(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Jews continue to fume after the U.S. State Department has so far refused to fire Fritz Berggren — a long-time U.S. Foreign Service officer — who had the temerity on his private blog to actually quote chapter and verse in the Bible where Jesus Christ and the apostles excoriate the Jews:
“…[Berggren] remains employed by the State Department while at least 70 of his co-workers sent a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken demanding his dismissal. The letter, sent July 28, argues that Fritz Berggren is a threat to Jewish employees at the State Department, and has violated department rules and ethical standards, Foreign Policy reported after obtaining a copy.
“Not only is his propagation of antisemitic ideas highly disturbing and offensive to Jewish and non-Jewish employees alike, but as Jewish employees, we feel his presence at the Department is threatening,” the letter reads, according to Foreign Policy.
For years, Berggren has maintained a website featuring screeds against Jews and the LGBTQ community, and promoting white Christian supremacy.
“Jesus Christ came to save the whole world from the Jews — the founders of the original Anti-Christ religion, they who are the seed of the Serpent, that brood of vipers,” Berggren wrote in an Oct. 4, 2020, post on his website titled “Jews are Not God’s Chosen People. Judeo-Christian is Anti-Christ.”
The Jewish Americans and Friends in Foreign Affairs employee group at the State Department organized the letter along with other Jewish State Department employees.
Foreign Policy reported that Blinken, who is Jewish, responded to the letter on Aug. 9. “I want to assure you that the Department treats reports of alleged misconduct with the utmost seriousness,” he wrote in the letter, adding that he could not comment on specifics for “privacy reasons.” The letter to Blinken was sent two days after a carving of a swastika was found in an elevator at the State Department’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., on July 26. That incident led Blinken and other top U.S. officials to issue condemnations of antisemitism.
“While there is no evidence that Berggren is behind the swastika carved into the Department elevator, his continued employment with seemingly no consequences sends a message of impunity that has undoubtedly contributed to the atmosphere in which someone would dare to do such a thing,” the letter reads. The letter also noted that Berggren appeared to have violated State Department rules when he displayed his government affiliation in a July 3 post.
Berggren responded to news reports about the letter with a post on his website. “I am heartened to know that I have Jewish readers — I truly hope that they, like Saul, come to know Jesus Christ as literally the Son of God,” he wrote. “Saul, renamed Paul, converted and began preaching the message: Jesus is the Son of God!” He added, “If even one Jew or Gentile is converted then it is well worth the trouble.”
Foreign Policy reported that Blinken’s response to concerns about Berggren has been met with anger and frustration by some and understanding by others, who concede that Blinken has limited power to control the speech of his employee.”
We reported on this infantile brouhaha when the Jews first got wind of Berggren’s blog earlier this year — when he trolled “Jewish Fragility” in a blog post — which sent them into hysterics — and proved his point.
Given that a swastika was found in the elevator not too long after the Jews complained about Berggren — and their complaints were ignored — it would be foolish not to conclude that it was one of many Jews at the State Department who carved that swastika — so as to “prove” how “dangerous” and “threatening” Berggren’s blog is to the security of the entire nation — and world.
Jews literally want us to believe that Berggren’s blog inspired one of his readers to risk their career and reputation by scratching a swastika in an elevator in one of the most heavily guarded and surveilled buildings in the world.
The fact that one of the hundreds of video cameras at the State Department didn’t catch the swastika maker, suggests that whoever carved it was probably wearing a yarmulke — so the incriminating video disappeared.
In one of their major news outlets, Jews themselves openly bragged that when they “get angry”, they “get their way” — which encourages them to be an impatient and spoiled group of malcontents when on those rare occasions they don’t get their way.
And what has all this Jewish “kvetching” accomplished — aside from giving Breggen’s blog free advertising and increasing his loyal readership?
Thanks to Jews complaining about anything and everything — no matter how trivial — without considering the consequences, they wake up the goyim to credible and persuasive anti-Jewish materials which they otherwise would never have heard of, such as Martin Luther’s barn-burner, “On The Jews And Their Lies.”
And the Jews can’t refute what Breggen — or Martin Luther — has said about them — using the Bible as his authority — so they just do a lot of hand wringing and call him an “antisemite” — whatever that means.
Most “judeo-Christians” are kept completely in the dark about who the Jews are by their own apostate ministers who know that if they mention the Jews at all except but to praise them, they will risk losing their lucrative positions, mansions, private jets, and tax exempt status by the government.
Young, ambitious Christian ministers today quickly learn that the road to fame and fortune in the pulpit runs through Tel Aviv.
All despite the fact that the Jews by definition are anti-Christ — they reject Jesus Christ as the promised messiah of Israel, and Christians are commanded to have nothing to do with anyone who rejects Christ — apparently except for the Jews, at least according to Pope Francis.
If Jews are adamantly anti-Christ, what could any “judeo-Christian values” possibly be? Without faith in — and the grace of — Jesus Christ, the law of the Old Testament becomes a trap — a literal death penalty.
What do Christians have in common with the anti-Christ — the satanic adversaries of our God?
And to make sure that Christians never realize that Jesus Christ rejected the Jews and everything they stand for, the Jews are working hard to have all “anti-Jewish” passages literally removed from the New Testament — while at the same time making sure they never learn the depth of hatred that Jews have toward Jesus Christ and Christians expressed openly in their “holy” book the Talmud.
In his wry response to this controversy, Breggen wrote on his blog:
“I feel like I’m in junior high school again listening to prissy girls whining about the boy who said bad words….And the teacher has to satisfy their demands for punishment….I’m the naughty-words boy. I say things that are ‘sexist, racist, homophobic, queerphobic, transphobic, intolerant, divisive, and anti-semitic. ’The girls can’t believe someone like me exists,” he continued. “Their pony tails unravel, they stutter, their fancy shoes fall off. I’ve violated their high-minded moralities. ‘What is to be done!’ they shriek….This generation owes an apology to the Puritans.”
CFT Team and all,
“Biden tells 1,000 rabbis he’s tackling antisemitism, wants hate monitor approved”
That JTA link and more are at:
Posting this for exposure.. it’s quite positive and highlights a few truths..
For those of us that know who controls all of government to include never ending war…here is an eye opener to the down right lawlessness they do to us. This video was made in 2011 and I had never seen it. But my lifelong hatred for paying taxes confirms what I knew instinctively even without my shameful knowledge of the Constitution at the time. It’s long but you can’t turn away from it. Pay special attention to the jew when he can’t find anymore lies to cover up with.
America: Freedom to Fascism – Full.
Fritz Berggren, and others who take principled stands, are vilified and persecuted by Jewry in order to make regular Americans kneel down and shudder in fear to their anti-Christian and anti-American Communist force.
antisemiticTM – by default
… but the problem is THE NAZIS,,,not the JEWS.jpg
Jews engage in gish gallop
Jack Mohr:
“The purpose of the ADL is to fill Federal data banks with information on all persons and organizations who are “prejudiced” against their drive for control, thus alerting law enforcement agencies nationwide on any of these activities. If the ADL had its way, anyone they accuse of “prejudice,” would be accused, tried, convicted and imprisoned.
To further complicate the matter. Who is to decide what “prejudice” is? Will it be the “Gay Rights Groups?” The biased ADL? Will they call Christians prejudiced because we believe the scriptural injunction of Romans 1:28-32, which says that homosexuals are “worthy of death?” Jews accuse Christians of prejudice, because we believe the New Testament account of the Messiah. Blacks accuse us of prejudice is we state that “inter-racial” marriage is wrong. When Christians do something the enemy does not like, it is always “prejudice”. But when they do things to destroy Christianity, it is “justice.” Have you noticed in the media, how any Palestinian action against the Israeli is always called “terrorism”; but when the Israeli invade a man’s home, kill his family and bulldoze his home, it is called “Jewish justice.”
You see, my Christian friend, if you can be accused of “prejudice” because you disagree with what world Zionism is doing, then the “thought police” have the right to probe your inner motivation and you can be hauled off to a psychiatric center for mental evaluation. Shades of Orwell’s 1984! It is already here!
What we see happening are laws being passed which expand freedom for the “fringe elements” to legalize their nefarious activities. while clamping down on the Christian elements who are concerned for the welfare of the country. We see the law leaning on the side of the “real racial haters,” while those who love God and their country are persecuted!
For the average Jew, all this boils down to: “Us against the hated goyim (non-Jew animal). How can we outwit the goy? How can we eventually control him, while making a profit off his misery. For we know that when our Messiah comes, according to our Talmud, the goy will be our slaves.” That is Jewish mentality, taught in their synagogues, and to their youth. The Orthodox Jew still employs the curses of the Talmud against Christians. This includes the belief that “the best of the goy deserves to be killed,” (Abodah Zarah 26b).”
Theres an old military saying – “If youre taking a lot of flack, you must be over the target.”
God bless Fritz – he does a great work and is, apparently, right on target…
Brittany Fallon
The jews are a brood of vipers.
Where is the lie?
A Wyatt Mann
Vipers serve a useful purpose in the ecological system by eating rats.
Jews are a parasite that only consumes. They are more akin to tapeworms or leeches.
No step on snek.
“jews” are the offspring of the fallen ones. started as giants, regressing ever since. They need blood of truly human beings to sustain themslves.
They want to feel. They want immortality. They love androchromes, the essence of life. When a human thinks they are going to die, the adrenaline kicks in. The fight or flight power to save your body. This is how people get superhuman strength to do things they would not normally be able to do. This is an addictive drug to them that makes them “feel”. Not only that, but gives them health. This is where the draconian, draculean “mythsy” come from. It’s real. Dracos, from Orion, Anghkor Watt and the pyramids all their construction. Other fallen ones (angles/demons/aliens) went to other parts of the world and built their pyramids and cities and sacrificed for blood/androchromes. Each angel/demon/alien had specific knowledge and screwed the locals to make the different races. That’s where the different races come from. The different fallen ones. It still goes on today underground. Ritalin causes the creation of androchromes. The movie the Exorcist was to fool people into thinking ritalin was a treatment for “posession” but is actually the cause of the night terrors/night mares, psychotic episodes that scare the kids literally almost to death while hallucinating in REM and are drained of blood/androchromes. The mothers of darkness use ufos. allergies, movies as excuses to their kids but they are the ones and their husbands (jewish freemasonry) that do it for money. Only the progenitors get to have a decent life. The others get lied to, drugged, drained, often killed. Jesus is Lord. All glory laud and honor unto thee Jesus!
Thanks for sharing, we are now seeing as expressed in Matthew 13:24-30, the tares who have grown up with the wheat, evidencing themselves with no fruit shown in their amoral character. It is obvious that they are about the business of their master, as expressed in John 8:44, but we as Christians should continue with the agenda of our master, the Lord Jesus Christ (Mat. 28:19,20), for we are not of the temporal but the eternal (Gal. 4:21-31). God will remove the tares. We should be walking spotless (Rom. 12:1,2) and demonstrating our salvation in action (all of the Epistle of James is a good place to start).
Jyoji, If a white man shows amoral character in his fruit (like Abimelech in Judges 9), does that mean he is actually a tare?
Why don’t they just make Aliyah? it would be better for everyone…
If all the Jews went to Palestine then who would be there to ensure that the Whites would send them money?
Of course, if Jews went home then life would be so great in the West that we would gladly pay them to stay away.
I recently saw a theory that the Jews want to race mix us out of existence not only out of spite but also out of the idea that if they become the “whitest” people left on Earth then God will have no choice but to take them back.
As dumb as it sounds, we are talking about a people who, in just a few days, will begin their annual wholesale slaughter of chickens, done out of the ludicrous belief that God will be tricked into granting the kike eternal life for this sacrifice.
Being “shocked and outraged” has become a daily preoccupation for our nervous, anti-Christian friends. But their hatefulness serves unintended purposes: waking others up to their hatefulness. At this point they’re losing the argument; though they seem to understand that and have predictably doubled down on the hatefulness. And so it goes.
Berggren is an unusually brave, stubborn and or foolish man. In any event a lot of pressure will be brought to bear on his superiors to find an excuse to fire him. I predict he won’t be working for the State Department much longer. The countless Jews, and their mindless minions, gnawing away within the US government will see to that.