(Times Of Israel) The leading dictionary of standard German has changed its definition of Jew — or “Jude” in German — after a recent update caused an uproar in the country’s Jewish community — a move reflecting the sensitivities that persist eight decades after World War II, which they have apparently renamed “The Holocaust”:
The Duden dictionary had recently added an explanation to its online edition saying that “occasionally, the term Jew is perceived as discriminatory because of the memory of the National Socialist use of language. In these cases, formulations such as Jewish people, Jewish fellow citizens or people of the Jewish faith are usually chosen.”
This explanation led to an outcry from leading Jewish groups and individuals who stressed that identifying themselves or being called Jews is not discriminatory, in contrast to what Duden’s definition implied. The head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Joseph Schuster, said last week that for him the word “Jew” is neither a swear word nor discriminatory.
“Even if ‘Jew’ is used pejoratively in schoolyards or only hesitantly by some people, and the Duden editors are certainly well-meaning in pointing out this context, everything should be done to avoid solidifying the term as discriminatory,” Schuster said.
The executive director of the Central Council of Jews, Daniel Botmann, wrote on Twitter “Is it okay to say Jew? Yes! Please don’t say ‘Jewish fellow citizens’ or ‘people of the Jewish faith’. Just JEWS. Thank you!”
The publisher of Duden reacted to the criticism and updated its definition again Monday to reflect the Jewish community’s input. “Because of their antisemitic use in history and in the present, especially during the Nazi era, the words Jew/Jewess have been debated … for decades,” the entry on the dictionary’s website now says. “At the same time, the words are widely used as a matter of course and are not perceived as problematic. The Central Council of Jews in Germany, which has the term itself in its name, is in favor of its use…”
In other words, Jews want to reserve the right to call themselves “Jews,” but good luck to any of the goyim who refer to Jews as “Jews” — hell hath no fury as a Jew called a Jew without their expressed written consent — and even then your intent will be intentionally misunderstood so as to do the most personal damage to you.
When a Jewish U.S. Congressman was allegedly called “Jew” recently, he had a meltdown, claiming to be injured and hurt by this “slur” — even though it turned out the person calling him “Jew” was another Jew who claimed he knew it was another Jew calling him a “Jew.” The web we weave.
Jews want to reserve the “right” to use the word “Jew” because it’s one of their greatest weapons to use against the “gentiles” — clearly, if a non-Jew uses it in the wrong context or wrong “tone”, the Jews want to reserve the right to have that person thrown in jail.
Make no mistake, coming from a non-Jew the word “Jew” — or anything that sounds like it — is nine times out of ten taken as a “slur” — Jews will automatically assume the worst intent of the user.
All non-Jews are anti-Semites until proven otherwise — and you can never truly prove you’re not an anti-Semite because “Jew hate” is in our DNA.
Jews want to keep the meaning of “Jew” and “anti-Semite” as nebulous as possible so they can wield it whenever they need to fend off any perceived attack.
As Joseph Goebbels once observed,
“The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
It is alone the responsibility of the jews that their name “jew, jude” became a
despicable obscenity through their deeds !
Al Liguori
A few relevant memes:
Many more here: https://judaism.is/memes.html Have fun.
Pee Wee
A colleague would always introduce himself by saying – “I’m Israeli by nationally and Jew by religion” – so everyone knew exactly who he was and what he was.
just like the ‘negroe’ ; you and I cant call them “niggers”, but they call each other that and their “music” – and I use that term VERY loosely – would be bereft of lyrics were it not for the term and a couple of profanities… Hmmm… wonder where da bruthas learned that?
This is a GREAT site.
Thank you, CFT Team.
I love the comments, too.
You make me laugh, and educate me.
Passing on the CFT address and articles to others…
This is one group of networking jews who everyone should be aware about. Their networks are extensive.
Bend the Arc Jewish Action is the 501(c)(4) counterpart of Bend the Arc.
Bend the Arc Jewish Action launched HowToFightAntiSemitism.com to track purportedly rising anti-Semitism in the wake of COVID-19. The website claims that “61% of American Jews know that antisemitism is a problem in the Republican Party” and “no political party has a monopoly on antisemitism, but deadly antisemitism is almost entirely coming from white nationalists inspired and emboldened by the far-right extremists who have taken over the GOP.” [6]”
“Sourcebook for Jewish Genealogies and Family Histories”
“Did you know that there are Jewish genealogies and family histories, both published and unpublished, for over 10,000 family names? Compiled from books, newspaper and journal articles, Jewish encyclopedia entries, family papers, and family trees, this bibliography attempts to include all Jewish collections in the United States and other countries, such as Australia, Netherlands, England, Germany, and Israel. Now genealogists and historians can determine primary sources of information on Jewish families in a variety of times, places, and backgrounds. Included are the contents of Volumes 1 and 2 of the highly acclaimed Jewish Genealogy: A Sourcebook for Family Histories and Genealogies….”
That’s a bs list they made for themselves chockfull of surnames that the mideast blacks appropriated from white-cultures just as their black African cousins do.
How about scumbags, Can we call you that?
Rochelle Walensky’s eyebrows
That works, too.
You’d figure as a non-jew that jews themselves would just take the land so many goyim died helping them carve out of the dirt of Palestine and shuffle on over to leave everyone else alone.
Oh well, we’d only wish to be so lucky.
When folks figure out what semitism entails…in any event, I still get my jollies over Bernie Madoff defrauding nothing but jews, if I remember correctly.
America/Europe is Israel
Jews, Jewish? What difference does it make? Jesus said they are of their father the devil.
Jews are the most easily offended group.
Absolutely won’t have any sympathy for them.
Holocaust? More like Holohoax.
The Jew cries out in pain while he strikes you down for calling him a Jew. Comedy writes itself these days. Jewish propaganda is pure comedic gold and is provided free of charge to the goyim…thanks jews!
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
Juden have to be the whiniest people on the planet, they never tire of telling their Goy cattle how many injuries they had to endure at the hands of Gentiles.
The Jude were just minding their own business, looting nations, controlling the money supply, stealing thru inflation, turning Gentile schools into LGBTQ recruiting grounds & teaching white kids to hate their race. Jude know that your White daughters want to marry black OG thugs, why? Because the Jew MSM told them so, that’s all, no harm there, so why get so upset & make Jews move to the Pale of Settlement?