A Jewish activist group by the name of “Ruderman Family Foundation” has apparently created a video demanding that the U.S.A. sever all ties with the Polish government until they repeal the new Polish law that makes it illegal to blame Poland or the Poles for the “Holocaust”. The video created such a negative backlash that the Jewish group apparently removed the official version from YouTube.
Nonetheless, the video is available on bitchute here and another copy is also on YouTube (for now anyways):
Their website “Never Deny” also now appears to be offline:
Basically, the law in Poland interferes with the Jewish plan to eventually blame the entire White European race for the Holocaust. As their logic goes, you either killed the Jews directly, or you helped the Germans kill the Jews, or you didn’t do enough to stop the Germans from killing the Jews. Either way, if you’re white, you all participated in the Holocaust, and you will continue to pay up.
What of the 40-60 million White Christians who were slaughtered by Jewish Bolsheviks like Genrikh Yagoda in Communist Russia?
What of the Palestinians who are being slaughtered right now by Israelis?
Dead silence.
One man stood up to them 2000yrs ago and look: They even killed him but nothing can stop a Goodman in the face of a fiery trial. Get off your knees.
Too bad there are not more Europeans that will stand up to the Jewish genocide of Europe!