Nearly 6,000 people have signed a petition urging school authorities in Marin County, California, to take swift action against a group of high school students who were organizing to combat pernicious Jewish power — or “semitism” — by compiling names of Jews who may be enemies of the people:
The petition — addressed to Tara Taupier, superintendent of the Tamalpais Union High School District — expressed disappointment at “the lack of action taken by the TUHSD against the recent and ongoing acts of antisemitism by members of Redwood High School.”
An Instagram account associated with Redwood High School students that named specific Jewish students in Marin was unearthed earlier this month. The account’s followers were encouraged to contribute additional Jewish names to a Google document.
The Instagram account, since removed, was named “Redwood students organized (against) semitism” and was accompanied by an antisemitic caricature.
“We currently composing a google doc of Jews in the district. Hit us up if you want to help,” the group exhorted.
Samantha Glickman, who organized the petition to Taupier, told the Marin Independent Journal this week of her frustration at what she portrayed as the school district’s lack of urgency on matters related to antisemitism.
“We are frightened because our names could be on that list,” Glickman said. “The list of Jewish students paired with the image of the swastika and the bullet produces an uncanny resemblance to the use of lists during the Nazi regime. The idea of going back to school with a student whose beliefs align with those of Nazis is inconceivable.”
Glickman remarked that “[T]oo often, antisemitism is swept under the rug by Redwood and the Tam District as a whole.”
“This form of hatred is of the same importance as racism, misogyny and bigotry — yet it is treated as inferior,” she added.
Glickman emphasized that “immediate action” was needed to prevent online harassment from becoming a physical threat.
“I don’t want to be a statistic in a national news story headline about a district that failed to take preventative measures,” she said.
The petition demanded that the school district discipline the offenders “[W]hether that be by expulsion, suspension, or other disciplinary action…we need you to be transparent about the disgusting nature of the acts and be firm in your position.”
Taupier told the same news outlet that Marin leaders in education, religion, law enforcement and community activism would conduct an online forum on the controversy on Wednesday evening.
“We came together as a county in order to share information and provide resources for combating antisemitism,” Taupier said. “We, as a district, continue to work with law enforcement who is still actively investigating the incident.”
Being the ultimate hypocrites that they are, Jews are the greatest compilers of “lists” of their perceived “enemies” and “threats” that the world has ever known.
That’s what the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center do — compile and publish lists of “antisemites” and “White Nationalists” and “Neo-Nazis” and many other “epithets”.
In fact, a Jewish supremacist group — the Canary Mission — just published another list of “antisemites” in the health care professions with the intent of getting these people fired and their lives ruined simply for being critical of Jews.
Facebook and Twitter actively keep lists of “antisemites” and anti-Zionists — but since that’s for a “good cause” no one raises any concern, let alone condemnation.
The ADL was charged with illegal domestic spying on law-abiding Americans whom the Jews perceived as their “enemies” — but did that deter them from compiling lists and spying? Need we ask?
But it is certainly good news that White youth who grew up in a bastion of Jewish liberalism in Marin County are rebelling against their “semitic” indoctrination and recognize this hateful ideology for what it is — a liberal death cult.
In my humble opinion, NO JEW was ever gassed by the 3rd Reich. This has been proven in a Canadian court around 1990 by Ernst Zundel (now deceased). It is the Jew dominate media in most of the world, that will not allow this be printed. Visit website of CODOH or Institute for History Review. Zyklon B was used to kill lice in clothing during WWII to prevent the spread of typhus, which killed many.
rev. ted pike said the a.d.l. is part of mossad.
“Claiming that Jews have disproportionate power is a baseless conspiracy theory” said the Jew as she forced all levels of government, dozens of law enforcement agencies, global corporations, and armies of HR bureaucrat lackeys into immediate life-ruining action against a bunch of high schoolers by writing some insufferable letter.
Oy vey! This is how it starts. Some kid refuses to do as he’s been programmed and the next thing you know people start connecting dots.
…and then out of nowhere, for no reason whatsoever, the goyim round up the Jews and throw them in gas chambers disguised as showers, or something like that….that’s what they claim they fear, but in reality, they know the worst that would happen is that they’d be strongly encouraged to make aliyah to “Israel”, which seems like the most amicable “final solution” for all parties concerned, as Theodor Herzl himself suggested.
(((They))) have overplayed their hand. More and more people are becoming wise to their schemes each day.
Even in Marin County, home of Nancy Pelosi.
The most important thing to do, day in and day out, in every comment section, every statement of fact, is to point out that JEWS ARE NOT SEMITES.
It’s been told us for decades. Here are some of the most obvious/common quotes:
“Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.” (pg 3 of the 1980 Jewish Almanac).
“Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860″ — (Encyclopedia Judaica 1971 Vol 10:23)
“Modern Jewry” descends primarily from Edomites who converted to Judaism in 130BC, NOT from the Biblical 12 Tribes of Israel. Modern Jewry is largely descended from Edomites (Idumeans) who were forcibly converted to Judaism in 130BC, by Hasmonean Leader Johanan Hycarnus and absorbed into Judean society, recorded by Flavius Josephus in “Antiquities of the Jews” Book 13: Chapter 9, Section 1. http://www.perseus.tufts.ed…
The Greek geographer, philosopher, and historian Strabo further testifies to the colonisation of Judea by Edomite converts to Judaism in Geography [Bk 16.2.34]
“The Edomites were conquered by John Hycarnus who forcibly converted them to Judaism, and from then on they constituted a part of the Jewish people, Herod being one of their descendants.” See [The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, New Revised Edition, 1966]
But the most daming (and recent) examples of this are Schlomo Sand’s book, “The Invention of the Jewish People” and Dr. Elhaik’s DNA study, in which it was baldly stated: “The study we are referring to is called “The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses.” This was authored by Dr Eran Elhaik, a geneticist at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland…Elhaik compared the genomes of 1,287 unrelated individuals who hail from eight Jewish and 74 non-Jewish populations. Among the European Jews, Elhaik found ancestral signatures that pointed clearly to the Caucasus. And also, but to a much smaller degree, to the Middle East, where the Israelite or Hebrew tribes had originated. It is a significant but generally little known fact that over 90% of the world’s 12.7 million Jewish population is Ashkenazi…”.
Why should we do this? Because: 1) it’s a LIE, God hates liars. 2) It removes any and all charges of [sic] ‘anti-semitism.’ 3) It begs the question, “Well, if Jews aren’t Semites, who are?”
And because- “There is no neutral ground in the universe. Every square inch, every split second is claimed by God, and counterclaimed by Satan.” – CS Lewis
“While the Bible maintains that the Christian apologist is prohibited from adopting the starting point of unbelieving thought, he is encouraged to show the unbeliever the end result of his foolish philosophical principles if they are consistently followed. As defenders of the only true faith, we are to “answer a fool as his folly deserves, lest he be wise in his own eyes” (Prov. 26:5). That is, we are to put the unbeliever’s worldview to the test, showing how absurd it is when followed consistently. “-
Read Shlomo Sand’s “Invention Of The Jewish People” here:
And “Who Is Esau-Edom” by Charles Weisman:
The jew organized cabal in Marin County, Ca. for the purpose of punishing children in a high school . What would we do without them? Depend on the vigilant jew with its petition of fear and jew unity. History and education , ultimately reality is jew monopoly.
But it is good news. The Superintendent of this high school district has shown reluctance to persecute the malefactors and ruin their lives, which is better news. Glueckmann means the Superintendent Taupier has not wilted in fear of the irresistible jew indictment and accept the list the jew no doubt has of these named children in high school. They come to prevent dissension and to extinguish free thought and discrimination.
Education begins today in knowing the enemy. Have these young people perceived this? Appears these students are victims of the jew conspiracy or sabotage, whose parents have lost jobs as corporate slaves or free small businesses from the latest jew adventure. They have learned the enemy directly ; and they are free to speak the truth, and the young people have nothing to lose. Good news after bad. But news is jew business and monopoly . The worst news is silent compliance.
Jews are so obsessed with lists, in fact, that they are compiling an ongoing imaginary one of people who perished in the Holohoax, history’s biggest extortion racket.
60 million people died in the catastrophe that was the Second World War, and one group of sickly albino Rastafarians has astonishingly made it entirely about them, when they were barely affected in the first place.
The world won’t forget. In fact, it’s only just beginning to remember.
Yes, the Jews probably know exactly how many Jews there are in the world, in every country, in every city. And now with all the DNA testing, they’ve got genetic lists to confirm their other lists.