Five hundred and twenty-five Bnei Menashe olim from India — who claim they are the descendants of a lost tribe of Israel — are gearing up for their first Rosh Hashanah after moving to Israel from Manipur, India, thanks to the efforts of Pnina Tamano Shata, Minister of Aliyah and Integration:
Part of the Bnei Menashe’s preparations for the High Holidays included a Gefilte Fish tasting – a traditional dish associated with the Jewish New Year. Shavei Israel, which has lobbied for the Aliyah of the Bnei Menashe community for the past 20 years, presented the dish to the community members for the first time. Some loved the dish, while others politely declared it to be “an acquired taste.”
“After 2,700 years of exile, the descendants of the Bnei Menashe are finally returning to their ancestral homeland,” says Michael Freund, Founder, and Chairman of Shavei Israel. “There is no better time for them to begin their new lives in the land of their ancestors than the beginning of the Jewish New Year. The history of this special community, which preserved its connection to the people of Israel and the Land of Israel down through the generations, is exciting and inspiring, and I would like to wish each of them a Shanah Tova U’metuka, a good and sweet New Year, for the first time in their ancestral homeland.”
The Bnei Menashe, or sons of Manasseh claim descent from one of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, which were sent into exile by the Assyrian Empire more than 27 centuries ago. Their ancestors wandered through Central Asia and the Far East for centuries before settling in what is now northeastern India, along the borders of Burma and Bangladesh. Throughout their sojourn in exile, the Bnei Menashe continued to practice Judaism just as their ancestors did, including observing the Sabbath, keeping kosher, celebrating the festivals, and following the laws of family purity. They continued to nourish the dream of one day returning to the land of their forefathers, the Land of Israel.
Thus far, Shavei Israel has made the dream of Aliyah, immigration to Israel, possible for over 4,500 Bnei Menashe and plans to help bring more members of the community to Israel. Another 6,000 Bnei Menashe are awaiting their return to the Jewish homeland.
Today’s “Jews” — by their own admission — changed the biblical law of patrilineal descent to matrilineal descent sometime around 200 AD, which is almost 1,000 years after the Assyrian captivity.
And while some of the original Israelites in the Assyrian captivity may indeed have made their way to India, the vast majority of them migrated up through the Caucasus Mountains and west into Europe and — for the most part — maintained their racial purity by keeping themselves a separate people.
Those that migrated east, were eventually absorbed into the native population — despite clinging to some of their ancient Israelite customs — that is why modern Jews until recently have been referred to as “asiatics.”
The “family purity” laws of the ancient Israelites were very clear — the father must be an Israelite, and the mother must be either another Israelite or a pure, unmixed Adamic descendant of the original Genesis 10 nations, as was the case with the wives of Jacob’s twelve sons.
We know that the ancient Israelites were white — as were the original Genesis 10 generations of Adam — because the Scriptures tell us so.
So the only way white Israelites can be the ancestors of these brown-skinned Indians is through violating the “family purity laws” and procreating with non-Adamic peoples, resulting in racial bastards (Deuteronomy 23:2).
Only through a Talmudic twist of logic — in complete defiance of Logos — could a Jew convince themselves that an obvious racial mongrel is the result of strictly adhering to “family purity laws.”
From a Jewish perspective, a racially “pure” Jew is dark-haired, dark-eyed, and olive-skinned — according to Maurice Fishberg’s Physical Anthropology Of The Jews, which appeared in the journal American Anthropologist.
In this 1903 study, Fishberg actually claims that blonde-haired, blue-eyed Jews — of which there are many — are the result of pure dark Jews race mixing with nordic Aryan types — a complete inversion of reality.
The racially ideal Jew is a mongrel — an oxymoron — which is exactly what we’d expect of those reject God and become anti-Christs — without a common blood — the embodiment of chaos and confusion.
In his 1953 book Israel Between East And West, Jewish ethnologist Dr. Raphael Patai confirmed that unlike the ancient Israelites, modern Jews worldwide embody diversity, “The impression is thus gained that the Jews do not belong to a single homogeneous racial a group.”
So these brown-skinned Indians may indeed be Jews, but they certainly are not Israelites.
To these dark skinned tribal Menashe From India, I will have to say, good luck.
In 1985, Jack Bernstein, an Ashenazi Jew, published his book, “The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel”. I will not post a link, because no sooner one does, the link is removed through censorship. However, one should be able to find a PDF or text of it through a net search using one of the non-main stream, alternate search engines.
[CFT ed. We have it in our Library at this link:
The following is under the heading, “Israel’s Racist Policies”.
You will recall that I mentioned my troubles in Israel began when I, an Ashkenazi Jew, married a Sephardic Jewess. Anti-Sephardic treatment by Ashkenazi Jews is even official government policy. This racism runs very deep in Israel and sharply divides the Jewish population. …
In the U.S., if anyone complains of police brutality or misconduct, there is an investigation, but not in Israel. The person registering a complaint can expect police reprisal in the form of a beating. Besides being denied decent housing and decent employment because I was married to a Sephardic Jewess, I was the target of racial slurs. Several times I was even attacked by Ashkenazi Jews because I had married a Sephardic Jewess. Other American Ashkenazi who had gone to Israel and married Sephardic Jewesses received the same treatment as I. …
I was born in the United States, attended public schools, worked in various parts of the U.S. and served 2 years in the U.S. Army. Not even once was I persecuted or had racist remarks made to me because I was a Jew. It is ironic that once in Israel, the so-called “Paradise for all Jews,” I, a Jew suffered because of racism.
The Zionist controlled news-media in America has kept from the American people the news that Israel is intensely racist. Most Ashkenazi Jews in America are not aware of the racism in Israel. Even those Jews who have visited Israel are not aware because they are carefully kept from witnessing racist incidents.
However, Sephardic Jews in America have spread the truth about the practice of racism against the Sephardic Jews in Israel. Knowing of this, Sephardic Jews have not been among those Jews who migrated to Israel from America.
From what I have written so far, you should now realize that few Jews practice Judaism. Most Jews are atheists or they follow humanism which is anti-God religion. So the portrayal that Jews are a religious people who look to Israel as a fulfillment of biblical prophecy is a myth. Also, the portrayal that Jews are one race of people is a myth. The Sephardic Jew – Ashkenazi Jew division is adequate proof.
Subsequently, Jack Bernstein offered to debate the ADL on live television, but the ADL declined. As mysterious as Jewess Joan Rivers’ 2014 death came shortly after mentioning that the US president’s wife was a tranny, Bernstein was murdered.
Link correction (CFT may delete this comment if above link is corrected. Note, if a space is placed after “pdf” before the “]” will prevent the software from thinking “]” AKA “%5D” in hexadecimal) is a part of the link):
Ryan Christopher
Manasseh is the United States, whose occupants are mostly Celtic-Germanic. These people, like the current ones calling themselves “Jews” are imposters. They can, however, be grafted in if they accept Jesus Christ.
Revelation 2:9
“‘I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.”
Stan Winston
Have you ever heard of “conversion”?
Strange how these Indians qualify as “Jews” or “Israelites”, but these black Africans do not. Hypocrisy:
Blow up twin towers, blame muslims…check
install bad guy, first black muslim potus….check
install good guy white christian potus…..check
install buffoon after “rigged” election who
creates chaos in middle east while jab/5g NWO control
tech is installed……..check
Re-install good guy to fake “maga” by bundling it
with yet another war for the enemies of the jews. the
jews who made him and his father billionaires………….
I’m sure the Ashkenazim are not amused by this bit of multiculture theater.
Unless they plan on making them Israel’s new untermenschen… when they finally kill off, or deport to Europe, all the remaining Palestinians.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
“…which preserved its connection to the people of Israel and the Land of Israel down through the generations,…”
Thru 2,700 years? And wandering all over India & S Asia? I seriously doubt they kept that Juden purity, unless they engaged in incest, which one of the above looks like he has an Aunt Mommy & Uncle Daddy.
What’s the money angle? That’s what this is leading to, some Shekel Storm for Israel.
Pete Griffin
I’m sure this assortment of mystery meat will bring great vibrancy to Israel.
And after experiencing Israeli racism, they’ll probably wish they were back in India.
Good point. But they’ll probably get sent to Europe. Or some other White nation.
Christ Is King
They look like typical brown asian types having a jewish themed costume party at a restaurant.
Seeing as Thomas went to India, I find it hard to believe that Thomas went to India to preach to them!
Peachey Carnehan
This idea that Thomas actually went to India is extra-biblical and based on tradition and legend, not fact. But if he did go to India to preach the gospel, he certainly would not have done so to preach it to the brown native Indians but rather to the remaining white aryans who had conquered India in the past. Today’s light-skinned “brahmin” ruling caste in India are the remaining vestige of those ancient aryan rulers.
If you’ve never seen it, I’d highly recommend the 1975 film “The Man Who Would Be King” with Sean Connery and Michael Caine, based on the story by Rudyard Kipling….showing how these two white soldiers managed to conquer and rule a far eastern country, a retelling of the aryan rule in India, with which Kipling was very familiar.