(Algemeiner) Bernard Starr — a Jewish professor who writes pop psychology books along with articles about “spirituality” in radical left-wing outlets like Huffpost and Salon — has the chutzpah to rewrite Christian history in order to make Jesus Christ “more Jewish” — even going so far as to claim that portraying Jesus as a “Christian” in Renaissance paintings provided fuel for the alleged “gas ovens” at Auschwitz and the like:
Consider that the Sanhedrin, the ruling body over Jewish affairs, charged Jesus for committing blasphemies against Judaism. Christians later altered the fabricated indictment to “the Jews killed the Christian Jesus.”
That “crime” then became the launching pad for rage, hatred, and unrestrained violence against Jews.
The invention of the Christian Jesus thus emerged as one of the most deadly lies in history. It weaponized the Christ killers charge.
While a consensus of Christian and Jewish Biblical scholars affirm that Jesus lived and died as a dedicated practicing Jew, Renaissance artworks invented a different narrative.
In countless artworks spanning centuries, Jesus displays a cross, thus sending the false message that he is a Christian, despite the fact that Christianity did not exist even as a word or concept in Jesus’ lifetime.
Worse, the image of Jesus proudly displaying a cross is bizarre. If Jesus were to see these artworks, he would likely consider them mockery or extremely bad jokes. Particularly for Jews, the cross represented Roman torture, murder, and genocide.
Similarly, the plethora of paintings of the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist falsely turn a Jewish event into a Christian one, as in this 15th century painting by Andrea Verrocchio. In the Gospels’ account, John baptized Jews and only Jews in preparation for the expected arrival of the Jewish Messiah. (Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22). And baptism was an ancient Jewish practice of spiritual cleansing.
Artworks of the betrothal or marriage of the pregnant 13-year-old Jewish girl Mary to Jewish carpenter Joseph are even more outrageous fabrications. By the magic of the paintbrush, Renaissance artists pictured the event as a Christian ceremony, as in this painting by Raphael, which served as a model for other Christianized images of the ceremony.
The unrestrained farce is also evident in the profusion of Madonna and Child artworks. Try to find even a hint of Mary’s Semitic Jewish identity and you will find yourself on a fruitless hunt. Yet the 13 mentions of Mary in the New Testament (12 in the Gospels and one in Acts of the Apostles) are steeped in Judaism.
Hundreds of years later, Hollywood films, perhaps inadvertently, reinforced the lethal fabrication of Biblical history that artworks launched.
In the 1953 blockbuster film “The Robe,” several of the characters convert to non-existent Christianity. In the popular film “Salome,” released in the same year, the Jewish and Roman authorities refer to the dangerous nuisances, John the Baptist and Jesus, who are “preaching a new faith.” Later, the Roman soldier Claudius — Salome’s lover — converts to Christianity. The Jewish Princess Salome joins Claudius and also converts to non-existent Christianity.
The 1965 film “The Greatest Story Ever Told” includes a deception that was not noted in reviews or commentaries. Viewers would not know that Jesus, his followers, and those attending his sermons were Jews. The word Jew is never uttered. They didn’t dress like Jews and none appeared with cues of Jewish identities.
Nor do we ever see Jesus participating in a traditional Jewish prayer service, even though the Gospel of Luke (4:16) says Jesus attended synagogue services “as he always did” on the Sabbaths. It appears that the filmmakers deliberately eliminated, minimalized, or masked Jewish content to play to a Christian audience.
And the deception continues.
In a filmed stage production of “Jesus Christ Superstar” streamed on Broadway HD in April 2023, the camera zooms in on Mary Magdalene expressing her love for Jesus. During her passionate aria, a large cross tattooed on her upper left arm assures the audience that she and Jesus are Christians, which of course they are not.
Would it have made a difference historically if it were fully understood that Jesus, his disciples, and followers remained dedicated practicing Jews throughout Jesus’ ministry and lifetime?
Carmelite nun Maria Theresia thinks so. She, along with other nuns, lives in a convent established at the Dachau concentration camp in Germany as a spiritual practice of prayer, remembrance, and hope.
In the book “I Sleep in Hitler’s Room,” Sister Theresia conjectured to the author Tuvia Tenenbom, “Because the mother of God was a Jew, because Jesus was a Jew, and all the Apostles were Jews, and if we remembered that in those days, the Holocaust would not have happened.”
We can understand why Renaissance artists and their patrons, as well as modern-day filmmakers, Christianized the Jewish life of Jesus. But why have art world professionals — historians, critics, and curators — stubbornly sustained the fraud? Why have commentaries and reviews failed to expose the glaring identity theft of taking the Jew out of Jesus and inventing the Christian Jesus?
Has their over-romanticizing of the Renaissance blinded them to the deadly consequences of a lie that weaponized antisemitism? Might they also be reluctant to criticize artworks that contributed to the Renaissance, which ended the Dark Ages by setting Western civilization on a path toward humanism and enlightenment? If so, they have tragically failed to recognize that darkness continued for Jews. Jews were herded into ghettos and subjected to mass expulsions, forced conversions, violence, and genocidal acts — all driven by hatred for killing the invented Christian Jesus.
Whatever the reasons, it’s time to stop the lie and make amends by telling the truth. The emperor is naked. And telling the truth doesn’t mandate hiding or destroying artworks that are important contributions to Western culture and the development of art.
Telling the truth can contribute to a greater understanding of historic antisemitism that was embedded in Christian society. And truth can advance the reconciliation and healing process of two faiths that share a common foundation — a connection best expressed by the bold pronouncement of Pope Frances: “Inside every Christian is a Jew.”
This histrionic tirade appears to be a new trend among Jews — complaining about the “de-jewification” of Jesus Christ — the dangerous Christian “erasing” of his “Jewish” identity.
No, the Sanhedrin did not accuse Christ of making “blasphemies against Judaism” — the word “Judaism” does not appear anywhere in either the New or Old Testaments.
Judaism is not the faith of the ancient Israelites — rather it is a bastardization of the Hebrew faith — and Judaism’s origins can be traced back to Babylon, according to Jews themselves:
“Judaism was not evolved in Judah; it was in Babylon that Judaism first became that which it was and still is.”
—”The Hebrew Peoples” written by Dr. H. Winckler, L.M. King, Dr. R. G. Brandis, and H. R. Hall. On pages 1781-4, Vol. 3, appearing in Helmsworth’s “History of the World”
And Babylonian Judaism was not codified into a “religion” until 200 years after the death of Christ — making it impossible for Christ to — in any way — have “blasphemed” Judaism.
Of course, this Jew fails to mention that neither words “Jew” nor “Jewish” — appeared anywhere in the original Gospels — the term “Jew” was not invented until the 17th Century — rather the word is ioudaios, which, depending on the context, refers to an Israelite Judahite, an Israelite Judean, or an Israelite from the southern kingdom from the tribes of Judah, Benjamin or Levi.
Today’s “Jews” are certainly none of those things — by their own admission:
“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”
–1980 Jewish Almanac p. 3
Thus, we can safely say that the judaized Pope is categorically wrong — inside every Christian is not a “Jew” — but rather inside every Christian is Christ.
As the incarnation of the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ was the apotheosis — the culmination of the Hebrew faith — He embodied the fulfillment of that faith — and His death and resurrection were proof of that fulfillment — the living end.
Christ most certainly did not, therefore, live His entire life as a “practicing” Jew — the whole point of his life was to show that the Law could not bring about salvation without faith in Him — and those Judeans — led by the stiff-necked Pharisees — who clung to the law and wished for an earthly king-messiah who would liberate them from the Roman yoke would never find eternal life.
No, the term “Christianity” is never mentioned in the New Testament, but not because it didn’t yet exist as such — rather it was called “the way of the Lord” (Matthew 3:3) — which is why Jesus said,
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me”
—John 14:6
Christ uses this term — “the way” — because that is how the faith of Old Testament Israel is described — never as “Judaism” for good reason.
So here in John 14:6 we are given the very definition of the Christian faith — and the antithesis of Judaism — or Babylonian Phariseeism — which Christ rebuked throughout His entire advent.
Depicting Christ in Renaissance paintings as a “practicing Jew” would have been a true blasphemy — as it would have negated His entire life and purpose — but apparently if Jews had their way, this is how Renaissance painters would depict the crucifixion:
There are plenty of classical paintings depicting Christ carrying the cross to Golgotha — and then of His crucifixion — which is why the cross became a symbolic distillation of the faith.
Before His death — and before He carried His own cross to Golgotha — Christ commands His followers to pick up His cross and bear it with Him:
“Then Jesus told his disciples, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.'”
—Matthew 16:24
In other words, the cross symbolized the faith even before He was crucified — it symbolized His entire life and faith from beginning to end — and it did away with the old “way” — as He and His followers became a “new creation” baptized in that faith (2 Corinthians 5:17).
And contrary to what this Jew Bernard Starr claims, Christ was not baptized by John the Baptist to affirm His “Jewishness” — rather, Christ had to be ritualistically cleansed prior to His crucifixion to “fulfill all righteousness” so as to be an unblemished sacrifice to His Father in order to wash away the sins of “the world.”
There is no doubt that the Sanhedrin and Pharisees conspired to murder Christ — just as their forefathers had murdered the Israelite prophets:
“So you are witnesses and approve the deeds of your fathers; because it was they who killed them, and you build their tombs.”
—Luke 11:48
Christ intentionally stayed in Jerusalem so that He could be killed by the very same people who killed the prophets:
“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who have been sent to her.”
—Matthew 23:37
“I must journey on today and tomorrow and the next day; for it cannot be that a prophet would perish outside of Jerusalem.”
—Luke 13:33
If today’s “Jews” don’t want to be accused of conspiring to kill Christ, then the remedy is quite simple — admit that they are not genuine Israelites from the Tribe of Judah — that their ancestors — mostly Khazar converts — were nowhere near Judea at the time of the crucifixion.
But Jews will never give up this great masquerade — this identity theft — that they are Israelites because it provides them a “get-out-of-jail-free card” with all duped Christians who falsely believe that they are God’s Chosen People™.
And the National Socialists did not round up Jews and put them in concentration camps because they “killed Christ” — or because of some random Renaissance paintings depicting Christ as a Christian.
The Germans forcefully removed the Jews from the Christian German nation because they had systematically destroyed it — and then international Jewry had the temerity to openly declare war on Germany in 1933 for trying to protect themselves from the onslaught of judeo-communism.
Communism is an integral weapon of messianic Judaism:
“Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.”
—Rabbi Harry Waton, A Program for The Jews and An Answer To All Anti-Semites: A Program for Humanity, 1939, p. 100
So it was Judaism — not Christianity — which caused this pogrom in World War II — just the last pogrom of hundreds of others that the Jews had inflicted on themselves in Europe over the previous centuries for trying to subvert and judaize Christendom.
And just as they invented their identity as Israelites, the Jews also invented the Holocaust for the specific purpose of deflecting attention away from their genocide of tens of millions of Christian Israelites under the merciless iron fist of judeo-Bolshevism.
And as long as Jews remain in denial of their own responsibility for their fate in WWII — and continue to try to foist their neo-Bolshevik agenda on White Christian nations — they will assure their own ultimate destruction — a real holocaust — during the inevitable fall of their Mystery Babylon:
“…In the measure that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously, in the same measure give her torment and sorrow; for she says in her heart, ‘I sit as queen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow.’ Therefore her plagues will come in one day — death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judges her….The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing….”
—Revelation 18:7-8, 15
Jews rewriting Agatha Christie novels,to remove offensive references to Jews.
Dr. Charles P. Larson, an American forensic pathologist, performed autopsies at Dachau and some of its sub-camps which confirm that most inmates at Dachau died of natural causes. Dr. Larson performed about 25 autopsies a day for 10 days at Dachau and superficially examined another 300 to 1,000 bodies. He autopsied only those bodies that appeared to be questionable. Dr. Larson wrote in regard to these autopsies at Dachau:
Auschwitz – An Unbiased Eyewitness Report
by Thies Christophersen;Manfred Roeder
Thies Christophersen was a pioneer revisionist writer and courageous fighter for truth in history — died February 13, 1997, at Molfsee, Kiel, in north Germany. He was 79.
In a memoir first published in Germany in 1973, he related his wartime experiences as a German army officer in the Auschwitz camp complex. “During the time I was in Auschwitz, I did not notice the slightest evidence of mass gassings,” he wrote in Die Auschwitz-Lüge (“The Auschwitz Lie”). As one of the first important works squarely to confront the Auschwitz extermination legend, Christophersen’s first-hand account was a major factor in the growth and development of Holocaust revisionism.
To those christian living here in America, get ready for this:
As Israeli forces impose “unreasonable restrictions” on access to a traditional Orthodox Easter ritual, Palestinian Christians say their 2,000-year-old community in the Holy Land is coming under increasing attack:
The jews are already demanding Warning Labels for Antisemitism and HateTM on Bibles, so they are sure to demand similar labels for Christian Renaissance Art.
Every single piece will have to be carefully reviewed for different classification level warnings. Greenblatt gets final say.
Museums will have to be condemned as Hate Centers that Breed Extremism. Anyone that enters one will be tracked and monitored by them, or worse.
The ADL will surely have a Hate Hots Spots Chart online that everyone can report ‘incidents’ of families, school children, and senior citizens going to see the art.
Paul Kurt
There is the superfluous question : “who killed CHrist” , a favorite theme of the jew to exonerate themselves. It is answered : the Romans of course on the proposition , jew is always innocent. Gospels consequently invalid and cause for more jew indemnity .
Answering this provocative lie on internet news called , News WIth Views , later to be renamed News By Jews , a jewess exclaimed , the Romans killed him . I impetuously reprehended the lie. According to gospels all agree that , Pontius Pilatus , the Prefectes Publicanus , indeed could not find Jesus of Nazareth guilty of high treason lace-majeste .
Therefore the Lord was protected by Roman law. According to scripture the jew alone was responsible.
Solution is that scripture ,namely gospels were a political invention to exonerate the Roman authority.
Judging from this jewiess , who rebuked me when I opposed her false testimony , they are still vitally interested in establishing thier impeccable innocence . But the world today has believed this especially the church, who makes Pilatus another Hitler .
Universities are dedicated to expurgating the gospels and bible from all exposure of this jewish hate and persecution . This only proves their eternal obsession with peculation and denial of truth in the scripture.
Otto Skorzeny
1 Thessalonians 2:14-15
“For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of
The Jews: Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:”
Which group killed Lord Jesus, pleases not God, and are contrary to all men?
When the time came for the kike Leo Trotsky, Lev Davidivich Bronstein to escape from the typically jewish mess he had help make in Europe and flee to Mexico, he had some willing beaners waiting to take him in – like ‘artists’ Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera.
Then he got caught up with – like the rat he was – and exterminated. Trotsky’s jew scam on legs shows us just how long these worthless heebs have been fleeing as fast as they can from their demonic scams. They hope that it won’t catch up with them, but it always does.
Jews and their brainwashed art curators exalt ugly art like Modogliani, then you look into the early life on Wiki and see….Yep, just another kike. These criminal jews run helplessly into the arms of the brown races, only to be destroyed. It is a constant pattern. Hilarious Failures who always take off running straight to death.
“Jews Claim Christian Renaissance Art Contributed To The Holocaust™”
Good! Then go to a museum and appreciate Renaissance Art this weekend! 🙂
It’s amazing how little Jews like Bernard Starr understand Christianity. Jews are narcissists, compelled to project their own conflicted identity on everything around them.
For me, this is proof that no Jew can sincerely convert to Christianity and become a new creation in Christ….they will always find a way to retain their Jewish identity despite their conversion. If they do convert, it’s because they see their own jewishness in Christ who is the antithesis of jewishness.
“ever chastised, ever innocent: this is the burden of being a jew.” — Norman G. Finklstein
While the Talmud says Gentiles can do no good – https://files.catbox.moe/pcsqaa.png
That’s their permanent tribal mindset.
The Bear
“Christian and Jewish Biblical scholars affirm that Jesus lived and died”………… as a dedicated practicing Jew”
This is simply, an attempt to kill The Christ again, by obliterating Him from the minds of Christians. Since the Jewish Religious books confirm that the Christ “lived and died” they cannot claim “He never existed” So, since He existed, the only way to remove Him from the minds of Christens is “Make Him more Jewish than even the Jews”
Now, he is “A practicing Jew” “The Cross is Roman, not Jewish” Now, “Jesus was not A Christian” Now “baptism was an ancient Jewish practice” “filmmakers, Christianized the Jewish life of Jesus”
They want to make Jesus so Jewish, so that the Christians can dump Him. Then they will be left with nothing, except being tools for Jewish dialectics
Jews hate Christianity and want to make it disappear from the world.
Yet many white nationalists claim that Christianity is a Jewish “conspiracy” to weaken and destroy our race. If Christianity can weaken and destroy the White race, why do Jews do everything they can to subvert, infiltrate and destroy Christianity? I don’t get it.
Jesus was not a Jew. Rinse, wash, repeat.
Pagans did not like the “Jews” either and did not allow them to exist in their nations. Only the Christians and Muslims would put up with these parasites. At least the Christians don’t mutilate their children’s genitals.
Yeah, that makes sense. Jewish promote paganism and atheism. When was the last time you heard the ADL rail against pagans? Most Jews are atheists, so they aren’t threatened by paganism. Pagan Egypt was overrun by Africans. Rome went the same way. To suggest that only Christians welcome these alien invaders is just not true. Christians fought against the pagan Turk invasion of Europe. It’s only recently that limp wristed judeo-christians have welcomed the third world into their countries.
Illium Works
Jews claim White people caused the holocaust just by being White.
Wilfred John
Well, Jews should ask themselves why they find White Christian nations so threatening. No one is forcing them to live among us. Why not leave Christendom and go live in China or Korea where they love Jews? The answer is obvious.
Yes, they are jealous of the White race and all of our talents and accomplishments. But there’s much more to it.
Jews want us dead or miscegenated out of existence not because they merely hate us. They are compelled to do it because they hate Christ and God the Father, and we are the living witnesses to that blood and faith.
Thank you CFT for another great Post.
” I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me”
—John 14:6
This is why the Jew hates Christ… (AntiChrist) and consistently hijacks His Sovereignty. Because they will NEVER submit to anyone, anywhere, anytime. They believe that they are the Messiah… ugly and all evil, smelly, and full of murder.
Jerusalem (Yerushaliym) is defined – “The teaching of Peace”. Do these Edomites know peace? They murder daily. They lie with every breath. Mr. Starr (lol) almost spilled the beans when he blamed Hollywood. Insanity rules them. And so they were FORCED to live in Christian nations don’t ya know. Vile demonic parasites…the plague… reprobate tribal mixed seed ruthless spitting dancing demons.
Heeby Kikeburger
Is there any quality more Jewish than lying?
I’m still on the fence about the ancestry of Jews, it seems to me that they must have some tie to the Pharisees.
For some reason, jewry has sent missionaries and has heavily promoted studying the Talmud in South Korea, to the degree that I see the claim that SK has more students of the Talmud than Israel.
However, the jews say that Koreans can never convert to judaism because they lack the Jewish soul, the neshama.
Jews allow Whites to convert, but then they hold that these “giur” are “second-class citizens” amid jewry:
Yet no one in Jewry seems to have ever called out the Ashkenazi as imposters, putting them “on blast” for being LARPers doing to judaism what “Hotep/We Wuz Kanz” nogs do to ancient Egypt. How does that square?
RB says “Yet no one in Jewry seems to have ever called out the Ashkenazi as imposters…”
Actually that’s not quite true. The Jew Benjamin Freedman called out the Ashkenazis as fake Jews in his famous speech “Facts Are Facts”, which you can read here:
Freedman claims that the old German Jews had originally followed the Romans up into Europe, while the Ashkenazi, or Osten Juden, are Khazar imposters in his speech to the Marine Cadets:
I think Myron Fagan did too though I can remember the essay….
Thanks, the speech has been an interesting read. So far I cannot get the link to the “Facts are Facts” PDF to work for me, sad to say.
in the speech, Freedman asserts that the Khazars militarily conquered and ruled all of eastern Europe, extending as far west as Paris, for ~500 years. I do find that astonishing, seeing today’s Khazars.
In his speech, he mentions that the ruler of the Khazars simply decided to practice talmudic judaism, and forced his nation to convert. This conversion process took root and has stood for over 1,200 years, and the Khazars became top dogs of International Jewry. Has any other nation converted en masse to Judaism?
Would it be too poetic to ponder that the horrors of Tay-Sachs disease, as mentioned in the speech, are a manifestation of Matthew 27:25’s blood curse?
“Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.”
Europeans quickly and fervently converted to Christianity, yet the black, brown, red, and yellow man has not, despite centuries of missionary work. The difference in the European case is that Europeans are called to Christianity by God (Hebrews 10:16 etc), while those other races are not.
“This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them”
Is something similar afoot with the Khazars?
As an addendum, I have found in some searching that jews are kvetching that, despite decades of judaizing them, South Koreans are still “dangerously antisemitic”.
Hitler and Nazis are very popular in Asia. They think the Germans were very stylish and chic (which they were):
Korean pop star has a crush on a Nazi:
I’ve been reading this site for a few months now and find the entire topic of identifying the true Israelites, Hebrews, and Adamites totally fascinating.
Only a few months ago I believed I was a descendent of Japheth, but now I am not so sure.
I know the Bible states, “God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem” In genesis 9:27.
So, if Shem’s descendants are the Israelites, and they are found in Europe, North America, Australia, NZ, and SA, does Japheth’s descendants live amongst them?
If so, how does one know if they are of Japheth lineage or Shem’s.
I am certainly an Adamite (British Isles), but how do I know if I am of Japheth’s line or from Shem?
It’s doubtful that there any pure Japhethites left in Europe at this point. They would have arrived much earlier than the later “lost tribes of Israel”, and they would have been absorbed into those tribes over the last 2,500 years.
Any pure Japhethites would have had to remain isolated during that entire time, and it’s hard to imagine where any remnant would be today.
The prophecy of Genesis 9:27, as you point out, seems to predict that this is what happened.
Thanks for the reply, Kevin.
So I’m correct in thinking I (and other whites) could be a mixture of the descendants of Japheth and Shem?
Could this explain the variation in ‘spiritual discernment’ amongst the white population with the more ‘Shem’ one is creating a more spiritually aware man?
Could it also explain why some white folk seem to ‘get away’ with more ‘bad’ behaviour as they are not as directly under the law?
Father (Yahweh God) has always chastised me when I have transgressed. yet some of my white associates (could call them friends….sometimes) appear to be able to transgress to get ahead in the rat race.
Gareth …
the Holy Spirit should work the same in any born-again Adamite. I’d suggest if your friends seem to be “waffling”, I’d submit they have not been regenerated.
Paul warns the Corinthians that they could be deceived into believing in “another jesus/another gospel” — 2 Corinthians 11:1-4
I don’t know for sure, because I don’t know your friends, but most likely they learned the Gospel through brick and mortar Churches. They most likely believe in the false teaching of Once Saved Always Saved. Covertly called — Eternal Security.
You may want to explore with them what they believe about Salvation.
There is the Scriptural Jesus and then there is the man-made version of jesus.
Most Adamites today believe in the man-made version.
Hope that helps.
Hi West, thanks for the reply.
I would say the majority of people I am referring to are agnostic…..they sorta believe in God (a creator), but are not interested at looking deeper into the topic, preferring instead to devise ways to make currency.
My point was that they don’t ‘appear’ to get a clip around the ear from Yahweh Father when they scheme and lie to make some currency. I learnt as teenager that if I lied, I would get ‘punished’, even if no person around me knew that I had lied (bit Yahweh did).
Just thinking out loud why the father chastises some more than others, and speculating whether due to Israelites having the law, “written on their inner parts”, are more readily chastised than other Adamites, e.g. Japheth’s descendants.
I find it all very fascinating 🙂
Heeby Kikeburger
The children of Shem were white as well according to a CFT article I can’t remember which.
HI Heeby, I believe all Adamites are white.
Gareth, you might find our article on the White slave trade in Europe interesting…..
“Japhethites, Shemites and the White Slave Trade in Medieval Europe”
Interesting, so the medieval period folk believed Japheth’s tribe mainly settled in Eastern Europe (where they could indeed be in ‘the tents of Shem’ too).
Gareth, also keep in mind that the original Aryans from Persia were descendants of Shem, as were the White Assyrians, and both of these tribes migrated up into Europe.
If you are an Aryan, you are most definitely shemitic.
Hi Chartes,
I believe all of Noah’s sons were Aryan (white Adamic). Although the Bible follows the line of Shem, there could be other Adamites that are Aryan (not interbred with pre-Adamites).
Armed Patriot
Welcome to the Fold brother .
You can tell by your Family’s coat of arms brother . I’m from the Tribe of Gad while my Wife is of Dan .
W.H Bennet’s books and the 7 book series by Dr.Lawrence Blanchard ,
Uncovering the Mysteries of your hidden inheritance by Robert Alan Balaicius will be great in your studies identifying things.
Thanks for the tip, brother.
Looking at my family coat of arms it would appear I’m from the tribe if Benjamin.
Not sure how I feel about that yet.
James Smith
“It’s doubtful that there any pure Japhethites left in Europe at this point.”
I’d argue there may be more pure Japhethites than other groups. Basques, Sardinians, and Balts have been isolated for a long time. Basques are probably Tarshishites.
The Balts intermixed with the Swedish Viking invaders. They have not been “isolated” in the way the Basques have. In fact, Latvians have a higher rate of blue eyes than even the Germans today.
Tarshish was settled originally by the Israelites, and they later intermixed with the Visigoth conquerors.
And the Sardinians were overrun by north African Muslims, which is why many of them have that dark swarthy look today. Also there was a significant Jewish population in Sardinia, and many of them “converted” to Christianity during the Inquisition, which also may contribute to their dark look.
James Smith
I’ll accept that you’re right about the Balts. Sephardic Jews don’t appear to have affected the gene pool of Sardinians though. If they all had North African admixture, we would see dark blue on the chart like we see for the Spanish and Portuguese:
Whites used to have a presence in North Africa. I just think Sardinia and ancient Egypt were places that didn’t attract many Nordic types. Parts of west Asia like Israel did because it was “the land of milk and honey”.
Visigoths were Germanics, so they were Israelites. I’m assuming you were referring the Moors. The Portuguese and Spaniards are almost entirely non-white now except for some northerners. Moors were Iberomaurusian/Taforaltian pre-Adamites.
James Smith
Tarshish was a son of Javan (Genesis 10:4), so Israelites wouldn’t have been the original settlers, wherever it was. Though there is a theory that it really refers to Tarsus (i.e. where apostle Paul was from) rather than Spain.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
How could that art contribute to something that NEVER happened? The phony Holocaust™ has contributed to more misery, death, destruction & looting than anything else, besides those Jew owned central banks.
A. Clifton
” NO ONE ON EARTH . . .HAS . . .TO BE A . . {So-Called }… ” {{{ JEW }}} “. . ”
If today’s { So-called } “Jews” don’t want to be accused of conspiring to kill Christ,
then the remedy is… { REALLY-REALLY } …quite simple — admit that they are not genuine
….”Israelites ” …from the Tribe of Judah — that their ancestors —
mostly {Turko-Mongolian} Khazar converts — were nowhere near Judea at the time of the crucifixion.
Thank The Messiah…for “Israel”….
“……admit that they are not genuine ”Israelites ” from the Tribe of Judah — that their ancestors
mostly {Turko-Mongolian} Khazar converts …….”
Finally, you make sense.
Which now raises the question —- Do you believe that Jews can be “born-again”?
NOOOOOO 6 million times NOOOOOO…………