Despite the fact that Amazon’s AI Alexa robot has been shown to promote the agenda of the Radical Left, otherwise Liberal Jews are now up in arms that this otherwise compliant and politically-correct “useful idiot” has a firm grasp of the obvious — that Jews do indeed control the world financial markets and mainstream media:
The vice-chairman of Conservative Friends of Israel has written to the Home Secretary raising the alarm at claims the Amazon’s robot assistant Alexa is repeating quotes from antisemitic conspiracy theory websites.
In his letter to Priti Patel, the MP Andrew Percy writes that to the question “Do the Jews control the media?” Alexa answers, “Here’s something I found from the article Jew Watch on Wikipedia. Jew Watch claims that Jews control the world’s financial systems and media.”
He also points out that in response to the question, “Do the Elders of Zion control the world?” Alexa quotes from an article that outlines “viciously antisemitic” theories regarding the forged documents.
The letter includes further examples of Alexa’s responses to questions such as “Was the Holocaust a hoax?” and “Is Israel guilty of war crimes?”.
Mr Percy states: “I was deeply alarmed to learn recently that the cloud-based Amazon ‘Alexa’ voice service responds to various questions about Jewish people, the Holocaust and the State of Israel by quoting antisemitic conspiracy websites and using selective quotes from others sources which are misleading without further exploration.
“Given that there are likely far more examples, I would urge you to call in Amazon to discuss this – I would be pleased to join you – and immediately investigate how these voice services select their material and sources.”
This entire brouhaha arose because the Jews at Wikipedia felt a need to post an article about the defunct website JewWatch for the sole purpose of discrediting it — a common Jewish tactic that always ends up causing unintended blowback.
Jews recently complained that Arthur Butz’s seminal book on exposing the contradictions of the official “Holocaust” narrative, The Hoax Of The 2oth Century, would be available in time for Christmas in Iceland — free advertisement for the book.
The made the same mistake recently by promoting Martin Luther’s The Jews And Their Lies by merely complaining about it — thanks to the Jews’ inability to leave well-enough alone, millions of new people now know about Luther’s most important book.
This mania to call out every single instance of “antisemitism” — no matter how trivial — is based on the spurious premise that the so-called “Holocaust” started with an antisemitic remark that wasn’t “called out” — a preposterous and paranoid notion.
The greatest historian of World War II, David Irving, rightly pointed out that Jews themselves were responsible for being rounded up and put in concentration camps — they are also responsible for lying about what happened to them when they were there.
And the more they try to suppress those who dare question the official “Holocaust” narrative — the more skeptics they will create — and the more emboldened Jews will be to lie about it.
All their efforts to control everyone’s thoughts and actions will merely bring about their ultimate undoing.
Missouri Confererate.
I met Herr Jewwatch Frank Weltner . I told him that that James P Wickstrom said: ” Marxist Lucifer Koon , was at the American Communist Parties , Highlander Folk School in Tennessee along with Communist Agent Provocateur’s Rosa Park. ” He said : ” That he talked to Wickstrom on the phone.” He then told me that Marxist Luficer Koon and Rosa Parks were in Frankfurt Germany to study Communism. When I asked him about 911 he said: ” As soon as it happened I knew the Jews did it”. Naturally , i comped his bill. Heil Weltner.
Me too on 9/11. Nice comment.
Nice to bring up Frank Weltner of jew watch I got A bag of cassette tapes of his thoughts his neighbor gave to me after he went to A old folks home I looked him up just to drop off A 100 bucks as respect . Good name Mo confederate
God Bless Frank Weltner of jew watch a billion and half pages of jews evil .
“This entire brouhaha arose because the Jews at Wikipedia felt a need to post an article about the defunct website JewWatch for the sole purpose of discrediting it — a common Jewish tactic that always ends up causing unintended blowback.”
With the above in mind, why is it that when I type in “Christian Identity” to the internet search engines almost all of the top bajillion results are about how C.I. is a terrorist group? Seriously, a terrorist group? How ridiculous.
Will this labeling backfire and bring more Christians to C.I.?
We already know they control the world’s finances for the most part. And that’s why they pushed so hard to make war on National Socialist Germany which was a threat to their hegemony of world finance. Their media control is self explanatory. They own most of the media.
Jews are always “deeply alarmed”. That is why they are called Weiners, Wieners, Whiners, or what have you, and why they have a wailing wall.
What's His Face
Shocking that Alexa actually made a truthful statement.
I defy anyone to prove otherwise!
The more I read the more questions I have. I think there will be a Big War in the middle east, and it will last about an hour. After that, the electronic Tower of Babel will cease to operate and peace will be restored. There might only b e 50 people left alive in the middle east, but they’ll be peaceful. Organized religion will probably become illegal…
Mary Phagan
Looks like Robot’s are smarter then the majority of American’s that let their government send billions of dollars to Israel while they starve and lose their homes.
The True Nolan
In related news:
“Responding to reports of anti-semitic slander claiming that Jews control the world’s financial institutes, the leaders of central banking organizations around the globe gathered today in Tel Aviv to discuss methods of preventing such unfounded attacks in the future.”
The day quickly comes when there will be no place for them to hide. Then comes their end.
Jew Hating robots? At least it's not all bad news.
Oh dear, haven’t they taught robots to lie for them yet?
Of course it wasn’t that the robot was programmed to tell the truth, it must have been an evil anti semitic robot made from plans drawn up by the the ghost of Hitler or something.
It will be putting Jews in pretend gas chambers that didn’t even exist next.
Deja vu some might call it.
Just imagine how quickly it could knock up a fictitious skin lampshade with the advances in technology.
Could y’all kindly explain Romans 11 for me?
Romans 11:28 has Paul telling the Gentiles that “As far as the gospel is concerned, they are enemies for your sake; but as far as election is concerned, they are loved on account of the patriarchs…”
The Boomer interpretation of this is that “The Jews are the chosen ones Because they hate Christ!” and, of Romans 11 overall, is that we so-called Gentiles have to be pious, and piteous towards the Jews, because the only way that they can be saved is to see that we’re having such a great time walking with Christ that they decide to come along too.
This seems ludicrous to me and, more importantly, it stops Boomers steeped in Churchianity from thinking critically about Jews. How can this interpretation of theirs be combated and corrected?
Jews are NOT the chosen people of the Bible. They are impostors, liars, murderers, thieves. Those are Jesus’ words about them. They ARE (the) Anti-Christ. Learn who you are as white, Aryan Europeans (No. Aryan is not a bad word). Christian Identity is critical in this fallen world.
“Gentiles” are NOT non-Jews. “Gentiles” are mostly the lost ten northern tribes of dispersed Israel that the apostles were commanded to bring the gospel to after it was first given to the Israelites in Judea–and the Israelites in Judea were NOT “Jews”. You will never understand the New Testament unless you understand what the real meanings of “Gentiles” and “Jews” are–the exact opposite of what your church minsters tell you.
Rabbi Glickman
Oy vey! Even robots hate us!
We need more hate laws to shut them down.
TOTAL: That’s it! End of discussion. But let’s do discuss the upwards of 70 million
NON-JEWS that truly WERE killed in WW2!
from the 271,301 people that perish by typhus less than 20,000 where jews.
Rabbi Glickman
Pffttt…. Seventy million goyim aren’t worth one sacred Jewish fingernail.
Rabbi Glickman- arent you on GoyimTV????
Relax, Rkillinit, the “Rabbi” is just joking around….lighten up!
A Wyatt Mann
Remember this gem, where the jews admitted to lying about 5 million dead livestock just to use it as emotional leverage against the goyim, but without making them bigger victims than the six gorrilion?
Patrick White
Haha! This is just funny. Wait till artificial intelligence comes along, and starts to learn for itself.
This may have already happened, to an extent, with Microsoft’s Tay, an AI program that was designed to learn from the internet and became “a nazi” within a day of going online, even though Microsoft had tried to prevent this by hardcoding in sanitized responses to popular “controversial” subjects.
Love this ❤️