest of us don’t. We don’t have an agenda… they do.
PreteristAD, you are making an argument that’s called a false appeal to authority. You argue that if some of the early church father’s were preterists, and if they thought Paul claimed the Great Commission had been completed, then we should too. If it was good enough for them, it should be good enough for us.
This is wrong on many levels. There early church fathers were fallible, and their understanding of scripture was very flawed. Disputes among them were rampant. Even Paul and John acknowledge that people were twisting and misinterpreting the gospels already in their ministries. Being “early” doesn’t mean you are right, or even that you are more likely to be right.
What the scripture actually says always should take precedence over what some man says it says. Here’s an example of some of the mistakes the early church fathers made with scripture, and this is only scratching the surface:
You ignore our analysis of what the Greek in the two verses of Colossians says — that Paul is using present participles to convey that the Great Commission is an ongoing act rather than a completed one.
And, no, we are not relying on the Interlineal for our understanding of the verb tense. We posted that as an example of a literal interpretation. Many English translations support this tense as being a present participle. And just because the Interlineal is “fallible” doesn’t mean it’s wrong concerning these two verses specifically. You simply cannot make that claim in all fairness.
You can’t deny the verb is a present participle, so instead you move the goal posts and say, well, the early church father’s thought Paul believed it was completed, as if what the early church father’s thought on this issue took precedence over what the Scripture actually says.
Instead of telling us how the church fathers interpreted Paul, why don’t you furnish and quote their actually writings where they specifically address these two verses from Colossians which you cite?
We suspect that they do not specifically address these verses that you’ve chosen as witnesses, and you are merely assuming their interpretation of them, but we will leave it up to you to show that they actually do. There were many copies of the gospels and epistles floating around in the first and second centuries, and they most certainly could have been relying on a bad transcription — people with agendas often will focus on the variant transcriptions or translations that help them make their case. We have not done that.
But all of this ignores common sense. Is it even possible that by 62AD when Paul wrote Colossians that he was truly proclaiming that the gospel had been heard by everyone on earth who was meant to hear it? This is before the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, mind you.
We know that Paul was aware that there were Israelites and appropriate “gentiles” in Britain that needed to hear the gospel yet. And he must have known that all of Europe was populated with such people who had not yet heard the gospel. Julius Caesar knew that Europe was inhabited, and so would Paul. Why would Paul make the outlandish claim that his mission to the “gentiles” less than 30 years after Christ was crucified?
Preterist ADSeventy
“… you are relying on a self-serving translation of Colossians 1:23 & 1:6.”
“… you are making an argument that’s called a false appeal to authority.”
You said “What the scripture actually says always should take precedence over what some man says it says.”—
I agree with that wholeheartedly.
Jesus said “I am coming shortly” three times in Revelation 22. I believe He did come shortly because He said “I am coming shortly”.
You said “You ignore our analysis of what the Greek in the two verses of Colossians says — that Paul is using present participles to convey that the Great Commission is an ongoing act rather than a completed one.”
I already stated that I believe the Online Interlinear NT could very well have been tampered with. Do you think there’s a possibility that it could have been tampered with?
You asked “…why don’t you furnish and quote their actually writings where they specifically address these two verses from Colossians which you cite?”—
I took Don Preston’s word for it about Chrysotome, Athanasius and others documenting where they believed and they said that the great commission had been fulfilled in the first century. I still do take his word for it. He didn’t specifically say that Chrysotome, Athanasius and others based their statements on the two verses in Colossians… I assumed they did because they’re the only verses I know of that state the gospel was preached to the entire world.
I’ll have to do more study and inquiring on where and how Chrysotome, Athanasius and the others concluded that the great commission had been fulfilled.
Here’s Section 40 of Athanasius of Alexandria’s “On the Incarnation of the Word”. It’s on his refutation of the Jews. He equated the destruction of Jerusalem with Christ’s Second Coming and records how the Jews denied it.—
So the Jews are trifling, and the time in question, which they refer to the future, is actually come. For when did prophet and vision cease from Israel, save when Christ came, the Holy of Holies? For it is a sign, and an important proof, of the coming of the Word of God, that Jerusalem no longer stands, nor is any prophet raised up nor vision revealed to them—and that very naturally. 2. For when He that was signified had come, what need was there any longer of any to signify Him? When the truth was there, what need any more of the shadow? For this was the reason of their prophesying at all—namely, till the true Righteousness should come, and He that was to ransom the sins of all. And this was why Jerusalem stood till then— namely, that there they might be exercised in the types as a preparation for the reality. 3. So when the Holy of Holies had come, naturally vision and prophecy were sealed and the kingdom of Jerusalem ceased. For kings were to be anointed among them only until the Holy of Holies should have been anointed; and Jacob prophesies that the kingdom of the Jews should be established until Him, as follows:— The ruler Genesis 49:10 shall not fail from Juda, nor the Prince from his loins, until that which is laid up for him shall come; and he is the expectation of the nations. 4. Whence the Savior also Himself cried aloud and said: The law and the prophets prophesied until John. If then there is now among the Jews king or prophet or vision, they do well to deny the Christ that has come. But if there is neither king nor vision, but from that time forth all prophecy is sealed and the city and temple taken, why are they so irreligious and so perverse as to see what has happened, and yet to deny Christ, Who has brought it all to pass? Or why, when they see even heathens deserting their idols, and placing their hope, through Christ, on the God of Israel, do they deny Christ, Who was born of the root of Jesse after the flesh and henceforth is King? For if the nations were worshipping some other God, and not confessing the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and Moses, then, once more, they would be doing well in alleging that God had not come. 5. But if the Gentiles are honoring the same God that gave the law to Moses and made the promise to Abraham, and Whose word the Jews dishonored—why are they ignorant, or rather why do they choose to ignore, that the Lord foretold by the Scriptures has shone forth upon the world, and appeared to it in bodily form, as the Scripture said: The Lord God has shined upon us; and again: He sent His Word and healed them; and again: Not a messenger, not an angel, but the Lord Himself saved them? 6. Their state may be compared to that of one out of his right mind, who sees the earth illumined by the sun, but denies the sun that illumines it. For what more is there for him whom they expect to do, when he has come? To call the heathen? But they are called already. To make prophecy, and king, and vision to cease? This too has already come to pass. To expose the godlessness of idolatry? It is already exposed and condemned. Or to destroy death? He is already destroyed. 7. What then has not come to pass, that the Christ must do? What is left unfulfilled, that the Jews should now disbelieve with impunity? For if, I say— which is just what we actually see—there is no longer king nor prophet nor Jerusalem nor sacrifice nor vision among them, but even the whole earth is filled with the knowledge of God, and Gentiles, leaving their godlessness, are now taking refuge with the God of Abraham, through the Word, even our Lord Jesus Christ, then it must be plain, even to those who are exceedingly obstinate, that the Christ has come, and that He has illumined absolutely all with His light, and given them the true and divine teaching concerning His Father. 8. So one can fairly refute the Jews by these and by other arguments from the Divine Scriptures.
Sorry, Preterist, you cannot answer any of our objections so you move the goal posts, and just throw out “more evidence” to “prove” you point. We cannot continue to engage you with this subject any longer. We hope you understand and hope you read the following essays to understand where we are coming from — and the level of logic and evidence we reasonably expect from our readers when discussing scripture:
I’ve noticed Preterists often ignore 2 Peter 3:8, “But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”
So what is “a little time” to the Lord? Two days? That’s two thousand years according to Peter. We are told He could return soon, any day, any time to keep us honest, vigilant and focused on Him.
Preterist ADSeventy
This reply is to parsons
parsons— “I’ve noticed Preterists often ignore 2 Peter 3:8, “But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”
“So what is “a little time” to the Lord? Two days? That’s two thousand years according to Peter. We are told He could return soon, any day, any time to keep us honest, vigilant and focused on Him.”
I don’t ignore it.
You’re only using the first half of the verse and are relying on a self-serving translation of the verse.
I agree with your translation that two days can be 2,000 years to the Lord according to the first half of the verse.
But translating the second half of the verse your numbers can be reversed and therefore it could be said that 2,000 years can be two days to the Lord.
CFT, how can it be shown that Paul was aware that there were eligible Adamics in England?
RB, 2 Timothy 4:21 makes reference to friends in Britain:
“Do thy diligence to come before winter. Eubulus greeteth thee, and Pudens, and Linus, and Claudia, and all the brethren.”
Re Scofield:
“A Little History: Cyrus I Scofield and the Tribulation”
“After reviewing Revelation and the Rothschild connection (The IO, April, 2009), it occurred to us that the article was lacking in details connecting Cyrus Scofield to the Rothschilds and the meaning of Tribulation (that is tribulation with a capital T). So, down the rabbit hole we went with Scofield….
—skipping down—
“Why would a wealthy German Jew like Untermeyer living in America sponsor Scofield and spend money on a man who was working on a new Bible translation and preaching Jesus Christ?” Torell asked.
Jewish leaders long ago recognized the bonanza for them if they could force the teaching of an imminent rapture on Christians and move them to abandon their moral hold on society. Darby was financially supported and Scofield, Darby’s successor, could make this teaching central in all Christian churches. Removal of Christians from politics and public schools would leave the door open for Jewish writers and political leaders to move in and remove the Bible and prayer from public schools and political institutions. The ACLU is a Jewish organization, having only a few Gentiles in it for window dressing, he stated.
In 1907, the International Zionist movement had its “payday” when, after some 120 years they were finally able to have a document produced that would forever change the theology of Christian churches around the world so that, in time, believers in Christ would be transformed into Christian Zionists. Even though they had to “pay good money” to further the cause of fundamentalism, it was worth it to them because the fundamentalists would be led like a bull with a ring in his nose in the direction the Jewish masters wanted them to go.” [More]:
“The Pope of Prophecy Perversion”
“You can understand here now we are talking to you as a warrior. A man to defend our country. Why would we be interested in Scofield from just that point of view? Because to promote this conspiracy to take over the country they must universalize the Bible, and make it apply to all men. So along comes some false preachers like C. I. Scofield who begin to weave into it certain Jewish fables.
Thousands of so called Fundamentalist ministers carry or study the reference notes of the Scofield Bible. Many Protestant Bible school students uses this Bible as their reference. They use it as their source as to what the scriptures really mean, as opposed to what they really say.
All across this land fraternal lodges and various kinds of orders were set up which became the religion of the people. Into that area came the Esau‑Edomite Karl Marx, and the evolutionist Charles Darwin, inserting their anti‑Scriptural ideas into Americas mainstream. All of these were first political, and philosophical ideas, which when promoted through the published materials of the day became promoted enough and accepted enough by the normal people of those days to change the theology, the thought theology of our people.”
Preterist ADSeventy
I have found it quite interesting that the Scofield Reference Bible was published relatively shortly after James Stuart Russell‘s “The Parousia, A General Inquiry INTO THE DOCTRINE OF OUR LORD’S SECOND COMING” was published in England in 1878.
Russell goes through the entire New Testament pointing out all the verses claiming Christ’s return, His “Second Coming”, was imminent and that the writers of the books had that understanding also. His basic premise was to let Scripture interpret itself.
Others are quoted as saying his interpretation of Revelation is brilliant. I agree wholeheartedly.
I personally believe the Scofield Reference Bible was published in order to counteract Russell’s “The Parousia”. They didn’t want the truth of Russell’s book to be known in America. Scofield’s Reference Bible was funded by the Rothschilds and published by the world-renowned Oxford University Press whereas Russell’s book didn’t have that advantage like Scofield did.
Russell’s book was left in the dust whereas Scofield’s Reference Bible, with its false Dispensational eschatology, unfortunately became the standard that today’s Futurism is based on.
Timothy Bell
Below is a narrative that I’ve sent to various people and ministries to consider the work of the late Tim McHyde on using the LITERAL interpretation of Bible end-times prophecies. If you read no further, read this: A Middle East nuclear war will happen in May 2022 (likely the 8th/9th) nearly annihilating Israel and Arab/Muslim nations in accordance with Isaiah 17. If that happens, consider that Tim is/was on the right approach to Biblical end-times prophecy and that the Kingdom of God is very near within a few years.
The late Tim McHyde (d. January 2022) spent over twenty years studying Bible end-time prophecies using the correct approach of LITERAL interpretation of such. The literal interpretation of Bible prophecy is a difficult one and therefore not done by many Bible teachers. Indeed, God himself said understanding of the end-times will not be possible until the end is near. However, an accurate interpretation and timeline is not possible unless one interprets end-time prophecies from the literal approach. Tim has done this hard work in his book, Know The Future, and in his numerous articles on his website: EscapeAllTheseThings.com
God has provided many end-time prophecies all over the place in the Bible, not just in Revelations. Tim has found that there is one Old Testament prophecy where he wasn’t sure where this fits within the end-time timeline. God answered his prayers about this. It turns out to be the Middle East war that happens before the Tribulation period starts. In less than six weeks from now, in May 2022 (likely the 8th and 9th), there will be a short nuclear war between Israel and the Arab/Muslim nations nearly annihilating each other.
In brief, going forward, the major timeline points are: in 2024, at the start of the Tribulation period, a Prophet will rise to warn righteous people to repent and leave for safety in Judea for God will be bringing catastrophic judgments upon USA (aka Babylon) and the world. These judgments would happen in 2026 via thousands of nuclear strikes upon USA from Russia and world-wide earthquakes from Wormwood leveling mountains and islands in the seas. No more electrical grid being used for demonic world-wide control. Significant portion of the earth’s population will die.
After God defeats the AntiChrist at the Second Coming of Jesus, the millennial Kingdom of God comes in 2030 thus ending the 6,000 years of failed human efforts to rule himself without direct rulership of God. The Kingdom of God will be of peace and prosperity showing God’s ways are clearly way far above any sole human efforts to do himself. Those who didn’t make it to the Kingdom of God at the first resurrection will have a merciful second chance in the second resurrection at the end of the millennium to choose to follow God after seeing the world under God’s rulership of 1,000 years. Thereafter is the Final Judgement of the unrighteous.
CS Michael
Well, I don’t think Nuclear Bombs are real, as Galen Winsor and Eric Dubay have destroyed that narrative.
The timeline of 6000 years is based on the Masoretic text written hundred’s of years after Christ with the help of Talmudic anti-Christ scholars erasing over 1000 years from the early patriarchs. The Septuagint version that most of the Eastern Orthodox still uses (as well as Jesus an His disciples) was finished 100 years before Christ and has us around the year 7574 (middle of the last day).
I wrote an article here on the 1000yr Kingdom..
..and believe it makes more sense to place that at Jesus’s arrival till the schism of the Bishop of Rome (1054 AD) splitting the apostolic equal Bishop orthodox Christian Kingdom.
You could also make the case it was from 274AD till 1274AD 2nd council of Lyon when the Byzantium fully submits to the Pope, but believe the former lines up best.
Also as in the Gourd that grew to protect Jonah (ch 4) that came up in a night (1000 yrs according to 2 Peter 3:8), and a worm came (Pope/Latins/Catholic West) and it withered it from the inside, in a day (another 1000yrs — 2020).
Just realize that for 1000yrs there was a known world-wide Christian Kingdom that was run by equal Bishops (“Equal among many”). Christ would reign and build His Kingdom with Kings and Priests.
Gog and Magog gathering a proxy army to surround the camp of saints. No other countries have forced immigration except for White True Israel European nations. This is orchestrated by Jewish Global banking headquartered in the City of London—which their literal mascots are two Giants called Gog & Magog. The land of Magog is known to be the later sight of the Jewish (not Israelite) empire, and Gog is a Canaanite as are the modern Jews such as Rothchild, Marx, Lenin, etc.. “Esau Edom is modern Jewry” —1925 Jewish Encyclopedia.
Blessings in King Jesus,
CS Michael
CS Michael
Christ would reign through His Advocate—The Holy Spirit (John 14:26) WITH MEN (Rev 20:4). It won’t be until New Jerusalem that Jesus will reign as HIMSELF (Rev 21:3).
Also meant 2000s not 2020. Need more coffee this morn : )
Blessing brethren.
I as a partial preterest agree with you. Apparently most Christians are ignorant of the parable of the wheat and the tares. In every generation there are tares being planted amongst the wheat. John Nelson Darby and CI Scholfield are major league tares who’s effort are reaping huge even to this day by spoon feeding bilge to Christians uninterested in truth.
Erasmus Darwin Died in April 18, 1802, Breadsall, Derby, England. Scottish Rite degrees were implemented in May of 1801 and were being developed prior to that date. Its unlikely that Erasmus Darwin was a Scottish Rite Freemason.
I’m confused CW M….are you saying that Scottish Rite degrees did not exist before 1801? If that is so, then how did John Robison write his book in 1798 “Proofs Of A Conspiracy” exposing Scottish Rite Freemasonry?
Crush Limbraw
“Any western nation that refuses to be ruled by Christ is destined to be ruled by the Jews.” – exactly!
Just a year ago, I posted in my library this ‘connect the dots’ summary –
https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2021/03/in-essenceit-always-wasand-still-isa.html?m=0 – which consolidates the forces in play in our lives which most folks never even suspect, much less see as factors controlling our lives – and that includes most churchgoers. In fact, most of our churches have become unwitting dupes of the enemies of Christ. The evidence of that is simply visible from our culture – their lack of knowledge outside their denominational rituals is abysmal.
“My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge!”
sojourner cas
Guess what ask almost anyone about Christ and they say Oh that “jew”.
I don’t trust jews and never will. They bring division wherever they go.
If “christianity” indeed started in a synagogue then guess what.
Me personally believe that Christ was manifested in a time past, just not the time the jews,freemasons, romans, and the bible says.
Exo20:25 basically forbids temples made with hands in order to remain “pure”
Whereas the NT says that “jesus christ” is master of the flesh.
Whereas it is a proven fact that the human form has been altered in the past and still is bring altered. Then the question arises by what, whom, what reasons. Then the question arises then is it the real Supreme God Almighty that made the flesh or some lesser entity as gnostics believe
Rochelle Walensky’s eyebrows
This is not the first time Logan has engaged in antisemitic conspiracy theories and comments. In November, she compared Dr. Anthony Fauci to the Nazi doctor Josef Mengele who conducted horrific experiments on Jews in the concentration camps during a segment on Fox News.
I’m not sure, speaking of conspiracy theories, what Doc Mengele did to deserve being compared to noted foreskin muncher Fauci.
Compare Foreskin Fauci to a quack like Freud, maybe. Heck, even the Sacklers or some of these other drug peddling kike families. Foreskin Fauci has actually overseen a mass lab experiment on a healthy portion of the world’s population.
Right, which then raises the question — Is Logan naive or calculated?
It’s hard for my soul to accept people like Tucker Carlson are CONSCIOUS of their gate keeping/obfuscation.
I pray it is simple Supernatural Delusion. I see it in my family. They simply just can’t “see”.
The thought of so many of our own peoples doing the jew’s bidding consciously is too much for me to internalize.
Tucker said something the other night that was unbelievable and perhaps has me doubting he is deceived……..
He literally repeated the mantra —- “The Jew screams in pain as he strikes you.” (my paraphrase)
Obviously he didn’t use the word “Jew”. I think it was “Liberal” or perhaps “the Left”. Can’t remember. But I couldn’t believe he pretty much used that famous phrase.
If he says next, “….to learn who rules over you, figure out who you are not allowed to criticize…..”
I will know for sure he is calculated, and not just deceived.
God is way more patient than I would have thought!
The Rothschild were also the main force behind the creation of Israel.
Here is how anti-Christian really Israel is:
Christian goes preaching in Israel, gets death threats:
Christian goes preaching in Israel, Jews spit on him:
The Orthodox Christian Greek Patriarch of Jerusalem has recently come out with the facts about how Israelis treat Christians like crap in the terrorist state of Israel:
“PATRIARCH OF JERUSALEM: Israeli extremists are threatening us, they want to drive us out of the Old City”
Some graphs that will help redpill Evangelicals and other Christians on the truth about the Rothschild founded Israel:
For those that want to learn more about the true relationship between Judaism and Christianity, here is a link to the chapter about it from the book “When Victims Rule: An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America And Its Historical Origins”:
Also recommend that everyone watches this video where the professional and volunteer internet zionist shilling operations are exposed in detail:
“Israel’s Internet Censorship War – If Americans Knew”
America/Europe are Israel.
The theory of evolution is liken to construction materials free falling to earth and becoming an office bldg with no intelligent intervention. It will never happen.
Well, maybe through some bizarre imaginative process, but in no way becoming reality.
Such is the the twisted mind of the Jew. Their sense of reality is evil, warped and twisted. People wonder why our planet is in the mess it is in.
CS Michael
“And, of course, the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion state that the Jews would intentionally promote theories such as evolution that they knew were not true — in order to destroy their faith and justify Jewish domination of our nations.”
It’s interesting thinking about these Judeo-Masonic theories (Gravity, Relativity, Space, Globe Earth, etc..) and when they’re proved incorrect only brings us closer to God, King of Kings Jesus Christ—and His Word.
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
– Arthur Schopenhauer
Yes, and the Big Bang Theory comes straight out of the Kabbalah….
To summarise the nonsensical “big bang theory”.
“In the beginning there was nothing, but the nothing became bored with not existing, so it exploded and became everything”.
How many impossibilities must a person believe before breakfast in order to accept that gibberish as a valid theory?
CS Michael
Good call Mike on the Kabbalah connection. It’s complete Kabbalah satanism non-sense.