Ronald Lauder, the rapidly aging president of the supremacist World Jewish Congress and key member of the shadowy Mega Group, which has deep ties to the Israeli Mossad and jewish organized crime figures, is now demanding that the National Guard protect Jews in New York City, citing a spurious FBI report which claimed that ‘neo-Nazis’ and ‘White supremacists’ are somehow allegedly ‘conspiring’ to infect Jews and policemen with the novel coronavirus:
“We’ve learned from the FBI that neo-Nazis and white nationalists are roaming the streets of New York and surrounding communities looking to infect Jews and policemen with the potentially lethal coronavirus by spitting on their faces. This grotesque tactic is a stark reminder that though this pandemic is new, antisemitism — history’s oldest disease — is not,” said Lauder. “When the National Guard is activated in New York to address the pandemic, some service members should be placed in Jewish neighborhoods to prevent the purposeful infection of Jewish New Yorkers. Immediate action is needed to protect the vulnerable from antisemitic violence.”
ABC News recently obtained a FBI report stating that white supremacist groups across the United States are promoting their members to spread the coronavirus to members of the Jewish community as well as police officers.
“Members of extremist groups are encouraging one another to spread the virus, if contracted, through bodily fluids and personal interactions,” according to the FBI.
ABC News reported that messages disseminated between the groups encourage their members to use “spray bottles” filled with infectious body fluids in order to attack police – with regards to the Jewish community, they instructed their members to travel to “any place they may be congregated, to include markets, political offices, businesses and places of worship.”
“From pushing the idea that Jews created the coronavirus virus to sell vaccines to encouraging infected followers to try to spread the illness to the Jewish community and law enforcement, as the coronavirus has spread, we have observed how white-supremacists, neo-Nazis and others have used this to drive their own conspiracy theories, spread disinformation and incite violence on their online platforms,” said Michael Masters, head of Secure Communities Network, told ABC News.
A report by the Strategic Affairs Ministry has highlighted the outbreak of antisemitism that has arisen alongside the coronavirus pandemic, in which classical antisemitic allegations have been made by anti-Israel organizations and individuals.
The report cited several examples of antisemitic allegations on social and news media based around the coronavirus pandemic and said that the global crisis was providing “fertile ground” for antisemitism.
This FBI ‘report’ shows many signs of being a poorly executed hoax, most likely leaked by the Anti-Defamation League, the SPLC, the JDL, or one of its sayanim.
Either way, how could the National Guard possibly protect Jews from ‘White supremacists’ secretly licking door knobs and coughing in jewish neighborhoods, shops and synagogues?
How would the National Guard even hope to identify a so-called undercover ‘White supremacist’? By the cartoonish ‘Nazi tattoos’ on their faces, or perhaps the ‘Hitler moustache’?
The apparently senescent Ronald Lauder hasn’t really thought this grandiose plan through very well, unless he’s actually demanding that all Jews in New York get National Guardsmen assigned to them as personal body guards and escorts, as has been suggested in the European Union.
Instead of demanding armed escorts, perhaps jewish leaders like Ronald Lauder should encourage his fellow Jews to look in the mirror and ask themselves why it is that whenever any disaster happens, Jews are suspected of either orchestrating it or somehow figuring out how to benefit from it.
On the one hand Jews should be flattered that the general public thinks they have that much power, but one the other hand, they should be very concerned that the jewish organizations that are supposed to be working on improving the public image of Jews is doing a miserable job in convincing the public that all the supposed old ‘canards’ about Jews are not true.
How about we demansd the national guard protect US from the jew and their scheming and murdering of OUR countries?!?!? The jew is behind this whole ‘pandemic’ to begin with, not to mention ww1, 2 and in fact every war in the US from the War of Northern Aggression on down. Not to mention 9/11 , the Liberty, Waco, Ruby Ridge etc etc ad nauseam.
Of course, in addition there is the debt slavery, the promotion of immorality and the flooding of the country with thirdworlders. And, and, and…
There is a REASON the antiChrist bastards have been thrown out of so many countries.
[oh, and we all know quite well that should one of the spawn of satan actually ever contract the disease, THEY will have plenty of the ‘malaria drug’ , PROVEN to be effective, yet being systematically ‘outlawed’ for our use. Wonder (((who))) is behind all that?]
Funny how it was actually “jews” that infected their own communities (NY, NJ, L.A., Ohio, etc.) with “coronavirus” after it was spread via the “C-PAC” (“AIPAC” for Gentiles-controlled by “jews”), and “AIPAC” conferences! If memory serves, this stemmed from a “jew” lawyer.
Not to mention it was a Bolsonaro’s “jew” that was infected with it, and was taking pics with Trump and Pence!
Trunews did reports on this about a week or two ago.
Which is why they turn around and accuse their enemies–White people–of spreading the disease and trying to kill them. Pure paranoid schizophrenia. They should all voluntarily check in to the nearest mental health facility and do us all a favor.
Meanwhile, there are exponentially more non-white perps, especially in turd world countries, who are being caught on camera doing the exact same things ‘white supremacists’ are being accused of. And atm, there is media hype over the only person to be arrested for this behavior…and it ‘just so happens’ to be a white person…
Exactly! Jews should take just a moment to ask themselves WHY their tribe is always suspected of being behind this or that. It is the jew’s nature to lie, cheat, steal, murder and destroy everything. They were behind 911, London’s 7/7, USS Liberty, King David Hotel bombing, millions of Germans murdered during and after WW2 (many tens of thousands murdered by them preceeding WW2), lying about holocaust (a complete and total fraud), child sacrifices, peddling of pornography filth, etc. I could literally fill up volumes of books about these jews, yet the jew will NEVER consider to ask that question, “what have we done to cause anger and accusations at us?” The mind of a jew is the most detestable thing in this world.
They know exactly what they are doing and why.
I dunno. About introspection- is this unwillingness to look at self objectively, or outright inability? Christians hold, like Ayn Rand, curiously, everything rises and falls with volition. Christians AND seculars have an almost seething hostility toward genetics, when it comes to explaining crimes. All crime is free will choice [Christian view, AFAIK]. Liberal view, we be product of environment, having no free will].
Can the negro rate of violent crime- 8X the White rate- be explained by anything other than heredity? The brains of true blacks [not mixed race] are five cubic inches smaller.
The amygdala of psychopaths is 17% smaller than for normals.
Don’t forget identical twins, raised in different environments, end up with life histories almost identical.
I am a strong believer in free will, WITH PHYSICAL LIMITS. It is not clear to me that Christians recognize such limits. Is it possible that jews have a brain distortion that blocks effective introspection?